Popular Post Tomcal Posted January 16, 2017 Popular Post Posted January 16, 2017 I left thursday for brazil, i was supposed to leave out of orange cty airport but the flight kept getting delayed by 15 minutes 4 times so now instead of a 2 hour layover in DFW i had 1 hour possibly(as it turned out it ended up delayed by 4 hours! I called AA and they agreed to send me out of LAX and pay for the cab which was $121.00! And they had one seat left open in Business class and is a direct flight to Sao Paulo! So it all worked out. In SP Friday morning I was picked up by my namorado there and we drove to his condo as he insisted i stay at his place rather then the hotel, i think mot because of love but he thought he could keep a eye on me better! We ate lunch went to the ATM and at 5:00 i was to meet a Brazilian friend(he is as big a HO as me)at Lagoa. This changes depending on several factors but this weekend Lagoa was busy and fun both Friday and Saturday nights! There were over 50 guys working and had a decent mix for everyone, twinks, bodybuilder and everything in between! There was one absolutely stunning looking guy, he was black, one of maybe 5 black garotos there, who had a amazing body beautiful face and huge dick his only downside was that he was about 5'4" or 5'5"! More about him later. I saw a twink who had a cute face and toned body and a big dick! I should say that there is always a number of big dicks on display but as often happens the faces are not attractive(at least to me) and I like anyone, enjoys seeing a big dick it is not my preference as i am a top but i do take them if the guy has a good face. This guy had that, so we went to a room and he was amazing and a really nice person. After we came back down he sat with us on and off the entire evening. Then two guys came up to me that i know, one who is extremely toned with a 6 pac and one who is a body builder. Again body builders are not my type typically but both these guys i have known about a year and a half and have done 3 ways with them before. The extremely toned one had let his hair grow out on his body and head and the other one referred to him as Tarzan! LOL so we went up and had alot of fun as usual. About a hour later after i was sitting in the bar with my Brazilian friend, i spotted the handsome short black guy wandering through the crowd and asked him to sit down! We had a drink and talked for about a 1/2 hour and i asked him how was business and he said "not good" he had not done one programma! I asked him why not? I said "you are definitely the most handsome guy here! You have one of the best bodies here and you have one of the biggest dicks! I actually think it is due to how he presents himself, he appears very serious as he walks around and not the friendliest when the opposite is true! There were now 5 or 6 guys hanging around our table including the twink i had gone up with earlier so i said to him "do you want to go up to a room"? And he smiled that beautiful smile of his and said lets go! When we got into bed he said "i am activo" i said "so am i"! Lol but two toos can have a great time together! And we did! Day one-- to be con't stripfan, paulsf, AdamSmith and 9 others 12 Quote
floridarob Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 "my namorado".....OMG AdamSmith and TotallyOz 2 Quote
floridarob Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 and... " (he is as big a HO as me)".......doubtful AdamSmith and Tomcal 2 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 17, 2017 Author Posted January 17, 2017 Rob he started way before me!! Hes a bigger HO! Lol AdamSmith 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 On 1/16/2017 at 7:29 PM, Tomcal said: Day one-- to be con't And, as usual, more on Day 1 than many in first week. Enjoy the trip. I can't wait to hear the rest of the adventure! axiom2001 1 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 18, 2017 Author Posted January 18, 2017 Wow its now Weds and i haven't done a report since Friday! I've been busy! Saturday atLagoa was also really busy with alot of guys of all types. Twinks, gymnist type builds, normal types and muscle guys all in the mix! On Sundaymy SP friend and i headed to Rio almost missed our flight(well he almost missed it) because they wouldnt let him take his skateboard on as carryon but we got it worked out! When i got to Rio i went to 117 and ran into a guy who i knew or knew about for the last 5 years because he had been dating a friend of a friend and he said "you are Tom?" He sat down when another guy i know came over, semi muscular, short with a big dick. I knew the first guy emwas a bttm so i asked him if he wanted to get a room with us? Of course i knew the answer before i asked it! After i invited the one guy to dinner as he knew my friend from SP, but then i got a message from Ricardo who is also a friend of both asking what we were doing? So we 4 went to dinner and back to the apt. Where they have been ever since, but we had another addition last night! On Sunday after 117 which was very busy the 4 of us went to Galitos restaurant which is across the street from ToNeAi the gay bar in Ipanema. While eating a guy from Lagoa came over to our table and