Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 Hey Guys, Many of you are wondering what's going on as to why I'm infuriated with the "The Other Site" over more then one reason, but here is one of them..... Recently about a month ago I have been approached by a well-known escort and a close friend of Steven Kesslar's about how sorry he was to see this mess with Steven, myself, Daddy, and a few others happening and wanted to see everyone be at peace again like we use to be as he knows I was partly responsible in help bringing Daddy and Steven close again after not speaking to one another for some years as Steven hated Daddy and voided him for over 3 years. This friend of Steven's mentioned maybe if I help get him caught up on his promised Rentboy contributions he'll see about Steven putting in a good word to Daddy in help getting my EOY, Reviews, and possible Forum privileges reinstated again. I was informed by Steven's escort buddy is that he has been behind in his monthly contributions for over 4 months, and if I can help get him caught up he'd see to it I'll get my EOY and Reviews reinstated. He informed me Steven not making his promised contributions monthly towards the site has unfortunately made him look bad with fellow participants on the site and fellow members on the forum as well. I went along with the idea being that me and this person Steven is close to are fellow friends as well, and didn't think he would be out to scam me in any way being how sorry he was that me and Steven are at odds and war with one another. Before moving forward in contributing on Steven's page - I consulted with a few clients who know of this escort who having a good reputation as the clients me and this escort knows gave him high praise in trusting he has nothing but good intentions in helping others. I took the clients advice and contributed to Steven's page 100% in good faith that the escort would follow through on his promise in helping me gain my privileges back. As I was contributing more and more towards Steven's page, I would get weekly updates from this Steven's friend of what progression is taking place in help getting my EOY back online as he would say both Steven and Daddy were in my corner and how Daddy was looking to have my EOY and Reviews reinstated being I was doing a wonderful thing in helping Steven get back on his feet financially regarding the rentboyfund. However as time went on and close to Steven being caught up where he should be in his contributions, I didn't see any progress being made of my EOY or reviews being reinstated, so did a little investigating and research after this escort told me something that sounded fishy about how fellow members on the forum discussing what I was doing for Steven in a positive light along Daddy on the forum praising me in "The Cabana". "The Cabana" is a secret section on the forum in the "Backstage" area who are follow contributors of the site. Eight members who has private access to this "special" section of the forum informed me that no such discussion was taking place at all, and how this escort lied to me and is only baiting me. What was a reality in the end that these members were telling the truth how this escort lied being I received a few days later after Steven has been officially caught up and owned up to my commitment a "Cease and Desist" Letter from Daddy. I confronted Steven's friend by via email(being he blocked me on his cell phone from calling or texting him) to ask why did he lie to me like he did, and received no response. You see, folks, how I wanted to make peace with both men by doing what the escort recommend I do to make that happen, and got scammed in the process - people wonder why I'm pissed off with DR like I am as I've been shitted on and crossed again by someone I would have never thought would do such a thing to me. Still til this day neither Steven or Daddy has thanked me for the contributions I made, but the escort who scammed me was thanking me as I was making the contribution on they're behalf on they're behalf as I was making the contributions he suggested I do. How ironic is that. You would think the person who is receiving the help would Thank me personally and not have the "go between" to do it. This escort even went as far as stating that Steven is on the verge of losing his beautiful home in Palm Springs which was why he hasn't been making his promised contributions of $100.00 dollars per month to the rentboy fund, and by me helping him get caught up with those contributions would put me in good graces with him and Daddy again. In the end what all this person has promised me was a complete and total lie as no such peace was forming as the person said this to have me remain positive and not realize I was being taken for a ride. Getting a "Cease and Desist" letter from Daddy doesn't prove to me how genuinely sincere they and gracious they are in my contributions. What escalated further as to why me and Daddy are at war as to this day