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Anal cancer

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  On 11/16/2022 at 3:40 AM, Olddaddy said:

It is but , I'm coughing a lot today not sure if it has spread to my lungs

I will have to go see the same doctor who I saw earlier this year when I thought I had throat cancer

It's going to be embarrassing telling him I could have anal cancer now 


I don't know about AUS but here in the US everything is video or phone visits, at least in group health plans. I'm a firm believer in going to a general GP first because even though they're not a specialist they know 100 times more about something like this than most of us do. If you take a couple good photos you can send them to your GP for advice and my experience is the GP will on their own forward them to the specialist if they think it's at all warranted for a higher opinion. The alternative in the US is to go to a covered Urgent Care (not Emergency). I'm in Kaiser HMO and they have their own urgent care but actually seeing a doctor, in a doctor's office, is getting very rare. 

  On 11/22/2022 at 2:19 PM, tassojunior said:

I don't know about AUS but here in the US everything is video or phone visits, at least in group health plans. I'm a firm believer in going to a general GP first because even though they're not a specialist they know 100 times more about something like this than most of us do. If you take a couple good photos you can send them to your GP for advice and my experience is the GP will on their own forward them to the specialist if they think it's at all warranted for a higher opinion. The alternative in the US is to go to a covered Urgent Care (not Emergency). I'm in Kaiser HMO and they have their own urgent care but actually seeing a doctor, in a doctor's office, is getting very rare. 


tassojunior, it must have something to do with the health care plan you have. I have Aetna and never had a problem seeing my GP or any other specialist and was never asked for a video visit.

  On 11/22/2022 at 2:19 PM, tassojunior said:

I don't know about AUS but here in the US everything is video or phone visits, at least in group health plans. I'm a firm believer in going to a general GP first because even though they're not a specialist they know 100 times more about something like this than most of us do. If you take a couple good photos you can send them to your GP for advice and my experience is the GP will on their own forward them to the specialist if they think it's at all warranted for a higher opinion. The alternative in the US is to go to a covered Urgent Care (not Emergency). I'm in Kaiser HMO and they have their own urgent care but actually seeing a doctor, in a doctor's office, is getting very rare. 


I don't doubt your personal experiences, but I also think your characterization of physician visits in the USA is not an accurate one for the country as a whole. My own experience is the opposite of yours, and is the opposite of everyone I know who discusses medical care.   In the USA healthcare is expensive, relative to many other countries and, largely, we get the healthcare we pay for, or can afford.  You've apparently chosen a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) to make many of the decisions made by me or on my behalf because I've chosen to a plan (PPO) which allows me to select just about any medical professional or care facility of my choice.

I'm 73 and, as might be expected because of my age and accumulated health conditions, have the need/desire to consult with my primary care physician and specialists probably 8-10 times yearly.  In my lifetime I've only once been required to speak with a medical professional via video conference, and that was during the early stages of COVID when so much of the USA was shut down.  Other than that instance, I've had no problem speaking with medical professionals, in office, at times convenient to me.  Yes, sometimes getting in to see a specialist, the first visit, can be challenging.  But after the first visit and when someone is an office patient ... no problems. 



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  On 11/22/2022 at 4:30 PM, kokopelli3 said:

tassojunior, it must have something to do with the health care plan you have. I have Aetna and never had a problem seeing my GP or any other specialist and was never asked for a video visit.


I'm not sure the exact % now but most Medicare in the US has been pushed into Medicare Advantage programs and Kaiser is among the "best". But since the covid lockdown Kaiser has not really opened back up much. My doctor told me that she's one of the few out of 10 in her office who come in at all anymore, everyone else working totally remotely with phone or video visits. Specialists are taking months to get appointments with. Yes, I'm concerned. 

But for Olddaddy, I would think a photo and phone visit would be a good start. 


I haven't been to the GP yet primary because I don't want to pay the $50 fee BUT lo & behold the cancer lump seems to be disappearing,I think it's because I'm taking mega doses of vitamin C so we will see how it goes,  coughing a lot now I think it's second hand smoke I have togrt my lungs checked 

  On 11/23/2022 at 12:11 AM, tassojunior said:

I'm not sure the exact % now but most Medicare in the US has been pushed into Medicare Advantage programs and Kaiser is among the "best".


Traditional Medicare is alive and well. Private companies are trying to lure customers to their Medicare HMO and PPO plans by offering extra items or services, from shiny new blood pressure cuffs or blood sugar testers to various discounts and incentives. However, it is completely up to individual benefit recipients to change their coverage to private companies - I just hope that they understand what they are trading in.

