Members Buddy2 Posted October 2, 2020 Members Posted October 2, 2020 Good luck to him and Melania & Barron Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 2, 2020 Members Posted October 2, 2020 I have always subscribed to the "2 wrongs dont make a right" philosophy. However, in Trump case with Covid, I dont think the man deserves an once of our empathy or compassion, as he has never shown any for the American people or the ones that died. And i dont have a single well wish left for HIM, as I have used them all on the over 200K Americans that have died..... If he is truly Ill, he got exactly what he deserved. I hope he has learned a lesson, but I doubt he has.... And if he is at Walter Reed, I would like him to have the full Covid experience, respirator and all... Just as HE ridiculed Biden for wearing a mask, I will ridicule HIM for NOT wearing one. AdamSmith, Greg_blond and TotallyOz 2 1 Quote
caeron Posted October 2, 2020 Posted October 2, 2020 If he dies, the world will be a better place. Nero was a chump compared to him. AdamSmith and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Members JKane Posted October 2, 2020 Members Posted October 2, 2020 Please note: this is the THIRD time he's been rushed to Walter Reed in the last couple years but the FIRST TIME we specifically know why. TotallyOz 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 Well, Trumps greatest accomplishment now seems to be infecting ALL of Washingtons elite and GOP.... KellyAnn Conjob tests POSITIVE for Covid too ! OK, i'll finally say it "THANK YOU, Mr President"....... JKane, caeron and AdamSmith 3 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 Each additional day Trump is at Walter Reed can help the Biden campaign. If he has fatigue from COVID, Trump may be laid up for a while. It's tough stuff. Buddy2 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 Call me crazy, but in my gut, I feel this is a major WH stunt to gain SYMPATHY votes for the President. He knows he is losing, and is desperate, frantic even, and he has the resources to cook up a Scam like this....And Americans are forgetful AND forgiving. The timing and ultimate lack of transparency and detail about his condition leads me to believe the WH is hiding something, as they often do. And the big head-scratcher is how come the President is so easily going along with this scenario when he has been so resistant to admitting ANYTHING Covid related before ? WHY NOW ? And I believe this trial medical cocktail they gave him will turn out to be the BIG vaccine reveal just before election day, which he hopes will be his ticket to victory ! I am telling you people..... Quote
ralph12294 Posted October 3, 2020 Posted October 3, 2020 Wait, what's the bad news?? Latbear4blk 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 I found it Odd that @stevenkesslarhasnt weighed in on any of these new developments, but then I saw his Daddy ban was lifted and he is back happily posting "over there", So I guess I'm NOT surprised he has defected HERE ? He loves an audience, and wasnt getting it HERE, except for me and @tassojunior, so back to Orate for the Big fish.... Au revoir steven.....we still love you Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 (edited) 34 minutes ago, ralph12294 said: Wait, what's the bad news?? Perhaps its that Walter Reed didnt have a respirator for Donnie, and they had to ask Gov Cuomo to borrow one.......they are STILL waiting for it and Donnie is gasping for air.....tick tick tick........ AND, Trump is anxiously waiting for a Get Well card from Puttie....... Edited October 3, 2020 by Suckrates Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 Another Thought: Perhaps Trump is "in bed" with the pharmaceutical company that makes the experimental drug REGENERON that he supposedly took for his Covid ? Then in a week or so Trump fully recovers, promotes the drug, says it is available to the public, and that it CURES Covid. All just pre-Election..... Bingo-Bango, he's a hero again, gets re-elected AND pockets all his cash take from the deal he made with the drug company ? WIN, WIN, WIN ! SCUMBAG CONMAN ............ Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 Several news sources reporting that 11 of the Cleveland debate staff now test positive for COVID-19. Others report Trump was diagnosed 72 hours ago. Latbear4blk 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 Chris Wallace confirmed Trump did not get tested prior to going on with the Biden debate. When Trump met with high roller donors this week he may already have been aware he had Rona. Wonkette article Latbear4blk 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 4 minutes ago, Pete1111 said: Chris Wallace confirmed Trump did not get tested prior to going on with the Biden debate. When Trump met with high roller donors this week he may already have been aware he had Rona. Wonkette article The President's doctors are already backpedaling. Quote