is because after I confronted both Steven and Daddy in a mass email stating what has been said and what this escort friend of Steven has promised me in return in helping Steven financially - Daddy and Steven still treated me like dirt, and many do suspect that Daddy was in on this scam with Steven and his friend being how he's still being cold-blooded towards me after the fact. Both Daddy and Steven think I'm making all of it up and being delusional(even though I provided proof showing what the person has said) which is BS. It was not long after I raised hell about this scam and receiving Daddy's Cease and Desist letter is why I'm looking to have the website shut down if these promises this escort friend conned me on didn't happen. Members feel I should sue the escort in small claims court, but like I keep getting told by fellow escorts how you going to sue being both of you are escorts. The escorts who pulled me to the side about this do have a point, but I want justice and make these people pay for scamming me like this as I did this out of innocence and good intentions in truly helping someone who I didn't know was struggling in any way, and got shitted on. Maybe the person does deserve to lose they're house after mistreating me like they have especially after I've help them get caught up on they're contributions - OMG. No way I'm gonna let Daddy and his sidekicks get away with this - Hell no. They got another thing coming if they think I'm just going take being ripped out of over $500.00 lying down. Go on on look for Steven Kesslar's page as you'll see I'm telling the truth about how this escort encouraged me to help get him caught up to get my EOY, and Reviews reinstated. Very sad how I contributed out of good intentions and got screwed. By you guys going on site you'll see I'm being honest and sincere with this matter and so people will know somewhat as to why me and Daddy are at odds intensely. All of you are starting to find out what hell I've been dealing with these people behind-the-scenes as I'm being looked at as a horrible person, but people not realizing I've been fighting with these people who have wronged me, and in this case continue to wrong me after I do good unto others. Look what happened in this case - I do something amazing for someone, and get shitted on, and people wonder why I'm looking to get revenge on Daddy site after I've being scammed by doing something nice for someone and then thrown a Cease and Desist letter. Daddy doesn't care of the torture I been dealing with in regards to me being stalked by KJ and be racially harassed. Why should it matter to him I guess being he's used such racial references to me a few times, so what difference it is to him whether KJ is wrongfully calling me such racial slurs. I asked Daddy to just give me my EOY and Review privileges back being of what I provided him as proof as to what this escort said was in the works, and he refuses to do so which is partly why I'm taking the precautionary steps necessary as possible in proceeding with my plan being he knew and was in on I think of this person scamming me intentionally. Why didn't he ban this escort on the forum or have they're reviews stripped? You would think after him realizing this happened to me he would be sympathetic I've been scammed on behalf of his website, and would want to make right for the offense that took place in however way he can by maybe putting my EOY back as this person claim he was looking to do, but no, Daddy wants to continue in giving me a hard time. So, I guess this is my cue to show him what a hard ass I can be after I've crossed like this(again) and by someone who he thinks VERY highly of and one I would have NEVER suspected would do such a thing to me. EVER!! Seems like it's one thing after another with Daddy and his sidekicks in wanting to make my life miserable in some kind of way which is why I looking to making they're lives miserable now at this point being I have been NOTHING but good to them, and still do, but look what happens - I get the shaft when it comes to me doing something peaceful and genuine. How would you guys go about handling this if you were scammed in such a way??? Quote
paulsf Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 I would have walked away from all this sillyness a long time ago. There are so many more important things going on in life. I can't even imagine why you think anybody here I cares about a couple of squabbling escorts. citylaw1, Lucky and MsAnn 3 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 Grandma's Unsolicited FREE Advice JD, at this point that former EOY title you are fighting so hard to preserve is not helping you. It is not your friend. Any association of you with that title brings negative connotations and bad imagery, whether people KNOW the whole story or not. Honestly I dont think anyone really cares at this point...All they know is that YOU are damaged goods.. I know your immediate reaction is to retaliate against