Members Popular Post likeohmygod Posted March 16, 2017 Members Popular Post Posted March 16, 2017 During my fun in the saunas i had the opportunity to speak with some garotos and some local customers (i can speak a kind of average portuguese and i tend to be confused as a local too). Sometime i read posts about people overpaying garotos... I don't want to talk about the problems that people may have with their ego, but please...DO NOT OVERPAY GAROTOS, especially in saunas. This is not only to preserve the business which depends on the locals and their spending capacity (quite low because of the crysis), but also for your own personal safety. 1) Garotos are in saunas to work, following saunas rules and standards. If you overpay them, you will not get a better service. If you lowball them you will get a bad service. Pay the standard going rate, or make a deal but do not try to get a rate lower than R$100 2) Garotos see you as living Mastercards. Overpay them and the only thing you'll get is FAKE INTEREST. A guy will stay with you for money, because it's working...a guy will stay with you for free, because he really likes you. You are the ATM, they are your toys. Period. 3) Acting like a gringo in a sauna and overpaying garotos will just make you look ridiculous, and trust me...garotos talk about customers. It's quite funny to see tourists who can't speak a work of portuguese, smiling when garotos at the table are making jokes about him in portuguese. You'll also get some weird looks from locals if you act stupid. Remember that respect in Brazil is extremely important. They're very welcoming but keep your egos for yourself. 4) Outside saunas, if you wanna hang out with a GP from not give them the idea that you have money to waste (the GP will make this link in his mind: Overpay->TONS OF MONEY). You'll increase the risk of getting mugged or worse. Remember that outside saunas, you have to expect everything. AdamSmith, Strafe13, Tomcal and 2 others 5 Quote
Tomcal Posted March 16, 2017 Posted March 16, 2017 I not only 110% agree with you i have been saying the same thing for years! I have a good friend, naive but good person who feels the need to not only overpaybut give gifts to even the guys he doesnt go with! One evening i was sitting with a group of them and i was surprised to hear them say "he is just a fool to give his money and gifts to us!" They did not appreciate his generosity but also did the bare minimum in the bedroom for the quickest time! Throwing money around in Brazil does not buy you respect! AdamSmith, likeohmygod, Darkseraphim and 1 other 4 Quote
Members Darkseraphim Posted March 17, 2017 Members Posted March 17, 2017 Tom, I completely agree with you! The boys do not respect you because of your money! In fact they may start to think you are an easy target if you continually over pay, flash excessive cash and give in to their petty demands! Pay the going rate and even try to negotiate down in my opinion. Some of the middle class boys on the apps will appreciate gifts, dinners and the whole "boyfriend experience". Unfortunately, most of the toys will not, most are just gay for pay and if you continue to make yourself appear weak and an easy target you may end up in a very bad situation. Not to mention you ruin the market, when barely passable 6 guys are asking for $100 USD in the DR you know something is extremely wrong. You are already giving these boys 1-2 days worth of work for giving their bodies to you for an hour spending any more will just result in diminishing returns. Tomcal 1 Quote
Guest KevinC Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 20 hours ago, Tomcal said: I not only 110% agree with you i have been saying the same thing for years! I have a good friend, naive but good person who feels the need to not only overpaybut give gifts to even the guys he doesnt go with! One evening i was sitting with a group of them and i was surprised to hear them say "he is just a fool to give his money and gifts to us!" They did not appreciate his generosity but also did the bare minimum in the bedroom for the quickest time! Throwing money around in Brazil does not buy you respect! They think he is a fool. But he feels good about himself giving away money and he doesn't care, so good for him. It's all good. However, by making these comments, these garatos are exposing their true personality behind those smiling faces -- taking money and do not appreciation. I know the going rate, so I always pay R100 or R120. But I also met quite a few garatos asking for R200 and wouldn't go any lower. I, as a customer, think these garatos are fools too. (and greedy). And I don't respect these type of people anyway, garatos or not, in Brazil or any countries. Quote
