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Derek Chauvin convicted of murder and manslaughter in death of George Floyd

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I am not sure if there really is any justice when a member of a family has been murdered, especially by a cop. The cop can serve his prison term and still have a semblance of a life. George Floyd can never see his loved ones again. But I know what you mean. 

What I find extraordinary about policing in the United States is that when police fire a gun in trying to apprehend a person they believe to have committed some level of criminal activity or even just have a broken tail light or an out of date licence on the car, they always seem to fire and that almost always seems to result in death of the suspect. Why on earth are they not trained first to incapacitate? A shot in the shoulder or a leg would surely be as effective in stunning the alleged perpetrator in the first instance. A belief that a 13-year old child who has obeyed instructions to stop running, turn around and raise his hands might have a gun is no excuse in my view for murder of that youth. Similarly a long-term officer just happening to confuse a gun with a taser and then murders a 20-year old beggars belief. 

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