Members Riobard Posted December 7, 2017 Members Posted December 7, 2017 Thems two probably had to struggle to dig themselves out of the wall-to-wall shag carpet that characterized Pnt202 last night. A madhouse! Mixed feelings about it. But certainly some high points. Hmmm, let me try to give an example of the mayhem. Having pushed my way through to reception to try to make change from a 100 (fugetabbudit, was not goIng to happen, the guy ended up with sizeable tip), the staff looked at my key and started to check my account out. I had to explain to them that I usually do not wander around north Copacabana in a towel and flipflops and that I had not finished depositing my share of the profit margins into Junior's pocket, who by the way told me his Partée was expected to be THE highlight of the sauna social season. St Nicholas? St ReDICKulous! Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted December 7, 2017 Author Members Posted December 7, 2017 Ok, so much happened, I don’t know if My writing can give credit to this day. First I whatsapped Vinicius for a 2 hour session at my hotel starting 3 pm. I thought that I could go to one of the clubs at 5 pm. Then I left early for the Christ the redeemer monument, and that was done and dusted by 11 am or so, so got a taxi to sugarloaf. Also done quickly By 2 pm I was ready to go back to hotel, I just withdrew my escort fees for the day, and used my bathroom to get ready to bottom, in case Vinicius arrived bang on time. He realised he was going to be late if he searched his way on foot to my hotel, so he grabbed a taxi from the metro station. That is what I call initiative! Then went through hotel guest registration nightmare, they really are not making it easy for us! The staff were painful and not friendly. He was great, first he topped me, and given how large he is, that should have been a difficult and painful operation, but the boy knows how to do it! I really enjoyed having his massive muscles on top of me. Orgasm #1. He simulated an orgasm inside me. That was very good simulating, because I believed him. But later I checked the condom in the bathroom bin and it was empty, lol. We cuddled a long time and then it was my turn. @tele5b, you were right, he can’t handle it well, this time we tried 3 different position and it hurt him every time. So I finished on his incredible torso. What I found funny is that he put on some straight porn for him to watch on my phone while I was fucking him. It was still hot, though. We talked through google translate about his girlfriend. He is a footballer which explains his massive legs. He didn’t short me on time, I kicked him out at 4:50. I wanted to prepare for point 202 as Wednesday is their biggest night because free cabins. The funniest thing is that I entered pint 202 exactly at the same time as him! We could have shared the taxi ride! He explained he needed to be here because he needs the cash to repair his car. He introduced me to Luis, a blond 20 yo with and incredibly smooth skin but also a beard. I was going to say no, and then they offered a double (Luis and vinicius) for 240. I wanted to see Vinicius fuck someone else so I said yes. We did so many 3some positions, I won’t bore you, but in short, orgasm #3 and got Vinicius’ load all over my face. I came out of the room and realised I knew half the population there now. There was Vinicius , Luis, Nathan, Victor, Felipe, Enzo (the black boy that I have been missing since Sunday), Pablo, junior, @pauleiro, David, Jeferson, Everson, Ricardo, Wellington, etc. All the boys are becoming quite friendly with me and not just sexual and they try to help me (and help each other at the same time) by recommending their friend. I said hi to @pauleiro and we exchanged tips on boys most of the night. He also got quite busy. He told me about his time with David a beautiful very white guy only very slightly chubby. I only had to say, “yes I think I want to try him” and 5 minutes later, David was all over me. It was a bit to early after Luis and Vinicius so I asked him 15 minutes to recover and we talked in his reasonably good English. Then we got a cabin and he was a great bottom! Orgasm #4 After that I was considering an overnight so I started to thing about who. Jeferson was there and he speaks quite good English too which was essential for a nice dinner, so I offered and asked how much he would want. The boy quoted me R200 I couldn’t believe him. I thought he was trying to ask for 2000 and had made a mistake, but no, I showed him 200 and confirmed that is what he wanted! So he was hired (I paid 400, I would have felt really guilty with giving him only 200), I asked him to wait for me as I had to get more boys before taking him home. So he