he was with a client from Florida. He knew my friend from SP but didnt know the 2 other sauna guys, but he turns to me and says "Hi Tom!" I have no idea who he was and was sure i had never been with him! He told me "remember we met a year ago at Lagoa but you were with someone else and we never got to spend time together! Whew! I thought i was losing it for a minute not remembering him! Italian looking about 6' and semi or a little better muscular! We said we were going across the street for a drink did they want to join us? So the 6 of us got a table next to the railing outside, perfect location...cont later have to leave for the sauna! Cany10011, TotallyOz and AdamSmith 3 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 18, 2017 Author Posted January 18, 2017 I left my "housemates" at the beach and got away to make my one and only trip to Point202. I have to say it is the busiest i have seen it in a long time! Weds is supposed to be their best night. to continue where i keft off, when we left the bar on Sunday night the guy with the client slipped me his whatsapp number! We all went back to the apt and slept( or sone of did)! monday at Meo Mundo was really packed with guys and i was sitting with a table full of them when i saw a really handsome guy i had never seen before and i asked him how long had he been working and he said 2 weeks. I was alreaddy committed for monday night so i asked him if he wanted to meet Tues night at Club 117 and he said yes! PopeFrancis and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 19, 2017 Author Posted January 19, 2017 Tuesday night at 117 was packed full! Many new guys! I met the guy i had met the day before at Meo Mundo and he was definitely worth the wait! Then one of the "boys" who i have known a long time told me there was a set of twins(gemeos) working there and they had really big dicks. We have done alot of 3 and 4 ways together, he finds someone(s) who we both like and he gets them! I had already promised 2 other guys we were going to a room so we asked if they were ok with all of us going up and they said "problem" so the 5 of us went up to a room! Turns out the big guy, both in muscles and dick size was a little shy and couldnt get hard in a bigger group so after two of the guys got down they left and instantly he was hard! That night the guy from SP who we had met at the bar the previous night joined us for dinner and just assumbed he would be going back to the apartment with us... he was right! Turned out to be a really great guy! tonight wednesday, my friends decided to go late to the beach so i thought i would stop by an see Pointe202. It was really busy by 6:30 and thats when i found my dream guy! Lol. He just graduated from dental school and had worked at pointe 8 years ago when he was 18! Tall handsome, well educated, passionate kisser! But as i watched he was talking to this customer for the longest time with no end in site so i went to the manager who I know well and asked him for a favor! Could he let the guy know i wanted to talk to him without being obvious, he laughed and said sure and then called him on his cell phone to come to the locker room! TotallyOz 1 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 19, 2017 Author Posted January 19, 2017 Best sauna nights - IMHO 117 - Sunday -Tues - Thurs Meo Mundo - Monday. And i am told Friday but did not go there on Friday Pointe- Wednesday and pissibly Friday/Saturday Lagoa Sao Paulo - Friday and Saturday were great! Remember this change at any time! If i was asked this 6 months ago i would have given a different reponse! redxs and likeohmygod 2 Quote
Members redxs Posted January 19, 2017 Members Posted January 19, 2017 Why the change in fortunes for Point 202 do you think? For a year or so the place was on its last legs? I'm glad its fortunes are on the up... its location is good for those with a hotel in Copa. Quote
12is12 Posted January 19, 2017 Posted January 19, 2017 I can understand why Mond is a good day for NMM, 117 being closed. But what are the reasons for other nights being good/bad for any sauna? Quote
Badboy81 Posted January 19, 2017 Posted January 19, 2017 2 hours ago, Tomcal said: Best sauna nights - IMHO 117 - Sunday -Tues - Thurs Meo Mundo - Monday. And i am told Friday but did not go there on Friday Pointe- Wednesday and pissibly Friday/Saturday Lagoa Sao Paulo - Friday and Saturday were great! Remember this change at any time! If i was asked this 6 months ago i would have given a different reponse! My Opinion....And not pissibly...SMile Monday-Meo Mundo 117-Sunday thru Saturday Pointe is HIT or MISS depending on what is going on...Wednesday is good but 117 is consistently good Tomcal 1 Quote