  On 11/23/2022 at 12:11 AM, tassojunior said:

I'm not sure the exact % now but most Medicare in the US has been pushed into Medicare Advantage programs and Kaiser is among the "best".  


I think the % of seniors who choose restrictive health care - Medicare Advantage Plans - is almost 50%. 

It's an individual's choice, not something we are pushed or forced into - not as I view the matter.  Oftentimes it's a choice due to an insured's inability to pay for better coverage / care.  One could possibly say a push comes as the result of lack of funds. We have the ability to choose differently - choose better care - annually. 

All of this having been said, in my community many neighbors use BayCare Medicare Advantage Plans, none are asked to video conference physicans, and they receive some perks my UnitedHealthcare full insurance plan does not provide to me.  All seem satisfied.

Given the description of the severe restrictions Kaiser imposes on you I'd not consider signing with them.  But, to each his own preferences.  Broad generalizations usually don't apply to a country as large as the USA.

  On 11/23/2022 at 1:10 AM, Olddaddy said:

I haven't been to the GP yet primary because I don't want to pay the $50 fee BUT lo & behold the cancer lump seems to be disappearing,I think it's because I'm taking mega doses of vitamin C so we will see how it goes,  coughing a lot now I think it's second hand smoke I have togrt my lungs checked 


I’m no expert, but I doubt it’s a cancer lump. However, taking large doses of vitamin c can cause cancer if mixed with other substances, like daiquiri mixes, etc. Don’t take mega doses of any vitamins until you’ve talked to a doctor. 

  On 11/16/2022 at 4:46 PM, floridarob said:

Try some Preparation H suppositories to see if they give you some relief.


If one is seeking relief from hemorrhoids, Preparation H ointment or cream is much better, in my view. Offers you pain relief and reduces itching.


What took you so long! Even yesterday:


  On 11/28/2022 at 10:49 AM, Gaybutton said:

I'm not ready to classify him as a troll just yet.  Even if he is a troll, at least he brings up interesting issues (at least I find them interesting) - most of the time.  I'll grant, though,  that he does seem like the type who likes to post for no reason other than just to "hear himself talk". 

  On 11/29/2022 at 5:49 PM, khaolakguy said:

What took you so long! Even yesterday:


Until yesterday I really had not yet read through all of his topics and posts.  That is what finally convinced me.  I tried to give the benefit of the doubt, but unfortunately now I can see there is no doubt.

The best way to deal with it is for everybody to refuse to respond or reply to any of his posts, no matter what he writes, and no matter how tempting it might be to write some sort of response.  Trolls want to see responses to their posts.  Deprive them of that and eventually they go away.

  On 11/20/2022 at 3:55 AM, Olddaddy said:

No I won't ! 


Then why complain about it here? Are any of our posting  members qualified in the various forms of cancer you routinely think you have? Unllikely, I suggest. If you think you might have cancer and you do not go to a doctor or hospital to have it checked immediately, you are merely trolling this Board - and I say that with repsect because I value some of your contributions.

  On 11/30/2022 at 1:31 AM, Gaybutton said:

Until yesterday I really had not yet read through all of his topics and posts.  That is what finally convinced me.  I tried to give the benefit of the doubt, but unfortunately now I can see there is no doubt.

The best way to deal with it is for everybody to refuse to respond or reply to any of his posts, no matter what he writes, and no matter how tempting it might be to write some sort of response.  Trolls want to see responses to their posts.  Deprive them of that and eventually they go away.


The irony is you posted to him talking about Bad Boy Billy, not knowing that’s who you were talking to. 
However much a troll he is, he’s definitely been to Pattaya and stayed at Montes guest house. How do I know? He described the messy kitchen of Montes perfectly.

  On 11/30/2022 at 9:55 AM, Shonen said:

The irony is you posted to him talking about Bad Boy Billy, not knowing that’s who you were talking to.


I don't know what makes you so sure he is Bad Boy Billy.  Monty's kitchen was common knowledge, so that doesn't prove anything.

I'm not really interested in proving who a troll really is.   Maybe he's Bad Boy Billy and maybe not.  The point is a troll is a troll no matter who he is and if the board gets rid of him, that's good riddance.

Bad Boy Billy or not, I did like some of his earlier topics and posts.  But when it became as obvious as this that we're dealing with a troll, the Rubicon had been crossed.

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