Guest bobbalino Posted March 22, 2017 Posted March 22, 2017 This topic has been "hashed" to death from my point of view, but the update may be useful to prospective sauna virgins working backwards in the LatinAm threads. I would like it if the garotos had the capacity for broader perspective ... a similar ability, as some of us have, to conceptualize the changing economic landscape. A 50% markup past few years makes sense against the backdrop of nonBRZ currency power. That trend has been perhaps maybe possibly somewhat for some sauna or offsite date patrons mirrored in garoto paycheques. Currently we see the universal inevitability of regression to the mean, our currency value dropping towards the longitudinal central tendency. Our dollar power peaked last year at 50% over real/reais 10-year mean. The short-range discount party is over, so there may be some merit in trying to value-add to the garoto-garoto, garoto-client gossip themes. This suggests a semi-coordinated effort is in order to convey to these young bucks that, for both our and their sakes, it makes sense to hold the line, short of inflation-driven COLA, at historical sauna wage trends. If you are part of the narrow-perspective gossip among GPs, please try to graft some of these ideas. I am posing/posting this essentially as a favor-request, should you find yourself on board with some of these thoughts. My half-hour paycheques issued out have generally ranged from 80 to 150 reais. I am not exclusively shopping at one or the other, Ford versus BMW, dealership ... rather a lightly-used vehicle lot with all makes and models. [I predict perseverative responses to my post, bossily urging a uniform invariant $R100 fee] Prospective sauna virgins, you will have your big-boy pants on ... I trust you will successfully work out your payroll without toppling the Brazilian economy or getting tarred-and-feathered. Quote
Members Popular Post likeohmygod Posted March 22, 2017 Author Members Popular Post Posted March 22, 2017 Sorry but you're completely missing the point, to say it in a polite way. I don't understand why you have to make things look complicated, when they are not. The whole pseudo-analysis about currencies has nothing to do with saunas which are a local market. You're very wrong if you think that garotos don't have "the capacity for broader perspective". You don't need a degree to understand that if gringos are stupid enough to pay much more than locals (and to get the exact same service, if not less)...they are the ones to go with. This is another reason why saunas are going to shut down as tomcal wrote in another thread. The local market is going to die because the locals won't be able to make it looking easily profitable anymore. No more locals, no more saunas. Internet is moving GPs out from saunas to apps like Grindr or away from Brazil (remember what happened in Cuba?). And "overpaying fools" are boosting this switch even because GPs in the internet know they can ask more money because their main target is going to be tourists. It's 2017...mass information. Garotos have friends around the world...they know how many tourists there are in Brazil, and they know how much these tourists pay in their homeland, and they know that tourists prefer internet dating. We, people on this forum, represent a painful minority for saunas owners. Everyone is free to do think and do whatever it wants to do. But please, no bullshit. I will not filter GPs thoughts, because i would lie. GPs will love you and will be interested in you until you pay them AND until you respect them. It is all a fake. There might be some rare exceptions but you're just the ATM from where they can withdraw cash money. Everyone is free to live in wonderland. I know at least 2 friends who overpay from Europe and one from the US. Can someone tell me why, while they like to overpay GPs (R$250/300...which are around 80/90 EUR/USD), they get mad at the idea of tipping 1 penny to a NYC escort who asked them 400 USD or 200€ in Paris? I will tell you...because they have problems with their egos, and that's why GPs laugh behind them. Darkseraphim, brockmiller, Tomcal and 2 others 5 Quote
Popular Post Tomcal Posted March 22, 2017 Popular Post Posted March 22, 2017 Likeohmygod, I agree with you 100% and I have friends just like yours that overpay a lot! I may have stated this fact before, My good friend is a exec. with a large international Mktg corp and they did a survey of internet connectivity and % of the population using WiFi and internet usage and one of the highest % of use per population was in the Favelas of Rio! I believe this was limited to areas of population of 100,000+. these guys are very connected and know what is going on both in their community and region/world wide! they are all on WhatsApp and Instagramm(FB is for those over 30!) I just told a guy yesterday who I met some years ago and he sent me a message with the usual sob story and he needed $500.R, I told him it was nice to hear from him after all this time but unfortunately I am neither a Bank or a ATM! Again as I have said countless times to the guys in the saunas, "you don't give sex away for free and I don't give money away for free!* *they usually smile when I say this and walk away SolaceSoul, ferrar, Adamadam and 2 others 5 Quote