recommended me Henrique, his friend, another twink, 20 yo, very lean, who was only average in bed compared to what I am now used to. Lol. We had to wait about 20 mins for a cabin, but he fondled me and kissed while we were waiting, so I was happy enough! His dick was very long! He came, I didn’t though. Finally Pablo and Enzo, the black boy I have missed twice turned up and I booked Enzo right away. Long wait for the cabin again, but he made sure I was not getting bored by kissing me in all the (publicly at least) appropriate places. In the cabin, he was amazing, he smelled clean but no perfume, I was quite a good musky masculine smell, yet very clean. Hi dick was huge and he was a very good bottom. Orgasm #5 Felipe redeemed itself once again by giving me a whole heated apology and refusing a free drink from me, by saying “I don’t deserve it”. So I told him, tomorrow 10:00am, Praça XV, if you are there, I take you to ilha de paqueta. if you are late, I take the boat without you. Finally I took Jeferson out to churrascaria palace in Copacabana and he was so thankful. He also has a girlfriend but lives with 4 other boys in a 2 bedroom apartment in Copacabana. That explains why he is so keen to come with me, my hotel bedroom is probably an improvement on his place, even with me in it. I asked him if it was ok for guys to kiss in public in Brasil and he said “no but I will kiss you right now if you want”. Lol. At the hotel he was great he gave me a back massage with some moisturiser that I had ( note to self, bring your own massage oil when traveling, for overnights). Then I rode his (comparatively to the other boys) small dick and he came (for real). I did too all over his hairless torso. Orgasm #6. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, I didn’t remember how good it feels to do that with a 22 yo hottie ( I have not done that for 20 years!). In the morning he was in great, we had the hotel breakfast and he left. he is a genuinely nice guy. By the way, there were another 5 guys at pint 202 that also were incredibly hot to me and that I happily would have taken for a ride last night if only I could handle more than 6 orgasms per day! Anyway, leaving this city Friday morning, so my recently acquired fame with the boys will soon be useless to me. I hope Porto Alegre is quieter, or these boys will kill me. I have written most of this on a deserted beach in paqueta island between kisses from Felipe. He will finally get paid. Photos in the club later. AdamSmith, brockmiller and msclelovr 1 2 Quote
Members pauleiro Posted December 7, 2017 Members Posted December 7, 2017 35 minutes ago, Tartegogo said: . I hope Porto Alegre is quieter, or these boys will kill me. Do not expect Porto Alegre to be quieter. In fact it depends more on you ... Tartegogo 1 Quote
Members pauleiro Posted December 8, 2017 Members Posted December 8, 2017 Tartegogo : we might not see each other this trip. It was a pleasure meeting you. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Feel free to keep in touch Tartegogo 1 Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted December 8, 2017 Author Members Posted December 8, 2017 Thursday, last day in Rio, met with Felipe at 10:00am on Praça XV and we travelled to Ilha de Paquetà, the ferry ticket was 2 dollars each, Lol, this country can be so cheap. It very quiet there, especially weekdays, and so the island’s beautiful beaches are deserted. That is convenient if you want to fondle your boy on a beach (I did), but you can’t do that on Copacabana or Ipanema beach, because it isn’t acceptable to Brazilian society. But don’t expect high-end restaurants and souvenir shops, it is not that sort of island pleasures! Felipe told me a bit about his life, he had a boyfriend at some point and a girlfriend at some other point. He now lives with a girl, who is only his roommate. He is trying to get a regular job, since the sauna competition with the other boys is not working in his favour. He also said he had never gone to either Cristo Redendor, nor to Sugarloaf mountain, because it was too expensive for him. To give you an idea of what he can’t afford, the tickets are R. 60 and R. 80 respectively. That is US$18 and US$24. And we have many escorts in NYC that are asking for $1,500 for a single night! Since the boat dropped us at Praça XV, I thought we should walk to Meu Mundo just for the sake of knowing what I am talking about. It is a construction site. I would not go back until it is fully redone. I checked one of the cabin and It smelled badly of mould. There was only one boy i could have hired, the few others were too old for me. The only thing it has for itself is the cheap entrance fee (R. 5 for boys, R. 20 for clients). So we left just after