Members Gotti Posted January 19, 2017 Members Posted January 19, 2017 My experience: Wednesday has been good at Point for quite awhile. Reason: is a free suite night, several weeks ago I wrote here about how surprised I was when I realized that were 3 or 4 guys that caught my eye, which is a better average that my picky self gets in any sauna in Rio, where in the past I have left empty handed in all of them. Important: I'm not making a statement that Point is the best sauna in Rio, which is not the case, but chances are they have the best Wednesday in town. A critique: they have the best designed steam room of all, why is always so stupidly hot that nobody can stand more than 2 minutes? An observation: hardly any blacks or dark skinned garotos. How Junior gets away with this? Tomcal and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 20, 2017 Author Posted January 20, 2017 I am no expert but my 2 cents is Junior since he took back point is he is trying every marketing ploy he can think of to jump sart attendence! Last night he had amini bar set up between the two pillars that are about 6' from the full bar with mojitos, etc. he has sex shows (so does 117) frre nights for suites, admission etc. i dont know if any of these will work permanently but this week they were! TotallyOz 1 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 20, 2017 Author Posted January 20, 2017 Gotti from what i know from my friends who own/manage the saunas, they dont select the guys! Whoever shows up with a gov't ID and pays the fee can work! This past week there wes a number of black garotos at each sauna and one in particular who had a amazing bubble butt who was Sunday at 117and Monday at Meo mundo and Wednesday at Pointe. My take is Junior is not getting away with anything the guys that work there are the ones that show up! And i am not sure any EEOC agency in Brazil would be concerned about the racial discrimpencies in Gay sauna workers! If you look at the populations in metro Sao Paulo, 24 Million and Rio, 10 Million and then take in the actual number of Garotos as a % of the total population, my take is the government agency(s) would be way more concerned with the other 20,000 or so occupations that employ more people! My 2 cents TotallyOz 1 Quote
Members Gotti Posted January 20, 2017 Members Posted January 20, 2017 You are right Tom, no government agency would be concerned about diversity at saunas, but I consistently observed the establishment with bigger proportion of blacks is Meio Mundo, followed by 117 and then Point, also twinks are predominant at Meio Mundo, Buffy types at 117 that is also some mature men there doing programas, just a few to be sure, but there are hardly any elsewhere and finally whites/light skinned at Point, since the owners have no saying, garotos certainly know their turf! Tomcal 1 Quote
Badboy81 Posted January 20, 2017 Posted January 20, 2017 The sauna boys go where the money is....if they can make more money at a certain sauna, that is where they are going to go especially since they all have to pay an entrance fee... The last time I was at Pointe, there weren't very many guys there at all and the time before that I did see a Black Brazilian working in the sauna... 117, the few black guys who I have seen in there are extremely well know because they are all, with the exception of maybe one with a huge dick and just regular looking, extremely good looking...Like model looks and amazing bodies...There are two that are consistently in 117 that are BEAUTIFUL...By Brazilian and American and European and just about everybody elses standards Tomcal and JAYBLK 2 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 21, 2017 Author Posted January 21, 2017 Ok, back onto my trip! The guy from SP who we had met with the client on Sunday night at ToNemAi, came over to the apartment to meet us to go to dinner, we went to one of the 30 or so restaurants within 3 blocks of the apartment and then after we ate, the 5 of us went to bed, but around 1:30 am or so i heard two of the guys get up! They decided to go to a club and didn't want to wake us. They came back around 4:30 am they said! Thursday i had a "appt" at Pointe with the guy from the day before, he was dressed in a suit and came in as a client because after we were done he had to go to a marketing meeting and couldn't stay the required 3 hours to get the Escort admission rate. I like this guy alot! I got a message that the 3 guys from the apartment had made a fairwell dinner and i needed to be back by 8:30! When i got to the apartment Acir from Meo Mundo was there and the table was set with wine glasses and appropriate silverware and Ricardo had went out and bought all the ingrediants including a large pork loin roast and spent 2-1/2 hours making the dinner! It really was amazingly good! Really good!!! He made several side dishes and we were all stuffed by the end of dinner! The next morging myself and the guy from SP were leaving at 7:00 am for the airport, he to Sao Paulo and me to Porto Alegre, so everyone else left that evening after dinner. It was a great week in Rio, except the weather was hot and humid! On to Porto Alegre! docbr and Badboy81 2 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 21, 2017 Author Posted January 21, 2017 I arrived in Porto alegre just before noon and the former pro soccer player picked me up! He was leaving in the morning for a weeks vacation in Orlando with his 6 yr old daughter and the only chance to see each other would be Friday afternoon, after we had lunch we went back to the hotel! I always forget just how big his dick is! He is Blonde, 6'2" athletic build, and his dick is Over 8" and thick with a big head and always hard! :-). He is