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Unexpected reunions and few shattered dreams - 22nd trip to Thailand in May 2022

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  On 6/26/2022 at 1:38 PM, jason1975 said:

Ah. I shall keep in mind. Maybe next year I can meet you on your birthday in Bangkok.


quite possible,

while I'm not big on birthday celebration coming from culture where only certain birthdays (18, 40, 50, 65 and perhaps 80 are considered somewhat significant and celebrated ) , May and Jun are my favorite vacation month by a mile or two so chances I find my way there in Jun are very high and statistically supported- this  was third time I  had birthday in BKK and first I was just with one boy overnight on occasion.


actually thanks to people of good will I managed to retrieve pictures at that room with the view, there's bed in question , view, even my shirt drying and obstructing view and as a bonus - my foot 





  On 6/25/2022 at 10:08 PM, fedssocr said:

I've often wondered about that hotel, but its location isn't attractive to me. I am a sucker for a good view though. Did you take any photos of your room with a view?



  On 6/26/2022 at 4:41 AM, vinapu said:

At elevator where I met X I was bit surprised with his shorts, not only on short side but very tatty as directed by current boy  fashion, I noticed even lady at reception where he registered his parking ticket raised her brew while sporting not so discreet smile.


On a cute lad, the ideal shorts are so short that some of the butt cheek is visible.

Unfortunately, I can't quite find an example on a boy at present.   This is the best I can do (below, from Instagram, showing a well known lad from the Pattaya scene).    How did his shorts compare with these ?

Google finds no end of microscopic lady shorts, but mens shorts seem more modest.


  On 6/19/2022 at 3:11 AM, vinapu said:

Day 11

Bay View restaurant was not opened  yet so for breakfast we went by baht bus all the way  to Kiss and despite early ( for Pattaya ) hours  they were quite busy, in fact I think we took last free table. We parted ways after that , I went again to exchange money, what else at such a pace and to Internet café to catch with my e-mails. Then some aimless wandering here and there.

Early afternoon I took motorsai , just for sake of supporting economy ( 60 baht) to Jomtien Complex to see Nara in his shop for good bye 1.5 hr massage. Driver dumped me on the main road and while passing by in one of massage shops I noticed quite handsome and muscly ,  heavily tattooed hunk and took note of his presence just in case. But I kept my plan , had massage with Nara, tipped him 2000 as it was our last meeting this trip and invited him for a meal to French restaurant on the corner as I wanted to taste that duck leg mentioned yesterday.

It was great but not better than one I’m making  I noted proudly. After meals we kissed out good bye, Nara is not shy guy. He went to his shop and I went to look for songtaew but recalled that handsome masseur and decided to see if he is still there.

He was so I just motioned and we went inside for another massage, session was good, he was muscular and well endowed , kissy,  huggy but there was something I did not like –strange odor coming from his skin. Not smell, not even unpleasant  but it bothered me. No idea what it could be – soap, some skin cream or other cosmetic, diet, result of taking some medication or substance , whatever it was , it spoiled my experience. I did not say anything, tipped him my normal rate 1000 / hr and went home bit disappointed as he was prime material for a night long session. Oh well , I need to find some substitution. And I got an idea who it will be, P and R from my first night in Pattaya and yesterday party in Dreamboys.

 So  I freshened up, shaved and went to Pickety for people watching. My yesterday’s guy was busy with guests  but it was Ok as my mind was fixed. After finishing beer changed sides to BBB, ordered some drink and asked mamasan about my guys. There weren’t  there yet but he assured me they will come as they are at the gym. Oiled with 100 baht tip , he even  called  them to confirm.

P showed soon , R bit later. L , our companion 2 night ago seeing what is going on stopped by hoping  he will be third but ‘just two tonight “ I said , consoled him with red note, paid 1000 off fee  and off we went to Bay View for a dinner passing by Suwit shop. He was not there but was keeping watchful eye from somewhere because soon after we sat down for a meal I got Line message ‘ two boys tonight my Casanova “ from him.

 In 7/11 we stocked on few beers and went to the room. Both are very talkative , P more on shy side , R quite opposite , undressed right away as he explained he doesn’t like chain of dress  when inside.