I saw the place, and took a cab at 18:15 (first time I was stuck in bad traffic) to go to 117. Such a difference from Meu Mundo! Also very friendly 117 staff at the entrance today, I guess they have more time since itis a much slower day. They helped me recharge my phone as I needed it for pictures. Among the usual suspects there, we found Vinicius, Pablo, Bruno, Fernando. But it is a slow night. Pablo came to tell me that I was unfair because on Sunday, I had paid him less than what I gave to some other boys thisweek (I think I gave 200 to a guy when I was a bit drunk on Tuesday and Pablo heard about it). He made his beautiful Italian eyes look like begging puppy-eyes, and I couldn’t resist him. I topped him, this time without erection issues and it was soooo good. This guys is so beautiful, if only he spoke English, I would have hired him to stay with me the whole week, I would have fallen in love and then bought him crazy presents like an iPhone X or something like this. He also confidently told me he was gay, which I found refreshing. He left right after we were done. There were several new and very sculpted black boys that interested me. Nicolas was one of them, a bit shy and unlike many other boys he didn’t try to grab me, but later on I approached him and found him to be compatible with my needs. He looks like a Greek god, his body is perfectly proportioned, his muscles very salient. Oh, and that perfectly small muscular ass! There was a guy called Max which I had noticed on Tuesday but i had never got to him. Huge guy, with kind of a baby face. I hired him for “cuddles and sucking only”, and he was so good at this! He licked and kissed me everywhere! At this point (9:00 I think) people were leaving and so did I. I had run out of cash in my wallet anyway, and I don’t think the boys open a credit line. I was thinking of taking one to my hotel, but I knew I would have to spend the rest of the evening packing, and in the morning I was checking out early, so it would not be much fun. So, a slow night, only 3 orgasms. My recommendation for Rio is to stay 2 weeks if you want to try every guy that you like. If you hire a lot the first week, and reward fairly the hard work, you will be their hero before the beginning of the second week and I think you will have a blast. Also get a nice hotel room, my hotel was nice and cheap (US$61 per night), but wasn’t quite up to my standard and I think the boys will appreciate the better bed and shower. Overnights are great, and very cheap as long as you offer dinner and buffet breakfast and a good night comfortable sleep. Also this way, if there is a long line for cabins on the “free cabin days” at the sauna, and you don’t want to wait around, just grab a boy (or 2) and take him with you. But use the room safe for any sort of valuable: A wallet full of dollars, or an iPad, or a nice watch, would be incredibly tempting for a guy that cannot even visit his own city’s main monument, because he can’t afford $18 for a fun afternoon. Even if you know the guy is a good person, there are things that are just too tempting when life is difficult. Health update: this morning I have a little sensation of burn on a part of my lower lip. Nothing visible, but it feels like it could be a viral infection. Let’s face it, I kissed over 40 different Cariocas, and sucked 18 different dicks, it would be surprising if I hadn’t caught a little something. I’ll have to explain that to the hotel Doctor in Porto Alegre, that is going to be fun. Written on Friday morning from SDU airport lounge. Tonight: Mezzaninu in Porto Alegre. brockmiller 1 Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted December 8, 2017 Author Members Posted December 8, 2017 Porto Alegre first impression: HOT GUYS ALERT!!!! ugly buildings more or less everywhere, though. likeohmygod 1 Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted December 8, 2017 Members Posted December 8, 2017 Ty for your Rio reports. Tarte you brought up something for which I would like to do a disclaimer. I know that you don't need me to tell you this... That's why I will write it as a sort of disclaimer /reminder for newbies. This can happen... Do not "fall in love" with guys and do not expect any kind of true love or appreciation in change of high payments or gifts. For all of them we are walking ATMs and what they're doing is just their job. Their real friends, loves and sexual orientations are fare away from the saunas. Remember that R$1000 per month is the average net income in Rio... (which is also pretty close to minimum wage) especially for young people. And remember that every GP in Rio will go for 70 or 80 reais, which is what locals pay. Those who ask u more than 100 as a first price, are just trying to exploit their new potential gringo-living-ATM. Promise them 100 and in case they deserved it... make a small tip after. Tartegogo, axiom2001, floridarob and 1 other 4 Quote
