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Guest NiddysNook

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  A Rose By Any Other Name said:

Wait, Wait, Wait! I thought I was Chris? The Rose

TR ^_^


I am glad you finally admitted it Chris. Welcome aboard. We are glad to have you! :)

  Gaybutton said:

" ... Folks ... this has gone on long enough ... "


Who cares?

It's gone on 4 pages now (in my view at least) ... why not 24 pages, why not 104 pages, why not 1004? Who cares? Why do you care Gaybutton? Who does it injure?

If it's not a violation of the guidelines o this Board, why do you care?


Really. I'd like to know.


Cheers ...

  Smiles said:


Who cares?

It's gone on 4 pages now (in my view at least) ... why not 24 pages, why not 104 pages, why not 1004? Who cares? Why do you care Gaybutton? Who does it injure?

If it's not a violation of the guidelines o this Board, why do you care?


Really. I'd like to know.


Cheers ...


LOL Smiles. Did someone piss in your Cherrios? :) Why do you really want to know? :)

  GayThailand said:

LOL Smiles. Did someone piss in your Cherrios? :) Why do you really want to know? :)

LOL . . . because " YOUR" moderator made a quite specific statement, i.e.: " ... I think this has gone on long enough ... ".

If the thread violates none of "YOUR" guidlelines, what compunction would "YOUR" moderator have to announce such feelings as this, if they have no relevence (vis-a-vis "guidelines") to the topic?


I notice the topic has not been cut off . . . so what's the point of a Moderator saying he feels it's gone on long enough?

And if he does cut it off ... why? Bcause he feels it's "gone on long enough"?

The members of this Board don't need a father (or worse ~ a mother) ... they need a quiet and rarely-heard-from Moderator.


Cheerio ...


Guest Thaiquila

I don't think anyone here has any clue what anyone else is saying.




Smiles, I see that you and GayButton have a past. Perhaps I can buy you both a cheesburger at Niddy's the next time you are in town and we can get you guys back together? :) At that same get together, perhaps we have have Niddy, The Rose, Pappa David, LMTU and Catawampus. I promise a good time! Game?




  Thaiquila said:

" ... I don't think anyone here has any clue what anyone else is saying. ... "

. . . certainly no one ever did regarding your commentary (on any Board).


But I do agree to a certain extent ... let this thread go on for 1000+ pages and nobody will have a f****** clue as to what's being said. Then ... Gaybutton can close 'er down, and it will be difficult to object.



Cheers ...


I notice one cannot say "f***" on this Board.

A perfectly good, adult, and historical word censored ... for what reason?

Don't mind me if I experiment: shit, c***, piss, cocksucker, darn, goddamn, silly, whore, b****, bastard, motherfucker, naughty person. Just trying to evaluate the extent and dramatis to which I may express outrage & objection on any given point.

Guest A Rose By Any Other Name
  GayThailand said:

Smiles, I see that you and GayButton have a past. Perhaps I can buy you both a cheesburger at Niddy's the next time you are in town and we can get you guys back together? :) At that same get together, perhaps we have have Niddy, The Rose, Pappa David, LMTU and Catawampus. I promise a good time! Game?




Sounds like a date to me!


The Rose

TR :wub::wub::wub:

  Thaiquila said:

I don't think anyone here has any clue what anyone else is saying.


Did you just figure that out? :blink:


Even at home, I seldom eat cheeseburgers at restaurants; less often in Thailand but I had to try it. I agree with GB but our service was a little quicker.

We thought the Thai food at Niddy's Nookie is very good & will go back for that.





Guest hajuthai

:p Niddy and Chris, how about create a Pappa David cocktail?


A sour, bitter one with some of the urin from the toilet?


Could be a great idea. :D

Guest jomtien
  GayThailand said:

Last time I was at Niddy's the toilet was smelling like roses. :)



And you were smelling the toilet because.........?????




Guest Thaiquila
  jomtien said:

And you were smelling the toilet because.........?????


Doesn't everyone enjoy smelling toliets? And Smiles, the same could be said of you.

  Thaiquila said:

I don't think anyone here has any clue what anyone else is saying.


Exactly! That is what every forum needs to be a succes, a thread like this. Keeps the punters coming back for more.


  Smiles said:

Then ... Gaybutton can close 'er down, and it will be difficult to object.


Where is anyone getting the idea that I'm going to close down anything? I never said that. I think the insult trading contest has gone far enough and I said so. I still think so. Hardly anybody else agrees with me on this one, so this time tough luck for me. I think I'll manage to survive even if this thread continues until the Second Coming, and it looks as if it will. If that's what people want, then that's the way it will be.


Besides, this is not my message board. It's Gaythailand's message board. I have the ability to close down threads, but I have no intention of exercising that ability without first discussing it with the other moderators and Gaythailand. The ultimate decision is Gaythailand's, not mine.


Most people posting here seem to think I was wrong to suggest that this thread has gone far enough. If that's the way everyone feels then I admit I was wrong and life will go on. As far as I'm concerned the majority rules. That doesn't mean that I intend to impose my own opinion on everyone else. I have no such intention.

  Gaybutton said:

Hardly anybody else agrees with me on this one, so this time tough luck for me.


I agree with you. This thread has just gone on and one and on. :) I really do not mind when a thread goes on for 60 pages, what I do hate is when posters use different names to hammner their point across.


I have never really understood why anyone would want to create different personalities with screen names on the same message board and talk to themselves. I find it odd that they think others do not know and cannot tell. On the contrary, it makes them look like more of a fool than they already are. IMHO


On a sidenote, GayButton, you are a moderator because I trust your judgement and I often look to you for advice. Your advice is usually the right one. :)

  GayThailand said:

On a sidenote, GayButton, you are a moderator because I trust your judgement and I often look to you for advice. Your advice is usually the right one. :)


I appreciate that. After so many years of running my own message board, if I didn't learn anything else I learned this: Either you control the board or the trolls will take control of it. As soon as you concern yourself with who likes the way you run your board and who doesn't, you just lost control and it is extremely difficult to regain it.

Guest mauRICE

I commend GB for exercising restraint in dealing with the taunts and familiar attempts to yank his chain, as the Americans would say. It seems to me their purpose is to create chaos on this message board and 'prove' to new members that GB is a hot-headed and intolerant moderator who cannot, or will not, accommodate alternative views. In my opinion, both sides on this issue have been given a fair hearing and in the absence of further reports of actual visits to the establishment being discussed, or new ways of looking at the same, whatever comments that ensue will only be the proverbial case of beating a dead horse. As such, GB's remark as a moderator that "this has gone on long enough" does not appear to be an unreasonable one to me.


I've been posting on these forums a long time, seven-and-a-half years to be exact, and one observation that I've made is that the people who cry the loudest about the manner in which a message board is run are often the ones who have the least to contribute. And this observation applies to both the squeamish queens who scream for an 'ignore' button everytime a post that does not suit their sensitivies appears - probably because it hits too close to home - as well as the breast-beating left-wingers who decry any form of moderation whatsoever. Cut-and-paste articles may be entertaining and informative, and saccharine holiday snapshots certainly draw cheers from the sycophantic proletariat, but they are a philistine's substitute for the informed opinions and analyses that some long-standing members take the time to craft and share with others here. What I'm trying to say is, put your money where your mouth is, before you start to rave and rant about the quality of postings or the severity of moderation. Only then will you have the locus standi to challenge executive decisions in, one can only hope, a virtual community of fairly enlightened and right-thinking persons.

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