Members Adamadam Posted March 22, 2017 Members Posted March 22, 2017 4 hours ago, bobbalino said: This topic has been "hashed" to death from my point of view, but the update may be useful to prospective sauna virgins working backwards in the LatinAm threads. I would like it if the garotos had the capacity for broader perspective ... a similar ability, as some of us have, to conceptualize the changing economic landscape. A 50% markup past few years makes sense against the backdrop of nonBRZ currency power. That trend has been perhaps maybe possibly somewhat for some sauna or offsite date patrons mirrored in garoto paycheques. Currently we see the universal inevitability of regression to the mean, our currency value dropping towards the longitudinal central tendency. Our dollar power peaked last year at 50% over real/reais 10-year mean. The short-range discount party is over, so there may be some merit in trying to value-add to the garoto-garoto, garoto-client gossip themes. This suggests a semi-coordinated effort is in order to convey to these young bucks that, for both our and their sakes, it makes sense to hold the line, short of inflation-driven COLA, at historical sauna wage trends. If you are part of the narrow-perspective gossip among GPs, please try to graft some of these ideas. I am posing/posting this essentially as a favor-request, should you find yourself on board with some of these thoughts. My half-hour paycheques issued out have generally ranged from 80 to 150 reais. I am not exclusively shopping at one or the other, Ford versus BMW, dealership ... rather a lightly-used vehicle lot with all makes and models. [I predict perseverative responses to my post, bossily urging a uniform invariant $R100 fee] Prospective sauna virgins, you will have your big-boy pants on ... I trust you will successfully work out your payroll without toppling the Brazilian economy or getting tarred-and-feathered. I'm a sauna virgin (well, been to Thermas Barcelona once) and I have to say your impenetrable prose is a bit wearying and falls squarely in the tl;dr category. I have read a couple of your more succinct posts and gleaned some interesting information so thanks for that. Unfortunately with other posts you're trying too hard and even use the incorrect word on occasion, which takes away from the impression you're trying to make. likeohmygod and brockmiller 2 Quote
Guest bobbalino Posted March 23, 2017 Posted March 23, 2017 I am reading a lot of overly simplistic rhetoric here ... packaged in overcomplicated, convoluted and hard-to-follow illustrative stories meant to support point of view. And some of it is, pardon me, just too quirky to appreciate or comprehend. Please make it easier for me by not giving selective cherry-picked examples within your inner circles. I like certain kinds of anecdotes, but I dislike gossip about your friends or friends who have a friend who had a friend who was plain stupid. When an opinion is couched this way, my response about the point of view is, well, "Jimmy cracked corn ..." Let me hear from them ... oh, wait, why should they be bothered opining here? They are too busy having their version of fun and deciding autonomously what price it is worth to them. I have been reading these posts for a year and experiencing in the BRZ settings for twice that long. I only offer a different perspective to create some balance and additional thoughts. Not trying to aggressively ram any opinions down anyone's throats. Newer readers, be aware there are some bossy-pants talking a load of hot air here to keep you in line, and their user fees down ... I think, but I am not abs sure. No, correction, I am going to trust my instincts, Human nature and all, right? I am heavily psychologically invested in having the status quo maintained as far as the unbelievable opportunities for fun to be had with hired fellows in Brazil. But I do not share the obvious degree of anxiety about a possible demise of key aspects of the scene. And believe me, I am more Debbie-Downer than cock-eyed optimist. Apps subverting venues? Yaawnn ... IF the sky falls, metaphorically, we will adjust to the endless reshaping of the world's oldest job. Talk is cheap, no harm no foul when it gets spiced up here. But prospective sauna novices, what really gets my goat is the rhetoric about keeping prices down-regulated in the interests of some lame theory about keeping the hires in place, in check, because they are reptilian money-grabbing opportunists. So friggin' what? Let it go, already! And similarly, what galls me is the assertion that some version of a multi-tier sliding-scale system is absolutely off-limits and not workable, whether local or global. My