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The GOP Are Iditots

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The 6-Steps of being a Trump loyalist:


1. Reputation damaged or destroyed

2. Ridiculed, humiliated or laughed at by late night tv comedy show hosts like Jimmy Kimmel

3. Have to hire an attorney

4. Indicted

5. Arrested

6. Jailed


The scorecard: Navarro: 6, Michael Cohen 6, Lindsay Graham 2, Rudy 4, Manafort 6, Bannon 6, MoscowMitch 2, Rubio 2, Trump himself: 4.5 (fined for violating gag orders), Ronna McDonald 2. Eastman 4, Cheesbro 4 or 5. Pence 7 because Trump’s angry mob wanted to hang him, Meadows 4, Ellis 4, and now we can add Noem 2, Barr and Sununu both 2 for saying they will vote for Trump when previously denouncing him.

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The MAGA intellectuals envision a Ken Burns documentary that will someday tell the tale of the greatest president the world has ever known.

One chapter will review Trump re-discovering and ultimately re-writing the history of Gettysburg.  Wow!!

Ken Burns will narrate:    Not well practiced in reading and remembering a lot of detail, the stable genius reminded all that Robert E. Lee had no cell phones (Trump really said this)  to warn his great general.   Lee could not text the warning, and so he sent his horses instead.  But it was too late. 

(here we'll see screen captures of soldiers falling in agony, horses whinnying, gunfire, canon fire, and so on, fading to a harmonica)

And then Ken Burns continues to narrate:

So came the terrible fate of the soldiers , and in an Irish brogue the voice of Trump   echoes one last time the warning that failed to arrive to the fray.    

Never fight uphill me boys, never fight uphill  



Trump re-writes Battle of Gettysburg: ‘Never fight uphill, me boys!’

Never Fight Uphill, Me Boys | Know Your Meme


Von ShitzInPantz's best bud, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, not only embraces Hamas, but welcomes them into Turkey, saying "We don't deem Hamas a terrorist organisation." A lot of American Jews find this boyfriend experience between Von ShitzInPantz and Erdogan reprehensible, yet, Von ShitzInPantz can't understand why more of them aren't stupid enough to be conned by him.


Remember when Al Franken had to resign because he held his hands 10 inches away from a sleeping woman's chest on a USO event even though they had all been pranking each other throughout the entire trip ? BoBo was vaping and jerking off her boyfriend in public with children around and she's still a member of Congress. Because only Democrats are required to have standards for their members.


Marjorie Taylor Greene was interviewed in Australia on the ABC last night.

OMG! She's a total lunatic! How on earth can anyone possibly support her? She's more unhinged than Trump. Plus,she came across as a very nasty piece of work. 

She and Trump thoroughly deserve each other.

  On 4/1/2024 at 12:25 PM, EmmetK said:

“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”
  ~  John Adams




Thank you again for your post. It's always good to get the conspiracy opinion from the MAGA echo chamber without having to get my feet wet in your swamp. 

In the same letter John Adams says:  "Science and Morals are the great Pillars on which this Country has been raised to its present population, Oppulence and prosperity, and these alone, can advance, Support and preserve it." 

The extremist majority on the Supreme Court with their Christian equivalent of Sharia Law are out of step with the Founding Fathers' separation of church and state. 

  On 4/29/2024 at 2:54 AM, Pete1111 said:

The lamestream media has been negligent not reporting how many people have been financially harmed doing business with him.




I have wondered about that. There have been hundreds of lawsuits against Trump over the last 55 years or so. Being in court is not a new thing for Trump, it's his second home. Opposition research is missing an opportunity to showcase what Trump thinks of average Americans. Small time contractors being stiffed by Trump. 

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  On 7/19/2024 at 4:56 PM, RockyRoadTravel said:

I have wondered about that. There have been hundreds of lawsuits against Trump over the last 55 years or so. Being in court is not a new thing for Trump, it's his second home. Opposition research is missing an opportunity to showcase what Trump thinks of average Americans. Small time contractors being stiffed by Trump. 


There is a wide-reaching orchestrated plan between media, govt and corporations TO GET TRUMP ELECTED, IMO.   What they expose, or cover and hide is very calculated.  Makes sense though they wouldnt air his dirty laundry.  But I bet we would be shocked at how widespread and wide reaching their little conspiracy is, and WHO is really involved ?      In this instance, Trump aint a one man show. 


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