They told me a lot about their lives and friendship and at one point, I swear it was not my idea, P asked if his brother B whom we met last evening in Dreamboys can join. Holly molly thought I but of course  agreed, in few minutes phone rung and P went to pick him up downstairs. He looked even more handsome than yesterday and perhaps most manly of them three , explained by age difference.

 Thankfully we were well stocked with beer and also few snacks so we feed him and fun continued until time came to go to bed. I had 2 spare towels so showering was no problem but to keep things civilized I suggested I will shower with each of them separately. After all we have two brothers here.

Other guys were familiar with procedure from 2 days ago, B, last in line to get wet  was visibly shy, I sense he must be new in the business and never showered with customer before but he soldiered on with smile.

 When we emerged it looked  that other two boys not only made some order on the table after all that    drinks and snacks  but also thought well about bed arrangement reserving right half of bed for us two latecomers. That way brothers were separated by R and me , eliminated any brotherly awkwardness in such a situation.

 No , we did not have any foursome, that would be gross. I had three guys with me  to enjoy their company one by one so obviously at one point I switched places with R in order for P not to feel abandoned or discriminated . In process I understood what it means to sleep with the phone, R literally was clutching his all night.

It was fun and thanks to mutual co-operation and understanding we avoided anything we possibly could feel uneasy about recalling it later. Sure R emerged in the morning from under the sheets sporting glorious erection but from reaction of other two it was clear he is not shy in their room either , they all live together in one room with one more guy who I understand doesn’t  work in  a bar.

Morning distribution of tips ended such fabulous day 11, they declined offer of breakfast saying that they have food at home they want to eat otherwise it may be unusable later. Thank you my glorious boys  I thought after they left, what a night ! 


Reading Vinapu's reports I feel like I got the best tourist guide on hand. I just made it to Pattaya, and something like this would be a dream for me to try at least one time. I wonder If I go to BBB and ask the mamasan, is P and R working tonight? would I get the same guys? lol

If not, Vinapu, more guidance appreciated!

  On 6/26/2022 at 6:59 PM, zsolec said:

Reading Vinapu's reports I feel like I got the best tourist guide on hand. I just made it to Pattaya, and something like this would be a dream for me to try at least one time. I wonder If I go to BBB and ask the mamasan, is P and R working tonight? would I get the same guys? lol

If not, Vinapu, more guidance appreciated!


go by what your heart desires  , not mine. 

I doubt P and R will work as they go by different nicks in bar

  On 6/27/2022 at 1:51 AM, vinapu said:

when passing by 7/11 in front of Baan Silom I asked if he needs something as I always do.  He said yes so we went in , bought some drinks and thing he wanted – headsets for 300 baht.

It was still dark, just pre dawn when wailing started. “I can’t sleep, you snore,


What did he need headsets for?
Maybe some earplugs could help with the snoring problem?

  On 6/27/2022 at 1:51 AM, vinapu said:

was hoping for more of the same in the morning but it was not meant to be.  It was still dark, just pre dawn when wailing started. “I can’t sleep, you snore, you are touching me , I don’t like  this , I ‘m tired , I want to go home” this kind of things. I was not that defensive and right away used line I got from another boy Bos from Tawan few years ago “ I’m not paying you to sleep’ , but it did not help much. It was no sense to continue angry exchange in such circumstance , I accepted my dreams being shattered to dust , told him “Ok , you can go” . Gave him his tip and it was painful to see he is counting money, only second time this trip guy tipped was counting money. Complete derailment !


It's very rude and ungretul behaviour, he could just give you a false excuse why he can't stay for the night.


Unhappy Day 19 for you but luckily you were not hurt during the crazy motorcycle ride. It's true that some guys are better for ST compared to LT but we won't know until we have experienced both with them. At least you had a great time with massage guy at K-Man.

  On 6/27/2022 at 5:16 AM, Boy69 said:

It's very rude and ungrateful behaviour, he could just give you a false excuse why he can't stay for the night.


rude - no, ungrateful - definitely in view of compensation collected, . specially that as I said above  he was well primed by his bar friends what to expect and instructed by me what to do in case of snoring, he,  he.

I'd say unfair by accepting long time job and not doing his part and still expecting full compensation> Big contrast with V on 2nd night who gave me back 1000  saying tip is too generous.  

