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Refugee from that "other" site!

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  On 11/18/2018 at 12:16 AM, nynakedtop said:

Hey my very special friend!

Really happy to see you here, and I am hoping for a much better experience on this site. You and I share many interests and I look forward to some wonderful exchanges!


Here I am more focused into traveling, but I am sure you will find other like minded friends.

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  On 11/18/2018 at 12:16 AM, nynakedtop said:

Hey my very special friend!

Really happy to see you here, and I am hoping for a much better experience on this site. You and I share many interests and I look forward to some wonderful exchanges!


You do travel! Do you not have an annual trip to SE Asia?

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Welcome !

I suspect with Daddy's latest purge more will come. That politics forum is deadly. 

The Europe and South America threads are outstanding here and I'm sure the Thailand ones are too.

Oz has a lot fewer fits than Daddy. It's a great open feeling. And Oz's servers are overseas. 

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It took me a whole week to get bounced there a while ago ... boomeranged back under a different address with my trenchcoat more buttoned up. 


i "hacked" that sorry old daddys/m4m site in less than an hour after being banned - mostly just to prove to myself how easily it could be done.... then i took a look around and realized it was not worth the effort.

nothing sadder than a huddle of reactionary gay men.... nothing more pathetic than some power in the hands of a gaggle of people who think they are far more important than they actually are!

in any case.... happy to be over here instead!

may "guy fawkes" & co. fester in the hell of their own making!

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  On 11/18/2018 at 2:04 AM, AdamSmith said:

I could, and have, written a dissertation.


Same here.

The former Daddy site is dying a slow death. Perhaps, just like the former owner, whose precarious health and financial status has been known for a long time. Now that the Daddy forum is in the hands of deej, members will never know who is actually running things or pocketing the donations. Deej is the most untrustworthy homo alive. A true miserable gay man filled with contempt. I will never support him. I feel sorry for any gay guy or any escort who chooses to align himself with this repulsive character.

Welcome, nynakedtop.

  On 11/18/2018 at 7:02 PM, RockHardNYC said:

Same here.

The former Daddy site is dying a slow death. Perhaps, just like the former owner, whose precarious health and financial status has been known for a long time. Now that the Daddy forum is in the hands of deej, members will never know who is actually running things or pocketing the donations. Deej is the most untrustworthy homo alive. A true miserable gay man filled with contempt. I will never support him. I feel sorry for any gay guy or any escort who chooses to align himself with this repulsive character.

Welcome, nynakedtop.


Trying not to dwell too much on the horrible-ness of the daddy site, but...

I was long considered "one of the most respected members" of the site because when I was not mud-slinging I actually elevated the level of discourse considerably there.

But there was a blatant pattern of tolerating/encouraging overt and blatant pronouncements of white nationalist views there and of course i went ballistic. mind you, i publicly announced one day i would no longer post in the politics forum and the very next day the fascist management (with all due respect) banned me.

They can shove it.

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First of all, welcome to the site. Seriously. Second, I think it is laughable to state that the site is advocating white nationalist views.


First, thank you.

Second, I did not day that it is "advocating" white nationalist views. I did say that it is "tolerating/encouraging" such views. My evidence for that seemingly outlandish assertion is that there has been a gentleman there who has been putting forward arguments that white people are disadvantaged by preferred treatment given to minorities, that white people are now the ones who are being discriminated against, and that white people are now the objects of "racism" -- all well known current white nationalist tropes. Given that the same poster spoke in glowing terms of a Czech German soldier who fought in World War II and praised the British for ruling over India in order to "uplift the natives", I will let you come to your own conclusion.

Why I said that the other forum is wrong is because I was the one time-out'd and then banned for challenging such horrible statements, while the OP was not. Put that in combination with the wide freedom given to other extreme right-wingers there, I think we can find an easy example of complicity, if not collusion.

Am I being hyper-sensitive? I hope so... I hope that any room given to white nationalists will always bother the shit out of me!

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  On 11/18/2018 at 7:10 PM, nynakedtop said:

Trying not to dwell too much on the horrible-ness of the daddy site, but...


I view venting as healthy, necessary therapy. "Dwell too much" is subjective. Members (and Oz) tend to be very vocal when you've hit their limit.

Not sure it's fair to call it the "daddy site" anymore. Guy Fawkes can now be anyone in admin. I would assume GF is deej. I would assume deej is doing most of the time-outs. Daddy almost always wanted as little to do with the forum as possible. A lot of members wrongly think Daddy is running that forum. "Admin" attempts to run the place in secrecy, given the Feds and all that, but they also use the secrecy to keep members in check. The biggest mistake anyone can have about anything "Daddy's" is to expect honest transparency. It's just not going to happen.

  On 11/18/2018 at 7:10 PM, nynakedtop said:

I was long considered "one of the most respected members" of the site


Many "respected" members from the Hooboy years experienced the knife in their back. The longer you remain loyal and donate your precious time there, the better chances you'll feel just how sharp that knife is. Some board owners fail to acknowledge the importance of meaningful contributors. Laziness and complacency among board admin is a notorious problem in forum life. If you're not careful, your board will end up with nothing but Avalons, lonely guys who love to talk to themselves, and ask inane questions every five minutes.

In fairness, referring to back in the day, Daddy would respond to private emails in a thoughtful, polite manner, and not try to pose as someone else. The same is not true of deej. Deej is a sneaky liar, who thinks he's smarter than any other member. When I publicly called him out on one of his lies, I got banned. I was very proud of that moment. I still am.

  On 11/18/2018 at 7:10 PM, nynakedtop said:

there was a blatant pattern of tolerating/encouraging overt and blatant pronouncements of white nationalist views there


Haven't read the politics forum there in years. I remember one White escort who was blatantly racist against Blacks. We used to communicate privately. Without knowing the specifics and reading deleted threads, it'll be difficult to explain what you feel is a "blatant pattern."

  On 11/18/2018 at 7:10 PM, nynakedtop said:

i publicly announced one day i would no longer post in the politics forum and the very next day the fascist management (with all due respect) banned me.


Sounds like a deej reaction to me. Nobody knows rude and obnoxious quite like deej.

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I was harshly noticed for a PETA photo and was timed out a week for "posting my medical" in the Viagra and Cialis thread......wtf? Saying I use Viagra in a Viagra thread?

You'll find politics doesn't work on this site either. We don't try. The few times I've seen it attempted here it was almost comical.  We just do sex.

Avalon and a few others over there seem to have no other life, certainly no sex, and enjoy getting attention of any sort and having a "purpose".  Sad. 


When this discussion becomes tiresome, I am sure someone will let me know.

The worst things about the other forum is that when a member offends management, no warning is given at all.

You are simply "disappeared" with no explanation.... judge, jury, and executioner.

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