Members Riobard Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 I don't perceive any actual disclaimer here, but just to add, since wages as well as local providers and customers were brought into the conversation: factoring in purchase power parity, gringo customers paying "local" rates are essentially pocketing 60-75% discounts relative to local customers. After all, the average wage is an equalizer among Brazilians if not between Brazilians and outsiders. These de facto discounts are, I think, a pretty pretty pretty good deal and good thing going for visitors or expats receiving origin pay. Purchase power parity also impacts on the cost of goods and services and on what any single expense is subjectively worth. If you decide you will pay on a par with what locals put out, you may spend considerably less than what you might be prepared to spend in a different context. Of course this will also depend on the value you place on money itself. I think that many additional variables other than being at price war with providers and romance war with oneself come into play in measuring the meaning of cash. Alaskabear 1 Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 This ended up to be a tldr post... So sorry. I agree but there is one fundamental thing on which I disagree... Which is the reason why I felt the need to update the usual warning I tell to new newbies things which I believe must be 100% clear. As tomcal said, saunas still exists thanks to local customers. The average GP market price is 70 reais in saunas. Gringos paying gringo rates are paying 70/100% more of the standard price. Not viceversa. When they ask us to pay 150 is because they know that we are the usual "stupid gringos" and that since we are unaware of the going rate, we will pay just because of it's still cheap (which is true). They try to get the most out of us. That's why they will still go for 100 or even 70. And that's why most of them will never ask you anymore for 150, since they talk to each other and they don't want to piss you out. They are smart... Even if sometimes they forget that commenting the tips they receive at a high voice, thinking that your Portuguese is so bad... While I do have no problems to pay 1000 reais in Europe for an hour with a Brazilian escort, I don't like to get "scammed" in Brazil just because I am a tourist. If I wanna pay more, I will tip reason to inflate the price for me. Same reason why you do not want and like taxi drivers to charge you 400 reais a ride to Copacabana from GIG, just because it would still be cheaper than NYC or Rome. Of course I am not saying that paying 150 will get you bankrupt (it happens many times especially when my smaller brain kicked in, and I am no fun of negotiations below 100 reais) , but newcomers must know what the price of the things in Brazil really is, to avoid stupid surcharges reserved for gringos. Then everyone is free to do whatever it is preferred. Just to talk about the different meaning of money... a quick OT: I do have a friend who gets excited to literally be the cash slave of 2 hot guys....the world is good because it's big and various. One other likes to thrash the 5 euro notes just because he doesn't like them. I am one of those people working for a IT company which ends the year with 10 digits account balances and that while the payroll is still good, doesn't pay me a cent more than what the contract says for what I do. brockmiller 1 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 18 minutes ago, likeohmygod said: As tomcal said, saunas still exists thanks to local customers. The average GP market price is 70 reais in saunas. Gringos paying gringo rates are paying 70/100% more of the standard price. Not viceversa. Of course I am not saying that paying 150 will get you bankrupt (it happens many times especially when my smaller brain kicked in, and I am no fun of negotiations below 100 reais) , but newcomers must know what the price of the things in Brazil really is, to avoid stupid surcharges reserved for gringos. Then everyone is free to do whatever it is preferred. I do have a friend who gets excited to literally be the cash slave of 2 hot guys....the world is good because it's big and various . I've always contended that we should pay the going rate, and if the service is stellar-- a nice tip is in order. One's knowing the exchange rate is helpful as well. R$100-- R$150- and R$200 seems like a lot, but it is NOT in comparison in anyway to dollars. That is why I cringe when I read about one's willingness to bargain in his thinking that he's forking out a lot of money. When I first went to Brazil in 2002, the first time, the base fee was R$50. In 2011 it was R$70 or R$80. A few times I gave two guys R$100, but that was rare. likeohmygod--your post was relevant! Muito obrigado! likeohmygod and Tartegogo 2 Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 Thank you axiom... I agree... Unfortunately I am not a good writer and became a tldr. Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted December 9, 2017 Author Members Posted December 9, 2017 I am in Porto Alegre and this is hard guys. Here not speaking Portuguese is a real issue. Because it is not a tourist spot, people don’t bother learning any English, at least in Rio people understand we can meet half way, here it is all portuguese and “I just told you something in rapid Portuguese, why are you holding you phone like you want me to type?” I mean I can still hire boys, that is never an issue, but I do feel a lot lonelier than in Rio where I had a kind of social life from the first night, and a very busy one from the 4th night. In hindsight I should have stayed in Rio. My other mistake was to go to mezzaninu. Tonight there was a party night at plataforma, so all the boys were there. But I didn’t know! Among those boys who were at mezzaninu, nearly all were bearded and not one of them knew more that “good evening” in English. So google translate all night. That should be fine, but it makes you even more of a walking ATM to them. I hired 3 times, though. Let me go through it. Rodrigo. Twink type, very good bottom, asked 150, negotiated back down to 100. Nice Gozada which he timed exactly at the same time as mine, no complaint. Afterwards he only let me take a picture after I offered an extra 20. Michael, met in the sauna room, he worked so hard to entice me, I could not say no. Straight guy, has a family so did not let me take a face picture. Was a really good bottom. Paid 100. Kauan, top only and insisted that he would not bottom for me. I was happy to just enjoy the outside of his body so we started talking details and we came to an agreement on what would happen, and then I asked the price and he said 300. Lol. I told him I knew that the price was around 80 in PA. After much reluctance and quoting me 200, then 150, then 120, he finally agreed to 100. He wasn’t good. Only sucked me reluctantly and was trying to finish as quick as possible. He is an outlying data point, though, all the others were happy to close the session only when I initiated the closure. Paid the agreed 100. When negotiating with me, Kauan brought in another customer who spoke good English. So when that was done, i asked that customer if I would take any of the boys for dinner, which one he thought would be safe and a nice companion. He said “definitely not Kauan, but there is a guy that I would trust with my life, hIs name is ... Michael”. Turned out to be the same Michael. The client explained Michael had limitations: “he is only top” (Lol I just came in his ass less than an hour ago) “and he had to be home by midnight because he had a family”. I said, great, it is not for sex anyway, Cinderella comes with me. So Michael took me out to a churascaria, but it turned out to be a flop. I mean the food was very good but the boy was uncomfortable to even look at me in the eyes, clearly worried for us to be seen as anything but some sort of weird business arrangement. He also didn’t like talking to me through my phone. We really only talked about his family a bit, he has a 7 yo girl and a wife. He is also a motorbike mechanic during the day. So, even though I was paying him 100 an hour, he didn’t try to make it last any longer than strictly necessary to eat and put me into a Taxi for my hotel. There is a party at mezzaninu today, so it should be a big night. Latbear4blk and Badboy81 2 Quote
Members Popular Post Riobard Posted December 9, 2017 Members Popular Post Posted December 9, 2017 Tartego, can I suggest one thing? STOP ASKING THE PRICE! Avoid punctuating any sentence about cost with a question mark. You tell the guy the price early in the exchange and, before he can respond, hightail it out of his space and make like you are moving on to tell the next guy what the price you pay is. No fiagling, no negotiating, no offer/counteroffer, etc. Avoid setting yourself up for a dynamic of coming down in price. A depreciation in a utility always feels psychologically worse than an equal appreciation. The guy is then always put in the position of getting less than he might have. If he accepts your offer, that is to say I mean if he accepts your bottom-line, without pouty-frowny-face, the dynamic is more about hope, hope that he will receive more than your price