Popular Post Santiagodc Posted February 18, 2021 Popular Post Posted February 18, 2021 PART ONE: I have stayed in Athens over twenty times this past decade. These are my thoughts from both immediate pre-Covid and Covid visits last year: LOCATION TO STAY: This will depend on your plans for Athens. My first trip to Athens was with a tourist group many moons ago. I then transitioned to high end hotels as my work took me there regularly. Finally, over the past four years I have been trying various Airbnb apartments. I tried various locations, but have settled on a general area. I am not going to write where I stay now because I do not want competition for the place!!! I will just say that if sex is to be an important part of your stay in Athens, then apartments located between Omonia Square and north to Victoria Square can be ideal locations. Similarly, you can actually stay anywhere if you are near one of the metro/subway/tube lines. APPS: Grindr and PlanetRomeo (Hunqs) are very active. Just adjust your profile to express your desires and men will be messaging you. I also used Google translate for Greek in my profile to outline my hopes as well, since I always want to partake of the local Greek delights!!! Their prices ranged from 50-150 euro’s, with most settling from 75-100 euro’s. This is where your location near a tube station can be very important. You will also find that if you schedule your stay when it overlaps the end of a month when rent and payments are due for the boys, then you will have far more delights to sample from the apps. PARKS: I visited all the sites listed online but found these three to be regularly active. 1- Temple of Zeus and the National Garden (Zappeion): Much has been made on some sites about the danger of finding guys around these locations. Simply go during the daylight hours to familiarize yourself with the paths, so once you are there at night it will be less confusing. Now, there ARE some times where it is clear there are some dangerous drug addicts. What you find mostly are gays for free sex and maybe 3-5 young men for paid sex. The problem here is finding a location that is private, as you can be doing the deed and 10 men will suddenly appear to watch and/or participate. I found more of the paid guys to be located west near the Lord Byron statue and immediately north. In general, over the years I have found less and less paid sex guys here at all and almost always just gay for gay sex. 2-Pedion Park: While there is some gay-for-gay free sex here, it is almost entirely paid sex. Again, before you venture too much you need to go there during the day and walk the area. I would suggest you start from the big main entrance at Mavrommateon and Alexandras. If you attempt the entrance further north on Mavrommateo then you will be right in the middle of the drug encampment area. If you have never seen one of those, then walk near it ONLY once you are in the park so you can gaze on it from afar. Now the paid sex I found starts at the open circle area east of the Pedion tou Areaos. The entire park east of the Statue of Athena and this open Pedion circle area will be filled with guys walking to locate sex. I plop myself on one of the many benches that line that main walkway going east (see blue area on map). From there I just sit and watch to see who is and who is not available for sex. A guy will give you the eye, he can sit with you, and then you can negotiate. Remember that this is actually a family park with lots of dog walkers and kids. But, you will easily know that those old men walking in the side paths are there for one purpose only. I did see two instances of violence… one was an old gay man had been looking at his phone. He put the phone in his pocket but a young man approached him and BAMM hit him with his fist. He then reached into the old man’s pocket, got the phone, and took it. The second instance was an old man carrying a backpack. One guy approached to talk with the man to distract him, whilst a second guy came from behind and ripped the backpack off and ran. So, be cautious and aware. The price for sex here ranged from 25-50 euro and was generally done in one of the private areas of the park. I scouted out discreet locations my first day there so I knew where to go, but the boys will know places as well. These guys are ones that will let you suck them or they will fuck you. I visited in the afternoons and early evenings and have had good luck. I once visited late night right before the park closed, but security and police cars were checking out the area at that point. 3-Victoria Park: This small park is like a middle eastern sex buffet in the evening. Most of the guys come to hang out with their friends. However, there will be large portion that are available for take away sex. I usually sit myself at one of the benches and drink some water whilst watching the guys walk by. Within 10 minutes I will find someone to take back to my nearby Airbnb. It is very easy to see who is available. On my last visit, I saw a group of three young Syrian men who kept smiling at me. I chatted with them via gestures, offered to take each one separately to my Airbnb for a blow job, and then negotiated a price (25 euro each, plus a pack of cigarettes for each). Once I got each one alone, I was able to also see what else they might do. One agreed to fuck and passionately kiss. I then arranged for him as a regular even as his two other friends never knew. Most of the guys in the park are there late afternoon and evenings. PART TWO follows… king20583, Enlgishman, fedssocr and 9 others 11 1 Quote
