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Everyone should pay attention to THE LINCOLN PROJECT.

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Posted (edited)

The anti-Trump movement from the right is coming.

Everyone should pay attention to THE LINCOLN PROJECT.

Defeat President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box.

President Abraham Lincoln led the United States through its bloodiest, most divisive and most decisive period of our history. He fought not because he wanted to, but because he knew the dual goals of preserving the Union and the end of slavery would be achieved only through armed conflict. Lincoln always kept the enormous human cost of the struggle in the front of his mind. At Gettysburg, he implored us not to forget those that had given “their last full measure of devotion” to preserving the American experiment. As it became clear that the Union would be victorious, Lincoln’s thoughts turned to how the nation would “bind up its wounds” and move forward together.

Today, we find ourselves divided again – sectionalism in the country and factionalism in government has led to ever uglier examples of how our political system is failing. President Donald Trump and those who sign onto Trumpism are a clear and present danger to the Constitution and our Republic. Only defeating so polarizing a character as Trump will allow the country to heal its political and psychological wounds and allow for a new, better path forward for all Americans.

Their first ad, "Grifters: Episode One" is a must-see:

PS  I know this belongs in the Politics Forum, but I felt it was important for the masses to see. If Oz wishes to move it, I understand and accept his decision.

PSS  Even more interesting and fascinating, one of the Project's lead advisors is George Conway, yes, Kellyanne's husband. That must be one very interesting marriage.

Edited by RockHardNYC
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In these highly partisan times it takes courage to express political leanings and views, especially on boards like these. IMO, nice to see.


Great ad. Loved it. But, I do worry this may get the opposite reaction than needed. That said, it may be better to have all out find every crack and exploit it. This is great to a certain segment and as one of those liberals, I like it. But, it doesn't change my mind. I doubt it changes the mind of those that love him. I'll also predict that Donald refuses to debate Biden. No gain for him.

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  On 3/15/2020 at 9:08 PM, TotallyOz said:

I do worry this may get the opposite reaction than needed.


I suspect Trump's brain-dead fanboys will not realize or investigate The Lincoln Project. They will assume Democrats are behind this. Everything about that crowd is SIMPLE. They don't think too deeply. They also hate the Republican establishment, so it can be a lose-lose. Even so, I love a great ad. :flowers:

  On 3/15/2020 at 9:08 PM, TotallyOz said:

That said, it may be better to have all out find every crack and exploit it.


With Trump, you must fight fire with fire. There's no other way to beat a TROLL, and it really is too bad. Death can sometimes take too long when you're trying to better things.

Trump's attacks on Hunter Biden, which appear to be totally manufactured for scandal, much like Bengazi and Ukraine, must be met with equal force. If not, his gift for branding, no matter how fake, will stick. I am delighted that former and current Republicans are putting their time and money behind this important project.

  On 3/15/2020 at 9:08 PM, TotallyOz said:

I doubt it changes the mind of those that love him.


The blind lovers, no. That's the ugly and dangerous side of cult-of-personality. But many people who voted for Trump held their nose while doing so. I'm for anything that encourages them to smell his shit, full stop. Deep breath.

  On 3/15/2020 at 9:08 PM, TotallyOz said:

I'll also predict that Donald refuses to debate Biden.


It would show FEAR out in public, and Trump hates that. The fan base would hate it, too. I'm not willing to make that bet. Trump thinks/believes that he can take down the old-man Biden. He wants to believe that Biden is not stable. Much like his body weight, Trump is in denial about his age and prowess. Trump's hubris could easily carry him to any debate stage. I can't wait to see his mouth go dry and his upper lip sweat. Trump is no different than Rubio with the water bottle. Both of them pussies.


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Holy Shit. The Lincoln Project just released a new slap-in-your-face, kick-in-the-gut ad, called Cancer. Superbly powerful.

The ad is a bit late in the game. I hope it doesn't go to waste. Every Trump cult member should see it, although many profess that they would die for Trump. There's no hope for them.