Members Latbear4blk Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 More and more high rank government officials are getting positive. It is evident that Trump's and his family and GOP gang's irresponsibility has compromised national security. This should be the end of his reelection bid, but who knows with this man. Buddy2 and Pete1111 2 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 3, 2020 Members Posted October 3, 2020 ADD New Jersey Gov Chris Christie (Trumps advisor) to the Covid positive list...... Wow, Karma is making a clean sweep ! JKane, AdamSmith and Pete1111 2 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted October 6, 2020 Members Posted October 6, 2020 (edited) On 10/3/2020 at 3:51 AM, Suckrates said: I found it Odd that @stevenkesslarhasnt weighed in on any of these new developments, but then I saw his Daddy ban was lifted and he is back happily posting "over there", Au revoir steven.....we still love you Rumors of my death ....................................... I know, I know. You've been lusting after my dildo collection every since we were horny teenage girls. Sorry, my dearest and most darlingest sister. But you'll just have to wait. So are you saying the racism ban at Daddy's is over? Like, did he stop being a racist? Maybe if you say so, sis. But I have my doubts. Anyway, I'm not dead or gone. I haven't posted for a week or so because I was just doing other things. Sometimes even I choose to keep my mouth shut. In terms of President Toxic, I'm in complete agreement with Nancy Pelosi. First, I wish him well and am glad he seems to be recovering. Second, hopefully it's a lesson that leads everyone to wear masks and be more thoughtful about NOT getting others sick. Hopefully none of the Republican Senators or power brokers who infected each other will get really sick or die. For the record, Daddy timed me out twice this year, both a long time ago. Both times were due to his deep racism, as far as I can tell. Needless to say, I'm quite sure he'd disagree. But I've spent enough time with Daddy in person and over the phone that I think I know a deeply racist man when I talk to one. What follows is a screed that probably is best left unsaid. But after all, sis, you know me. And I do think my arguments are valid about how Gays like Daddy should perhaps challenge themselves just a little bit more to really try to live in the 21st century. The first time Daddy timed me out was when I got way deep into arguing that The Birth Of A Nation was the most racist film ever made. It's actually funny looking back at that. Because it was early this year, before Black Lives Matter became a huge thing. In retrospect, it's very easy to see the film as the kind of racist toxic waste that's been brewing under the surface forever, and finally exploded this year. Saying the film is deeply racist is NOT a very controversial position. At least among almost all Blacks, and Whites who are not racists. Daddy is a Scorpio. According to astrology, Scorpios either fly high like a eagle, or slither like a snake. I have seen both of those sides of Daddy, personally. What I found sad about my time out this Spring was that the poor girl took the snake route and tried to make me look anti-Semitic. Which I suppose makes sense. Because he's smart enough to at least know he couldn't really win an argument about racism. Especially about what most Blacks seem to view as the most racist film ever made. The main racist poster I was taking on, Bigjoey, was basically arguing that The Birth Of A Nation was just portraying Blacks as they were seen at the time, in 1915. Not that there was anything racist about that, of course. I mean, it wasn't like the Director picked up a KKK book and KKK play because he intended to cause the Black Holocaust that actually followed, leading to mass terror, death, and the Black Great Migration, right? Since Bigjoey is a Jew, and Gay, I kept making the point that a film saying "Blacks are like raping ape-like predators and thus should be killed" is like saying "God hates fags and they all need to die" or like saying "Jews are vermin and they need to be exterminated". I cited murderous propaganda films - including The Wandering Jew and The Birth Of A Nation - that actually incited the mass murder of Jews, Gays, and Blacks. Bigjoey would have none of it. It was actually a surprise to me that someone who I thought of as thoughtful, and rightfully sensitive to anti-Semitism, could have such a massive blind spot to racism. Daddy timed me out and erased everything I wrote in one post, except for cutting and pasting the example I used of anti-Semitic statements like "Jews are vermin". It was very clear he wanted to make me sound like an anti-Semite. Even that didn't work, because the thread went on forever (with me posting, who could be surprised?), and I was incredibly consistent. The bumper sticker I used - "racism = homophobia = anti-Semitism = Islamophobia" - was pretty much in every page of the post. In order to argue I was saying I hate Jews, you'd also have to argue I was saying I hate Blacks and I hate Gays, such as myself. Again, this is what happens