Members endlessdream Posted February 25, 2017 Members Posted February 25, 2017 I'm too upset to talk about the details, but my lost is very heavy. His planetromeo pseudo: jonathanbaudr. His mobile: +57 3233134095. And his photos: Quote
Members brockmiller Posted February 26, 2017 Members Posted February 26, 2017 Sorry for your loss whatever it may be Quote
Members Darkseraphim Posted February 26, 2017 Members Posted February 26, 2017 Endless, I believe that most of us here can sympathize with your loss. As long as it's only money you can always earn it back, at least you still have your life. 95% of the guys I've met overseas have gone out of their way to please me and have given me very fond memories, 4% have tried to get what they could out of me and only 1% have really taken me for a ride. That's why this forum is here so that we can share foreign travel adventures, tips and advice. If this kid took your money and broke your heart I can say that you definitely have my sympathies. I plan on going back to Colombia for a few weeks in the coming months and will definitely keep my wits about me. Please travel safely and remember that most of the guys are not out to get you, screw with you yes. Quote
Guest KevinC Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 Sorry to hear. Unfortunately most Airbnb rentals do not have safe box to store your valuables. Quote
Members snwbrdr015 Posted March 3, 2017 Members Posted March 3, 2017 endlessdream, I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience. Thank you for sharing the details of this guy. Naming names and numbers hopefully will keep others safe. I think I've seen this guy on Grindr... I hope you will find the energy to share the details of what happened to you, so we can learn and advise each other. But I naturally respect your decision. Quote
Guest jimboivyo Posted March 4, 2017 Posted March 4, 2017 the other unfortunate thing about this post is this guy's eyebrows. someone take his tweezers from him. Quote
Guest inkaras Posted March 4, 2017 Posted March 4, 2017 Good reminder that meeting an escort in a less developed country is not without dangers. Some people just aren't good vetting shady characters... or simply unlucky. Remember safety rules, guys. Quote
floridarob Posted April 11, 2017 Posted April 11, 2017 Medellin was a bad luck spot for me too, got to experience "devil's breath" (google it) and woke up in my hotel with almost everything gone......Know a guy that in Lima had his worst experience, from someone he had known for a while...took him to meet his "family" actually turned out that his "friend" sold him to thugs that then beat, raped and emptied out his bank accounts. I'll never forget a guy in Brasil once told me.... NEVER trust anyone that sucks cock for money, if they are willing to do that, they are capable of anything.... And there are real stories of people waking up with missing organs, so material things can be replaced, what to do... Quote
Members msclelovr Posted April 11, 2017 Members Posted April 11, 2017 I don't doubt the veracity of your post, floridarob, but It will be very helpful if you will please provide more details of the incident. (I assume this was scopolamine) I wonder: when was this? the circumstances? in an hotel with good security? first date with a stranger? Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted April 11, 2017 Members Posted April 11, 2017 Aside from the thing that direcly happened to you @floridarob which is unfortunately possible to happen in South America, if you meet the wrong person. I think that the Lima thing is invented or very exaggerated). The guy would be dead and so it would his friend since the criminal gangs who are into this kind of business, don't buy victims from people who then would easily get tracked down by police. The organ thing is a fake, the stories of people waking up in ice and blood with a patchwork on their side are invented. I could believe it if he was waking up in a hospital, but this is not the case, and this kind of things usually doesn't happen in SA. Do not lower your guard when you are in S.A....but do not get paranoid because you would not enjoy the visit at all. (I was watching the pics of the guy the author of the topic was talking not date people who have pics where you can see "bare bricks", unless you are in a safe environment, like a don't want to meet people from favelas in your apartment...i won't even express myself about dating them at their home). Quote
floridarob Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 I guess if it hasn't happened to you is invented or fake, referred to as organ harvesting and many countries hide reports/numbers as not to appear dangerous to tourism. Is NOT limited to S. America either....... Yes, was scopolamine, in the Holiday Inn Express....I went to security to find out what happened to my stuff.... they said I entered with "friends", was very lucid and they showed me the security videos. The drug makes you very open to suggestion with no recollection of the events. Worse than a good night Cinderella because you become a willing participant to do what they want. Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted April 12, 2017 Members Posted April 12, 2017 I think if we are all honest with ourselves, we've each had at least one experience where we were hustled or taken advantage of, usually in a momentary lapse of judgment. Instead of just warning about specific individuals, it's probably better to use the experience to see what we each could do differently to prevent these kinds of situations. And be grateful that nothing worse happened -- THIS time. It happens to the best of us. I've been doing this for 20+ years and the few times whenever I "get got", it's something I could've easily prevented with some better precautions. My most standout Brazil experience was a hot cop I messed with several times before who stole 1300 reais out of my wallet when I was in the shower. Key phrases: "when I was in the shower" and "wallet". I should've had my wallet in the room safe, but I did not use my better judgment and used my little head instead. So, my bad! Charge it to the game of life lessons and move on. Precautionarily use other people's tales of woe not as "how stupid you were!" finger wags, but "how can I learn from this?" instead. JKane, ferrar and likeohmygod 3 Quote
Members likeohmygod Posted April 12, 2017 Members Posted April 12, 2017 4 hours ago, floridarob said: I guess if it hasn't happened to you is invented or fake, referred to as organ harvesting and many countries hide reports/numbers as not to appear dangerous to tourism. Is NOT limited to S. America either....... Sorry but I only believe to facts...I do not believe to invented's simple since most of them are ridiculous and illogical. Like the one of stolen organs where the bad guys actually bother to do advanced surgery to let you live with just a portion of liver or just one kidney, to happily go back to your country. The organ thing, i a fake which has been debunked not only by the interested countries, but also by Interpol investigations. And no...countries don't hide data because it would be just stupid. If they steal you a kidney, when you come back to your country, you'll report the thing to your government (by police or whatever) and there's no case report of the kind you've described. If someone is telling you that he knows a guy who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who woke up in a bathroom, covered by ice, with a missing telling you a complete bullshit. There are real cases, but they involve people who were already ospitalized and that "thanks" to corrupted doctors and criminal organizations, instead of getting their appendicitis out, they also got a kidney out...or more frequently they involve organs stolen from dead people without the consent of their families. This happens not only in S.A. which despite what people think, accounts only for a small part of the happens mostly in China. When some people do stupid things which result in some sort of personal damage (economical/physical), they tend to exagerate the events, to decrease their share of "responsibility" in order to don't let people tell them how stupid they've been. SolaceSoul 1 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted April 12, 2017 Members Posted April 12, 2017 A simple search to fact-checking site Snopes tells you that this urban legend is FALSE. JKane 1 Quote
floridarob Posted April 13, 2017 Posted April 13, 2017 If you don't believe its going on....don't know what to say. And as far as hearing things that have happened 2nd hand....I've heard it from both sides, (not organ harvesting) a victim and people that do the beating/robbing..... a few people know me personally on this do I gain by making stuff up, I hardly post here because of senseless arguments,lol Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted April 13, 2017 Members Posted April 13, 2017 1 hour ago, floridarob said: If you don't believe its going on....don't know what to say. And as far as hearing things that have happened 2nd hand....I've heard it from both sides, (not organ harvesting) a victim and people that do the beating/robbing..... a few people know me personally on this do I gain by making stuff up, I hardly post here because of senseless arguments,lol Did you bother to read the article in the link you posted? The article clearly states that what you described was more of an urban legend, but organ harvesting occurs at the hospital and medical level, with volunteers willing to sell their organs, or organs taken from dead bodies in morgues, mortuaries, crime scenes and war fields. likeohmygod 1 Quote
floridarob Posted April 13, 2017 Posted April 13, 2017 "Organized crime syndicates work behind the scenes. Their methods are varied" " In the developing world, people are kidnapped and used for their organs." " The urban legend is scary, if not a bit melodramatic. The reality, however, as it often is, is in some sense even more horrifying." So with such a demand for organs, they would leave an unsuspecting person alone...?? What country do you live in , btw?? Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted April 13, 2017 Members Posted April 13, 2017 42 minutes ago, floridarob said: " In the developing world, people are kidnapped and used for their organs." In those rare instances, they would be killed or left for dead and their organs stolen. There wouldn't be any waking up in a bathtub in a block of ice or in a hospital wth your kidney stolen. Again, what article did you read? likeohmygod and torogen 2 Quote