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  On 11/14/2020 at 12:53 AM, TotallyOz said:

I thought the Lincoln Project brought a lot to this fight.


Steve Bannon was the first to claim that if The Lincoln Project flipped 4% of Republicans, Trump would lose. So TLP used Bannon's numbers as their goal. It turns out, according to their numbers guru, Mike Madrid, TLP had tremendous success in numerous states, exceeding their 4% goal. They do believe they had a strong hand in the Biden win, and they seem quite pleased about that.

They are not happy with the results in Florida and North Carolina, but they acknowledged what a long shot those two states were. They could have thrown more money at both states, but it was determined the money would have gone flushed down the toilet. Florida, in particular, required door-to-door canvasing, and you just couldn't do that during Covid.

  On 11/14/2020 at 5:08 PM, JKane said:

Would sure be nice if they reformed their own party so that Trump 2024 would never be a possibility... 


They openly express doubt about "reform." Most of the TLP leadership have officially left the Republican Party. Tara Setmayer announced her official departure the day after the election, after she saw how strong the numbers were for Trumpism. There are calls for Don Jr. and insane girlfriend Kimberly Gargoyle to run the RNC. Clearly, TLP wants no part of that, if that's how reform will get defined.

TLP claims they are not going away. Their goal is to destroy Trumpism. They are in Georgia right now, working on the two Senate run-offs. They intend to pursue Trump's enablers for years to come. IMO, they are the political force to watch. Their political ads are superior to most. The Georgia race is going to be very tense and interesting.

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  On 11/14/2020 at 9:33 PM, JKane said:

My big problem is that their integration will drag the Democrats ever more right...


I have not heard that the Democrats will "integrate," or even work with The Lincoln Project, but if the Dems want to see future success, they're going to have to be more moderate in order to convince Republican moderates to join ranks against Trumpism. The failure of down-ballot races in this election SCREAMS that Trump's "socialist" branding worked on the masses. Also, that god-damned STUPID phrase - defund the police - was the worst attempt at brain-dead PR I've ever experienced. There is a certain corner of the progressive left who are idiots and have no clue how to WIN. Someone has to keep those folks in line, if that is even possible.

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We don't belong to an organized political party, we're Democrats!


I agree, but the problem is everybody on the left has a voice and we're all tarred with anything any of us say.  The Republicans shut up and fall in-line behind the money, who usually has excellently crafted talking points...  


Fuck the Kock brothers, but wouldn't it be something if Sorros or somebody actually was his equal and opposite?  

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  On 11/16/2020 at 4:22 PM, JKane said:

The Republicans shut up and fall in-line behind the money, who usually has excellently crafted talking points...but wouldn't it be something if Sorros or somebody actually was his equal and opposite? 


It's a fantasy to think the Democratic Party could ever behave like the Republicans and get away with it. If they did, they'd risk shooting themselves in the foot every time, feeding the Republicans with endless talking-point attacks.

The Republicans haven't been a "big-tent" party for a very long time. That gives them a certain focused "message" advantage. For better or worse, the Democrats are the diversity party (attempting to care for the middle-class and the poor). It is far more difficult to hone a solitary message among vastly diverse elements, a never-ending struggle that the Republicans manage to avoid (sometimes).

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The Lincoln Project calls for revenge on ‘grubby sellouts’ who backed Trump
'Their tough-guy acts and fuck-your-feelings shit-talk have become a furious whine of complaints and recriminations as a toxic slurry of rage and despair has left a stinging bile in the back of their throats that won’t go away.’

We Won’t Forget and We Won’t Forgive What Trumpists Did to America

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Very depressing, but an important opinion piece that is fraught with horror, no matter how you slice it. The answer is not easy.

Personally, I want to see Trump's name and face disappear from public view ASAP. The TROLL feeds off attention so I say starve the bitch. I fully realize, as long as the asshole is alive, his craving for attention will never end. He knows how to work the media. But how much attention does a Joe Biden administration want to waste on Trump? If you have 70+ million people who aren't going to believe "the truth," no matter the evidence, isn't it better for everyone to allow the failed election to be the final verdict? 