when Daddy knows he can't openly make a winning argument about racism. When Black Lives Matter exploded several months later, it actually made me feel good that I was a stubborn bitch about calling out racism. And defending Black Lives Matter activists who do so. The second time he timed me out was when I went after his own racism pretty much directly. He started that racist anti-Black Lives Matter thread, which is when anybody Black and anybody under 40 or so seemed to head for the exits of his website. While I did not name Daddy directly in my screed about racism, he is not stupid. The message was intended for him as the OP of the thread. And I'm sure he got the message. Because about 24 hours after I hit the post button I found myself timed out. I think I waited something like three months before I started posting here. First, I didn't want to just come here and spew bile. Second, I thought it might actually make sense to shut up for a while. If only to be reminded that I obviously like writing. But it was quite easy to reach the conclusion that I don't really need a gun-loving conservative racist to pass judgment on what I write. It also became clear to me that getting into arguments about films like The Birth Of A Nation with racists doesn't make all that much sense. Of course, I knew that anyway. Go ahead, sis. Say it. We both know I'm a stubborn bitch. Mostly it reinforced the idea that the best thing I can do right now is send lots and lots of money to Democrats from Joe Biden to Rev. Warnock - who actually looks like he can win a Senate seat in Georgia. If it works, Daddy and his racist gun-loving conservative views may run into a huge Wall-like obstacle in 2021 that he can't just time out. I noticed Daddy made a few posts recently that were not outwardly racist and hostile to Blacks. So maybe he got the memo. Regardless, I like posting here. There are fewer screeching conservatives. For years and years part of my job as an escort was actually having thoughtful conversations with conservatives. I think I was quite good at it. That's harder in the era of President Toxic. And I've probably just grown more stubborn. I don't miss debates, or arguments, with conservatives at all. There were much better days with Daddy. So I guess this is sad. I have to mention some words of gratitude here, as I have over there, and as I have told Daddy repeatedly to his face. I am very grateful to both Daddy and @TotallyOz, and especially Hooboy, for creating websites that made my escort career wildly successful. And also gave birth to friendships that have now lasted several decades. That was my motivation several years ago in hitting up lots of my clients and other regulars on his site to create monthly pledges for Daddy that generated I don't know how many thousands of dollars in monthly donations for a year or so. It helped solve Daddy's chronic cash flow problems for a while. And it allowed me to feel like I had paid back any debt due to the fact that he ran a free review website that worked out incredibly well for me. I'll say again. I will always be grateful to Daddy for that. And I wish him well. That was also the beginning of the end. Probably out of gratitude to me, Daddy made me a moderator on his website. That was an honor I didn't ask for, didn't want, and actually really didn't perform at all. In retrospect, I should have immediately said, "No." When he offered to give me the ability to time people out, I practically screamed into the phone, "No." I've never run a website like that. So I suppose I can't really judge. But I'm a huge freedom of speech advocate. So I'm not really into this idea of banning people for being, to quote Daddy, "toxic". It's quite ironic, in that I feel very sure that Daddy himself harbors some fairly toxic views, IMHO. My guess is Daddy came close to timing me out simply for using the phrase "President Toxic". He certainly made it clear I was skating on thin ice. The irony is that President Toxic has created such a huge backlash because of his toxic words and hate mongering that it will likely elect Biden in a landslide. And I laughed my ass off when Biden himself called President Toxic "toxic" and "racist". So Daddy has a lot of issues. Freedom of speech appears to be one of them. If Joe Biden were a member of Daddy's website, he'd probably ban poor Joe for being "toxic". Meanwhile, for someone with aspirations of being Miss Manners, Daddy's own silence on President Toxic's lies, hate, and racism is deafening. One of my biggest problems in life has always been that given the choice to be diplomatic and back off, I almost always chose to be blunt and confrontational. That worked very well for me as a community organizer and consumer activist. I picked lots of big fights and won almost all of them. With Daddy, it was a different game. I do give myself credit for being mostly diplomatic for about 15 years or so. For some strange reason, I actually never told Daddy that I essentially view him as a racist, gun loving conservative. So the idea of being a