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Guest JDDanielsxxx

Time For A Restraining Order - I've Had It With This SOB!!

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Guest JDDanielsxxx


I'm sorry I have to do this, but this kid is going down the wrong road messing with me, and toying with my escorting career and will stop at nothing in stalking and harassing me. Had enough, and here's why so members will understand and see how psychotic this boy really is. Not only is he a vicious racist, but someone who takes pride in tormenting other escorts for his pleasure.

I'm sure you will agree he is giving real hardworking escorts who are trying to make it in the business a bad name going around calling people "N's" and making other escorts miserable as every escort I know who knows of this kid despises him to say the least. All over an email as you know he wrote, but trying to get me to reply to on rentmen.com in order for me to get in trouble and booted off rentmen.com which isn't going to happen.

Sounds like to me the kid is in fear of competition to a point he's desperate enough to stalk any escort that comes in his way of success.

Members of Boytoy.com I am very sorry, but just so you know I am not making up of this kid stalking and harassing me everyday non-stop - here are the emails -

OZ, you have a copy of these emails of harassment  in your email box for your records for future reference. Please verify if members ask that this email I posted is true and legit.  

My Attorneys will be contacting Mr. James as of tomorrow morning as he'll see for a fact I am not joking and the game is OVER!!


JD Daniels


Sent Today from KJ......

Just so I let JD know that I officially quite literally do not give two shits about a forum, its majestical leader or any other bullshit that isnt a dead president, I CC him on this email too. Oh OZ great and powerful one, JD Daniels is the lowest of the low of the low. He not only shamed himself but he shamed an entire race within the escort community. He wanted to be the first black escort of the year ever. He was, for a fucking minute. He could have broken the stereotype about black hookers. He could have turned it around. Instead he made it worse by representing black hookers as thief's, liars, cheats, and untrustworthy. No one in their right minds would ever take your forum site seriously now that you have embraced such a person. Which is why I posted on there, used my real names email address to sign up for the site, and im even writing you an email that had my picture as the avatar. Why? Because why not? I have never heard of the site before JD ranted on it and now that he has, I don't even take it seriously. Its like one big fucking joke. JD is one big fucking joke. Your name being OZ is not only a joke its absolutely fucking HIGHlarious. 

Here is the deal so now you both know and its not a secret. JD used your site to TRY to get attention using a fake email he wrote himself, pretending to be sent from my rentmen.com email address. In all honesty, I cared for two days then had 5 clients and stopped caring. I could just let it go, and we could move on with our lives. But I wont. Im going to prove a point and use JD Daniels as an example. He will be an example of what happens in the underworld when someone thinks they can do something potentially damaging to someone and get away with it. There are no lawyers, restraining orders or any bullshit like that. I could affect JD and strangle his hooker ass financially from 500 miles away and never even dial his number myself again. I have an army of people that hate him, and that would do exactly what im doing to him, from 150 different google voice numbers. 
I will continue to punish JD if the following happens: 
If JD continues to post ANYTHING on the forum. Yes, ANYTHING, including what happened in the latest episode of family guy.

I learn of him selling his unworthy ass in new york city. Not $1 should go to a rodent like him.

If he texts calls or emails me or ANYONE he has mentioned in public in a hostile way.
Follow the rules your safe. Dont follow the rules and I assure you, youll be so nervous and second guessing yourself on every client call you get youll stop answering the phone, and wherever you travel to the hotel will have a printout of your personal website, jddanielsworld.com. I had you running scared once, next time youll be sprinting. 
Have a blessed day

On Sunday, August 28, 2016,  wrote:
Whoever you are,  OZ? thats hysterical. Anyways, JD can blame you for encouraging the evaporation of his career. He crossed Killian James. I know this for a fact, Killian James can do ANYTHING to people like JD who are bottom feeding rodents that deserve not one ounce of respect, and he does it very well. He's what they call the 'Hookers Hooker.' The kid helps a lot of guys out and is connected to a line of people so long youd think its election day. Kid has a huge following and a lot of balls. Im looking forward to seeing how this all works out. JD needs the father, son, holy ghost and all The nativity candles he can find. All hell is about to break loose on JD, its already started. Enjoy the evening, oh great and powerful one ^_^
Killian James <killianjamesnyc@gmail.com>
Today at 4:46 AM
The following points are reasons I will be in touch with you:
You being in touch with me
Posting about me or any drama on any forums online
Coming to New York City
Killian James <killianjamesnyc@gmail.com>
Today at 4:09 AM
Hi JD,

I'm on the phone with you right now. And I'm tormenting you, Cause your a liar and you deserve it. And yes, I think you act like a nigger. A nigger is a way of acting. I know more white ones than black ones. So yes, I have no hesitations with calling you a nigger. I even get a little joy out of insulting you. In my heart I believe you deserve this.
See what I mean, Folks. There you have it. This kid is a vicious animal from the shitty pales of the gutter. He's fucking with the wrong side of the tracks as there's a train coming his way on this real soon. He'll see tomorrow. Like I said - I don't believe in violence, but do believe in safe and fair justice, and this deranged and disturbed young man to think he can just fuck with anybody he wants to and get away with it as your reading here - he must be out of his fucking looney little mind.
  • Members


JD, all I have to say to you at this point is, if you haven't noticed, OZ has already reached his breaking point with this shit, and so have the members here...   This is a fight, that if you choose to continue, needs to be taken OFF THIS SITE....  

The members here are not your market, so there is no reason for you to continue this tragic Opera here.....

Guest JDDanielsxxx
4 minutes ago, Suckrates said:

JD, all I have to say to you at this point is, if you haven't noticed, OZ has already reached his breaking point with this shit, and so have the members here...   This is a fight, that if you choose to continue, needs to be taken OFF THIS SITE....  

The members here are not your market, so there is no reason for you to continue this tragic Opera here.....

I don't think you understand he is harassing, OZ with these threats as well, Suckrates.

This is NOT something to joke about here as this isn't a fight I chose to continue or ask for. No one deserves this or "chooses" this sort of harassment. Plus, being called a "N" again and again.

I don't think most of you are aware he forwarded OZ the same email which tells me this kid doesn't care if he damages his career by conducting this kind of disturbing behavior amongst other escorts.

I mean come one - someone's gotta let this kid know he's ruining his career and on could face going to jail. At least I gave fair warning to him personally, and now publically as no one can view me as the bad guy in this awful but disturbing matter.

What would you do? I would hate to put a restraining out on him, but have no choice seeing what he's intending to continue to do.

Guest JDDanielsxxx
Here we go with another one......
Never stops with this kid....
Aug 30 at 11:53 PM
Im fully prepared to speak with your lawyer tomorrow. I need the time hes calling (please be specific on time zone) so I can make sure I dont have a dick in my mouth.  However, before he calls me, you have to make sure that:
I can google his number and a law firm office will
comes up.
Its NOT a VOIP number
AND he provides me with evidentiary support for filing a restraining order for a restrainer to feel safe fucking someone and getting paid for it? I hope he's good dude. Or you fucked him good. Thats a lot of billable research hours ;)
So if I cant come within 1,000 feet of you, could someone else drop off that print out? You have like every single black escort hating you now. You have like 5+ people I have helped out this month alone hating you now. I cant control other people JD. Im only responsible for myself. 

This email is being sent from my mobile. Please excuse any typos.

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