Members Suckrates Posted September 4, 2016 Members Posted September 4, 2016 Admin note: This thread was part of a discussion in another thread. It was not on topic, so we separated the posts in that thread that were irrelevant to the topic. We also created the topic. I hope this helps to clear away any understanding. OK, OK, we know this suggestion is coming so I'll just throw it out there: "put a muzzle on Suckrates, or just kick him the hell off the site" TotallyOz 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted September 4, 2016 Posted September 4, 2016 Sucky, my understanding is that you are a wise all knowing cocksucker. How could me possibly put a muzzle on someone so talented? paulsf and MsAnn 2 Quote
Members BigK Posted September 4, 2016 Members Posted September 4, 2016 1 hour ago, Suckrates said: OK, OK, we know this suggestion is coming so I'll just throw it out there: "put a muzzle on Suckrates, or just kick him the hell off the site" lol. No way! Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted September 4, 2016 Members Posted September 4, 2016 5 hours ago, TotallyOz said: my understanding is that you are a wise all knowing cocksucker Cocksuckers tend do go bonkers when they first see my cock pop out of my underwear semi-erect. The facial expression is always the same: gluttonous rapture. Back in the day, before the beta blockers, cocksuckers loved to worship the rock hard shaft I could eventually deliver. Frankly, in my experience, I always felt my cock was too large for most people's mouth, because it was a rare experience to meet a man who knew how to suck it without causing me great pain. I'm not a fan of large cock while having sex. I wish mine were smaller so that I could enjoy oral sex more. I've met a lot of adorable men who can't handle large things shoved up their ass. Some of the hottest sex I've ever had was with men whose cock was much smaller than my own. Another thing I've learned through the years: Men who are obsessed with cocksucking - you know, the guys with scabs on their knees that never heal - are among the most selfish men on the planet. They're like whiny, crying babies who won't shut the fuck up until mommy shoves a pacifier in. Obsessed cocksuckers are fucking miserable people until you stick a cock down their throat. They need their cocksucking fix 24/7 in order to make them "happy." Too bad this software doesn't offer a big-cock drop-down feature for some members to suck while posting. New lurkers might enjoy the quiet sound of a baby not crying all the time, and they might decide to join. episevilla, Lucky, citylaw1 and 2 others 2 1 1 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 4, 2016 Author Members Posted September 4, 2016 Rockhard really knows how to target me by posting a thread on cock (his cock) and cocksucking. So, I'll take his bait with a few comments of my own. Surely Rocky doesnt intend for us to believe the posted pic herewith is Him or his appendage ? I remember a few years back when Mr Hard was at the height of his online doucebaggery, throwing his signature "Troll" comments out there left and right and trying to lead everyone to believe he was this super hot, flamboyantly wealthy, well travelled and connected dude. Then someone forwarded me his picture. Everything became clear at that moment.. Instead of this super hot guy, there was this schlubby, overweight, out of shape, average to unattractive looking dude and I understood then WHY his need to create his online Teflon persona of a hot shot Alpha male with a sharp tongue and take no prisoners attitude. It must be really difficult for him to navigate thru a GAY world in the body he was given ? I am sure in reality, there is plenty of rejection and loneliness, so why not create a bigger than life persona to protect himself, one that people would fear and not want to mess with ? Makes perfect sense... And now we are treated to a grandstanding post about his COCK , and cocksuckers, just to bait me. Of course I am sitting here laughing while writing this, picturing the reality of his cock, undersized and in need of Viagra, but I dont fault him for that. Many of us, including myself are in that boat. But what I dont understand was the point of that post in response to OZ asking for constructive suggestions for revamping this site. I guess its just another Rockhard "look at me" moment that we will remember when we once again reminisce about The Rockhard Days Gone by...... If nothing else, the guy is interesting and gets you talking. Europeanman 1 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted September 4, 2016 Members Posted September 4, 2016 1 hour ago, rvwnsd said: IMHO, the background images need to be replaced. To me, images of money being tossed, an older gentleman in a tuxedo, and lighting a c-note with a cigar look somewhat creepy and cheesy. They also do not speak to a younger, hipper demographic. The site could easily have an upscale feel if you simply removed the images. Frankly, one of the reasons I don't participate here because the look-and-feel does not speak to me. I completely agree with rvwnsd on the tacky photos edging my screen. However, I can deal with bad graphic design if I enjoy the subject matter. I tolerated that cheap, free, no-design software that the "other site" used for many years. Their latest upgrade is basically more of the same with different colors. I'm a HUGE fan of clean white space, but very few web designers have the talent of those working for Apple. Plus, they're very expensive. RE: self portraits Dearest readers, Just to put an ignorant, naive, gullible TROLL in his place, there are no photos of me on the internet that do not possess a digital watermark. If anyone claims they received a photo of me and it does not have the digital watermark, then you've been played for a stupid fool. How would you know the watermark is mine? I'd have to see the photo and then I'd be happy to tell you. Does a photo exist on the internet that shows my face? Absolutely NOT! Thank you for reading my posts and supporting my stance on muzzling the hateful trolls. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 4, 2016 Author Members Posted September 4, 2016 33 minutes ago, RockHardNYC said: Dearest readers, Just to put an ignorant, naive, gullible TROLL in his place, there are no photos of me on the internet that do not possess a digital watermark. If anyone claims they received a photo of me and it does not have the digital watermark, then you've been played for a stupid fool. How would you know the watermark is mine? I'd have to see the photo and then I'd be happy to tell you. Does a photo exist on the internet that shows my face? Absolutely NOT! Thank you for reading my posts and supporting my stance on muzzling the hateful trolls. A totally predictable reply, but it was established at the time I received it, going back a few years now, that it WAS indeed you. Damage Control 101: When you are sinking, deny, deny, .. (and the Dearest readers part was a lovely, sweet touch) So save your breath and the site space. Eventhough I blew your cover, we still will allow you to continue your masquerade. If a fake online persona gives you power, strength and confidence, have at it. And it takes a Troll to be so knowledgeable about them. You got that down perfectly. As you have stressed so many times how you have put me on ignore, you must also have magic powers to know every single word I am posting. Your super powers never cease to amaze, but I guess the preservation of your arrogant online persona is top of your list so you need to stay INFORMED..... Understood !!! And I am quite flattered that I apparently seem to rattle your cage. Be careful it doesnt crack your hard exterior.... Europeanman 1 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted September 4, 2016 Members Posted September 4, 2016 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 4, 2016 Author Members Posted September 4, 2016 14 minutes ago, RockHardNYC said: Wow, you ARE rattled by me.... Not as tough as you thought you were, huh Rocky ? You can call me a Troll all you want, but it doesnt detract from the fact YOU are an online Fraud, always was, always will be. You like to use the words obnoxious and hateful when referring to others, but many might say those are words that perfectly depict yourself. So perhaps you should choose your words more carefully so one doesnt think you are speaking about yourself. Europeanman 1 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted September 4, 2016 Members Posted September 4, 2016 Quote
Members citylaw1 Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 18 hours ago, Suckrates said: A totally predictable reply, but it was established at the time I received it, going back a few years now, that it WAS indeed you. Damage Control 101: When you are sinking, deny, deny, .. (and the Dearest readers part was a lovely, sweet touch) So save your breath and the site space. Eventhough I blew your cover, we still will allow you to continue your masquerade. If a fake online persona gives you power, strength and confidence, have at it. 2 This is precisely the type of shit that hinders the growth of a good message board and site. If we are looking for escorts, and those of us that hire them, to participate here, the mere suggestion of outing people's personal information is not only off-putting, it's detrimental to the board itself. Looking for escort participation on here is a great way to improve this board, and your veiled threats of exposure go against the very mission. I'm communicating with an escort for an upcoming trip; I now know his real name and birth date (required for airfare), therefore I have looked at his Facebook, Instagram, etc. This is the delicate dance that is played between escorts and clients - a dance of slowly releasing certain information, especially where a trip is involved. If this escort goes on here and reads this shit, do you suppose that he would be more, or less likely to participate in this environment? Are you the kind of guy that would post his pic, social profiles, and call his family? If I owned this site I would ban you from it - for this post only. Your thousands of boring and argumentative rants can be ignored, like I routinely do, but this type of stuff is bad for business. You're on an escort site, don't hire escorts, never travel, and, in my recollection, have never offered any type of useful advice to the participants here that claim to have a common interest in escorts. I belong to a Yankee fan group, and I never go on there to discuss escorts, just like I don't go to Lugers and order fish. Lucky 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 5, 2016 Author Members Posted September 5, 2016 37 minutes ago, citylaw1 said: This is precisely the type of shit that hinders the growth of a good message board and site. If we are looking for escorts, and those of us that hire them, to participate here, the mere suggestion of outing people's personal information is not only off-putting, it's detrimental to the board itself. Looking for escort participation on here is a great way to improve this board, and your veiled threats of exposure go against the very mission. I'm communicating with an escort for an upcoming trip; I now know his real name and birth date (required for airfare), therefore I have looked at his