Members Suckrates Posted September 4, 2024 Members Posted September 4, 2024 ALERT, ALERT : The entire GOP stays silent as Trump tells America that schools and teachers are turning their kids TRANS... He said during a Sunday interview (paraphrased) "The Democrats are ruining families. Because of them, your kids go to school in the morning, and come home in the afternoon a different gender,,,, Its Terrible !" And THIS is the man thats being ALLOWED to run for the highest office in our country, with NO immunity, and will be making and instituting policys telling US how we have to live our lives !!!! 😡 THIS is the height of mental sickness in our country. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 6, 2024 Members Posted September 6, 2024 1 hour ago, Pete1111 said: This should come easy to him.... Peter Thiel has been "fisting" HIM for years.... Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 8, 2024 Members Posted September 8, 2024 33 minutes ago, JKane said: No matter how moronic, imbicilic and insane the things Trump will say are, his "Fluffers" The N.Y.POST will report to the American people that it is the most brilliant and prophetic words ever spoken. More "smarter" than Einstein, Socrates and Nostradamus ... And Trumps 47%-ish frozen and stagnant base will buy it as they have bought every other word salad he has tossed..... Yet reporting still shows the race neck in neck.... how can that be ???? With Trumps base stagnant, and Kamalas growing every day, how can they still be neck in neck ? Again the problem is the MEDIA.... If any American voter up for grabs is made to believe Trump has a good chance, it might be NO incentive for them to go vote because they feel he will win regardless...... People just look for excuses NOT to do things...... Quote
Stable Genius Posted September 12, 2024 Posted September 12, 2024 Goober, RockyRoadTravel and Bingo T Dog 1 1 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 20, 2024 Members Posted September 20, 2024 Mike Dewine, Gov of Ohio has come out and condemned Trump/Vance for FALSE Haitian pet eatting rhetoric, and assures Americans it is ALL fake news, adding it was irresponsible and dangerous of TweedleDum and TweedleDee, to push and double down on the narrative, that has brought fear, and threats to the small community of Springfield. However, when DeWwine was asked if he still supports Trump and the Trump/Vance ticket, the hypocritical Gov replied: " I am a Republican and I said before even knowing who the nominee would be that I would SUPPORT the Republican candidate, AND I DO....I still support Donald Trump". lookin 1 Quote
Members JKane Posted September 21, 2024 Members Posted September 21, 2024 stevenkesslar and unicorn 2 Quote
Stable Genius Posted October 11, 2024 Posted October 11, 2024 On 2/29/2024 at 6:07 AM, Stable Genius said: the last few years, Tyler Boebert has: 1. Crashed his car resulting in injuries to his friend (who just happened to be carrying illegally Xanax). 2. Skipped his court date and ended up having a bench warrant issued. 3. Knocked up his underage girlfriend. 4. Run a petty theft operation of younger kids, one of whom he made a sex tape with (presumably not the mother of his infant son) and circulated it around his peers. Once he gets busted for meth, the bingo card will be full. Tyler Boebert, Rep. Lauren Boebert's (R-CO) eldest son, charged with I.D. theft and going on shopping sprees by swiping stolen credit cards, pleaded guilty to a single charge for attempting to commit identity theft, according to news reports. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 11, 2024 Members Posted October 11, 2024 3 minutes ago, Stable Genius said: Tyler Boebert, Rep. Lauren Boebert's (R-CO) eldest son, charged with I.D. theft and going on shopping sprees by swiping stolen credit cards, pleaded guilty to a single charge for attempting to commit identity theft, according to news reports. Identity Theft ? I give him a Pass... WHO would want to be a BOEBERT ? Anything is better, except being a TRUMP. Stable Genius 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted October 16, 2024 Members Posted October 16, 2024 May I just say, with all due respect, how much Kristi ( grab me by the pussy ) Noem was behaving like an assisted living nurse, trying to navigate Trump through the last 30 minutes of that town hall last night! She missed her calling. It's never too to late, South Dakota, to try a Governor that knows shit about governing. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 16, 2024 Members Posted October 16, 2024 9 hours ago, Pete1111 said: 9 hours ago, Pete1111 said: " Open Wide Donnie, here comes the airplane with your JELLO ". (RUN to the polls !) Quote