those people you believe burned you, but "every infraction doesnt need a Reacttion".... ( I cant believe I just said THAT considering my tempestuous online history). If your brand is damaged to the point of no return (which many say IT IS) , perhaps you should consider a RE-Brand ? Start over, change your name. Maybe Jeff or John or Jeremiah Daniels ? You wouldnt be the first escort to change their dba name. Hell, your buddy Michael Wayne used to be Mikey..... (Well maybe that wasnt the BEST example) ? Regardless, you need to start over, and distance yourself from your former title. Make no mention of it in your advertising. Your main focus now should be on regaining the trust and patronage of your Old clients, as well as gaining NEW clients. All this "I'm moving on" double-talk is just bullshit if you dont actually do it. and it makes you look "trifling". I believe what people have against you now is simply your REHASHING over and over and over again the details of the story. Many dont even know the story and couldnt care, but you are forcing it in everyones face, and it has gotten more than annoying. It's between YOU and the other escorts, and the battle should be fought OFFLINE, and not drag all the forums members into the swamp with you guys... The members want to SEE and hear about cock and ass, and not some silly feud between Rentboy queens.... All of your emotional resources are being drained by this, and hurting your Life's performance. You can certainly be a better person if you finally let all of this GO. It's over....that ship has sailed. what good is the constatnt retelling of the story doing? Stop pointing fingers and throwing Blame. You ALL had a part in it, so be a man, accept your responsibility and put it behind you, and get back to what you apparently earned your former title for : Fucking ASS. Sincerely, GRANDMA paulsf, MsAnn, OneFinger and 1 other 4 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 Some FORMER EOY Winners....... Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 This is a pack of lies and slander that is consistent with the pattern of extortion, bullying, manipulation, and blackmailing that got JD banned from "the other site" and made him unwelcome there. JD is an unethical, manipulative liar. He is a community destroyer. He makes up reviews, he makes up rapes and spends over a year privately discrediting a well respected escort, he makes up emails escorts don't write him, he makes up fictitious "deals" to get back the respect and titles he lost because of his bullying, lies, and extortion. Sorry, JD, but you won't win respect back by harassing, blackmailing, and extorting some of the most respected escorts, clients, and websites in this community. Is there no limit to how low you are willing to go, and bring us, to promote yourself? Are you now committed to poisining Oz's website, too? Do you care about anybody but yourself? Oz, this guy is a pathological liar and narcissist who seriously needs help with his mental health issues. He follows the classic pattern of abuser - claiming he is getting therapy and asking for forgiveness and understanding, so he can get close to you and abuse again. I am not losing my home. It is a lie JD manufactured to pull me into his latest drama queen campaign of slander and hurt. My escort friend he is referring to is not writing him the emails JD is in fact writing himself. JD is now in trouble with Rentmen because he forged a whole series of emails that supposedly came from another escort's Rentmen account with the sign off. Except JD is stupid and sloppy. After he got called on it by Rentmen, the emails supposedly being sent to him all mysteriously changed from to, because JD finally figured out maybe he could get in trouble by abusing Rentmen's email system and servers. The guy can't even figure out how to successfully extort people. This is ridiculous and all it does is what JD excels at: damage vulnerable people like my friend, with good hearts, and damage a community. Now JD will respond by - fill in the blank - claiming that "x" unnamed members of the community are on his side and he has "x" unnaned witnesses who saw the emails arrive in his email and another preposterous set of lies to try to cover up his laughable bullshit. This "can I ask for advice" bullshit is the same crap he pulled at the other site that got him banned, and is part of his toolbox of abuse and harassment to force people to cow to him. JD is an abuser. JD is an abuser. JD is an abuser. I tried very hard to be JD's friend for a few month's last year because he asked for my help. What many respected people who tried to help JD learned is what you get for doing that is drama, lies, and abuse. I have not spoken to him for a year. I concluded he is an immoral, dishonest, and manipulative. He is the kind of person who will ask for advice about whether I think it is okay to extort the wife of a dead celebrity client who hired him. He is the kind of person who lies and makes