Members Latindude Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 First of all, thank you for the great amount of info posted on this forum, I can say with no doubt that there is much more info in this forum concerning saunas in Brazil than in any other website/forums from Brazil. Since I am a local, I think this review about Lagoa might be interesting for you, maybe it will serve to dismiss some misconceptions (like the one that locals always are charged less lol), and to warn you about some risks. I am not a newbie in escorts scene, I am just 30 yo, but I have been with dozens of escorts in more than 5 countries (I know that for some guys in this forum, those numbers are peanuts :D), however it was just to mention that I am not so inexperienced, BUT STILL susceptible to be fooled. Usually I have guys coming to my place. But after visiting Thermas Mezzaninu em Porto Alegre for several times, going to saunas became one of my favorite things… This week I am in Sao Paulo for a Trade fair, so I decided to visit Lagoa, maybe the most famous sauna in Brazil (I know some people will disagree). The Sauna is really nice and big, it was on a Wednesday, and there were 2 boys for each client I would say… I stayed in the bar area for a drink, and was approached by several boys, some of them being very pushy, what was annoying sometimes. However, none of them was really my type. In Porto Alegre the guys are not that pushy from my experience, and actually in many times I have to go after the boys there (a garoto in PA once told me that I look too young, so the some boys suppose that I am not there to hire, but just to look… really??). Suddenly I saw a guy that was exactly my type, tall, kind of Italian/Spanish, nice chest, black hair. He was never approaching anybody, just standing close to the bar and talking to other boys (ok, maybe the kind of garoto that feels like AAA, and don’t look for clients), after some time observing him, I saw that he went to the second floor for the TV room, quickly I left my beer and another pushy guy behind, and went to meet that Zeus. At the second floor there were 3 guys jerking, and all of them came to offer their services, I was afraid that I have missed my new crush, but after politely refuse the 3, I found him – jerking in the TV room (not really dotado), but still cute. He was very nice, we chatted for a bit, he told that he is from Porto Alegre (that’s why I love Porto Alegre) – but he told me he never work as garoto em PA, since his family also lives there – I stated that I am top, he was a bit surprised (what?? I feel so macho lol), but confirmed to me that he had no problems with that – Price 150…. I was thinking for a bit, and as many people advised me – don’t pay more than 100 – I proposed if he accepted 100, we could go immediately to the room…. Surprisingly, the guy was totally offended (or pretended to be). He told me that I could ask anything else, but to propose 100 for him was outrageous!! (WTF???) – Then he left. Come on, there were 2 boys for each client, and he didn’t have any client before me, since I was stalking him, but this guy was really taught - if he was not so arrogant, I would pay the 150. With a broken heart, I went back to bar area - again a very annoying pushy guy from Rio… I got rid of him, and another guy came – not a nice body, but with beautiful green eyes and a nice face. He was very polite, and invited me to his table for the bingo, I said I would go latter, but I did not… decided to check the other areas again. This guy with green eyes managed to find me again after bingo, he said that he would like to leave the sauna, and proposed that he could go to my hotel and stay around 3-4 h with me for 200 (seems to be a very good proposal). He also said that he was straight, but would be no problem for him to be bottom - He even showed me his hairy butt and asked me if I like it. I said that I would think about that, but the guy took this reply as a “yes”, and went to change clothes (here the problem begins) – Next Post. sanddunes and mvan1 2 Quote