pre-retirement practice took place in a district combining a significant economic differential, for example thousands of students in 3 universities versus a large contingent of top 1% income earners. The practice billings were geared-to-income, capped at a 50% reduction relative to the base price paid by higher income clients. Never heard a complaint ... I guess some of the richer folks were too plain dumb to grouse about it, and others preferred to pay the higher cost in another provider's locked-rate practice. One fundamental difference from the alleged themes of GP gossip is that we did not sneer at those paying top dollar, nor did we ingratiate ourselves with discounted price clients, pandering to them because they evidently had the wisdom to pay a "reasonable" fee. It worked fine and the economic order did not collapse. The lower paying clients did not panic as they did not objectify, distrust, or denigrate us. They did not disparage the willing higher paying clients. Look readers, the real risk of naïveté is in subscribing to any single half-baked notion of the right thing, the one and only correct way to comport yourself financially in the scene. There is not one singular, superior ethos about costs associated with the fun to be had with these fellows down south. It is not amenable to a converged "going rate". Jeez Louise, if I have to hear that term one more time! Be on the cheap if expedient economically, bargain-basement oriented if that is how you roll. Jimmy cracked corn. Pay according to your subjective sense of what it is personally worth to you, notwithstanding a hater is always in the shadows dictating what it SHOULD be worth. Jimmy cracked corn. BUT know that some of us value your self-determination more than the prerogative of harshly judging you. And one last thing: about "length of service". After a couple of years, the initial wide experiential gap narrows. There is less significant wisdom differential between 3 years doing this and, say, 20 years. Length of experience can be associated with ossification of viewpoint. My limited experience so far suggests it is worthwhile trying to be flexible. Hahaha ... I am just as culpable. Earlier I wrote I have a particular timeline of experience! Quote
Members Gotti Posted March 23, 2017 Members Posted March 23, 2017 6 hours ago, likeohmygod said: Sorry but you're completely missing the point, to say it in a polite way. I don't understand why you have to make things look complicated, when they are not. The whole pseudo-analysis about currencies has nothing to do with saunas which are a local market. You're very wrong if you think that garotos don't have "the capacity for broader perspective". You don't need a degree to understand that if gringos are stupid enough to pay much more than locals (and to get the exact same service, if not less)...they are the ones to go with. This is another reason why saunas are going to shut down as tomcal wrote in another thread. The local market is going to die because the locals won't be able to make it looking easily profitable anymore. No more locals, no more saunas. Internet is moving GPs out from saunas to apps like Grindr or away from Brazil (remember what happened in Cuba?). And "overpaying fools" are boosting this switch even because GPs in the internet know they can ask more money because their main target is going to be tourists. It's 2017...mass information. Garotos have friends around the world...they know how many tourists there are in Brazil, and they know how much these tourists pay in their homeland, and they know that tourists prefer internet dating. We, people on this forum, represent a painful minority for saunas owners. Everyone is free to do think and do whatever it wants to do. But please, no bullshit. I will not filter GPs thoughts, because i would lie. GPs will love you and will be interested in you until you pay them AND until you respect them. It is all a fake. There might be some rare exceptions but you're just the ATM from where they can withdraw cash money. Everyone is free to live in wonderland. I know at least 2 friends who overpay from Europe and one from the US. Can someone tell me why, while they like to overpay GPs (R$250/300...which are around 80/90 EUR/USD), they get mad at the idea of tipping 1 penny to a NYC escort who asked them 400 USD or 200€ in Paris? I will tell you...because they have problems with their egos, and that's why GPs laugh behind them. Comparing Brazil with Cuba is just absurd, despite being in a crisis Brazil is an economic powerhouse, the 10th or so economy in the world (look it up!), with a huge middle class, bigger than almost most European country, while Cuba.... The current economic crisis that is taking many local customers away, should be bringing new quality talent to the scene, this is logical and is not happening cause the culprits (sauna owners) don't know how to do their job properly, don't know how to adapt the situation to their advantage, decade after decade they still believe they are "show business impresarios" , that's why the useless drag queens make more money than 90% of garotos, the meat and potatoes of their business. No, tourists in Brazil do not prefer the street trade, negligible locally due the violence, saunas are taking a hit because of the internet and because the gatekeepers are not smart enough to explore the situation. Quality of the meat and nothing else is king (or queen). Quote