Salt in the wound was that I could bring that Myanmarese guy  from KMan spa instead


  On 6/27/2022 at 8:40 AM, jason1975 said:

Unhappy Day 19 for you but luckily you were not hurt during the crazy motorcycle ride. It's true that some guys are better for ST compared to LT but we won't know until we have experienced both with them. At least you had a great time with massage guy at K-Man.


short time part with TT was great too, it 's extension which did not work.

And as we will learn soon, one more great thing happened on that day - spotting that L at New Twilight.

That ride I will recall for many years to come , that's  sure thing. It definitely opened my eyes of how dangerous motorsai taxi can possibly be. 

It's true that some guys are better ST than LT and I can recall examples ( curiously both from Tawan as well) that even other way around applied when rushy and mechanical  ST was followed some time later  by steamy yet romantic LT. 

Sour part of whole affair  for me was that when we buy cheap we expect thing to break or not work, if we buy quality , it's exactly what we hope to get.

  On 6/27/2022 at 11:38 AM, jason1975 said:

I cannot wait to read about him!


will try to have Day 20 ready later today, normally I post when I have following day written already but yesterday I got drunk so instead of writing I went to bed.

I'm surprised that I managed to post day 19 being in that state but is seems there are no obstacles to my devotion to this forum. Sober now though

  On 6/27/2022 at 11:20 AM, vinapu said:

That ride I will recall for many years to come , that's  sure thing. It definitely opened my eyes of how dangerous motorsai taxi can possibly be. 


Reminds me of my most harrowing motorsai ride. Was about four years ago from Sukhumvit to the then new Hero location. Most of it was spent on wrong side of road. You tend to become very conscious of your knees at times like that.

  On 6/28/2022 at 1:41 AM, Min said:

@vinapu: I finally met the clingy tiny Lao, who showed me pictures of you and him being very clingy to each other :) I'll write about it in my own report ;)


hope you like him as much as I did.

I wonder who made those pictures as I don't recall us taking selfies. It must be that traitor Alex

  On 6/28/2022 at 2:47 AM, vinapu said:

Day 20

Eventually I become hungry so I went to world famous for late breakfast.  Few tables away I saw farang with boy bit past his prime whose face looked somewhat familiar. He recognized me as well , smiled and  while walked toward me  to shake hands I recalled who he is. Another surprise reunion this trip ! Alek from Tawan , guy I took to Pattaya at his insistence  for few days back in 2016.

Few years later I saw him passing by on Silom and must say now that time was not very generous to him as he gained a lot of weight but certainly his farang was generous as I noticed few gold trinkets , ring , bracelet , chain , you name it. We did not talk much as he was in company and I did not want to be rude although judging by smile , his farang , himself quite a good looking, did not mind his boy met old acquaintance in such a classy upscale place.

Being there I finally decided to visit Patpong Museum right across the soi. Ticked 350 , including 50 baht drink credit and a guide. Since I was only visitor at the moment , it was my personal guide. It’s well organized and informative although nor really much is said or shown about gay scene  but let’s be honest for years Screwboys was only boy bar in whole area so no wonder boys are taking back seat there.

I asked about Madrid Tavern, I was told  owner decided to move it to Charoen Krung which was news then . Now we know as it was discussed in another thread. Should be easy to find as it seems to be in plaza on corner of that road with Silom. Hope somebody in BKK now will make a survey and reports. Since new place is called Madrid café and bar if I recall I hope that Madrid Tavern will be resurrected in old location , if only because for me it’s only place in entire world with edible pizza.

Then I took BTS to first station on other side of river Krung Thonburi to check new driverless BTS golden line. Only 2 stops, cost 15 baht but first stop is iconic Icon Siam mall.  It was very fruitful trip for me as only purchase I made was few dragon fruits  red inside. For some reason ones with white inside are much , much popular and I like red as it seems bit sweeter. I’m big dragon fruit eater and it’s my staple when in Thailand and always have at least one in my room.

 I returned old way i.e. by free shuttle boat to Saphan Taksin.

In meantime  for zillionth time it was confirmed that world is small place and everybody knows everybody. I got message from one boys I met in Pattaya that he had  accident while driving his friend’s  motorbike and  he was forced to spent his rent money on repairs and was asking for help.

So I politely answered that at the moment I can’t help because I have friend who broke his leg and is immobile so I need to help him instead. You may recall from day 15 that it was a case of Namo. To strengthen my case I forwarded a picture of that stitched leg. Answer was bit shocking “ so you know Namo ?”