Members Popular Post Latindude Posted May 26, 2018 Author Members Popular Post Posted May 26, 2018 After few minutes this guy was totally dressed waiting for me in the entrance - oh my gosh, what I do ?? - well, the guy didnt look so bad, so I decided to accept his proposal, however he was not really what I was looking for. I asked again if he was willing to do everything he promissed, and he confirmed. Just after we left the sauna, he told me that he was very hungry, he had just breakfast.. I said ok, and we went to have dinner close by (+R$60) - ok, that was not a problem. When we were finally arriving to my hotel, he told me that he would have to drink something before, in order to be a better bottom (seriously??)... again I said ok - we walked for 15 min until finding a bar. He had 4 or 5 caipirinhas and beer, when he started flirting with the 60yo lady from the next table, I decided that it was time to leave ( +R$120 - what a mistake that I didnt leave him as well). Arriving to the hotel, he went for a shower, after 15 min he came to the bedroom... and started asking if I could pay more , he wanted at least more R$50 - I was alredy pissed of, so I said NO, and that I would pay him R$150 for his time, and that he could leave (maybe I was even too generous in this offer) - he started to say that he really needed the money, he would not leave and would make what we agreed for 200 - he was clearly drunk. He then said that before we start, he would need some porn - while I was in the bath - he then bought 4 straigh porn movies from hotel pay-per-view (i coudnt get more pissed of ). Then he starts pushing me to suck him - i tell that we agreed is that I would fuck him, again he asks me to wait a bit, because "soon he would get horny enought to bottom"... after 15 min watching porn and jerking - he cummed!!! (Again - WTF!!) - I was so pissed that I just wanted to get rid of him - so I paid the 200, and asked him to leave. He asked to use the bathroom again. Finally when he left I went to take a shower, and then I realized that my brand new perfume was missing!! (+R$ 250). I dont want to discourage you guys, but PLEASE always be careful about who you hire. Now I see that I was too fool!! As as said, I have been to more than 50 escorts, but this was by far the worst experience. torogen, Lucky, sanddunes and 3 others 6 Quote
Members sanddunes Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 Thanks for posting about your experience at Lagoa. It’s interesting to hear your perspective as a Brazilian and Portuguese speaker. -Some “elite” Lagoa boys can definitely be arrogant/rude. Most of these are looking for high-end clients. Some probably assume because of your age you don’t have money or won’t be worth their time. Garotos often view younger clients suspiciously at first, because in their minds they can’t understand why you would pay for sex. -In Lagoa it is fairly common for some of the guys to stick to their 150 real asking price - even though they don’t appear to be busy at all. I thought they just did that with foreigners, so it is interesting to know they also do that with Brazilians. -Pitching a fit just because you offered a lower price is diva behavior. He could have politely just stuck to his 150. I had a Lagoa guy throw a tantrum once because I was getting a regular room, and he was “offended” that I wasn’t taking him to a suite. This kind of behavior is so off-putting that I lose all interest, no matter how hot they are. -In general, I would never consider taking a garoto for a longer period/overnight without first going for a “test drive” in the cabin. You just never know how good they will be in bed or if the chemistry will be there. -The guy you took sounds like a real scammer. 4 different pay per view porns!? So ridiculous lol. I’m surprised he was that bold with someone who spoke Portuguese! I have also had a garoto use the cum-before -actually-having-sex trick. It’s a common scam. In my case, the garoto came within the first 3 minutes of the programa, and then said, well you asked for goza, and tried to act like he was confused why I was upset (he knew exactly what he was doing). -A lot of the guys at Lagoa are great, so I think you just got unlucky this time around. If you try a few more of them you will find some good ones.. Latindude, Riobard, mvan1 and 1 other 3 1 Quote
Members Riobard Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 I think that when you ask the price and subsequently attempt to drill it down, YOUR positioning is going to be seen as somewhere between confidence and arrogance. When you are the one opening the bargaining pass, you have to accept that perhaps he who speaks first loses. You already knew the product met all your criteria and the inventory was low. Similarly, the other party's response is going to be viewed by you as somewhere along that continuum. This is the case when what is value driven grinds against what is price driven. The garoto's apparently arrogant or dismissive response may simply be a positioning tool not particularly linked to ego. It is possibly mostly performative, and may have worked better in the past compared to the calm confidence some customers prefer. Or it may be just a shooting gallery where the ultimate outcome is one or more feet being shot. As some have said, the house trend is to uptick from the arbitrary 100 standard. Leaving sure cash on the table