up a whole crock of shit about how some client gave him a tip of tens of thousands of dollars, and then a few months latter is spending hours on the phone while we are driving back from Las Vegas alternating between calling a friend and begging him to pay his rent, since I refused to help him, and verbally berating me for having the audacity to suggest that if he is going to bother to ask for Daddy's advice, he ought to actually try listening to it. He is financially and psychologically unstable. JD listens to nothing but his own evil heart. I stopped caring a year ago. I don't care whether the "tip" he got is one he just made up, or really did exist and was money he extorted from somebody before he blew it. I have caught him in countless lies, and I have been the victim of his abuse. He is immoral and will stop at nothing to tear people, communities, and websites down. What I find particularly disgusting is this. JD did not give a penny to the Rentboy defense fund until a few weeks ago. A team of escorts came together last year to help Rentboy, and JD told me repeatedly that he was told by "VIP clients" that he should stay away from it because it might hurt him. The man is a pussy with the moral conviction of an ant. All he managed to do is spend a year privately trying to discredit and slander one of the key fundraisers for allegedly raping him. He used my participation in the Rentboy fundraising to try to privately slander and blackmail me months ago, and I told him to go fuck himself. In the last few months he has mounted a campaign of slander and harassment that boils down to completely manufacturing emails claiming that in return for giving donations to Rentboy's legal defense on my fundraising page Daddy will give JD his EOY title back. It is a ridiculous boatload of bullshit that boils down to one transparent thing: JD is even willing to drag Jeffrey and Rentboy's legal defense into his endless, unethical attempts to promote himself. He is depraved. He is immoral. He is wrong. Oz, do you really want your website to degenerate into a forum for a thug who thrives on character assassination and lies like what JD wrote above, and a bunch of responses like this? JD will now do what he is good at: generate lots of new lies and slanders to fight back to defend his earlier slanders. It is an endless mountain of shit that just keeps building higher and higher and smelling worse and worse, even bigger than Jon Stewart's famous "Bullshit Mountain." If you let JD continue with this nonsense I'm happy to post away every detail I know about what a lying scumbag he is, and let the world know just how dark the heart of JD Daniels is, just how cruel he is, and just what a monster he is. I'm happy to redact the fake emails he's been sending around and point out why they are profoundly bullshit and why they were all written by JD. In case anybody hasn't noticed, JD writes for shit, and the same incomprehensible phrases he often uses are loaded in the fake emails he wrote he alleges my friend sent. But guess what? NOBODY FUCKING CARES OR WANTS TO BE DRAGGED INTO A PILE OF STINKING SHIT. I don't see how it serves anybody's interest, especially JD's. Of all the people JD has hurt since I met him last year, the person who he seems to hurt the most, and the most often, is himself, with incredible transparent bullshit like this, that has destroyed the reputation he never had. This thread is nothing but slander against me and SHOULD BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. Please put this immoral son of a bitch out of his misery before he uses your website like a knife to hurt many other good people, Oz. JD is now proposing to sue an escort in small claims court who is a dear friend of mine and who has a heart of gold and who everybody admires, and he is using your website to slander him. People getting JD's venomous private emails with my real name are emailing me and they know who this other escort is. Is this the kind of venom and slander YOU want to be part of Oz? Because this unethical piece of shit JD will gladly drag you into his sewer if you let him. Please don't. Please throw this whole stinking piece of slander in the shitbin where it belongs. Quote
Members Lucky Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 Oz can speak for himself, and after all, it is his own website. But my two cents is that we can skip this drama. It contributes nothing to the site. People who have contributed nothing to the site now use it to air their grievances or support someone else's. The people who have contributed to this site get shortchanged if it just becomes an avenue for outsiders to air grievances. wayout, OneFinger and MsGuy 3 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 I have an IDEA ! Why dont we all just go and get Facials ? AdamSmith and MsAnn 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 Oz: I plead with you to stop this madness. JD has no compassion. He will hurt anyone to get what he wants. I know