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Guest Astrrro

Pope Says Saving Humanity From Homosexuals/TS

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Guest Astrrro

Me thinks the Pope needs to get laid more.......... B)


Lesbian and gay Christians have denounced Pope Benedict's claim that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.


Gay Christians slam Pope's comments


The Pontiff said humanity needed to listen to the "language of creation" to understand the intended roles of man and woman and that behaviour beyond traditional heterosexual relations was a "destruction of God's work".


He called on the Church to protect man from the "destruction of himself" saying that tropical rainforests deserved protection but man as a creature "does not deserve any less".


But the Rev Sharon Ferguson, chief executive of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, described his remarks as "totally irresponsible and unacceptable in any shape or form."


She said: "It is more the case that we need to be saved from his comments. It is comments like that that justify homophobic bullying that goes on in schools and it is comments like that that justify gay bashing.


"There are still so many instances of people being killed around the world, including in western society, purely and simply because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity.


"When you have religious leaders like that making that sort of statement then followers feel they are justified in behaving in an aggressive and violent way because they feel that they are doing God's work in ridding the world of these people."





I always get my little laugh for the day when religious leaders decide to attack gays. No offense to anyone Catholic, but what was that we kept hearing about priests and altar boys? I doubt there is any less of that going on now than there always was. They probably just figured out different ways to avoid being caught.


Only a few years ago the joke was that when the Pope called in all the Cardinals to try to do something about the priests and the altar boys, the only way he could get them to agree to attend was to inform them the entertainment would be provided by the Vienna Boys Choir.

Guest MonkeySee

The pope and the Catholic Church are really a joke, in my opinion. In a powerful victory for the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 66 nations at the UN General Assembly yesterday supported a groundbreaking statement confirming that international human rights protections include sexual orientation and gender identity. It is the first time that a statement condemning rights abuses against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people has been presented in the General Assembly. And the Holy See refuses to endorse this?

Guest lvdkeyes

The pope and the Catholic church, along with the majority of the world's religions are hypocritical sons of bitches. They preach love and peace toward men (and women), but then in the next breath they condemn certain groups, as if these groups should not be included in mankind. The religious leaders don't practice what they preach. I know from personal experience. I have known ( in the biblical sense ) a few priests myself. I have also seen a Catholic priest I knew sitting in his car kissing a woman, yet they take a vow of celibacy and preach that adultery is sinful. It's a load of hypocritical bullshit. Just so the Catholics here don't get the knickers in a knot that I am bashing Catholics, I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools for 9 years.


BTW, I have a lawsuit pending against the Catholic church; I was discriminated against, I was never sexually abused by a priest.

Guest fountainhall
The Pontiff said humanity needed to listen to the "language of creation" to understand the intended roles of man and woman and that behaviour beyond traditional heterosexual relations was a "destruction of God's work".


I do think whatever our own feelings we have to be respectful of other people's religions. Yet, if you really get down to basics, I believe you can find 'holes' in the ideology of most, if not all, of them.


One issue I just cannot accept about Christianity is the word-for-word validity of their key texts - the Testaments. I remain constantly amazed that there are millions of people in the USA who actually believe the earth was created in seven days (yes, Ms Palin?) and that some states teach this as established fact!!. Some fool even put a date on it - around 4,600 years ago! The fact is that the Old Testament is a series of myths and legends handed down from generation to generation. We all know how stories on this Board can be embellished in the retelling within hours; so how can anyone really believe the accuracy of almost anything in a book dealing with events many dozens of millennia ago?


When it comes to the New Testament, it is established fact that it was written many decades, and in some cases, centuries after the key events it describes. Further, it was only after a series of meetings of religious scholars starting in Nicea almost 300 years after the death of Jesus, that the basic tenets and beliefs of the Christian faith were debated and set in stone. It was those who attended these gatherings who threw out a lot of what till then had been regarded as religious fact and imposed their own will and views on what the Church would recognise. So who really knows what Jesus felt about homosexuals? No-one.

Guest fountainhall
the only way he could get them to agree to attend was to inform them the entertainment would be provided by the Vienna Boys Choir.


Haha! Another reason why the Catholic Church coffers are dwindling fast - excessive travel costs. The Pope is based in Rome; the choir in Vienna :p


Of equal interest, I think, is that it was the Catholic Church which for centuries condoned the barbaric practice of castration. Women were not permitted to sing in Church and this was a sure-fire way of getting a supply of boy-men to sing the upper parts (their lower ones having been subject to the unkindest cut :o ). There is still one recording available of the the castrato voice, titled "Moreschi: The Last Castrato" made between 1902 and 1904 when he was in his 40's.

Guest gay_grampa

The Pope condemns homosexuality in all it's forms, as it is "blurring gender barriers."

Slightly ironic, seeing as this was coming from a man in a dress.


He also stated that homosexual activity threatens the future of the human race.