Popular Post Santiagodc Posted February 18, 2021 Author Popular Post Posted February 18, 2021 PART TWO: BARS: Test Me and Sammi’s both have middle eastern hustlers for sex. You can find their addresses online. Most of the guys that come to the gay bars for paid sex also come to Victoria Park. As a result, what might cost you 75-150 euro as take away from a bar will be 30-50 euro at the park. It is worth a visit, though, just to support these businesses that cater to us gays. THEATRES/BOOK STORES: There are three theatres and four books stores that I visited where you can find their addresses yourself online. They rarely have guys available for paid sex, but mostly for free sex with other gays. When they did have hustlers, but their number usually ranged from none to 2 or 3. The Athinaikon is the one most often listed, but I usually considered it a waste of my time because men rarely went there to find the paid sex. This is because everyone in Athens knows where to go for the paid sex in a theatre: Kosmopolit Cinema (Marikas Kotopouli). The theatre is located right next to and north of the Hotel Cosmopolit, which is itself just one block north of Omonia Square. It is the red X on the map. When you walk in, be sure to keep your ticket as you can re-enter one more time. I regularly had sex, went for a coffee, and then returned for some more sex. You will see guys in the park area in front of the hotel and theatre who are very eager for your take-away business as well. The guys will come and go into the theatre every few minutes. Once you get into the theatre, you will be hounded by guys in the back standing area even before you can have a seat. Find a seat and let your eyes get adjusted to the darkness. When you are ready, then its time to venture into the balcony or basement for the adventure. I would start with the balcony which can be accessed by the stairs to the left or right as you came into the entrance. That upper balcony area is where the young men will show their dicks and offer themselves. They will sit along the long side balcony aisles, as well as the main balcony. This is where you can negotiate to give them a blow job. However, the funky sex occurs in the basement. You should know… next to the theatres in the Philippines, I found this theatre to be one of the dirtiest and seediest places I have ever had sex. It is not, as they say, for the faint of heart! Thus, I loved it just because of the adventure! The basement area is accessed by steps on your right as you entered the main theatre section. It is a narrow set of steps that takes you down to this small open area where all the guys are smoking (and I mean LOTS of smoking!). They will check you out as you come down the steps and will quickly want to offer their services. Just walk around there to get your feel for the place. It has four bathroom stalls for blow job areas, a back area where it shows gay sex on a very small tv and has but six seats, a dark area off of that, and then two rooms where you can have more active sex. I usually sit myself down in one of those seats and start watching the movie and boys who are all now standing around trying to get my attention. If I like a guy, I then usually motion him to go with me into one of the two rooms where we can talk. The rooms have locks on them. I then negotiate for sex and compensation. I have seen/heard threesomes, twosomes, spanking, heavy pounding of anal sex, kissing, etc. come from those two rooms as I watch the gay porn. The only problem I have found is that guys will usually fake cumming (unless you say you only give a blow job) and say they will kiss with tongue and suddenly they will NOT once you start the sex. Those two rooms are the only real place there to have sex beyond a blow job. I should mention the rooms are nasty and rarely get cleaned. I would say there are three groups of guys at this place: Class A guys that are straight, immaculate, showered, would never take drugs, never smoke, and sexy as fuck. They come only to get one client for money so they can go out with their girlfriend later. They will let you suck them and they will fuck you. Class B guys are the ones who come for one or two clients and like to eat afterwards at a café. They are looking for long-term sugar daddies and usually operate in a pair with their friend. They will let you suck them, they will fuck you, and many kiss very well. Class Z guys are the drug addicts and you will see them also outside the theatre where they will typically turn 5-10 clients in a day for sex. They will do anything and everything if the price is right. Interestingly, most of the guys IN the theatre are from Bosnia, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, and Bulgaria. Prices here ranged from 25-50 euros depending on the deed negotiated, but they did have to pay for their ticket so I always footed another 5-10 euros to cover that. I met several of the class A guys that I later brought back to my place for extended sessions. PART THREE follows… vinapu, BL8gPt, eurasian and 10 others 12 1 Quote