Members JKane Posted October 16, 2024 Members Posted October 16, 2024 Stable Genius and stevenkesslar 2 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 16, 2024 Members Posted October 16, 2024 14 hours ago, Pete1111 said: May I just say, with all due respect, how much Kristi ( grab me by the pussy ) Noem was behaving like an assisted living nurse, trying to navigate Trump through the last 30 minutes of that town hall last night! She missed her calling. It's never too to late, South Dakota, to try a Governor that knows shit about governing. Kristi Noehm should have SHOT Trump like she did her little pet dog, for "bad-performance". It was the biggest, hugest, worst performance EVER on a stage. Imagine Biden ever doing that, what the GOP chorus would be singing. ? BUT for Trump, its NORMAL......Is it normal for the White House ? JKane 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted October 16, 2024 Members Posted October 16, 2024 1 hour ago, Suckrates said: Kristi Noehm should have SHOT Trump like she did her little pet dog, for "bad-performance". It was the biggest, hugest, worst performance EVER on a stage. Imagine Biden ever doing that, what the GOP chorus would be singing. ? BUT for Trump, its NORMAL......Is it normal for the White House ? The lamestream media has never been kind to the Dems. Back in 2015 they questioned Hillary's health as if she might be fading. Corporate media loves to kiss GOP @ss. They won't expose Trump's health issues. Kristi Noehm is barely qualified to turn letters on Wheel of Fortune. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 29, 2024 Members Posted October 29, 2024 Interviewer speaking to a Latino male voter on his opinion of Trumps MSG rally and the comment about Puerto Rico. Interviewer: "So what do you think about the Puerto Rico comment at the MSG rally" ? Voter: "I think it was bad timing, but it isnt gonna change my vote" Interviewer: "So you werent offended and are still voting for Trump " ? Voter: "Yes, I am not changing my vote. Trump is the only person that will HELP the Latino community". Although the interviewer didnt continue to ask HOW Trump was gonna help Latinos, it represented how deeply Trumps lies and rhetoric have rotted Americans perception of reality, and why there is a strong "probability" of a Trump win. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted October 29, 2024 Members Posted October 29, 2024 When people in the healthcare industry with young kids lean towards Trump because they think he is the better choice on healthcare and education, makes one question how the lamestream media has failed us. Better how? Little follow up or fact checking is offered. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted October 29, 2024 Members Posted October 29, 2024 1 hour ago, Pete1111 said: When people in the healthcare industry with young kids lean towards Trump because they think he is the better choice on healthcare and education, makes one question how the lamestream media has failed us. Better how? Little follow up or fact checking is offered. I'll add a few more examples that seem to go to the heart of it. There was a great long interview in 2016 on the ACA with a Trump supporter. It was so good it seemed like it had to be an actor. Even though it was probably real. Nice elderly guy, plain spoken, in what looked like a working class home. He said something like this: I've heard all this scare talk about how Trump is gonna take my Obamacare away. And I have to say I really like my Obamacare. And how I can't be denied insurance anymore for pre-existing conditions. When you think about it, it makes no sense that Trump would try to take my Obamacare away. It would just piss me off. And why would he piss me off? So really he'd only try to kill Obamacare if he replaced it with something better. The argument made sense. Until it didn't. In fact, Trump supposedly did label Republican efforts to kill Obamacare as "cruel". But he was still more than willing to be cruel to his own supporters. His approval ratings were lower during that ACA fight than at any other time during his failed Presidency. So it's not like people didn't notice. But it faded, and changed. The even better example is that Trump was fired in Nov. 2020 because the economy was a complete mess. But now a lot of people want to rehire Trump because of the economy. He never got 50 % approval as POTUS. But now more than 50 % of people say they approved of his Presidency, at least in a few polls. Even though he still has less than 50 % of people who approve of him right now. WTF? ‘Everything Is Subservient to the Big Guy’: Fiona Hill on Trump and America’s Emerging Oligarchy The longtime Russia expert explains why Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are all talking to each other. Great new interview with Fiona Hill that touches on a lot of things. Including this, I think. I think these are indicators of how the US is already slipping into oligarchy. A lot of people just line up behind The Big Guy. So you have a Jew who is no fan of The Holocaust backing someone who praises Hitler and wishes he had loyal Nazi generals. People get quiet, turn inward, go along. I think there is a good argument that there are benefits of oligarchy for some. Let's take Genocide World. Before he was Genocide Man, Putin's authoritarianism looked better and worked better for the average Russian than Yeltsin's "democracy", if you can call it that. Now, is life really better for hundreds of thousands of Russians being sent off to slaughtered? I'm not persuaded. So maybe people like oligarchy. Or maybe they are just afraid. Maybe they know if they support Putin he has their back. Or maybe Genocide Man will shift, and send them off to slaughter. Either way, Hill nailed the point. It's not about you and me. It's about Putin. It's about Trump. It's about Musk. Hill is right. This is not good for consumers. Or citizens. Or country. We're about to find out whether Americans agree with her. Quote