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Guest Larstrup

The Organ

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On 9/19/2017 at 7:56 PM, AdamSmith said:


[Oneself once actually had to travel on bidness to a technical software conference in West Mifflin, PA! :o ]

21 hours ago, kjun12 said:

Don't you ever get tired of posting these videos?

P.S. We can log off here and be shed of you.

But wherever you go, you are stuck with yourself.

You have our deepest sympathies.


Guest Larstrup

As Op of this thread, please allow me to remind all participants that no personal assaults upon others is permitted, nor hijacking of the main subject matter: that being of the organ. Any attempt to disrupt this on-point (only) discussion thread shall be met with the harshest of punishments, not limited to being hog-tied and forced to listen to this 10,000x repeatedly. Thank you for your cooperation.




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