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On 9/7/2018 at 10:08 PM, AdamSmith said:



Does the cuteness of the performer affect your choice of vids?  I KNOW the performer does affect you.  :)

Best regards,


7 hours ago, RA1 said:

Does the cuteness of the performer affect your choice of vids?  I KNOW the performer does affect you.  :)

Best regards,


Outed! :lol:

On 8/26/2018 at 5:49 PM, MsGuy said:

RA1, just maybe you skipped reading my last sentence. :rolleyes:

Bless your heart, no doubt it's my fault for posting that distracting pigeon cartoon.


On 8/18/2018 at 12:07 AM, MsGuy said:

Genius?  Not hardly.

He played off key a lot and all too often off rhythm.

Image result for rhythm

Once more, with feeling:

What were you doing age 3?

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7 hours ago, AdamSmith said:


I am willing to speculate that Lincoln, had he not been assassinated by Booth, would have been a voice of reason during re-construction.  Instead we got all sorts of carpet baggers and others of their ilk.  One reason it took so long to "get over it" (which some apparently have not yet).

I was not brought up as a racist or anything other than an American citizen but I did always know who Traveler was.  :)

Best regards,


13 hours ago, RA1 said:

I am willing to speculate that Lincoln, had he not been assassinated by Booth, would have been a voice of reason during re-construction.  Instead we got all sorts of carpet baggers and others of their ilk.  One reason it took so long to "get over it" (which some apparently have not yet).

I was not brought up as a racist or anything other than an American citizen but I did always know who Traveler was.  :)

Best regards,


My maternal grandmother, born in 1902 in Franklinton, NC, held Lincoln as her lifelong hero. She told me that she, from early age, dreamed of becoming a lawyer, like him. 'To help people.'

(Circumstance instead had her working in the local cotton mill, from age 15 to 73 (!). She said, near her deathbed at 96, 'If I had my life to live over again, I wouldn't do anything different. Maybe a few little things, but nothing really.')

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Hey AdamSmith!  I hear on the news that N.C. is about to be covered with  toxic shit from several tens of thousands of flooded hog farm waste lagoons.

Ewww, dude, that's just nasty.

Related image

57 minutes ago, MsGuy said:

Hey AdamSmith!  I hear on the news that N.C. is about to be covered with  toxic shit from several tens of thousands of flooded hog farm waste lagoons.

Ewww, dude, that's just nasty.

Related imageT

Pity I ain't a scat queen. :sad:

Specially from hogs. :lol:

We are jest about to get walloped. I have bought all the supplies I can think of, but anticipate like 2 weeks without circulating electrons. :blink:

Very next thing I am going to buy after this passes is a diesel generator. :getlost:49865_2000x2000.jpg


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On 09/10/2018 at 7:55 AM, RA1 said:

  Instead we got all sorts of carpet baggers and others of their ilk.  One reason it took so long to "get over it" (which some apparently have not yet).

I was not brought up as a racist or anything other than an American citizen but I did always know who Traveler was.  :)


As opposed to those wise and noble folks who in 1865 and 1855 immediately passed the Black Codes prohibiting freed slaves from owning land, sharply restricting their freedom to leave the "employ" of their former masters, and denying them basic political rights like the ballot and the right to serve on juries and  the  power to testify in court cases, even cases to which they were a party?

Lawsy mercy, Mr. RA1, if only those ignorant, meddlesome abolitionist ass-hats had only left well enough alone, we could all  happily have been reconciled and probably still be enjoying the benefits of a large (and, dare we conjecture, restive?) caste of illiterate serfs.

Seriously, RA1, if the White governing class had been even the tiniest bit wiser, more capable or more prudent than the men who controlled the occupation governments, there would not have been a Civil War in the first place. 

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1 hour ago, AdamSmith said:

If I am still here. :whistle:

Honestly, AS, until I read your posts I had not realized you might go AWOL for a while.

For what it's worth,  my local power associations are gearing up to rush equipment and line men to NC as soon as road conditions permit.

So whenever your grid goes back up, maybe a brief  thank you post here for those Mississippi boys might be in order. :poke:

2 hours ago, MsGuy said:

Honestly, AS, until I read your posts I had not realized you might go AWOL for a while.

Dinna werry, ze nearest Starbucks is on U.S. Highway 1, a short walk away -- a corridor that will not lose power.

So you will not even temporarily be rid of me that easily. :)

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8 hours ago, MsGuy said:

As opposed to those wise and noble folks who in 1865 and 1855 immediately passed the Black Codes prohibiting freed slaves from owning land, sharply restricting their freedom to leave the "employ" of their former masters, and denying them basic political rights like the ballot and the right to serve on juries and  the  power to testify in court cases, even cases to which they were a party?

Lawsy mercy, Mr. RA1, if only those ignorant, meddlesome abolitionist ass-hats had only left well enough alone, we could all  happily have been reconciled and probably still be enjoying the benefits of a large (and, dare we conjecture, restive?) caste of illiterate serfs.

Seriously, RA1, if the White governing class had been even the tiniest bit wiser, more capable or more prudent than the men who controlled the occupation governments, there would not have been a Civil War in the first place. 

You may recall that I have never been a fan of any pols.  I was merely stating that things could have been better had Lincoln lived.

Best regards,


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Good luck with a generator.  They have some well established problems.  One being if not run on a regular basis they might not start or run when actually needed.  Another being keeping and having enough clean fuel.  Let me know how it works out for you.

Best regards,


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