Polish, which is one one three main backgrounds of PA's population the others being German and Northern Italian. There are more blondes here then in Orange county where I live! We fell asleep and when se woke up we both had to go, as i always try to be at Messiniu by 5:00 before most of the guys get there! I needed to not have worried! It was the worse night i think of any sauna i have been to in the 16 years i have been coming here!!! Me and one other customer and about 12 - 15 boys! That doesnt mean i didnt have fun. I had arranged to meet a guy i had been with. before that no longer works there... but theres more to this story.... Gotti and JunNJ 2 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 21, 2017 Author Posted January 21, 2017 I was told that Wednesday and Saturday are the best nights here! I just got here at 5:00 and they are right it already has at least 30+ here and most boys dont show up until 6:00! but doubt i will ever be around here on a wednesday to find out PopeFrancis 1 Quote
Members PopeFrancis Posted January 22, 2017 Members Posted January 22, 2017 Porto Alegre Wednesday and Saturday are indeed the busiest days in Mezzaninu. Followed by Friday and Sunday (with its rooftop barbecue). Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are their leanest days - and the guys pay less to enter on those days. Also, if you fancy a trip in the time tunnel, the busiest day at Plataforma is Friday floridarob 1 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 22, 2017 Author Posted January 22, 2017 Tonight the same guy i did last night showed up and we went up to a room. He slightly more body builder then Gymnist build but not overbuilt. We had anmmazing sex, he came twice and then as were laying there i said "do you want to go to dinner tonight?" And he said" at 10:00 he is a uber driver until 10:00 am!" I said when do you sleep and he said from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm then he goes to the sauna to work from 5:00 to 8:30! But he said he could get his brother to stay longer on his shift but he would have to leave by 1:30am to start at 2:00 for sure and then cone back to the hotel at 10:00am today.and stay until i leave for the airport at 1:00! So at 10:30 we went to a restaurant on Rua padre Chagas close to my hotel, which is about a 6 block long very upscale/yuppie area in Porto Alegre where there are about a dozen restaurants many with outdoor dining on the blvd. after that we we t back to the hotel where he came for the third time then we set the alarm and went to sleep until 1:45 am and got up to go to work. He is due back here in a few hours. He told me his grandparents immigrated here from Italy(as previosly noted one of the areas a high % of porto alegre's residents have in their background. tonight i head home after a 4 hour visit to lGoa in Sao Paulo before my flight! JunNJ 1 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 22, 2017 Author Posted January 22, 2017 The guy from last night and early this AM just showed up at the hotel and said "it is 4 hrs before your plane departs lets sleep for 2 hours together! I like his thinking! stripfan, likeohmygod, JunNJ and 1 other 4 Quote
Members docbr Posted January 22, 2017 Members Posted January 22, 2017 Always love your reports Tom! Keep going and tell us how Lagoa is doing... axiom2001 1 Quote
Tomcal Posted January 23, 2017 Author Posted January 23, 2017 I forgot to talk about Bar Mixx on Friday night! It was packed! It starts about 10:30 For those who dont know about it it is one of, if not the last old-fashioned Hustler bars left in the world! The caliber of the guys is what you might have found in seedier State side hustler bars in the '80's! Most of the guys are what i would call "white trailer trash"(and as someone who comes from that background, i know what i am talking about!). :-) But there is always 3 or 4 guys from the sauna , plus some additional guys who have construction jobs but are short cash for the weekend and i have usually gotten lucky there! This Friday night was no exception! There were i would estimate there were about 25+ hustlers when i was there but there could have been anither dozen or so. I walked in and said Hi to the owner and someone taps me on the shoulder and i turn and it a blonde haired guy i had met once two years ago! Big smile and he says "do you remember my name?" I said "of course(i didn't) but quickly changed the topic before he could ask me by saying "i still have the photo of you i took that night"!(i did). He has a toned body looks about 21 but turns out he is 30! And boy does he know how to do everything and does it well! He also showed me a photo of his 4 yr. old son. The one advantage of Mixx Bar is they have 4 minimally outfitted bedrooms to rent in the back of the bar! He and i took about 30 seconds to decide to rekindle our time together, and i have to admit it was probably the best sex i had on this trip and i had some great sex!! I asked him why i hadn't seen him the last two years as i come to Mixx every 3 months or so and he says he works construction and had been in Uruaguay alot this past year. The guys at Mixx ask less then the guys in the saunas. Gotti and Badboy81 2 Quote