Popular Post Santiagodc Posted February 18, 2021 Author Popular Post Posted February 18, 2021 PART THREE: OMNIA SQUARE (red outline area on map below): This place is brimming with Middle Eastern young men for sex. This is a place you either love or hate (as our other reviews here have shown)!!!! The whole square is very seedy, but the area for sex is the northwestern part of Omonia. This is the part in front of and surrounding the Hondos department store. The Syrian, Iranian, and Iraqis are usually sitting/standing at the top of the tube escalator that empties in front of the juice bar Gregores (red circle). The escalator that empties in front of Hondos (and the elevator area) usually has the Greeks and eastern Europeans (red circle). As you face Hondos, the side pedestrian street on the left side is filled with Afgans and Pakistanis. The same can be found on the right side of Hondos on the side walk. It is also the case that if you cross the street to your east you will find several outdoor cafes. One of them, whose name escapes me, you will find has old gay men sitting with their young male companions. I usually frequent the outdoor café/restaurant right in front of Hondos where I can sit and watch the boys on offer (dotted red on map). When I arrive at Omonia I usually take a complete walk around the Hondos center and then spend a few minutes seeing what is available by standing at the top of one of the two escalators. Now there is a nearby police station, so do not be so stupid as to do business in public. As to where you can go for sex, that is rather easy. All the boys will know that there are three possible sex hotels from which to choose. One is one block to the west (the one I prefer), there is one next to the Kosmopolit cinema, and then one more one block east of that. So, for those not familiar… once you negotiate what you want with the boy and how much to pay, you then proceed to the hotel. Just tells the boys to show you the hotel. You will probably pass a number of female prostitutes along the way who also use these hotels. Once you get to the hotel, you approach the clerk and hand over 5-10 euros depending on which hotel you go to. No id is required. I do this with one swift motion as I hand the 5 euro with my right hand whilst my feet continue to move to the elevator with the boy. It is usually the second floor if you choose the hotel west of Omonia, but that changes over time. The boy will know the floor. Once you get off the elevator, you will be in a hallway with about 10 rooms. There will probably be one or two couples (gay and straight with prostitutes) waiting ahead of you for a room. Once a room is clean, the maid will motion for you and you enter the room. It has a bed with one fitted sheet on top, tv with porn, a bathroom, two towels, and usually a condom. You have between 30-40 minutes until the maid will bang on your door. Most of the Syrians were especially phenomenal kissers and fuckers. Often they would also ask if I would fuck them as well. Interestingly to me, the Afgans always liked to get fucked and kiss. My usual deal was 25 euro for the boy and 5 euro for the room. I have found it safe 99.9% of the time and only had one problem. I once got a boy back to the room and he stripped. I then looked and noticed he had a small discharge from his penis even before it got hard. It was clear he had gonorrhea or chlamydia , so I used google translate to tell him how to get some medical care. A friend of mine DID have one problem when a guy could not get hard to fuck him, so he paid the guy only 10. The guy went ballistic and would not allow my friend to leave until he paid more. My friend then started yelling for the maid who started banging on the door. The boy had to relent and my friend left. I never had problems and had some amazing repeat business with these boys. Most of these boys ALSO show up a few hours later at Victoria Park where they are also available for more sex. TYPICAL DAY: I would begin the morning with work. Around 11:30 am I would take a nice walk to Omonia Square to see if there was a young male appetizer I might enjoy. I would walk completely around Hondos Center and then stand for a while at the top of the two escalators. I would always find someone. After going to the nearby hotel for sex, I would return and settle down at one of the cafes for lunch…usually the one right in front of the Hondos Center. During my time I would regularly make eye contact with another young man and invite him over for lunch. After lunch he and I would go to the sex hotel for some fun. I would then walk back to my place to freshen up and take an afternoon nap. Afterwards, I would walk over to Pedion Park for an afternoon to sample one of the guys there. Then, I would walk back to Omonia for some theatre action where I would always find one or two guys to my liking. After some sex, I would leave and have a coffee and enjoy one of those amazing Greek rice curd desserts they have. I would then return to the theater for one more round. After this I would walk up to Omonia Square and see what was on offer. I would always