Members Popular Post tidewater Posted February 14, 2017 Members Popular Post Posted February 14, 2017 I thought I would start a thread detailing my February 2017 visit to Rio. Many of the contributors here are veterans with the scene (and I thank them for all their input) so I hope my contribution can be what it is like as a first-timer. I have visited the city previously but it was with friends and I did not partake of the delights of the saunas. I hope to give some advice on "first-timer" mistakes and I also hope to share some of the non-sauna things I do if anyone is interested (again, I have already done the big ones such as Corcovado, Sugarloaf, Botanical Gardens previously). I arrived today and was pleasantly surprised with how efficient, modern and friendly the immigration/customs process was at the airport. I was prepared for long lines but it all went quickly and smoothly (arrival at about noon during high season). It was much faster than my experience in US airports recently! It was then that I had my first-day problem. Perhaps veterans can offer some advice on this one. I was thoroughly ripped off by the taxi from the airport to the hotel. I took a taxi from arrivals curbside and it was yellow/blue and had an official license (things others have said to check) I also know my geography well enough to know it took the direct route. But, the meter was obviously rigged as the amount was way above what is expected (I would be embarrassed to even say how much it was). I knew the amount was way too high but sometimes you just get off a long international flight and don't have the energy to fight in a language you don't I paid. Anyhow, the hotel told me that rigged meters have become more of a problem lately and that arranging a ride with a company inside the airport is better. Lesson learned for me but it was frustrating of course (who likes to be taken advantage of?) and maybe others have advice on how to avoid this scam. I rested a bit at the hotel pool and then headed for a Tuesday night at 117. I was there in an early timeframe (5-7) and the place was packed! If it gets any more crowded later in the evening, it would be a fire hazard! There were people standing throughout the hallways (with the GPs flashing their goods). The selection was outstanding! This is NOT a complaint but it may have even have been a bit overwhelming for a first time (I may have been better off with a "training wheels" night for a first visit rather than arriving on what others say is the busiest night of the week). Rooms are free on Tuesdays but the desk clearly states they are free for 30 minutes only. At the front desk (staff friendly and helpful), I was given a key. Lockers are in the basement. I was a bit confused by this part as someone just magically appeared at my locker with towels and sandals (they even had my right size although no one asked my size). I did notice that there were obvious regulars as the GPs seemed to know many of the customers and groups of boys seemed to gather in groups around certain customers (maybe some regulars here?). I have to say that I was a bit shy being my first time and went with two guys who approached me (rather than me choosing...honestly, I am not sure where I even would have begun as there were so many hot guys). I bought both guys drinks (they go for Gatorade) and was happy they eagerly kissed right in the bar area. I have been to Thermas in Barcelona and have noted many guys there won't kiss where their buddies can see them outside of a private room. The going starting rate seemed to be $150R. I know others here have said that is overpaying but again I am a newbie! I ended up paying the second guy a bit more because I wanted to do so. I have noticed the etiquette on this message board is to not delve into explicit details so I will respect that. But, he did something I didn't even request but he did it passionately and I loved it! Both guys did ask for more to "milk" but honestly that wasn't a must for me. Here was a surprise for me...the women sitting right outside the rooms who come in and clean them when you are done. God bless them as that must be a difficult job to explain! Is it common to tip them in any way? I thought about it but didn't have cash when I went upstairs to the rooms. After your time, the GP follows you to your locker area (while staying a respectful distance away which was nice). The guys do seem very interested in getting your WhatsApp number for later meetings. I found the checkout process professional also. One additional note on going to 117. I obviously had a bad experience with a taxi so I took the Metro to/from the Club. I found it modern and very easy to use. You purchase cards at machines located near the turnstiles. I did notice the machine I used didn't give change so make sure you have an appropriate reais bill for how much you want to have loaded on a card. The walk from the Gloria Metro stop was short and seemed very safe. I find Google Street View helpful so I knew exactly where I was going. The area near the station is full of people in an informal market of food and other wares. Some will always use taxis I know but I really found the Metro a safe and quick option. Hope this is helpful. I will report additional info as I experience the trip. I may try 202 tomorrow. flipao, axiom2001, PopeFrancis and 10 others 13 Quote
Tomcal Posted February 14, 2017 Posted February 14, 2017 Great report!! Thank you! The taxi issue can now be avoided by using Uber! I always use it in Brazil. But if you do take a taxi go outside to the sidewalk area ask for a metered cab and then ask "how much to go to Ipanema? If its more then 70R (less if its Copa)say no and walk away believe me they will come after you and give you a flat rate! You did well for your first venture into the saunas! flipao and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Guest KevinC Posted February 15, 2017 Posted February 15, 2017 There are two airports in Rio: SDU and GIG. I used Uber at SDU, it was pretty easy. But I am not sure if you can get Uber at GIG. Quote