Popular Post Tomcal Posted March 23, 2017 Popular Post Posted March 23, 2017 2 hours ago, bobbalino said: I am reading a lot of overly simplistic rhetoric here ... packaged in overcomplicated, convoluted and hard-to-follow illustrative stories meant to support point of view. And some of it is, pardon me, just too quirky to appreciate or comprehend WOW! Bobbalino talk about the pot calling the kettle black! LOL over what is really a simple topic, "how much do you pay to sauna guys or overnights or whatever in Brazil. let me go back about 13 years ago after we had the first "Hooboy Party" at the Atlantico Hotel and had 25 Americans and 80 sauna boys come to it. It was held on the rooftop of the hotel and the members provided all the food and drinks for the guys! Later I heard about a guy who was really overpaying(in my mind) and over the following months continued. I commented about it, saying it would wreck the pricing for the rest of us! (I didn't realize I was such a drama queen then!) Guess what? it didn't! over the years as I have gotten older and less dogmatic about peoples beliefs/practices in relation to mine. I realize everything doesn't revolve around what I believe or think! the guys are a lot smarter then a lot of their customers think! and they talk and gossip about us clients then you would believe! they are happy to point out who overpays, who cums quickly, who is a dick in terms of personality and who the nice guys are...among other things. They know I have a friend that pays almost double what I do and thats' fine as long as they don't expect the same from me and so far none have! Now I never ask what anyone pays and don't care! I pay what I think is the right amount and don't worry about anyone else and again don't forget that a lot depends on your personality! I want to encourage everyone to post their experiences but Bobbalino with all due respect, your reads are tedious at best! I have yet to read a entire post of yours..i tend to skip over the parts where you try to impart your knowledge in less then common English wording! This is not a forum for a course in getting a graduate degree in English Lit! (I do have a grad degree so I kind of know what I am talking about). Write as if you are talking to a friend in your living room not as if you are lecturing! thanks brockmiller, likeohmygod, axiom2001 and 4 others 7 Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted March 23, 2017 Author Members Posted March 23, 2017 bobbalino with all the respect i can have, since you're a good person... the only thing that the new users of this forum should avoid are the contradictory, useless TLDR, egocentric and full of questionable info posts they can find on this forum. No one cares about lifetime experiences in a forum which is meant to give information to users seeking for fun in Latin America....Brazil in this case...possibly without having to waste money in a useless way or run risks or be identified as "Certified gringos". This forum I think is not a place for egoes and for bullshit. Everyone is free to live in wonderland. You don't/can't face the reality? Not my problem. To me it's just ridiculous. Remember new readers... most of the people here don't even know a word of Portuguese... and some of the advices you can find were unaccurate or wrong. If you are 1st timer follow the suggestions of people like Tomcal (and his "guest" alter-ego) or Badboy or TotallyOz. This is what i did (and a lot more people) and I had a lot of fun. As i said i managed to learn a good Portuguese before going to Brazil...that could help but it's really not necessary if you follow the usual base rules.Don't be hypocritical and respect the market. Do not lowball GPs. Going rate is around R$120. Do not overpay GPs just because they cost 40€ instead of the £400 they would cost in London. It's not fair, it will hurt the market, and especially in Brazil it will make you look like a complete idiot. GPs will not love you...don't trust about people who just need to feed their big egos. If you don't care about all of this and about the comments GPs and people will make about you when speaking at loud voice inside the sauna in a language that you don't know...feel free to do what you think it's right to's not illegal of course, but it won't buy anything more than what you'd get by the standard rate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comparison