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Joshua Jailed

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Joshua Wong, the 21-year old Hong Kong activist, has been jailed for three months for his part in leading protests in Hong Kong. "They can lock up our bodies, but they cannot lock up our minds," Wong said before he entered the jail.

Wong has been active for several years in fighting encroaching Beijing efforts to assert more control over Hong Kong, which the British cowardly ceded to Beijing in 1997.



The story of yesterday's court appearance and jailing: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/16/world/asia/hong-kong-umbrella-movement-joshua-wong.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0

For me, I am so pleased to see such a heroic young man speaking up.

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32 minutes ago, Lucky said:

which the British cowardly ceded to Beijing in 1997.

What could the British have done? 


China would simply have turned off the taps (yes, water!) and 6 million people would have to be sent fresh water using tank ships to survive every day. Same for food and electricity. Hong Kong was economically completely dependent on China , there was no point refusing to abide by the 1898 agreement. It would have been so costly that the benefits of keeping it would have been completely erased. 

That is without considering the large minority that supported China inside HK itself and some of them could have been used by China as covert saboteurs to make it even more expensive. 

They took the best course of action for everyone, including Britain. 

14 hours ago, BiBottomBoy said:

He'll protest more when he gets out

Wong is one of the baddest asses on the planet right now.

He doesn't give a shit about his personal safety, so he is the greatest kind of danger to the Beijing regime. (Very much like Pussy Riot's leaders to Pootin.)

Here in the US, things like the Selma march were much the same.

This could really go places for the Chinese citizenry.

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LOL! Of course they had to return Hong Kong to China. It was a lease! But I made the remark "which the British cowardly ceded to Beijing in 1997." because I think Hong Kong was much better before they did.  Joshua Wong and friends excepted. The Brits made a bad deal though with the phony two countries deal. No one expected China to abide by that for 50 years, and they haven't.

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My guess is that driving through Vancouver would create that impression. It has a Hong Kong feel to it. But the wealthy in Hong Kong were the ones who could afford to leave, not the middle class or the poor. With Beijing pushing to make Mandarin commonplace, those who left would find their Cantonese less usable. (Yes, of course many speak both Mandarin and Cantonese, but not as many as you might think!)

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