Tomcal Posted February 15, 2017 Posted February 15, 2017 You can get Uber at Gig you have to get it upstairs at departure level, I did it a month ago. Badboy81 1 Quote
Members Popular Post tidewater Posted February 16, 2017 Author Members Popular Post Posted February 16, 2017 Your advice on Uber is probably the way to go. Ironically, I had recently deleted Uber as the CEO was involved with a committee formed by the new US administration. To his credit (IMO), the CEO has since resigned from the group. There had been mixed reviews of Pointe 202 here but I went on a Wednesday night and it was packed. Rooms are free on Wednesdays and I think the facilities were just as nice as 117 and, more importantly, the selection and variety of men was on par with what I had seen the night before at 117. Of course, I say "variety" but dark-haired, muscular, week-old scruff, and fashionable tattoos are the predominant type at both establishments! The asking price also seemed the same at $150R. 202 is very convenient to Copa hotels and near a Metro station if coming from elsewhere. Guys did say that it is much less busy on other nights. I did have the experience of one guy showing me pictures of his wife and 10-year old daughter. I know that situation is common but still takes a little getting used to. This may be the type of info that no one here cares to hear so I apologize if that is the case. But, I thought I would mention a few other attractions to keep one busy during the day outside of the ones everyone knows. -The bonde (tram) to Santa Teresa provides a look at a neighborhood in the hills of Rio that has a very different vibe from the beach areas. The neighborhood has a mixture of arty/bohemian shops and cafes and restored mansions. There are great views from the tram and the station is close to Cinelandia metro. Runs every 20 minutes and costs $20R. -Esacadaria Selaron (same neighborhood): stairway to Santa Teresa neighborhood that is covered in tiles (created by one artist over his lifetime) that is colorful and interesting to see. Fun to spot where the tiles originated (people from around the world sent tiles to the artist) -Catete Palace/Museum of the Republic (right at Catete Metro): like a smallish European-style palace with gardens. Was home to Brazilian presidents and one (Vargas...a bit like a Brazilian FDR maybe) shot himself in the bedroom. They have the gun and bullet he used on display. Mostly of interest to see European styles transported to tropics. -Forte de Copacabana (south end of beach)- great views and the two cafes provide one of the most pleasant places I have seen to sit and have a drink/snack (and espcially on a hot day....just sitting there and taking in the view under shade trees is worth the $6R admission). As an added bonus, it is an active military installation and there are plenty of hot young soldiers walking around. If I hear no feedback, I will skip the travel commentary. But, bottom line is that no one should hesitate checking out 202 (at least on a Wednesday!) Tomcal, Cany10011, Manly69 and 4 others 7 Quote
Tomcal Posted February 16, 2017 Posted February 16, 2017 Great report and i totally agree! I have finally got used to the wife/kids thing! I have been to 3 weddings and several birthday parties in Niteroi of guys i had been fucking in the saunas, and danced with their wives/girlfriends... last one i went to was a neighboorhood party in Niteroi with about 200 residents i was the only foreigner and gringo. At that time there were 8 friends all from thecsame neighborhood working at 117 and i had been with 7 of them over the previous year numerous times! They invited me and i had a great time!! The caveat being we didnt mention to anyone we met at the sauna. I met them playing Volleyball on the beach! Lol. only in Brazil flipao and axiom2001 2 Quote
Members Cany10011 Posted February 17, 2017 Members Posted February 17, 2017 Thank you both, Tidewater and Tomcal, for your contributions! I love reading your reports and look forward to visiting Brazil someday soon. flipao and axiom2001 2 Quote
Members msclelovr Posted February 17, 2017 Members Posted February 17, 2017 Tidewater, thanks for the reports on your sauna-experiences. Also I especially enjoyed learning about the attractions outside of the saunas. axiom2001 and flipao 2 Quote
Valleyman Posted February 18, 2017 Posted February 18, 2017 Thanks for the great reports -- and if you have more information about things to see in Rio other than the saunas please continue to share it with us. Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted February 19, 2017 Members Posted February 19, 2017 Tidewater, I like your name here as well as reading your report. Brasil, but especially Rio de janeiro, will always have a very warm spot in my heart. I found the city to be extraordinarily beautiful, even some of the favelas from afar. The people I've always admired in terms of their helpfulness and basic decorum and... the culture. ...hope to return one of these days if I am not traveling elsewhere. ...can only do one or two international trips per year during retirement. Quote
Members docbr Posted February 19, 2017 Members Posted February 19, 2017 Tidewater, thanks for the report! Since I can't go to Rio theses days, love hearing about others experiences there. I like the off sauna report, keep it coming. Also, those visits get even more fun when you invite a guy you met before at the saunas... worth a try. Quote