How they know each other remains mystery but I think Pattaya guy once mentioned that for a time he was working in some massage place in Patpong area and most likely it’s how he knew Namo. Who would think? On another hand probably most of us  have stories like that to tell.

Since I badly needed consolation after derailment last night in meantime I arranged for Besty,  freelance masseur I already saw few times to come to my room at 4 p.m. and on the dot he arrived. Dressed in while polo, white shorts, white socks and while shoes and as very soon I discovered , sporting also white underwear . White looked very good on him so I comment about it , it turned he went to temple to make a merit and that’s reason for such a neat outfit.

If I have any regrets about this trip is that I did not invite him more often. Not only massage is great  and conversation interesting but I sense that for some reason he really liked me, KFC syndrome perhaps ?

 Today we were in bit romantic mode and it definitely cured my soul and body. Sensing that it’s our last meeting this trip I gave him bonus and only can hope I will meet him again next trip and he will still like me then.

Not that I needed another massage today but soon after Besty left I went to see Neo at his place as I prepared envelope with some cash for his brother Namo. No,  neither one of them asked nor even thinly suggested  any donation , I just feel  that in circumstances it is right thing to do. After knowing Neo so many years  I felt a little bit shy to ask him for massage and even told him that but he said ‘why not, I won’t bite you “ and we both laughed so off upstairs we went. It was better than I expected although in the back of my head it crossed my mind that I feel like betraying my Namo with his own brother, LOL.

Doubly massaged today I returned to hotel to shave and shower and prepare myself for my last night in Bangkok. ( I can hear sigh of relief from readership that all this mumbling will be over very soon. It will, just bear with me guys ).

Since I had great hopes last night which not exactly materialized  to specification I had only one goal for today. New Twilight and if possible to off L from there.

I was greeted by few smiles , after all I was just there yesterday with reader, L was nowhere to be seen but since he is in show I thought he may be preparing himself for that part. I called one of guys reader tipped yesterday to seat with me  but told him I won’t be offing him tonight so from time to time he was going back to the stage until show started.

All 4 dancers were offing material , of course L outshined all but got me worried too- he was only one who did not smile at me even if I was in first row. But hope dies last so when show was wrapping out I told  mamasan , one who used to work at Moonlight that I want to talk to L after show. Soon other boy was tipped and thanked to make room for new arrival and I saw L marching toward me with shy smile.

Perhaps it’s his trademark because as soon as he sat down he turned out to be clingy and chatty. I broke  possible ice right away saying “ I remember you from Moonlight “ ,then continued my normal off liturgy   ‘are you going with me?”, ‘ yes’ , ‘long time ‘ , ‘yes’, “do you kiss “  ‘ yes”, ‘ how much you want? ‘ , answer was surprisingly modest in comparison to S’s  few weeks ago, not that it would matter as my mind was set although I have my upper limit above which I rather opt for other options i.e. Line V if he is available .

 New Twilight is pretty generous with boys drinks as they receive 120 out of 350 drink price and that’s paid off as soon as they leave bar.

My usual dinner offer was declined as he already ate his and I was not hungry either. Even from 7/11 only thing he wanted was toothbrush but I always have 1 or 2 of those handy we did not even go there as my refrigerator was kind of neatly stocked.

What can I say ?  It’s real life sarcasm that often we find our gem  guys just before we need to go to the airport. Happened to me before , happened to few members as well, happened to me this time.

His English is rather good so over few beers we chatted at length about his life, few business ventures, bar life. He is very happy with NewTwilight and said boys like and support each other.

Told me about his love of dance and how he survived pandemic and closures and slowly but surely lights were dimmed, shirts shed, showers taken and bit of intimacy commenced. Growing bit of intimacy.

No, no complains about lack of sleep, being tired or touched indecently. In view of incoming long trip home all I needed was  romantic and sleepless night. And it worked to the specification.

Since he is gay it made me realizing that I like gays , so hot yet romantic people, who would think ?

Normally I should finish with sentence ‘ and so day 20 finished ‘ but not this time. Why? That's the story for tomorrow.   


I am intrigued by dancer guy L! How was it that you saw 4 dancers? I only saw 2 dancers accompanying the ladyboy singing during the 4 times I was at New Twilight!

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