with Cuba was just to describe a place full of hotties that now is just full of ugly people. Saunas are small and closed environments and are more influenced by what happens inside of them, than from what happens outside, until there are local customers able to pay rates compatible to their wages. That is why gringos are seen as another possible problem for sauna businesses. It's not the owners fault, it's progress. Do you really think that in the gayiest place of Earth there are no people with the money, the interest and the knowledge to run that kind of business? No...there are...but nobody is crazy enough to jump in something which is barely floating. Brazil is getting while the GPs are abandoning saunas for internet and/or for Europe/NA, there are less and less possible candidates to take the place of the people who are leaving. No one will seek for a sauna work when the cost/benefit will be comparable to the one you'd get by having a regular job...or social welfare. This is what happened in Czech Republic and in Hungary. There are nearly no hot BelAmi-kind guys (for pay) in there. Just average looking guys. And trust me (free to don't of course)...but tourists prefer is a huge fact...and you don't need to speak with an escort, you can check by yourself. Most of the tourist prefer to get their GPs in their hotel room (i am not saying that this is safer or better than a sauna). I've never had problems of this kind in the hotel where i was staying. They registered the GP and they called me to tell me he was waiting in the hall. Adamadam, Darkseraphim and Tomcal 3 Quote
Tomcal Posted March 23, 2017 Posted March 23, 2017 I agree with points you make! The vast majority of the guys working in the saunas don't like working there! I realized this when i have the 4 guys staying at the apartment and when i went to the sauna they all say "we will stay here and meet you for dinner when you leave! There are 2 guys i see that only worked at the saunas for a couple weeks and hated it! They still see me they just dont like the Meat market the saunas are to them! But it is a necessity for most of them due to both the economic crisis and thevfact that Brazil has such a large % of their population struggling to get by! A good example is a guy i see in SP. he waa 20 yrs old working in a bank when one of his coworkers said "you want to make some easy money tonight?" This guy had been going to Lagoa to make money! So he went and within a month had quit his job at the bank and worked 3 night a week at Lagoa and made double in three nights for a couple hours what he made in a week working 7-1/2 hours a day at the bank!(he is VGL and does everything well) my uneducated guess is the saunas will last another 3-5 years the online sites have been around 10 years there but have not really affected sauna business...YET Quote
Members Gotti Posted March 24, 2017 Members Posted March 24, 2017 I agree that most garotos might prefer the hotel room environment, however, some tourists and even some locals might prefer a close encounter before committing. I, myself, take into consideration their demeanor, the way they walk, the way they talk, the heavenly masculine and hopefully natural sound of their voice. Yes, you can call me picky! A picture on the screen don't tell me much, have very little use, if any, for the internet. Street trade, is preferable than a screen, but it is too intense, rushed and obviously dangerous. At a sauna you can, at ease, get the cake and eat it too! PopeFrancis 1 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted March 24, 2017 Members Posted March 24, 2017 Saunas are preferable to many clients as well as garotos that I know personally. The reasons I and some of my friends like sauna culture are: we enjoy the festive and relaxing environment; we can sample the merchandise before purchase: safety at the saunas, the prices are very reasonable; there are usually several hotties to choose from; prices are somewhat negotiable. The reasons many GPs prefer to work at saunas over the internet are: many do not live near the tourist areas and cannot easily travel to hotels when calls come; relying solely on tourist money is fool's gold; many enjoy the culture and comradery; safety at the saunas; opportunity to make more than one client session; saunas are in the city centers and the GP can hang out before and after. axiom2001 1 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted March 26, 2017 Members Posted March 26, 2017 My first visit to Rio was in October of 2002--. I visited all of the saunas and gave the sauna guys their requested fee, which at the time was R$50.00, a decent sum during that time. It remained that for a few years. In 2011, my last visit of some ten previous ones, I never over or under paid the requested fee but on several occasions managed to render a small gratuity, for the experiences were "over-the-top!" My only concern during these 17 years has been about how some guys (non locals, tourists) have tried to get a sauna guy to lower his fee from the base price charged of non locals. That's when I've requested that they know the exchange rate and proceed honestly. Remember in many countries-- there is the local fee and the visitor's fee. Recently, I was in Habana, Cuba, there's a local rate for taxis and a tourist's rate, the same in Thailand and other places in this world of ours. So, would it be wonderful if this topic were put to bed, once and for all, unless something truly usual transpired to force its being brought up again? Quote