I would have thought that all the kids put off sex for life by the most efficient paedophile organisation in the world disguised as a religion would have had a much more devastating effect.



Guest GaySacGuy

Who gives a shit what the Pope says???? I sure don't. The fact that this group is allowed to continue as a religious organization when they are clearly political is beyound me.


If we had all the money WASTED on religion, we could cure the world economic crisis.

Guest GaySacGuy

This is from MSNBC's website. The entire article is at






Report sheds light on Irish Catholic sex abuse

Dublin archbishop questions whether leaders are protecting children


updated 5:48 p.m. ET Dec. 23, 2008 Associated Press

DUBLIN, Ireland - Ireland's most prominent Roman Catholic leader, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin, questioned Tuesday whether all of his fellow bishops adequately protect children from sexually abusive priests.


Martin became the first Irish Catholic leader to break silence over a new report into allegations that two priests molested several teenagers, chiefly in the 1990s, in southwest Ireland — and the local bishop, John Magee, didn't tell police quickly and fully about it as he was supposed to do.


Recurring scandals on the coverup of decades of abuse by Catholic clergy have rocked Ireland since 1993, when an Irish government collapsed over the issue.



Guest laurence
I remain constantly amazed that there are millions of people in the USA who actually believe the earth was created in seven days (yes, Ms Palin?) and that some states teach this as established fact!!.


It is understandable that some may think this since the Universe was created in less than one second. That is, if one believes in the Big Bang Theory, first proposed by Georges Lemaitre, a Jesuit priest.

Guest fountainhall
That is, if one believes in the Big Bang Theory, first proposed by Georges Lemaitre, a Jesuit priest.


It is generally agreed that the Big Bang happened between 13.5 and 14 billion years ago. So how come a good proportion of Americans believe that God created the earth less than 10,000 years ago? In one second or seven days is really rather immaterial. This is especially true when geologists can date specific parts of the earth as having been created many millions of years ago.

Guest lvdkeyes
It is generally agreed that the Big Bang happened between 13.5 and 14 billion years ago. So how come a good proportion of Americans believe that God created the earth less than 10,000 years ago? In one second or seven days is really rather immaterial. This is especially true when geologists can date specific parts of the earth as having been created many millions of years ago.

Why do you single out Americans for this ridiculous belief? Anyone who believes the bible subscribes to this nonsense.



I've always had a warm spot in my heart for a major religion that preaches all about how God and Jesus loves you, but in history didn't have much of a problem about gruesomely torturing people and burning them alive if they said or did anything the church didn't like. I also enjoy the idea that someone elected by humans gets to declare himself infallible.


He also stated that homosexual activity threatens the future of the human race.


I was under the impression that overpopulation is the current major threat to the future of the human race. If that's the case, then he ought to be grateful for the existence of gays and lesbians. Not too many gays and lesbians are adding to the overpopulation problem.


I believe one flaw in the evolution of humans is the tendency to hate and condemn minority groups. How would you like to have been a European Jew during the Nazi regime? What makes me sick is that here we are about to enter 2009 and this kind of hatred toward minority groups is just as rampant as ever. I believe if some anti-gay fanatic ever gets into a position of leadership, then another form of holocaust can easily happen again.


If there really is a God, then I'm grateful for the opportunity to be able to live in a country like Thailand, where being gay is acceptable.

Guest xiandarkthorne

Interesting that Lvdkeyes should mention celibacy with regards to the Pope and all his ilk. I think Lvdkeyes has hit the nail on the head with his post. The myth of celibacy is the biggest half-truth ever foisted on the dumb and those who don't speak English too well. Celibacy merely means that he cannot marry. It has nothing to do with how many women (or men) he sleeps with. If the Pope and his performing monkeys were truly barred from having sex, they would have to be chaste. Not just celibate.


As anyone who's ever done any research into the history of the various Popes can tell you, that tiny little distinction has allowed many (even the 'sainted' ones) from having sexual liaisons with boys and girls, let quite openly alone keeping mistresses and illegitimate children.


When I heard that they were electing a member of Hitler's Youth to the Papal Throne, my first thought was "Hallelujah! Finally after nearly 600 years, a worthy successor to Leo X, Clement VII and Alexander VI has arrived!"


Needless to say that the fact he was elected to his position says a lot about the people who put him there, doesn't it?



For the non-cognoscenti, Leo X and Clement VII were the Medici popes. The former was a spendthrift wastrel that sold papal indulgences by the thousands while the latter was illegitimate ( I won't use the b* word here) and so treacherous that he was considered 'worldly' by the Church.


As for Alexander VI, he was Lucrezia's father and a murderer. In addition, the Church itself admits that he was also guiltyof corruption (he auctioned cardinalships more efficiently than Sotheby's), licentiousness, violence and nepotism.