take at least one guy to the sex hotel for some fun, sometimes two. Afterwards, I would make my way to Victoria Park. They have some nice caffes with outdoor seating right off the top of the tube escalator that are perfect for eating dinner and watching boys. If I did not catch the eye of anyone special, then I would check Grindr or PlanetRomeo to see what was on offer. As was almost always the case, I would find someone in Victoria Park to take back to my place for a late-night snack. I would generally repeat this pattern, but add the two bars especially on Friday/Saturday nights when new guys would appear. For those not yet familiar with these areas, then simply use the street view of google maps and you can see pretty much everything that I noted above. Good luck and be sure to report back on your visits! JKane, arronax75, Mavica and 18 others 17 4 Quote
Members tm_nyc Posted February 18, 2021 Members Posted February 18, 2021 Wow, Santiaodc, thanks for another amazing set of posts! Axiom2020 1 Quote
caeron Posted February 18, 2021 Posted February 18, 2021 That sounds fun... and exhausting. I could do that in my 20s, but sure as hell not now. fedssocr, sydneyboy1 and funic 2 1 Quote
JackR Posted February 19, 2021 Posted February 19, 2021 Great post santiaodc, thank you. Athens was never on my radar, but this post has definitely intrigued me. Hopefully this kind of action is still available post-covid. I will book flights! Quote
forrestreid Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 (edited) Last time I was in Athens I stayed quite close to Omonia Square. It was three years ago, and although I talked to a few Syrian guys around the square, like my previous trip to Istanbul, I was too nervous to take any of them back. I realise now I was looking in the wrong side of the square. I approached the square from the south west, from the Pireos Street end, and the evening I went there I didnt head to it until about 11.00 pm. I remember getting more and more nervous watching the guys hanging around as I got to the closer to the square and in particular I was a bit spooked by coming across a covered walkway very close to the square to my right (linking Pireos and Athinas Street). It was obviously a shopping arcade by day, but at that time of night it there was about thirty guys lined up on the ground with blankets, evidently homeless and bunked down for the night. I was not used to seeing so many homeless people and any sign of slowing down or dawdling meant that guys, mainly Middle Eastern looking, approached you and offered drugs and girls. I sat down on a bench when i got to the square and a guy quickly sat down beside me. “You like boys or girls?” he asked. When I told him I liked guys, he offered to go with me for 50 Euros. I asked where he was from and he said he was a Syrian refugee. He looked about twenty and handsome in a rangy sort of way. But I was too nervous. I got up and headed back down Pireos, on the far side this time. Another guy sidled up to me. He informed me he would go with me to my hotel. “What, why?”, I said in mock innocence. He informed me that he had seem me chatting to the guy on the bench and that I had been right to reject him as he was “not good”. He himself was an Iraqi refugee and just wanted a little money. He pointed to the arcade and said “I sleep there, no money for food, Greece very hard for refugees”. He looked at me pleadingly. However, he had unwitting spooked me even more by making it clear to me that my movements around the square were being monitored by the hustlers, and the smell of desperation off him was a massive boner-killer. I pressed a five Euro note in his hand and almost ran back down Pireos St. In the end I hired a guy off Hunqz. I saw a guy offering massages for €40. I decided to go for him as I thought that not much would have been spent if it doesnt work out well. It turns out it was a “straight” married guy who was trying to earn a bit of money on the side. He told me he was unemployed and he made some money by teaching himself how to do massages and he mainly did massages for an amateur football team! I thought this sounded suspiciously like a set-up for a porn film, but decided to go with the flow. His English wasn’t that great but I gathered that while he had gotten clients from other sites before, I first client from Hunqz. I started to wonder (a bit crazily) that maybe he was a straight masseur who had set up a profile on Hunqz without realising quite what sort of site it was... Either way, by then I didn’t think much is going to happen so I said nothing about sex, and let him get down to business. After massaging me for a while he got aroused and started to poke my side with his erect dick and to play with my ass. He then started to attempt to fuck me. It happened quite suddenly actually and without him saying anything - I actually had to stop him to get him to put on condom. I ended up having a very good time and I gave him €80 at the end of it. It was probably one of my best ever experiences with hiring guys. But the next time I am in Athens I want to try out that cinema, although I wont have the energy for the schedule of Santiaodc! Edited February 21, 2021 by forrestreid increase font size joizy, arronax75, fedssocr and 1 other 4 Quote