that, because I was the victim of his abuse last year, and I have an old iPhone full of abusive unwanted texts and voicemails to prove it. Thankfully, my new iPhone allows me to block him. I won't speak to him, other than to publicly rebut slanders about me and others I care about. My escort friend JD refers to above has been going through emotional hell for a few months as JD has privately threatened and harassed him. My friend has not responded to JD, but he was smart enough to reach out to other escorts and community members for help because he knew this was coming, and because we all know that compassion or decency never gets in the way of JD Daniels trying to get what he wants. It hurts to be abused. I have seen other escorts who worked for years to build a reputation become the target of JD's slanders, because they would not give JD what he wants. He will threaten to sue you. He will threaten that some anonymous and probably nonexistent DA is going to come sweeping down and arrest you and shut down your website. He will claim you raped him. He will manufacture lies to try to turn your clients against you. He will extort. He will lie. He will blackmail. If you want to know that escorts are human beings, look into the hearts of escorts who reached out to JD, tried to help him, and got dumped on by him in this way. He will stop at nothing, unless the community itself stops him. Please Oz, I beg you. We live in a decent community. I am a community organizer and i have spent years fighting for things with all my heart, like same sex marriage, and like defending Rentboy. JD Daniels is a community destroyer, who looks out for one person - himself - and feeds on the innocence and naivete of people's best intentions. Please eliminate this slanderous thread and stop this madness. Steven citylaw1 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 10 minutes ago, Lucky said: Oz can speak for himself, and after all, it is his own website. But my two cents is that we can skip this drama. It contributes nothing to the site. People who have contributed nothing to the site now use it to air their grievances or support someone else's. The people who have contributed to this site get shortchanged if it just becomes an avenue for outsiders to air grievances. I could not agree more. JD has been circulating slanderous emails privately for over a month and threatening to use this site to blackmail and advance his selfish interests. It is wrong. You are right, Lucky. I have the right to defend myself from slander, but I agree with you completely, Lucky. It would be unnecessary to defend myself if this site could not be used by JD to slander. That's all JD has done since he arrived here. This entire thread is slander and needs to be removed. JD is no good for this community, or any community. Without going into private details, Lucky, I know you are a good man who has contributed greatly to the LGBTQ community. I feel I have to. I don't feel this community deserves this. Please, Oz, don't make me use your website to defend myself from outrageous slanders that JD will use to divide yet another community, hoping desperately to advance his cause. Lucky is right. Nobody has anything to gain by this kind of divisive bullshit. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 Kessie, just as an FYI, I appealed to OZ when JD first arrived here, but OZ is a fair man and all about giving chances and redemption, and he felt he should allow JD some time to see if his actions would match his words. So here we are today, with EVERYONE on their soapbox, having their 15 minutes. Its sad for the people that were hurt, its sad for us spectators who have to endure this ongoing Circus. Certainly you all have OTHER business to tend to, so why not just tend to it. JD wont stop, but you all know who you are, and slander is subjective. This constant "I must defend myself" shit is OLD... I only matters if anyone was paying attention to the slander... ARE THEY ? I dont think so... we are ALL over it. At this point, even the "innocents" are starting to smell bad, so JUST STOP and let it die. IMHO, you are ALL guilty of some part of this cesspool. Like the old saying goes "the LESS said" the better......... So everyone please step off your soapbox ! Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 22 minutes ago, Suckrates said: JD wont stop, but you all know who you are, and slander is subjective. This constant "I must defend myself" shit is OLD... I only matters if anyone was paying attention to the slander... ARE THEY ? I dont think so... we are ALL over it. You are right about that, Suckrates. JD won't stop. I have lots of abusive texts and voicemails to prove it. My escort friend has just gone through months of emotional abuse. Another escort friend feels like JD single-handedly is trying to destroy his career by alleging a rape that never occurred. None of that is subjective. People who actually rape go to jail. Slander and abuse and lies are not subjective. JD uses this made up shit to hurt people. It actually does really hurt people. And I have no doubt if empowered to he will use it to take my friend to small claims court, which is what he is specifically asking for advice on. That will further hurt my friend. For real. It all fits into JD's Abuse 101 toolbox because he'll then delude himself into thinking that somebody here told him he is being persecuted and therefore he has no choice but to do the right thing and sue my friend because JD himself manufactured a bunch of bullshit. If one person is abusing a lot of people, one solution can in fact be that all the people being abused can be told to be silent and tolerate the abuse. If that is your advice, Suckrates, maybe you really are a Dame, or actually a nun, because that is how the Catholic Church operated for decades. The simpler way to stop an abuser is simply to prevent him from using public forums of decent people to abuse decent people. There are clear legal and ethical standards for abuse, slander, and extortion, and JD has crossed way over that line many, many times. I am glad you privately suggested to Oz that he not let JD use this website to do that. I appreciate that. I have been monitoring this site for months, including earlier attacks on me, and I figured the correct approach is to play this like Oz: to be fair and see if, given a chance, JD will stop abusing. He hasn't. He just found a new place to abuse. Beyond that, I miss you and your wicked funny posts. Quote
Members citylaw1 Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 44 minutes ago, Suckrates said: Kessie, just as an FYI, I appealed to OZ when JD first arrived here, but OZ is a fair man and all about giving chances and redemption, and he felt he should allow JD some time to see if his actions would match his words. So here we are today, with EVERYONE on their soapbox, having their 15 minutes. Its sad for the people that were hurt, its sad for us spectators who have to endure this ongoing Circus. Certainly you all have OTHER business to tend to, so why not just tend to it. JD wont stop, but you all know who you are, and slander is subjective. This constant "I must defend myself" shit is OLD... I only matters if anyone was paying attention to the slander... ARE THEY ? I dont think so... we are ALL over it. At this point, even the "innocents" are starting to smell bad, so JUST STOP and let it die. IMHO, you are ALL guilty of some part of this cesspool. Like the old saying goes "the LESS said" the better......... So everyone please step off your soapbox ! People are definitely paying attention. Look at the replies here - they're mostly from people saying that they have no interest in this stuff. Simply not true, and never has been. Any juicy threads have always, and will always, enjoy the most views. Follow the tracker. I'm not a fan of censorship, especially on these boards, but I'd advocate for it here. This could turn into something outside of the boards. But I really don't care either way. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 29 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said: You are right about that, Suckrates. JD won't stop. I have lots of abusive texts and voicemails to prove it. My escort friend has just gone through months of emotional abuse. Another escort friend feels like JD single-handedly is trying to destroy his career by alleging a rape that never occurred. None of that is subjective. People who actually rape go to jail. Slander and abuse and lies are not subjective. JD uses this made up shit to hurt people. It actually does really hurt people. And I have no doubt if empowered to he will use it to take my friend to small claims court, which is what he is specifically asking for advice on. That will further hurt my friend. For real. It all fits into JD's Abuse 101 toolbox because he'll then delude himself into thinking that somebody here told him he is being persecuted and therefore he has no choice but to do the right thing and sue my friend because JD himself manufactured a bunch of bullshit. If one person is abusing a lot of people, one solution can in fact be that all the people being abused can be told to be silent and tolerate the abuse. If that is your advice, Suckrates, maybe you really are a Dame, or actually a nun, because that is how the Catholic Church operated for decades. The simpler way to stop an abuser is simply to prevent him from using public forums of decent people to abuse decent people. There are clear legal and ethical standards for abuse, slander, and extortion, and JD has crossed way over that line many, many times. I am glad you privately suggested to Oz that he not let JD use this website to do that. I appreciate that. I have been monitoring this site for months, including earlier attacks on me, and I figured the correct approach is to play this like Oz: to be fair and see if, given a chance, JD will stop abusing. He hasn't. He just found a new place to abuse. Beyond