becomes more common in the interests of that long-range end. Let that apparent lack of logic go if it is not working. If you already know you want to pay 100 and many will accept it, why request the price as if you were in the dark? Why not use your own offer as the jumping off point? You can frame it as your understanding of what is possible or has been experienced. Then it is less personalized and you may get a slightly better read on his positioning motives. If he is emotionally reactive (real or "put on") to this more neutral approach, I think your assessment of his stance may be more accurate. Better that he inflate your open-ended front-end offer than you deflate his bottom-line fee. Or just listen to everyone else and rigidly stick to 100 and swallow what you get. JAYBLK and Latindude 2 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 Several major mistakes were made here by the poster, which could have been avoided (easy to say in hindsight, I know). But the one that stands out the most: You emphasize several times that you weren’t that particularly attracted to the garoto, but you voluntarily invited him back to your hotel, anyway? That’s a whole lot of trouble to get into, just for a guy that you are only moderately into. mvan1 1 Quote
Members Latbear4blk Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 11 hours ago, Latindude said: After few minutes this guy was totally dressed waiting for me in the entrance - oh my gosh, what I do ?? - well, the guy didnt look so bad, so I decided to accept his proposal, however he was not really what I was looking for. I asked again if he was willing to do everything he promissed, and he confirmed. Just after we left the sauna, he told me that he was very hungry, he had just breakfast.. I said ok, and we went to have dinner close by (+R$60) - ok, that was not a problem. When we were finally arriving to my hotel, he told me that he would have to drink something before, in order to be a better bottom (seriously??)... again I said ok - we walked for 15 min until finding a bar. He had 4 or 5 caipirinhas and beer, when he started flirting with the 60yo lady from the next table, I decided that it was time to leave ( +R$120 - what a mistake that I didnt leave him as well). Arriving to the hotel, he went for a shower, after 15 min he came to the bedroom... and started asking if I could pay more , he wanted at least more R$50 - I was alredy pissed of, so I said NO, and that I would pay him R$150 for his time, and that he could leave (maybe I was even too generous in this offer) - he started to say that he really needed the money, he would not leave and would make what we agreed for 200 - he was clearly drunk. He then said that before we start, he would need some porn - while I was in the bath - he then bought 4 straigh porn movies from hotel pay-per-view (i coudnt get more pissed of ). Then he starts pushing me to suck him - i tell that we agreed is that I would fuck him, again he asks me to wait a bit, because "soon he would get horny enought to bottom"... after 15 min watching porn and jerking - he cummed!!! (Again - WTF!!) - I was so pissed that I just wanted to get rid of him - so I paid the 200, and asked him to leave. He asked to use the bathroom again. Finally when he left I went to take a shower, and then I realized that my brand new perfume was missing!! (+R$ 250). I dont want to discourage you guys, but PLEASE always be careful about who you hire. Now I see that I was too fool!! As as said, I have been to more than 50 escorts, but this was by far the worst experience. I am glad nothing bad happened, but I really do not understand why you allowed yourself to get in this predicament. Yes, we all make mistakes, I have done it and I am sure I will do it again, but the mistake was always with someone so hot that we would ignore all the red flags. What troubles me is that in this case you were not even attracted to this guy, and still you let him lead you through a night of frustrations, uncomfortable situations, and money spending. Why would you do that? Quote
Members Popular Post wncdemcub Posted May 26, 2018 Members Popular Post Posted May 26, 2018 All rather than criticizing and berating this poster, we should appreciate that he is willing to share his mistake openly for other avoid. We we all think with our little head at times and make choices that aren’t the best. So instead of being holier than thou, lets use his experience as a learning one. sanddunes, axiom2001, Latindude and 3 others 4 2 Quote