Facebook, Instagram, etc. This is the delicate dance that is played between escorts and clients - a dance of slowly releasing certain information, especially where a trip is involved. If this escort goes on here and reads this shit, do you suppose that he would be more, or less likely to participate in this environment? Are you the kind of guy that would post his pic, social profiles, and call his family? If I owned this site I would ban you from it - for this post only. Your thousands of boring and argumentative rants can be ignored, like I routinely do, but this type of stuff is bad for business. You're on an escort site, don't hire escorts, never travel, and, in my recollection, have never offered any type of useful advice to the participants here that claim to have a common interest in escorts. I belong to a Yankee fan group, and I never go on there to discuss escorts, just like I don't go to Lugers and order fish. citilaw, save the drama for your mama. Maybe you like to deal with shady, sketchy people, but I dont. Look at the bright side, I could have posted the pic, but I didnt, so I am allowing RH to carry on with his charade. I think your type of post is detrimental, noone wants to read long winded WHINY posts from self-proclaimed "know it alls". So here we are, You with your opinion and me with mine, yet I would never suggest to Ban you. All opinions should be welcome. If you want a selective, tailor-made site, GO START ONE and then you can BAN me from it. No other the other hand, I would never join it. Your TYPE doesnt float my boat. When assholes call for a person to be Banned, they are NEVER thinking of the good of the cause. They are simply thinking about their OWN comfort level. Whether or not you are comfortable here is no concern of mine. My posts are to inform and entertain the board, If you dont find them either of those things, you know what you can do. It's funny that you, RH and JD all say you IGNORE my posts, yet everytime I post, there is some rebuttal from one of you. So either you are ALL liars, or your just cant get enough of me. (AND you are all liars) ... Dont worry girls, there's plenty of me to go around. And calling a persons posts "rants" when yours is such above strikes me as highly hypocritical. THINK before you talk girl. MsAnn 1 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 1 hour ago, citylaw1 said: the mere suggestion of outing people's personal information That's precisely what TROLLS do. Suggest = LIES. If you read the psychology behind trolling, this one is a CLASSIC. The ignorant stupidity of this one is beyond the pale, though, and I have no problem exposing this TROLL for what she truly is: a D-class hairdresser working at SuperCuts, who has a mouth that doesn't quit until an excessively large cock blocks air from entering. The mere notion, considering my business, and my knowledge and experience with the internet, that I would somehow play fast and loose with photos of myself is laughable. Given what I know about code writing, digital signatures, and security, I sincerely doubt there's ever been a forum member better insulated from a TROLL threat. That loud-mouthed BITCH may have a lot of photos to entertain fellow members (a ploy to stay popular), but I know for a fact, none of her photos are of me. You're right citylaw, I have a fierce set of balls and I can handle this BITCH-TROLL's lies, but what potential new member, what escort - looking for community support, camaraderie, or more business, wants to come face-to-face with this shit-filled hole? Here's the problem: The TROLL behavior never ends until someone in authority ends it. Most TROLLS are addicted to TROLL behavior, and the owner of this site seems to enjoy these antics. If Oz truly wants to improve his board and attract new participants, he's going to have to recognize and strongly consider the current success of the "other site" and do something similar in execution. The conversations at the "other site" have never been more diverse, collegial, and informative, and the current level of comity is impressive. For goodness sakes, the members raised a substantial amount of money to help a fellow member dealing with a health crisis, and the owner of the site spearheaded the effort. I don't know how any of you define "community," but this is serious progress compared to the meltdown years of the Hooboy era. On a positive note, I do want to congratulate Oz for deleting a current controversial thread. I know there is a contingent of gay men who want no moderation whatsoever, but I venture to guess they've never run a successful service business, or any business of any kind. When push comes to shove, someone has to lead, and I'm very glad Oz chose to lead in this instance. I hope he does more of the same moving forward. citylaw1 1 Quote
Members citylaw1 Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 11 minutes ago, Suckrates said: citilaw, save the drama for your mama. Maybe you like to deal with shady, sketchy people, but I dont. Look at the bright side, I could have posted the pic, but I didnt, so I am allowing RH to carry on with his charade. I think your type of post is detrimental, noone wants to read long winded WHINY posts from self-proclaimed "know it alls". So here we are, You with your opinion and me with mine, yet I would never suggest to Ban you. All opinions should be welcome. If you want a selective, tailor-made site, GO START ONE and then you can BAN me from it. No other the other hand, I would never join it. Your TYPE doesnt float my boat. When assholes call for a person to be Banned, they are NEVER thinking of the good of the cause. They are simply thinking about their OWN comfort