I did not type 'former member of Hitler's Youth' because I don't believe Ratzy ever officially resigned from that particular boys' club. I should be indebted if anyone could produce evidence to show that he did, however.

Guest lvdkeyes

Xiandarkthorne said "Celibacy merely means that he cannot marry. It has nothing to do with how many women (or men) he sleeps with."


According to Oxford University Press Dictionary:




1. abstaining from marriage and sexual relations for religious reasons.

2. having or involving no sexual relations.

Guest laurence
It is generally agreed that the Big Bang happened between 13.5 and 14 billion years ago. So how come a good proportion of Americans believe that God created the earth less than 10,000 years ago? .


Like you, I don't know how an educated person would believe God created the earth 10,000 years ago, but many people lack an education. Ask any thai how old is the earth? Or any person in any country that has not progressed beyond the 6th grade. Sorry if I caused this thread to get off the topic of bashing the Catholic Church and the Pope.


My favorite comedian, George Carlin, made dozens of comments about the ludicrousness of organized religion. My favorite one is the following:



Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man who lives in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!





But He loves you.

Guest fountainhall
Why do you single out Americans for this ridiculous belief? Anyone who believes the bible subscribes to this nonsense.


For the simple reason that in America a large number of states mandate that this be taught in schools. I have no idea in how many other countries this is actually part of the state-sponsored education curriculum. Not many I suspect.

Guest fountainhall
When I heard that they were electing a member of Hitler's Youth to the Papal Throne, my first thought was "Hallelujah! Finally after nearly 600 years, a worthy successor to Leo X, Clement VII and Alexander VI has arrived!"


Since we're on the topic, let us not forget, as xian rightly points out, many of the popes were lascivious, money-grabbing 'celebates' whose only desire was to enrich themselves and their families. Their successors then had them appointed to sainthood (whatever that really means).


And now, thanks to the present pope and his predecessor, Pius XII is on the road to sainthood. This is the man, commonly called "Hitler's Pope", who connived with the Nazi regime to turn a blind eye to the myriad of Nazi abuses of power - including the 'Final Solution' - in return for freedom of the Church to operate in Germany. One of the most riveting books I have read is "Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII" by John Cornwell. As London's Sunday Times said, "A superb work of objective and rigorous scholarship . . . It will surely condemn a deeply flawed and profoundly unattractive character for ever." Obviously not if the present incumbent, Nazi Youth member, has anything to do with it.



Guest lvdkeyes

I can't say what they teach in US public schools, but I find it hard to believe. Are there any US public school teachers here, past or present who know FOR SURE?


Don't ask me why, but this brings to mind that in the UK they are now being told NOT to teach about the holocaust as it might offend the muslims who deny that it occurred. Interesting!!!!

Guest fountainhall
I can't say what they teach in US public schools, but I find it hard to believe.


Try harder! State creationism laws were passed during the 1980's in Arkansas and Louisiana, to force the teaching of creationism in place of evolution. In 1999, the state of North Carolina passed a bill which mandates that evolution be presented as a theory, not as a fact.


I believe more states are on this particular bandwagon now.


And what about general public opinion? In 1999, ABC News quoted The Gallup Organization's then most recent results relating to public opinion about the teaching of creationism in public schools:


Teach creationism and evolution

In favor: 68% Opposed: 29% No opinion: 3%

Teach creationism instead of evolution

In favor: 40% Opposed: 55% No opinion: 5%


Thus 40% of the country did not believe in evolution! Mind-numbing!

Guest xiandarkthorne
Xiandarkthorne said "Celibacy merely means that he cannot marry. It has nothing to do with how many women (or men) he sleeps with."


According to Oxford University Press Dictionary:




1. abstaining from marriage and sexual relations for religious reasons.

2. having or involving no sexual relations.



Thanks, Lvdkeyes. My memory was faulty on this one because I seemed to recall that celibacy merely meant no marriage. Still, right definition or wrong, it merely serves to make the three popes I mentioned guilty of the additional sin of fornication, doesn't it? And adds to the sin account of all those horny priests who abuse children, too, I think.


Thanks, to you too, Fountainhall. I completely forgot about dear, pious old Pius. What can I say? I'm going to be 50 next month, I'm an illegitimate grandfather, I've been promoted to patriarch-in-waiting in the family heirarchy and my memory ain't what it used to be.

Guest lvdkeyes
Thanks, Lvdkeyes. My memory was faulty on this one because I seemed to recall that celibacy merely meant no marriage.


I am not surprised with your confusion. I remember having a discussion with a Catholic priest in a gay bar in Chicago who tried to tell me the same meaning of celibacy. He was apparently trying to justify his hypocrisy.


It wouldn't be so bad for the fact that Catholic priests pretend to be what they obviously are not and preach hell, fire and damnation for those of commit "sins of the flesh".

Guest xiandarkthorne
...hell, fire and damnation for those of commit "sins of the flesh".


Oh dear! And those are my favourite kind, too!



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