Members Tomasian Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 I think I met the same guy the poster was referring to. Was he wearing a cap? I was in Lagoa last Saturday night and met the guy who I think the poster was referring to. He wore a baseball cap when I met him, not the leanest body but nice face and nice eyes. He showed me around the sauna when I told him that I' was a newbie. He told me that he also speaks Spanish, which I speak very little of. Despite the language barrier, I find him very friendly and sincere. He almost had me under his spell but when he offered to go to my hotel room, I said no because (a) i wasn't that into him (b) i had my top 5 garotos and he's not even on my top 10, LOL. When he asked me to buy him a drink at the bar, I pretended not to understand what he said, then I thanked him and walked away to pursue other garotos. Sorry that you have to part with so much money. And that brand new perfume. Agh.. sanddunes 1 Quote
Members sanddunes Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 1 hour ago, wncdemcub said: We we all think with our little head at times and make choices that aren’t the best. So instead of being holier than thou, lets use his experience as a learning one. Agreed. There is a definite learning curve in navigating Brazilians saunas and dealing with garotos. It isn’t realistic to waltz into a sauna for the first time and expect that everything will go perfectly, or that you will be treated like tomcal lol. It gets easier over time, but even experienced clients get an occasional rotten apple (one of my garoto friends pointed out some guys at Lagoa that had previously been in jail. So you are literally dealing with ex-convicts occasionally at the saunas). Quote
Members Lucky Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 1 hour ago, wncdemcub said: All rather than criticizing and berating this poster, we should appreciate that he is willing to share his mistake openly for other avoid. We we all think with our little head at times and make choices that aren’t the best. So instead of being holier than thou, lets use his experience as a learning one. Yes, indeed. We have a new poster here, a local who can easily help us with information we might not get ourselves. So I say, Welcome to the forum, Latindude! I am sorry to hear of your experience, but glad you came here to inform us. I look forward to more posts from you. Thanks for joining in! sanddunes, axiom2001 and brockmiller 3 Quote
TotallyOz Posted May 26, 2018 Posted May 26, 2018 It is a good story that happens to all of us. Thank you for sharing. As for others not understanding why you put yourself in this situation, it is easy to do when you are horny and you never know the full outcome. I was in Rio with IhpGuy and he told me this one sauna boy was great and I'd like him. But, I was not really attracted to him that much but enjoyed chatting. I went with him and he blew my mind for sex. I saw him multiple times. It is not always just an initial attraction but what they do afterwards that is important. Another one, I took the most stunning guy I remember meeting in Rio to my hotel for a two days. But, the sex was horrible on the first night. I took him shopping the next AM, paid for the 2 days and told him I had to leave for a bit. He got paid and I didn't have to worry about more bad times or experiences. Like your date, he was into porn and me watching pussy while having sex was a real turn off. Shit happens. It sucks. We learn and don't do it again. Well, I did a few more times over the years but I learn a bit each time. axiom2001 and sanddunes 2 Quote
Members Riobard Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 The OP did not get the guy he wanted and instead paid much more for a guy he did not want. This cascade effect was attributable to his initially following pricing advice that is often put forward on this board but may be getting antequated. So of course he is welcome on the forum and can choose what is useful and what is not. If others learn something from his admitted judgement errors, all the better. But other members deciding what is relevant and useful for the poster exceeds the arrogance of any one player in the original narrative. Quote
Members torogen Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 I was very happy to hear your report. Sorry you made some mistakes and had a night of disappointment! Everything that came after seems to have been a result of you balking at the price the Adonis quoted you. That's why I sometimes agree to pay a slightly higher price than I had anticipated...just to "keep the ball rolling", and not run into any snags. I would have paid 50 reais just to avoid that night you described! TotallyOz 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted May 26, 2018 Posted May 26, 2018 1 minute ago, Riobard said: The OP did not get the guy he wanted and instead paid much more for a guy he did not want. This cascade