level. Whether or not you are comfortable here is no concern of mine. My posts are to inform and entertain the board, If you dont find them either of those things, you know what you can do. It's funny that you, RH and JD all say you IGNORE my posts, yet everytime I post, there is some rebuttal from one of you. So either you are ALL liars, or your just cant get enough of me. (AND you are all liars) ... Dont worry girls, there's plenty of me to go around. And calling a persons posts "rants" when yours is such above strikes me as highly hypocritical. THINK before you talk girl. First off, it's "Citylaw." I'm not "dealing with sketchy people." You took a well-intentioned thread geared towards improving a site, and did something, in my opinion, to make it worse. Your input didn't even address the topic! It's not about my comfort level, it's about quality for the participants. Banning someone for threatening to expose a fellow poster is far different from banning for not agreeing with their posts. Unlike you, I use this site for its purpose - to hire and share escort experiences, gay travel, etc. I would like the site to be a better place to come to for these purposes. I don't come here to "hang out or deal" with anyone. I take information and offer some when I'm able to. If others find you entertaining, well that's ok. Just stop fucking up our chances at winning over more, ahem, qualified participants. Quote
Guest jimboivyo Posted September 5, 2016 Posted September 5, 2016 I believe this behavior has something to do with years of hairspray fumes Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 Clever thread title, Oz. Unfortunately, new readers will not know that you created it, and it now appears as though I've responded to a thread started by a TROLL, when I have her on IGNORE. Oh well, the whims of the owner. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 5, 2016 Author Members Posted September 5, 2016 None of you clowns have me on ignore, and you all must be sniffing something if you think I will let any of you Morons come for me and NOT respond. I see none of you play like that and neither do I. To be clear RH, since I see the prospect of revealing your REAL self to the members scares the shit out of you, the pic I was forwarded was NOT a web pic. It was a candid pic of you taken by someone supposedly in your inner circle who apparently had an ax to grind and wanted people to see you were NOT the hot shot stunner you claimed to be. Sorry for your lot in life. There's always Jenny Craig, or you could support Oprah on Weight Watchers. I also do not approve of Mr Oz crediting the creation of this thread to me, when its simply my first post to an original thread he created that these Troll-hating TROLLS forced to be separated because on their ongoing, repetitive and boring Crusade. While I respect his stance on censorship, creating this "spin-off" thread and attributing it to me was a MISSTEP. If anything Mr Oz, this thread should have been credited to RH, since HE was the one that raised the issue of cocksucking AND Trolls to which I merely replied. These troll-hating TROLLS have no creativity, and what they believe are their "contributions" to the site are no such thing, rather than another attempt to shine the light on themselves. A post on the size of HIS cock ? Really,? That made the site a better place. Self-importance is the only reason any of them came back, and its like illness: you contract one disease and several others pop up..... Their belief that THIS savior bullshit they bring to the site is good for it is ludicrous. And just to clear, MY viewpoint on cock size is that a BIG COCK, when its attached to a BIG PRICK is more than distasteful and I wouldnt have it. I have always been open and 100% honest in my posts about WHO and WHAT I am, I am NOT a hairdresser, and find nothing wrong with that profession although their usage of it was meant to be a slur. Sickening and stereotypical, and that catty, gay-bash shit only brings out their followers like Jimboi, who do nothing more but lurk around and then attach themselves to the bashing band wagon. Bottom-feeders..... These people are like the Donald Trump followers. Sorry Mr citilaw, I got your name wrong. Oops, I dont care, its not the issue here. The fact that you hire boys does not alone make you good, right, or any more worthy to be on this site than I. Other than dropping your dollars to support our youth, what have you actually brought HERE ? NADA......yet I still dont feel you need to be Banned. I suppose for as long as this thread will remain OPEN, you guys will continue to add your shit to it, which in turn will make me reply. Its your game, i'll play. If that's your site legacy, i'll help you with that. MsAnn 1 Quote
Members citylaw1 Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 55 minutes ago, Suckrates said: Sorry Mr citilaw, I got your name wrong. Oops, I dont care, its not the issue here. The fact that you hire boys does not alone make you good, right, or any more worthy to be on this site than I. Other than dropping your dollars to support our youth, what have you actually brought HERE ? NADA......yet I still dont feel you need to be Banned. 4 The fact that I hire boys is the reason I'm here, as that's one of the main focuses of the site itself. What have I brought here? I've reviewed some escorts, responded to some inquiries regarding escorts, etc. Um, yeah, it's an escort site. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 5, 2016 Author Members Posted September 5, 2016 55 minutes ago, citylaw1 said: The fact that I hire boys is the reason I'm here, as that's one of the main focuses of the site itself. What have I brought here? I've reviewed some escorts, responded to some inquiries regarding escorts, etc. Um, yeah, it's an escort site. Thats one part of it yeah, and if thats all you come here for fine. But stop being so goddam high and mighty about what does and does not belong here. There are those that come here for other things, and you should respect that as well. Pretty much all you have done lately is hop on the RH hayride and bash me. That's constructive in your eyes, and what you think the members want to hear. ? Quote