moderator over there just didn't seem like a very promising idea. The sole and very small contribution I made as a moderator was offering some language, basically from Chuck Schumer's Senate floor speech, defining the purpose of Daddy's website as "harm prevention". That way if DHS or any other agency ever tries to bust him he can point to his TOS and say that the website is doing EXACTLY what the Senators who voted for FOSTA/SESTA said they were for. Like preventing harm to vulnerable Gay minorities. You will notice that the only thing I said recently on Daddy's was a very long rant about how welcoming in more religious conservatives to our courts, including a very conservative SCOTUS majority, can only create problems for people like Daddy in the future. These are the very same religious conservatives who are the primary crusaders against prostitution, men who hires escorts, and websites like Rentboy. Again, I wish Daddy the best. But websites like his could easily be a target in a judiciary that takes a strict conservative/religious view on matters like abortion, prostitution, and even same sex marriage. Daddy also has a problem with kids. I also took him on about that. And in so doing I know Daddy well enough that I was quite sure no good deed would go unpunished. I found that images I posted including children kept being deleted. Example: a picture of Nancy Pelosi on the dais of the House when she became Speaker of the House again, and was surrounded by the children of newly elected House Democrats. When Daddy timed me out for a week because of my rant about The Birth Of A Nation, he actually cited that I posted a picture of children. In the context of that thread, I believe he was referring to this picture: That's "the girl in red" from Schindler's List. You can say a lot of things about that image. I might say that it is one of the most iconic and heart-wrenching images of the horrors of Nazi anti-Semitism ever created. My point in posting it was just that. Whites in America in the 21st Century ought to be able to agree - finally! - that The Birth Of A Nation was as horrific to Blacks in America as Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda was to Jews. And had just as horrific real life consequences in terms of mass terror and mass death. But one thing you simply can't say about that image is that it is child pornography. After Daddy kept removing images of children, I finally decided to post this video. In my post, I intentionally put him on the spot by asking his explicit permission as to whether it was okay to post, since it involved an image of a child. Again, Daddy is not stupid. He graciously thanked me for posting the video, and wondered out loud what it was the child handed to Mayor Pete (a bracelet he had made). Meanwhile, I used that to take Daddy on in the private moderator's forum. His argument was that posting any images of children is a "slippery slope", because the next thing you know it's child porn. My argument was that in the 21st century Gay men can be legally surrounded by naked kids. As in their own babies, whose diapers they are changing. Daddy's way of thinking is a throwback to an ugly and hateful anti-Gay past. Of course child pornography is wrong. But it's very Salem Witch Hunt to base your website on the idea that Gays and kids are just a bad match. Because "we all know what kind of perverts Gay men are." In fact, Gay men in the 21st century are actually a lot like Mayor Pete. Someday perhaps Chasten will be First Lady, and they'll grace The White House with their own children. Probably the worst thing I did is make an argument that one of the other moderators, also a liberal, agreed with. My experience is that Daddy doesn't particularly like being told he is wrong. Sometime shortly after that I found that I had been un-made a moderator, without explanation, just like I had also been made a moderator, without explanation. Almost everybody who hired me for years who knew and interacted with Daddy took exactly the same approach I did: slather him with praise, pay for his hotel room, and then talk about what you really think about him behind his back. Because he is intolerant of dissent. This is something I obviously feel very passionately about. Gay men, lesbians, transgendered people, and our allies pulled off the organizing victory of my lifetime, and of millenia. We took all the ugly and hateful and discriminatory things said about Gays and Gay love and Gay sex and turned thousands of years of bigotry around. And we did it by being deeply personal. We did it by opening our hearts. Gay men and lesbians pulled off one of the most amazing organizing victories of all time. With all due respect to warriors of Good Trouble like John Lewis, we showed the world how it is done. So I find the closed and closeted petty little world Daddy lives in sad. I'm not being too blunt, am I? I understand why he is the way he is. He's had many crosses to bear. As have we all. I think we are on the verge of changing America into a better, fairer, and more loving