following the service. Hope is more potently incentivizing than any arbitrary amount of money. That said, do not enter into a discussion about tip prior to the encounter. Let the hope/ambiguity dynamic drive his service. Being in PA, you might consider this strategy as experimental, trying on for size, and the roster of guys does not likely intersect with Rio. That's all ... R out. Tartegogo, Latbear4blk, axiom2001 and 3 others 6 Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 Riobard suggestion is very good. That's what I began to do the last times. In Porto Alegre I had the same Robles as Tarte. The last time I have been there my português was below zero. Tartegogo 1 Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted December 9, 2017 Author Members Posted December 9, 2017 23 minutes ago, Riobard said: Tartego, can I suggest one thing? STOP ASKING THE PRICE! Avoid punctuating any sentence about cost with a question mark. You tell the guy the price early in the exchange and, before he can respond, hightail it out of his space and make like you are moving on to tell the next guy what the price you pay is. No fiagling, no negotiating, no offer/counteroffer, etc. Avoid setting yourself up for a dynamic of coming down in price. A depreciation in a utility always feels psychologically worse than an equal appreciation. The guy is then always put in the position of getting less than he might have. If he accepts your offer, that is to say I mean if he accepts your bottom-line, without pouty-frowny-face, the dynamic is more about hope, hope that he will receive more than your price following the service. Hope is more potently incentivizing than any arbitrary amount of money. That said, do not enter into a discussion about tip prior to the encounter. Let the hope/ambiguity dynamic drive his service. Being in PA, you might consider this strategy as experimental, trying on for size, and the roster of guys does not likely intersect with Rio. That's all ... R out. But, but.... haggling is fun! brockmiller 1 Quote
Members Riobard Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 Ok, then. Kkkkk. One zero-sum game console play per port. Tartegogo and likeohmygod 2 Quote
floridarob Posted December 9, 2017 Posted December 9, 2017 I've been coming to Brasil for 18 yrs now.....what seems like a little money for us is not relevant. Like Axiom said, programas used to be 50 for a LONG time....even when the exchange rate peaked at 4-1 (12.50 usd for a programma). Many were free spending and overpaying....made us unpopular with the locals, we were pricing them out of the market. So always kills me when I hear stories of what some people are paying....I wonder when they book there hotel room or take a taxi, do they pay double thinking that it's too cheap? I don't tip extra for the boys...however, I make sure to tip the bartender, waiters, etc... likeohmygod and Tartegogo 1 1 Quote
Members Riobard Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 I think I only very very partly understand, as my hand periodically moves up to my noggin to scratch, as if it has a mind of its own. So we are advised to pay no heed to what the prostitutes think of us, as we are simply unidimensional cash flow sources. Yet we are to be wary of these brainiacs' perceptions of us as sucker-punch-bags regarding fees, so in that one small point-of-pride arena we are to make an exception. And I am to care what a handful of local club-goers think of me, WHY? This small gaggle of potentially embittered locals can potentially make or break my travel experience here? I am to differentially accommodate the local customers by paying what they pay while not accommodating the hopes of prostitutes for better profits? My Convoluted Reasoning & Anti-intellectual Pomposity (CRAP) meter dial is flippin' off the charts. I am fine with paying what the trend is, but I just won't swallow a flimsy rationale, thank you very much. torogen 1 Quote
Members Tartegogo Posted December 9, 2017 Author Members Posted December 9, 2017 Am I the only one never to understand what Riobard’s posts’ actual point is? floridarob 1 Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 1 hour ago, Tartegogo said: Am I the only one never to understand what Riobard’s posts’ actual point is? I think it is the result of his Convoluted Reasoning & Anti-intellectual Pomposity (CRAP) meter, which for no reason, flipped off the charts. brockmiller, floridarob and Tartegogo 1 2 Quote