Members citylaw1 Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 14 minutes ago, Suckrates said: Thats one part of it yeah, and if thats all you come here for fine. But stop being so goddam high and mighty about what does and does not belong here. There are those that come here for other things, and you should respect that as well. 2 I thoroughly understand that people come here for different reasons, and that's great. I was responding to a thread that addressed making the site better and increasing the traffic, more specifically, escort traffic. When you respond threatening to expose personal information, that certainly does nothing to make the site better, improve escort participation, or solicit serious posters looking for escorts, like myself. This, in my opinion, is a violation of the site rules, or at least should be. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 5, 2016 Author Members Posted September 5, 2016 1 hour ago, citylaw1 said: I thoroughly understand that people come here for different reasons, and that's great. I was responding to a thread that addressed making the site better and increasing the traffic, more specifically, escort traffic. When you respond threatening to expose personal information, that certainly does nothing to make the site better, improve escort participation, or solicit serious posters looking for escorts, like myself. This, in my opinion, is a violation of the site rules, or at least should be. As a supposed lawyer, I am suprised at you for getting the facts wrong. In my post I NEVER said I was exposing or revealing the pic, all I said was that someone had sent me a pic and the subject we know online is not the person he makes himself out to be. Last time I checked, there was no crime in that. Its no different than what you guys do every single day here, cackling about the escort pics and how they are fake, and the escort who posts is fake. So pointing a finger at me for the same behavior you display is again hypocritical, except for the fact that my target is not an escort (who knows, maybe he IS ?) I highly doubt this site is thriving on the people that are coming here for reviews. This is a very select market and there are not enough Twink escorts to speak of. How I see this site is a place for socialization, and all your bashing and banning talk is what is truly off putting. There is nothing social about that. Other sites rely on bringing interesting and times relevant subjects to spike conversation. Some subject click, others dont. But it raises awareness and gets people thinking. Perhaps it would be wise for Oz to re-imagine this site as not one strictly devoted to Twinkdom. There is a whole wide world of men out there looking for something other than Twinkies. In the Gay world so much is said about being VERSATILE. Why not be so ? "Give the crowd what they want and they will cum".... Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 6 hours ago, RockHardNYC said: the members (of the site that dare not mention its name) raised a substantial amount of money to help a fellow member dealing with a health crisis, and the owner of the site spearheaded the effort. I have been reminded via private message that I was mistaken with the above statement. Wayne (Socalguy) is the one who spearheaded the effort to raise money for his husband Rob (Robster). The owner of the site came in six posts later to cheerlead. My apologies. Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 5 hours ago, jimboivyo said: I believe this behavior has something to do with years of hairspray fumes Or the chemical scent of acrylic nail glue. The low-rent salons where she works all smell like glue-sniffing factories. Much more toxic than Aqua Net. citylaw1 1 Quote
Members Lucky Posted September 5, 2016 Members Posted September 5, 2016 Anyone who is looking to join a new message board will steer clear of this one. Suckrates was ragging at JD, and now he rags at RockHard.He threatened both me and Rock Hard as if he was some kind of school yard bully. There is rarely a thread where he doesn't try to take over the conversation. Oz, you have a cancer growing on your message board. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 5, 2016 Author Members Posted September 5, 2016 16 minutes ago, RockHardNYC said: Or the chemical scent of acrylic nail glue. The low-rent salons where she works all smell like glue-sniffing factories. Much more toxic than Aqua Net. Mr RH, you may strive to be the king of character assassination, but your display solidifies that fact that you are simply an Asshole. Why dont you take your comedy act on the road ? So you think you have nailed the reason for my behavior: foreign substances. So we want to know what's the reason for your behavior ? Oh yeah, I remember, you are a pudgy, unattractive middle aged man trying his damndest to convince the world he's otherwise.. Must be exhausting, especially when noone believes you. ? I have an idea. Throw out your mirror so you're not reminded daily. Especially when you seem to loathe ugly, out of shape people, and attack them on a regular basis, your truth must be an excruciating cross to bare. ? Quote