country. People are disgusted with the division and the hate. Gay men were on the front lines of learning how to win massive political change. Mostly because so many of us lost and lost and lost. And we kept our hopes up and our hearts open. And we continued to fight. Until we won. Daddy's is not a website that runs on that ethos. I spent a lot of time talking to him and to all the Gay men that come to the Palm Springs pool party about how we could defend a website like Daddy's from being the next Rentboy. Mostly those men are closeted and scared. Their ethos is to keep your head down. Don't fight, don't push back. Go with the flow, and hope you don't get busted. Don't go out on a limb. Don't take risks. These are guys I've known for years and years. I can respect their way of thinking. And Daddy's way of running his website. But I've lived my adult life pretty much doing the exact opposite. And I'm proud of it. Mostly, I'm glad that I gave Daddy a little bit of help when I could. And I stood up for what I view as moral things that I deeply believe in. And I'll say again that I will always be grateful that he ran a website that was very lucrative for me. Like I said, all this was probably better left unsaid. But you know me, sis. Like Daddy, I just can't help being the way I am. He isn't going to change. And neither am I. I have a very clear vision of where I hope Gay men, and America, go in the 21st century. It's just not a journey that I think Daddy feels particularly comfortable with. I wish him the best. Edited October 6, 2020 by stevenkesslar TotallyOz and SexyAsianStud 2 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 6, 2020 Members Posted October 6, 2020 @stevenkesslar, you never have to present a case against Daddy to me.... From day 1, I hated HIM and he hated me, and tried to make me extinct, each time banning me for 6 month periods, and as you know i am currently Banned. He is VERY much like Trump, its "his way or the highway", so I learned arguing with him is fruitless. He has NO respect for members , and never feels you are owed ANY explanation for his actions. But most members "over there" are like Trump supporters, they put up with his bullshit, look the other way, and make excuses for him just so they "can live in his world".... NOT ME ! I have been banned more times than I can count, sulked and bitched during my exile, but always ended up going back. Glutton for punishment ? I guess so.... Its a matter of finding something you enjoy, and there, I enjoyed posting those naked guy pics to a large audience that seemed to appreciate them, so it filled a niche for me. But I too am a Scorpio, and am getting real tired of the Daddy shit, so this time I might just "slither away"....? But my darling "Cabbage Patch sis", I am glad you are safe and well and back to torturing us with your never-ending posts (I still have never made it all the way to the end of one) NOW, as for Trumps latest PUBLICITY STUNT, I am sickened and appalled. And unlike others, I DO NOT WISH HIM WELL, if indeed he is really sick and not just scamming us to pockets big bucks from the companies making the drugs he is supposedly being given , that will ultimately lead to his "miracle cure".... You cant trust this SNAKE.... He's a scumbag, and manipulator, and is using America as his reality show, which he is writing, producing and manifesting ALL by himself, using underlings, paid for by the American public, as his enablers. FUCK THAT COCKSUCKER....... He has been pulling our strings for 4 years, now that orange haired puppetmaster has GOT TO GO ! The only thing he has done successfully is turn Washington into a Guinness World Record "petri dish"... that somehow missed that Nazi Steven Miller.... I am holding out hope a few more of Trumps slimy butthole lickers get infected with the worst cases of Covid... SexyAsianStud 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 7, 2020 Members Posted October 7, 2020 (edited) ADD slimy, sleazy nazi Steven Miller to the Trump teams POSITIVE Covid list....... HOORAY ! "Yeah, that's Right !" Edited October 7, 2020 by Suckrates Pete1111, TotallyOz, JKane and 1 other 3 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted October 7, 2020 Members Posted October 7, 2020 Today, Sick Demon Trumps trumps any Covid relief stimulus until after the Election. NO FINANCIAL HELP FOR AMERICANS he dictates. Its obvious, he doesnt care about suffering Americans, many jobless and on the verge of losing their homes. His focus is the NEW Supreme Court Justice AND his re-election. FUCK US ! If this doesnt make you angry enough to VOTE HIM OUT, you need a lobotomy. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!!!! Quote
Members aarons1584 Posted October 7, 2020 Members Posted October 7, 2020 he needs to be gone out of office sooner rather than later! Quote
Members JKane Posted October 7, 2020 Members Posted October 7, 2020 16 hours ago, Suckrates said: ADD slimy, sleazy nazi Steven Miller to the Trump teams POSITIVE Covid list....... HOORAY ! "Yeah, that's Right !" Quote