Members pylonguy71 Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 Tartegogo, thank you SO much for your trip diary, it's been incredible to read! Very inspiring. Tartegogo and stripfan 2 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 10 hours ago, Tartegogo said: But, but.... haggling is fun! When an escort in Europe or in the United States quote his price, do you try to bargain ("haggle)? R$100 is very low. Remember many of the guys whom you meet in the saunas or bars or elsewhere are fucking and sucking or getting plowed,m etc. to earn money to initially support or to complement their earnings. Also, remember these guys have feelings, too. If a straight guy is uncomfortable being in your company for hire and is out with you at a restaurant, accept it and try NOT to make too much out of it. Are you there to make friends for life, or to get laid? I've always treated escorts with the utmost respect from all angles and desire the same in return. Lastly, I KNOW very LITTLE Brasilian Portuguese, a beautiful but rather difficult language to learn, especially at my current age. So with the language barrier-- again, try to make do and laugh when you're having difficulty. I know you would prefer to converse, but if it's difficult as it apparently seemed to have been as it was with me-- enjoy the guy's company in bed-- treat respectfully, and try not to make too much out of it. I was reluctant to post, but what I read really bothered me personally. Treat others as you wish to be treated. I've been there and understand! Badboy81, pylonguy71, torogen and 1 other 4 Quote
Members torogen Posted December 9, 2017 Members Posted December 9, 2017 6 hours ago, Tartegogo said: Am I the only one never to understand what Riobard’s posts’ actual point is? Never? I take it to mean: "Whatever" for those who keep dictating what SHOULD be paid to a guy in Brazil. As if, someone who pays one cent more is an idiot, and is ruining it for everyone else (tourists AND locals). Your own posts, Tartegogo, reveal that you frequently pay MUCH MORE than the going rate. And that's your prerogative. I fall in line more with you than with the guys who think they are being ripped off if a garoto tries to make one cent more than his minimum. I don't mind a guy being ambitious or trying to make more money. I can always just say "Nao, obrigado". The guys usually realize pretty quickly that I'm not going to accept an inflated rate, and they adjust accordingly. I cannot find it in my heart to hold it against them. In their situation, I would also want to make as much money as I thought might be possible. It doesn't mean they think you are a stupid gringo ( some cases, that might be the case). It means they are looking out for themselves. I don't have a problem with that. Tartegogo 1 Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted December 10, 2017 Members Posted December 10, 2017 I think that the ethernal fight (which i probably accidentally brought up with my yesterday's post) between those who negotiate to the lowest price possible and those who actually have an orgasm by overpaying GPs, (and those "who sit" between the 2 maximums) in this forum is quite old, and the past experiences have proven that there's no solution, and there's no need to find one. A lot has been told, even from the people who kept this forum's section active and alive for years (tomcal, Oz...and many more) need to repost the same things for the 24583th time. This a Tartegogo's topic, where he is putting effort in telling with the deepest detail what are his adventures in Brazil to provide updated info to the existing community and for those which maybe will become new users...I don't want to say that this kind of reports lately has became quite rare to find in this forum. I just did. Just relax people...too bad to see people getting so mad and so personally touched by the suggestions or the ideas of a user...just do whatever you want and believe to whatever you want to believe (even to fairy tales about escorts love or flying donkeys or the non-existence of the "stupid tax" in brazilian saunas), nothing of catastrophic will will still have fun and the saunas will still be there. Probably they will just shut down 1 or 2 months before their expiry date, which has already been set by "The Internet". Waiting for your next update Tarte. Latbear4blk and Badboy81 1 1 Quote
floridarob Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 I hesitate to reply, However, tonight I had this conversation with some of the boys AND owners of saunas, Was Junior's birthday after all. Do what you want with your money...will it buy more love.....NO! Will it make you feel better about this money for sex arrangement, Maybe. Sauna Guys make ABOVE average for a Brasil wage....MUCH, Like Thailand, they know how to play to your purse strings. Do I regret them...HELL point is , throw your money like you want to.....just don't think they will "LOVE" you any different. Eyes WIDE open.....;-) Badboy81 and BryBro 2 Quote