effect was attributable to his initially following pricing advice that is often put forward on this board but may be getting antequated. So of course he is welcome on the forum and can choose what is useful and what is not. If others learn something from his admitted judgement errors, all the better. But other members deciding what is relevant and useful for the poster exceeds the arrogance of any one player in the original narrative. For me, I don't get hung up on the money. If they want a bit more than normal, that is OK for me if I really like them. But, I then don't see them again and tell them the reason the next time. They always then go to regular price. I was much easier when I was a known quantity. However, prices vary based on desire. One guy at Lagoa wanted 300R and I refused. I regretted it ever since. Riobard, axiom2001 and paulsf 3 Quote
Members sanddunes Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 27 minutes ago, torogen said: I would have paid 50 reais just to avoid that night you described! I agree with your sentiment that it’s sometimes not a big deal to pay more to keep the ball rolling. However, the problem wasn’t that the garoto wanted 50 reals more, but that he pitched a fit and acted offended just for offering 100. That’s a huge red flag and doesn’t bode well for how the garoto would be in bed. The majority of garotos would charmingly insist on 150 and start kissing you, making you feel their hard cock, telling you how much milk they have, etc. to convince you that 150 is worth it. The minute a garoto starts copping attitude I peace out lol. Quote
Members Latindude Posted May 26, 2018 Author Members Posted May 26, 2018 2 hours ago, SolaceSoul said: Several major mistakes were made here by the poster, which could have been avoided (easy to say in hindsight, I know). But the one that stands out the most: You emphasize several times that you weren’t that particularly attracted to the garoto, but you voluntarily invited him back to your hotel, anyway? That’s a whole lot of trouble to get into, just for a guy that you are only moderately into. Yes, I think I made it clear that it was a mistake... i didnt tell all the details, but the guy was very friendly, very good with his conversational skills, and as I said I never invited him to my hotel, he managed the situation for that (of course it was my fault to be fooled by him), however as I said he played very well in the situation when he came to me to propose to go to my hotel - I clearly said that I would think about that (in portuguese: Eu vou pensar no caso) - then he went to change clothes, and when I saw him again he was dressed in the entrance saying that he was ready waiting for me. I know it was a game, but at the moment I was sorry thinking that maybe I was not sooo clear that I was not interested... well so I decided to take the offer, just to "not waste" my night, and asked him to wait for 15 min. I went back to the sauna to look for the first pretty (and arrogant) guy, to say that we could see in the next day in the sauna, but I didnt manage to find him again. During the night I tried to finish the "programa" a couple of times, as I mentioned , but he was not willing to leave at all... anyway I wanted to share this experience to show that even locals, even experienced people get fooled - so dont feel too sorry if you are fooled a couple of times as well. Please Take precautions, those that I didnt... always try the guy first in the sauna before getting them to the hotel. In some ways I think you guys have an advantage if you dont speak Portuguese, usually the negotiations are much more simple and clear. Some of the guys are very good in the conversation, so portuguese speakers are more susceptible to that. Alaskabear, Riobard, torogen and 1 other 4 Quote
Members Latindude Posted May 26, 2018 Author Members Posted May 26, 2018 15 minutes ago, sanddunes said: I agree with your sentiment that it’s sometimes not a big deal to pay more to keep the ball rolling. However, the problem wasn’t that the garoto wanted 50 reals more, but that he pitched a fit and acted offended just for offering 100. That’s a huge red flag and doesn’t bode well for how the garoto would be in bed. The majority of garotos would charmingly insist on 150 and start kissing you, making you feel their hard cock, telling you how much milk they have, etc. to convince you that 150 is worth it. The minute a garoto starts copping attitude I peace out lol. That's what I wanted to say, I would pay 150 if he tried at least to keep the chat... but he pretented to be very offended by the proposal. Quote