Santiagodc Posted February 22, 2021 Author Posted February 22, 2021 14 hours ago, ForrestReid1614502761 said: Last time I was in Athens I stayed quite close to Omonia Square. It was three years ago, and although I talked to a few Syrian guys around the square, like my previous trip to Istanbul, I was too nervous to take any of them back. I realise now I was looking in the wrong side of the square. I approached the square from the south west, from the Pireos Street end, and the evening I went there I didnt head to it until about 11.00 pm. I remember getting more and more nervous watching the guys hanging around as I got to the closer to the square and in particular I was a bit spooked by coming across a covered walkway very close to the square to my right (linking Pireos and Athinas Street). It was obviously a shopping arcade by day, but at that time of night it there was about thirty guys lined up on the ground with blankets, evidently homeless and bunked down for the night. I was not used to seeing so many homeless people and any sign of slowing down or dawdling meant that guys, mainly Middle Eastern looking, approached you and offered drugs and girls. I sat down on a bench when i got to the square and a guy quickly sat down beside me. “You like boys or girls?” he asked. When I told him I liked guys, he offered to go with me for 50 Euros. I asked where he was from and he said he was a Syrian refugee. He looked about twenty and handsome in a rangy sort of way. But I was too nervous. I got up and headed back down Pireos, on the far side this time. Another guy sidled up to me. He informed me he would go with me to my hotel. “What, why?”, I said in mock innocence. He informed me that he had seem me chatting to the guy on the bench and that I had been right to reject him as he was “not good”. He himself was an Iraqi refugee and just wanted a little money. He pointed to the arcade and said “I sleep there, no money for food, Greece very hard for refugees”. He looked at me pleadingly. However, he had unwitting spooked me even more by making it clear to me that my movements around the square were being monitored by the hustlers, and the smell of desperation off him was a massive boner-killer. I pressed a five Euro note in his hand and almost ran back down Pireos St. In the end I hired a guy off Hunqz. I saw a guy offering massages for €40. I decided to go for him as I thought that not much would have been spent if it doesnt work out well. It turns out it was a “straight” married guy who was trying to earn a bit of money on the side. He told me he was unemployed and he made some money by teaching himself how to do massages and he mainly did massages for an amateur football team! I thought this sounded suspiciously like a set-up for a porn film, but decided to go with the flow. His English wasn’t that great but I gathered that while he had gotten clients from other sites before, I first client from Hunqz. I started to wonder (a bit crazily) that maybe he was a straight masseur who had set up a profile on Hunqz without realising quite what sort of site it was... Either way, by then I didn’t think much is going to happen so I said nothing about sex, and let him get down to business. After massaging me for a while he got aroused and started to poke my side with his erect dick and to play with my ass. He then started to attempt to fuck me. It happened quite suddenly actually and without him saying anything - I actually had to stop him to get him to put on condom. I ended up having a very good time and I gave him €80 at the end of it. It was probably one of my best ever experiences with hiring guys. But the next time I am in Athens I want to try out that cinema, although I wont have the energy for the schedule of Santiaodc! ForestReid, What a great story! Its like the old image of making lemonade out of lemons! You were right to be a bit concerned about the south side of Omonia Square. Whilst I was there, the police were regularly making arrests on that side for drug dealing. The boys told me that the drugs are on the south side and the sex on the north side. You do raise an interesting point, though. In all my years of travelling there, I only met three genuinely Greek guys at Omonia, the Theatre, Zappeion, Pedion, the bars, and Victoria. Most of the sex there was from foreigners. Maybe others have had better luck with Greeks in those places. In my experience, the apps are far better for meeting those sexy Greeks and they usually command a slightly higher price for their services as well. Nonetheless, I found the Greeks on offer willing to do far more with far more passion! Maybe it’s just part of their ancient gay heritage passed down! msclelovr 1 Quote
Members msclelovr Posted February 22, 2021 Members Posted February 22, 2021 I’m intrigued by your comprehensive posts @Santiagodc. I’d be glad to learn what you think before I visit Greece again. Some years ago, I dated 2 Greek men, both university students in the UK, aged 22 and 24. Both were goodlooking and eager to please an older man like me. I also had a vacation in Athens where I hooked up with a versatile muscleboy the first night and he stayed with me for the rest of my trip. I’m an older man in decent shape but I’m top only. I enjoy dating muscleboys who like to bottom for me. I particularly rate a good cocksucker; someone who’s happy to suck me to completion and swallow my load. I’d really enjoy meeting those young men you describe as On 2/18/2021 at 3:46 PM, Santiagodc said: Class A guys that are straight, immaculate, showered, would never take drugs, never smoke, and sexy as fuck Do you have any insights into meeting and/or experience with guys in Greece who want to please and service an older man? episevilla 1 Quote
