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'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'

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1 hour ago, TotallyOz said:

I hope they grow weary enough to get off their ass and vote!

From the stats I'm seeing, Dems and Indies are breaking all kinds of turn-out records in the special-election races this past year. If this trend continues, and if Trump continues to remain unhinged (great book title), I don't see the resistance sitting this one out.

Now that Omarosa brilliantly caught that Republican talking-head-cunt, Katrina Pierson, who has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to be anywhere near the White House, on tape, trying to figure out how to "spin" Trump's use of the "N" word, the flood gates of activism shall flow forth. "Mass hysteria" is the expression most used as of today's news cycle.



1 hour ago, Bucknaway1614502762 said:

They didn't produce a tape of trump using the N word, they speculate that at his age he must have used it and they are talking about what to do if such evidence should surface....

It would not matter to you if they did or if he used it on a regular basis.  Right?

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Nobody said a tape was found. Yet. In the conversation that Omarosa recorded, staffers attempt to prepare for the what-if, and Katrina Pierson is exposed as being a complete FRAUD and LIAR, just like her orangutan boss Trump. Since Trump loves being crass, and hates political correctness, which is just another word for sensitive and considerate, the staffers know, in all the years of television and recording work that Trump did, there must be evidence of Trump's self-inflated, bloated ego showing off.

Omarosa did say that she is lawyered up, and I hope it's true. After 15 years with Trump, she must know how he rolls when threatened with the truth. Trump already filed a suit against her, and it's possible her "campaign" NDA may need to be litigated. And she may lose that one. She must have been advised of that. Which suggests, the insider information she has must be explosive. Explosive enough to protect her as she attacks him and he fights back.

This saga ain't ending soon.

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Why is this a saga?  

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44 minutes ago, RA1 said:

Why is this a saga?

You really need to ask?

Because Trump is America's first TROLL president, surrounded by follower trolls. Because Trump loves drama, and lives to be the center of everyone's attention. He's a serial narcissist who alters his version of reality by the minute to suit his whim. Fame and money are his god.

Trump is the worst president in American history, so far, evidenced by the number of my favorite Republicans defecting their party and condemning Trumpism.

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Your definition of Trump sounds like most pols to me.  Is it just a matter of which buttons they push?

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1 hour ago, RA1 said:

Your definition of Trump sounds like most pols to me.

If by "pols," you mean pollster, I can't speak to that. I don't pay attention to pollsters, and I have very little faith in polls these days.

My definition of Trump comes from very simple facts: he's been my neighbor for over 30 years, and I've had the serious displeasure of doing a little work for the company early in my career. I also know finance people who had to work with him during his casino crisis. Awful. Asshole.

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Pols are politicians.  As far as knowing who is a crook, I know for a fact that Hillary was given illegal money in a cattle trade.  So what?  No one seems to care.

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1 hour ago, RA1 said:

As far as knowing who is a crook, I know for a fact that Hillary was given illegal money in a cattle trade.

I've worked with famous people most of my life. I have personal relationships with several. When I worked in corporate, co-workers spread lies about me all the time. I was astounded by the number of people co-workers accused me of sleeping with. Little did they no, I never slept with anyone from work. But the lies left my superiors mighty suspicious.

I read and listen to what certain people have to say, but I rarely believe much of it. I know that truth can be elusive, and it often can belong to only one person. It's almost certain that a second observer would see that truth differently.

If a lawyer enters a career of public service soon after graduating college, and makes a 40+ year career of public service, I'm confident it wouldn't be difficult to find one or more questionable transactions along the ladder. I don't expect people to be perfect or saintly as they build and grow. The entirety of person's life matters to me, along with how they treat others.

Early in my career, I discovered by accident that a good customer was an established NY mobster. Did I refuse to accept his business once the discovery was made? No, I did not. I did honest work, and I deserved to be paid for it.

In the end, if I don't have personal experience with an individual, I look to the person's circle of friends before making a character judgment. NYC may seem large to a tourist, but for someone who lives here a long time, it's a very small town. Six degrees of separation is an exaggeration here. Depending what your business is, we're often looking at two degrees.

The fact that Trump refused to name John McCain in a bill-signing speech that was named for John McCain, speaks volumes about the disgusting character that is Trump. What Trump said about John McCain during his campaign is unforgivable. I won't even mention the ugly display towards a handicapped reporter. In my very strong opinion: if you think it's appropriate to poke fun at the disabled, you deserve to rot in hell. For me, judging character really is that simple.

PS I will also add that Trump's revoking of John Brennan's security clearance is appalling. It's purely vindictive. Again, showing his true character. Trump is a traitor to the U.S. He is not a patriot. He deserves to be impeached.

I'm not conservative enough to ever believe that a blow job from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office warranted impeachment. I'll take any Clinton in the White House over DT, any day.

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Two degrees is the norm.

Best regards,


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Politics and corporations are very attractive to sociopaths. Read “The Sociopath Next Door”, by Martha Stout.

In politics, narcissism also plays a big role. Jimmy Carter, despite his sanctimony, was probably the most mentally stable and honest President in recent history.

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