Why Prosecuting Trump Is a Very Bad Idea

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I think Biden should restore the norm of a President not weighing in on court cases (especially via tweet after a misinformed Fox News segment) but do think that professionals should investigate and proceed as they see fit, especially at the state level with Trump's taxes.  



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Steve Schmidt has had quite a week, especially after the Supreme Court struck down the Texas lawsuit. I've seen several versions of this interview on other shows, but Steve's moment with Lawrence O'Donnell, a show I don't typically watch, may be the best version.

I recently sent more money to The Lincoln Project, and given the seditious, traitorous behavior of the 126 Republican members of Congress, who had the OUTRAGEOUS STUPIDITY to sign their names to this insane, anti-American lawsuit, I wrote a letter asking specifically to go after these 126 ASSHOLES with a vengeance, forever SHAMING them into oblivion. IMO, their behavior is DESPICABLE and extremely DANGEROUS. All 126 MUST be brought down as quickly as possible.


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Posted (edited)

Former Lincoln Project Workers Ask to Be Released From Nondisclosure Agreements

The gay scandal at The Lincoln Project is sure going to make a terrific movie one day. Who would have thought that John Weaver's penchant for 14-year-old boys would have been the wrench to fuck up the gears. Just leave it to the closeted conservative perverts to fuck everything up.

I have to say, things aren't looking so rosy these days. And with Steve Schmidt trashing Jennifer Horn in public, he's looking more and more misogynistic by the minute. Lots of splainin' to do.


Here's another fascinating look that includes salary numbers. Very interesting to see where donation money goes.

Irony: Lincoln Project and Steve Schmidt Paint Co-Founder Jennifer Horn as a Grifter After She Resigns

Edited by RockHardNYC

Lincoln Project probably did more to win this election than almost any other group. They moved Republicans and independent voters to vote Biden/Harris.  Yes, it’s easy to take shots at public figures - and even easier to pass judgement from a keyboard without all the facts.  Don’t  let the perfect be the enemy of the good.  The real enemy here is the the Republican Party and their desire to end democracy and move towards authoritarianism.
I gave Lincoln Project $500 on Jan 6 and plan to give more - they are the good guys in this fight.  I’ll wait till all the facts come out before rendering an opinion. And even then, it would be hard not to support LP mission - the complete & total destruction of Trump.
I worked in Hollywood for years -  a minor niche sex scandal is a tough sell with the major player a relatively unknown.  But, good luck w that one.

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  On 2/12/2021 at 4:06 PM, Slvkguy said:

they are the good guys in this fight


I bet former co-founder Jennifer Horn would disagree, not to mention the six former LP employees who are requesting release from their NDAs.

  On 2/12/2021 at 4:06 PM, Slvkguy said:

I’ll wait till all the facts come out before rendering an opinion.


You might have to wait awhile. Seems like Rick Wilson and Steve Schmidt are doing all they can to suppress the facts, especially around their knowledge of John Weaver's lust for 14-year-old boys. What they are saying publicly is not jiving with private accounts. Both political operatives know how to play like Trump when it suits them. We shall see.

  On 2/12/2021 at 4:06 PM, Slvkguy said:

I gave Lincoln Project $500 on Jan 6


I'm in for much more than that, but that does not mean my eyes are closed to problems. IMO, you can't take the moral high-ground while bashing Republicans and be a hypocrite yourself. Donors in particular DO NOT want to be played for fools.


Lincoln Project probably did more to win this election than almost any other group. They moved Republicans and independent voters to vote Biden/Harris.  Yes, it’s easy to take shots at public figures - and even easier to pass judgement from a keyboard without all the facts.  Don’t  let the perfect be the enemy of the good.  The real enemy here is the the Republican Party and their desire to end democracy and move towards authoritarianism.
I gave them $500 on Jan 6 and plan to give more. they are the good guys in this fight.  Actions speak louder than words 

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