Members davet Posted March 29, 2021 Members Posted March 29, 2021 I actually stayed at the Hotel Kosmopolit some years ago. It was full of ordinary middle-class travelers, even families. I wonder what they thought about the Kosmopolit cinema next door. I remember seeing a lot of "track-suit" guys at and around the hotel. You know, young guys from the Mediterranean and Middle East who always seem to be in running pants and who are always hanging around, harmless but doing nothing in particular. I never sensed any possibility from them but maybe I was stupid. The theater itself was as grody as described and, more important, the talent was far below what I had gotten accustomed to in Brazil and Spain. There was one druggy guy, one dark, unattractive guy with a fat dick, and several trans- and cis-female hookers. Primeone385 1 Quote
Members travguy Posted April 23, 2021 Members Posted April 23, 2021 I thought the Kosmopolit Cinema had closed due to covid and the bushes in the park north of the archeology museum had been trimmed back so much that sex in the bushes was unlikely to work. Happy for an update if my information is not correct. If the cinema is closed, what is "the" place to go now for rent boys? Quote
Enlgishman Posted April 24, 2021 Posted April 24, 2021 (edited) @Santiagodc such a great and informative post, thanks. I also work in Athens quite often, well before Covid. Ive been to a few of the places that you mention, the two bars you mentioned are my favourites, also Bizzar club is also really good and near Samis and Testme.I sadly learnt the owner of Testme passed away recently, he was quite young. Edited April 24, 2021 by Enlgishman spelling msclelovr 1 Quote
arronax75 Posted April 25, 2021 Posted April 25, 2021 Thanks for such a detailed report. I travel to Athens quite often but never had a courage to search around Omonia square. Will consider that next time. Quote
Members tm_nyc Posted April 25, 2021 Members Posted April 25, 2021 The good news from Greece is that they are re-opening to foreign visitors (including from the US, EU & UK) who have been vaccinated or who have had a covid test. However, they still have a lot of covid cases so there is a lockdown & a curfew but the Greeks are planning to start lifting the restrictions in May. I doubt that the Kosmopolit Cinema is open right now. Enlgishman 1 Quote
Members Cany10011 Posted April 26, 2021 Members Posted April 26, 2021 Agree that is great news... but how about the pandemic response and vaccination efforts in those countries? Will visitors have same access to restaurants, bars, and guys? I'm not sure how much "fun" i'd have. I'm all for having a good time. In fact, booked tickets to Hustlaball in Berlin later this year. However, with so many unknowns now, would probably prefer to stay in the US and explore some national parks and cities that I haven't visited yet. Harrystiilees 1 Quote
arronax75 Posted April 26, 2021 Posted April 26, 2021 4 hours ago, Cany10011 said: Agree that is great news... but how about the pandemic response and vaccination efforts in those countries? Will visitors have same access to restaurants, bars, and guys? I'm not sure how much "fun" i'd have. I'm all for having a good time. In fact, booked tickets to Hustlaball in Berlin later this year. However, with so many unknowns now, would probably prefer to stay in the US and explore some national parks and cities that I haven't visited yet. As far as I heard on TV, all the inhabitants of Greek island have already been vaccinated. All that for the sake of saving tourism in the country. The visitors will only be required to have either a vaccination or a negative PCR test. I was on several Greek islands last year and everything was going smoothly. Cany10011 1 Quote
Enlgishman Posted May 23, 2021 Posted May 23, 2021 has anyone been to or live in Athens and can report what its like?I hear the bars are open but only until midnight? Quote
andygchicago Posted October 6, 2021 Posted October 6, 2021 What months are usually best to visit? Curious if the street trade will go back to your room instead of using the sex hotels. Quote
Harrystiilees Posted November 1, 2021 Posted November 1, 2021 I’ve just spent a week there but there are big changes. Kosmopolit cinema was closed the whole time, the bars were nearly empty and even Omonia sq was nearly empty. I hope Greece recovers, used to be the horniest place in Europe. Quote
innitalex Posted June 12, 2022 Posted June 12, 2022 The info in this thread is great thanks @Santiagodcin particular! Quote