Members Popular Post tidewater Posted February 19, 2017 Author Members Popular Post Posted February 19, 2017 Thanks all for the nice feedback. It certainly provides motivation to do more reporting. I am glad the non-sauna comments are appreciated as there is so much to experience in the city. I returned to 202 tonight. I didn't expect it to be as busy as it was as on Wednesday and that was definitely the case. I decided to go there (against the general advice here) as it is just so close to my hotel. Strange how the place doesn't do better business since it is so much more convenient to where most would stay when visiting and the facilities/staff are nice. Anyhow, it didn't really matter that it was less busy as I went with one guy and that was all I needed. He went to completion three times... I was shocked when he was ready for the third time so quickly (I am about 15 years removed from that sort of energy!!). So good experience. If I have one quibble with Rio saunas (compared to Barcelona) is that the "re-negotiation" of the rate is brought up seemingly more with Rio guys during the programa. Not that you end up paying anything outrageous..but it is better (from my perspective) not to discuss money again once you've started and agreed upon an amount. Maybe others know the language to use with a guy and avoid that happening. Some non-sauna items: -I knew about Carnaval and the big event in the sambadrome. But, I didn't realize how much it goes on for locals and others in the weeks leading up to that event. This was a big weekend for block parties which are how most cariocas celebrate Carnaval. They are all over the city and hotels can recommend good ones from postings online. They involve a band playing great music with the crowd dancing and drinking with friends. People dress up in costumes (more homemade, not the elaborate ones you see from the big event). Those here would probably be most interested in the hot guys whose "costume" of choice is "as little clothing as possible." I am attaching one pic which gives a flavor of a block party with the highlight being the guy in the center. He is not a GP obviously but is a "look" you find in the saunas. He caught my eye as he was an absolute mountain of a man (like 6'5" or so). He could show up to work in a sauna wearing that outfit and he certainly would get my attention!! - Everyone will see Christ the Redeemer and you should. But, make sure you hit Sugarloaf also. For my money, it has equal or better views and is a more enjoyable experience. The C the R statute has a relatively small viewing area and it is like being in a crowded club...with the added fun of selfie sticks in your face and people lying on the ground for the perfect photo. Sugarloaf is indeed popular but there is more space to savor the views and even have a drink as you look over the beautiful city -I thought the cathedral (near downtown) was worth a visit. Unless you are a big fan of uber-Brutalist architecture, I think most people would find the outside rather ugly. But, it works better on the inside with the amazing stained glass windows. -Here is something I would recommend skipping (unless you are a huge futbol fan)...Maracana stadium. The inside is closed (lots of problems since Olympics), not much to see outside, and not really an interesting neighborhood from what I could see. -It can't be stressed enough how casual the dress is in Rio. I packed mostly dressier shorts and polo shirts...and I have felt conspicuously over-dressed at times. I have even eaten at a few nicer restaurants. Does not matter. As long as you put on a shirt...any shirt are "good to go" -Talking food. I have found the food good but haven't had a spectacular meal yet. I think I was spoiled from my last visit to Brazil when we spent time in Salvador/Bahia. The food there (especially seafood) was some of the best I have ever had. I will note one rather unique restaurant option in Rio. The "per kilo" buffets. Let me be clear...this is not "fine dining" but the one where I went had perfectly decent food with lots of options. I mention this option here as it seemed to be a popular choice for solo diners (and some here may be traveling solo). The one where I ate appears to be among the best known and is on the same street as 202 (on the block closest to the beach). Again, thanks for the feedback, I hope a first-time visitor to Rio and/or saunas found something useful in my reports. flipao, Strafe13, JKane and 3 others 6 Quote
Guest riosul77 Posted February 20, 2017 Posted February 20, 2017 Good reports Tidewater, and you write well. Perhaps the kilo was Siqueira Grill? Pricey for a kilo, but the food is fresh throughout the day. Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted February 20, 2017 Members Posted February 20, 2017 Ah, Rio during Carnaval. I keenly remember 2003 when my friend and I went. hope to go back one of these days to re-experience at a slower pace. Try Marius for seafood; it's one of those all you can eat and is adjacent to its "meat" facility. ...liked very much which I last went in 2007 or '08! Damn-- 17 years into the 21st century. This venue is located directly east of Copa. One day I left my hotel and walked to Avenida Atlantica/o (??) turned east and walked until I reached it. My lunch experience was wonderful. ...would recommend other places but can't easily relocate my great guide books. {Ask for recommendations from hotel desk folks or from your concierage if the hotel has one.) ...loved Bahia as well. ...had great times there. [Before leaving Rio, you might want to take in THE PLATAFORMA, an extravaganza in music and dance highlighting the history of Rio/Brasil. ...gorgeous eye candy. I've gone three times. Have your meal elsewhere, though before going to this performance! ] Quote