Members torogen Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 40 minutes ago, sanddunes said: However, the problem wasn’t that the garoto wanted 50 reals more, but that he pitched a fit and acted offended just for offering 100. That’s a huge red flag and doesn’t bode well for how the garoto would be in bed. 24 minutes ago, Latindude said: That's what I wanted to say, I would pay 150 if he tried at least to keep the chat... but he pretented to be very offended by the proposal. I'm of two minds on this. Having been on both sides of this equation, I would say that I very well might have been offended if someone tried to negotiate my price. I've definitely developed a "fuck right off" attitude for someone who didn't want to pay $200 for an hour. Brazil, it seems that it is more common to negotiate. But you never know who you are talking to the first time you meet them. You have to allow for human variables. Maybe he really did think you were disrespecting him by offering less than he asked for (and his disappearance/unavailability after the incident would support this--if it were just a game, he would have moved a short distance away so you could approach him and offer more). Or maybe he was just acting offended. The truth is, for a small amount of extra money, you could have found out whether he was good in bed or not. Instead, you had a miserable night with someone you weren't attracted to, and who truly was playing you. SolaceSoul 1 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted May 26, 2018 Members Posted May 26, 2018 ... AND the cost of the meals and drinks (about 100 residents), the cost of the stolen designer cologne..(estimated at 250 reais), the time wasted out of the sauna (hours?). Wouldn’t it have been cheaper just to pay the arrogant one that you were REALLY physically attracted to the extra 50 reais? You would have saved about 300 reais and a few hours of your time — and you would know if the handsome arrogant guy was great in bed for you (you still don’t know, but 350 reais later, you do know that the less attractive guy was not.) Yes, the lessons learned should be: try them out at the saunas if you have the opportunity. That’s what they are for. And go for the ones you like, not for the ones you don’t really care for. JAYBLK and Riobard 1 1 Quote
floridarob Posted May 26, 2018 Posted May 26, 2018 8 hours ago, wncdemcub said: We we all think with our little head at times At times??? '...I've met a few board members (you know who you are!).... we (myself included) are always thinking with the little head, lol SolaceSoul 1 Quote
Members Latindude Posted May 27, 2018 Author Members Posted May 27, 2018 9 hours ago, Tomasian said: I think I met the same guy the poster was referring to. Was he wearing a cap? I was in Lagoa last Saturday night and met the guy who I think the poster was referring to. He wore a baseball cap when I met him, not the leanest body but nice face and nice eyes. He showed me around the sauna when I told him that I' was a newbie. He told me that he also speaks Spanish, which I speak very little of. Despite the language barrier, I find him very friendly and sincere. He almost had me under his spell but when he offered to go to my hotel room, I said no because (a) i wasn't that into him (b) i had my top 5 garotos and he's not even on my top 10, LOL. When he asked me to buy him a drink at the bar, I pretended not to understand what he said, then I thanked him and walked away to pursue other garotos. Sorry that you have to part with so much money. And that brand new perfume. Agh.. Thanks, he was not using a cap on Wednesday... but he was indeed very friendly, and he also came with this proposal to go to my hotel. Tomasian 1 Quote
Members Gotti Posted May 28, 2018 Members Posted May 28, 2018 The hustler demanded 4 porno flicks? C'mon! torogen 1 Quote
Members Latindude Posted May 28, 2018 Author Members Posted May 28, 2018 2 hours ago, Gotti said: The hustler demanded 4 porno flicks? C'mon! I know, Almost unbelievable. He went through all the 4 porn pay per view channels offered, and typed 0000. Maybe you have noticed, there is always a message: if you agree to purchase this video type 0000. Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted May 28, 2018 Members Posted May 28, 2018 Latindude, muito obrigado for posting. I appreciated your honesty and willingness to share. Now it's now time for us to continue onward with life and not attempt to share where you perhaps went wrong. It happened; you were saddened and wanted to share this experience with us here so others perhaps would NOT make the same errors. It is hoped that everyone should learn from their mistakes. I support you! Lastly- in the future- have "ALL" valuables out-of-sight and locked up, if possible, when expecting unknown visitors to your apartment or hotel room. Latindude 1 Quote