Frenchfrank Posted July 25, 2022 Posted July 25, 2022 Few hotels in Athens check guest id. I just go up to room with my new friend with a sense of belonging. It's worked at Grande Bretagne, Crowne Plaza, Melia, ICH, Novotel, for me, anyway. As a rule I don't touch the Egyptian or N African rent. From experience it's always a hassle with demands for extra money or severe personality issues. The Cosmopolit Hotel has good st room for 10e. Better than Easy Access. Quote
Members HiThereAll Posted February 4, 2023 Members Posted February 4, 2023 (edited) Update for January 2023 and thank you to the OP and all of the other posts: The peri post COVID world is a very different place. I had great luck on Grindr with regular guys as in the past. I think I only saw 1 pay for play boy and I was not interested. In Athens the Kosmopolit Cinema is closed. There are folks hanging out in the alley away from Onomia Square and towards the police station half a block away. Usually only 1-4 at a time, and I assume mostly druggies. There is one nice looking guy from pre COVID days that does hang out in front of the Cosmopolit Hotel occasionally. He also hangs out with the druggies too, LOL. Sometimes the police hang out in this area and thus there is no trade to be had. The hotel can still be used by the hour. 30 E for the guy and 10 E for the hotel. Only saw a very other folks hanging around and possibly plying trade in this area and towards Omonia Square sort of at the side of the Hondos Center and alley / street. Another hotel by the hour is the youth hostel on a perpendicular street about 2 blocks away. 10 E for 1 hour. Only saw women hanging out for trade here. The park north of the archeological museum still has some action, but far less than in the old days. The park is moderately large and I only walked around the several block areas near the Athena statue and entrance Konstantinos on horseback statue. Not sure of the cost, as I was not interested in those offering pay for play. Several potential boys never got away from their cell phones to say hi. All of the guys seemed to be in their 20s - 40s. Be aware that lots of kids and families now hang out in the park. Very few did in the past, when druggies predominated. Several times I did see some truly hot guys but going into the hotels with a client or likely on the way to meet a client. I do not speak greek or arabic and I think this is what those boys spoke. Never saw these boys again. Never sought trade in the big park near Plaka that folks talk about. Never sought trade much after sunset in a park. Also, too cold to do this at midnight. Samy's Bar is open, but I did not go there 1 am on a Friday / Saturday night. In the past, this general area had folks plying trade. Did not see anything obvious on this trip. Also did not see any places with "open" doors for folks to romp around in this trip. I would guess the local politicians have invested major resources to clean the area up. I had good luck at a very clean adult porn theatre about a 10 minute walk west of Cosmo. Just average horny guys, no pay for play. About 7-10 E entry fee. There is a grimier adult cinema perhaps 25 meters from the Economy Hotel, the one closet to the corner and perpendicular to the hotel, not the adjacent one a bit further away. Another porn places faces the Economy, but seemed permanently closed. Wow, had lots of fun here. One guy, likely in his 40s was about 10 E, others wanted more. Usually only 1-4 boys when I went and sometimes 1 or 2 were asleep sometimes on a couch or in the main theatre, LOL. Some spoke some English, others spoke no English, French, Spanish or German. Guys always asked for more when paying. Up to 30 E. There is an upper level and a lower level with lockable door rooms, but you need a cell phone for lighting, as there is none otherwise. One guy stole about 25 E from me and accosted me in the locked room as he wanted far more than agreed to. So be warned, some of this is rough trade. Despite screaming, no one will try to assist you. Did tell the guy who takes your 5 E entry so he could make sure the guy does not come in again. Also had the best sex in Athens trip with another boy to follow !! We had another romp a few days later in a hotel for an hour. Couple weeks later he calls me on what's app trying to get me to send him money, LOL. I mostly was looking from around 1400-1800 hrs in the park and Cosmo areas and as late as 2000 hrs at the cinema by Economy. All in all, despite a bit of danger, I had fun Edited February 4, 2023 by HiThereAll Additions and corrections JackR, EZEtoGRU, faceStuttgart and 1 other 4 Quote
AMSTERDAM.reteip Posted February 16, 2023 Posted February 16, 2023 I was in Athens in januari 2023... for a whole week.. nothing on Omonia square.. no hustlers ( not even police ) the Kosmopolit cinema still closed..It wasnt even dangerous... i didnt go to bars at night.. sure i met a guy through hunqz in an hour hotel.. but overall it was very very disappointing Heba as-sa3udeya 1 Quote
Free4u Posted May 5, 2023 Posted May 5, 2023 Hello, I'm in Athens now looking for a nice top guy, im from UK. But not interested in anything but Greek and European visitors. Quote
TotallyOz Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 On 5/5/2023 at 11:00 PM, Free4u said: Hello, I'm in Athens now looking for a nice top guy, im from UK. But not interested in anything but Greek and European visitors. Sorry, I was delayed in approving this. Quote