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Ivanka Shows Us Once Again....

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On 6/28/2018 at 9:05 AM, Bucknaway1614502762 said:

The polls, check the polls.


If we check the polls, will we see that today, there is a huge demonstration across the United States (with millions of people participating) against Trump's hideous immigration cruelty?

In case you don't know about the demonstrations, here is but one article:


Are those the polls you mean?

Please tell us - 

Protesters boo and chant "shame" as they pass Trump hotel in DC

From CNN's Mallory Simon




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On 6/27/2018 at 2:38 PM, Suckrates said:


that she's nothing more than a phony CUNT, and Daddy's little girl.......

There's good news and BAD....

The Good:  she donated $50,000 to a Texas mega church that is caring for "immigrant" kids....

The Bad:  This same church also labels being LGBTQ as “Sexual Identity Confusion.” and is also a stauch supporter of Gay conversion therapy.  


Bitch, we know you aint dumb, so this move is just plain "calculated"...   Maybe you should send your hubby Jared as a conversion guinea pig ?  


"Daddy, Maybe we can build a "concentration camp" for those Gays ?"


Here is a link to an article that confirms her contribution and the bigotry of the supposed "church"


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On 6/28/2018 at 1:50 AM, Bucknaway1614502762 said:

What has the president done to be the enemy of the gays?  

Poor Bucky - you are so unaware.  You have little to no contact with the real world. 

You asked what Trump has done to be the enemy of the gays - 

Where do we begin? 

There are countless things Trump and his family have done to harm the gays.  

One recent and documented example was already provided in a previous post wherein it was confirmed that Trump's daughter, Ivanka, acknowledged her recent "gift" of $50,000.00 to a supposed church that is openly hostile to gays.   

Even though Trump and/or his daughter do not openly say they dislike gays, the large cash contribution to that hateful church speaks more than words.  

The head of that church constantly condemns gays and, among other hateful things, the "church" leader wants the have gay marriage revoked and says gays are an abomination of the world.

Now, Bucky, do you still need an answer to your misguided question?

I am bewildered that a breathing black, gay man could support a president that openly expresses his hatred for anyone who is like him, his white cabinet or his family.     

When you were little, did someone drop you on your head to cause your thinking to go out of order?


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Well, one doesnt really have to look to far to see who Trump chose to stand beside him,  one of the worst Gay haters in political history....



OR, how about THIS ?






How many examples are we shooting for Bucky ??

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