Tomcal Posted March 26, 2017 Posted March 26, 2017 Axiom i am not sure what your point is? Are you saying Americans should pay more because we earn more money and have higher income? Isn't that one of the reason they have us as customers? We can afford to fly there? You could use the same illogical reasoning regarding excorts here in the US! You make so much more then they do you should pay more! It has been well known that locals in Brazil pay less then what is requested from Tourists! Again i will say pay what you are comfortable with.... but do not try and tell others what they should pay! Again you have not been there in over 6 years and if my memory is right, you did very few guys at that time and he/they were from a escort site not a sauna, which means you paid twice the rate or more of a sauna encounter for the same guy who works in the sauna! I don't think economic policy is your forte! Just saying! SolaceSoul and Badboy81 2 Quote
Guest KevinC Posted March 26, 2017 Posted March 26, 2017 The boys at sauna do ask higher price from tourists. (They know when you speak English or Spanish). One guy on my last visit even argued that it is only 50 dollars!! Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted March 28, 2017 Members Posted March 28, 2017 It amazes me that this is even such a topic STILL. "Should so pay $100R or $120R? Am I getting cheated if I pay a higher amount?" The difference in those rates amounts to about $6 USD! If you are squabbling over $6, and that hurts your pocketbook, then why the fuck are you even traveling to another country? I suggest that instead you keep your broke, cheap ass in the States and go to Branson, MO or Orlando, FL for a nice, normal American vacation with a bunch of fat trailer trash slobs who think that a night at Sizzler is fancy dining, and Taco Bell is exotic. Tomcal, Darkseraphim and Badboy81 3 Quote
Guest bobbalino Posted March 28, 2017 Posted March 28, 2017 You are my soulmate who gives me solace today, whoever you are! And you have lobbed a hand grenade at this topic ... that is whipsmart, amusing, and dead-centre. It works whether intense or deadpan, one of the acid tests for interesting commentary. There is nothing that has been posted here that would sway any future ambition I might harbor about being a high-rolling sucker, resented, gossiped about, spurring seismic shifts in the economic order. Quote
Tomcal Posted March 28, 2017 Posted March 28, 2017 9 hours ago, SolaceSoul said: ... The difference in those rates amounts to about $6 USD! If you are squabbling over $6, and that hurts your pocketbook, then why the fuck are you even traveling to another country? ... Best line and so true! SolaceSoul 1 Quote
Tomcal Posted March 28, 2017 Posted March 28, 2017 1 hour ago, bobbalino said: ...There is nothing that has been posted here that would sway any future ambition I might harbor about being a high-rolling sucker, resented, gossiped about, spurring seismic shifts in the economic order. Great line although i dont think you are "spurring seismic shifts in the economic order"! But made me smile and if we ever meet, drinks are on me! :-) Darkseraphim and SolaceSoul 2 Quote
Guest bobbalino Posted March 29, 2017 Posted March 29, 2017 Drinks on you ... okeedokee. You're payin', cachaca is licked from your navel, both? TBD Quote
Members Adamadam Posted April 3, 2017 Members Posted April 3, 2017 23 minutes ago, GugaSantos said: Reason why I hire Brazilian boys. I paid $100 for overnight from I insist on this website because their website name says to it. They do have the best guys and most can even fly over REALLY CHEAP. And some are already in the US or in Europe. You're pretty obviously the owner of that website or connected to it, you've been pushing it hard in the majority of your posts... ferrar and PopeFrancis 2 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted April 3, 2017 Members Posted April 3, 2017 52 minutes ago, GugaSantos said: Reason why I hire Brazilian boys. I paid $100 for overnight from I insist on this website because their website name says to it. They do have the best guys and most can even fly over REALLY CHEAP. And some are already in the US or in Europe. Enough with the promotion of that escort site already! We get it! Quote