that, I miss you and your wicked funny posts. Firstly, you Miss me cause Daddy banned me AGAIN ! Some people really like to hold grudges. but getting back to you, that IS my advice now, since all of yooz constant yammering about this shit hasnt accomplished anything. There is legal recourse for slander. Stop with the talk and take action....PERIOD. Get a gag order, whatever, but telling tales on websites aint gonna help ya... This is between ya'll. We already know who YOU, JD, Daddy, Killian and all the rest are and we can draw our own conclusions. These constant OPUSES are ruining everyones credibility. I do love you guys (well , some of you) and I do miss you attacking me and always trying to Out-Diva me, but you are a fun Bitch, and I would hate for this cunt-fest to tarnish YOU in any way. NO MORE COMPETITIONS, and NO MORE CROWNS....PLEASE ! Sparkly jewels always brings out the worst in you queens..... MsAnn and stevenkesslar 2 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 31 minutes ago, citylaw1 said: People are definitely paying attention. Look at the replies here - they're mostly from people saying that they have no interest in this stuff. Simply not true, and never has been. Any juicy threads have always, and will always, enjoy the most views. Follow the tracker. I'm not a fan of censorship, especially on these boards, but I'd advocate for it here. This could turn into something outside of the boards. But I really don't care either way. People are enjoying the battle, NOT the cause ! Quote
AdamSmith Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 10 minutes ago, Suckrates said: People are enjoying the battle, NOT the cause ! stevenkesslar and MsAnn 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 59 minutes ago, citylaw1 said: I'm not a fan of censorship, especially on these boards, but I'd advocate for it here. This could turn into something outside of the boards. But I really don't care either way. Thank you. Let me amplify your point. Allegations of rape and threats to sue people in court have real world consequences. This is not a game. I have no idea why JD seems hellbent on destroying his own credibility, but I have no interest in seeing JD destroy himself even further on this website. Or the credibility of my friends. Or me. I have been advising the escort JD is slandering NOT to file a restraining order. I had to do that once in my life, a decade ago, against a client who went bonkers. It was emotionally draining. It is not a good place to be. And even though I am no longer JD's friend, I have no ill will for him. I truly wish this would just die. Removing this thread and removing this soapbox for JD to rant from is an excellent way to do that and is way better emotionally than forcing people to drag this out in a real court of law. Every word I am writing I am writing reluctantly as a plea to stop the madness. Let me say one other thing, about fairness and censorship. JD wants to believe I "hated" Daddy, and he is using that in his Abuse 101 toolbox and has been for months to try to create a rift that doesn't exist between Daddy and me, and to try to intimidate me. JD has no knowledge of what he is actually referring to, but let me tell the world about that, since you are right and the world likes controversy. Years ago Daddy posted a very negative review about Kristian from LA that everybody, including me, believed was fake. A controversy ensued, and I made the case that the alleged fake review should be removed, or at least flagged. I pointed out that the "flag" tool had been used against my best friend, the deceased escort Bill, years ago, when we first both appeared on Daddy's. Long story short, Daddy decided not to remove or flag the review, because even though he thought it was fake, he couldn't prove it. He essentially said he would run his website as he saw fit. That pissed me off, and I let him and other people know how I felt. In retrospect, hindsight being 20/20, I think I was burnt out, and I was scared shitless about the fact that the housing market had been pushed off a cliff. In retrospect, I think for a few years I needed to crawl under the covers and hide, and recharge. I eventually went back and saw that that controversy was pretty much the last time I posted for years. Back then, I was scared shitless about what was happening to the housing market, and I know many good people that lost their homes. What is sad and ironic about JD's slurs that I am losing my house NOW is that I feel incredibly lucky, my home value is going up like a helium balloon, and any of you that own real estate in markets like California know exactly what I am talking about. Beyond that, due to certain circumstances, my friend Oliver asked to use my home for a few years to host his party, and I felt honored. JD could not be more wrong. It's sad that he can't seem to pay his own rent, and lashes out and makes up lies and blames it on persecution, just like everything else, but that is so ........ well, 2015. I've been done with that bullshit for a year. Back to Daddy, looking back on that period what seems obvious to me is that you had a community of fair-minded people trying to be fair to Kristian. Some said give Kristian the benefit of the doubt, some said don't. It was an honest disagreement, and I think I just used whatever I felt to take a much needed break. Several years ago I sat for an hour with Daddy and Oz at a party at Oliver's house. I think everybody knows there is a history and they are not the best of friends. What I admired is how respectful each of these two men was to each other. I know Daddy much better than Oz, but I have to believe they are both good men trying to build a website that fosters and supports a community of people like ..... well, us. I have to believe they are both doing their best to run an honest and fair website, with fair and honest reviews. Many people I know post on both sites. This whole JD thing did have the ironic effect of bringing me much closer to Daddy. In a nutshell, it is 100 % clear to me that Daddy reached out to JD and tried to help him, and JD ultimately responded by trying to tear Daddy down. It made me respect Daddy more, and lose all respect for JD. This madness is a community killer. JD is a community killer. I am not a fan of censorship, but I am a fan of fairness. I don't think it's fair to a community to let one sick man with a well documented history of abuse continuously try to tear it apart simply to give his own ego and pocketbook what it needs. Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 22 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said: Removing this thread and removing this soapbox for JD to rant from is an excellent way to do that and is way better emotionally than forcing people to drag this out in a real court of law. Every word I am writing I am writing reluctantly as a plea to stop the madness. You're suggesting that all this drama between the four or five of you over this past year is due to this escort posting here and if he wasn't this heaping pile of bullshit between you people would be over? You might want to rethink that. I'm not advocating either way. Just saying that the problems you people have amongst yourselves are far greater than any one individual posting on this website. Quote
Members citylaw1 Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 51 minutes ago, Suckrates said: People are enjoying the battle, NOT the cause ! Always the case. Enjoy the battle, and long for the days of peace, all while reading every post. Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 13 minutes ago, Larstrup said: You're suggesting that all this drama between the four or five of you over this past year is due to this escort posting here and if he wasn't this heaping pile of bullshit between you people would be over? You might want to rethink that. You'd have to be way more specific, but rethink what, regarding what 4 or 5 people? I am saying that JD Daniels is a community killer and that there are dozens of people, at the very least, who think he is out of control. I can happily redact the names from dozens and dozens of private emails and messages I have received over the past year from prominent, respected members of the community that posts on both sites asking me to try to talk some reason into JD, when I was still trying to be his friend. So this isn't about 4 or 5 people, it's to my knowledge at least about dozens, and probably hundreds. I have no idea exactly how many people JD has lied to, bullied, abused, and extorted, but it's for sure a big number. You are entirely correct that none of what I mention above and the hurt caused to dozens, or more likely hundreds, has anything to do with this website. My point is simple: why should it? JD is like a fatal bacteria that infects a body and gradually destroys it. It took a lot of drama and pain and bullshit and hurt to get the bacteria excised from the community over at Daddy's, but it is gone. Do you guys really want it to now poison this website? Do you feel excited that he is using your website that you build to treat each other respectfully as a cannon from which to launch bile and slander and hate? I can't see what's in that for you, or me, or even JD. Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 JD being a community killer aside; I don't understand how his inability to post here resolves anyone's issues with him or his issues with you/them. You mention it's easier to silence him here than it is dragging everyone into court. How about all the other vehicles of incessant and unwelcome communication he has been using all this time? I just think you have a bigger problem on your hands than just this one website. Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 3 minutes ago, Larstrup said: JD being a community killer aside; I don't understand how his inability to post here resolves anyone's issues with him or his issues with you/them. You mention it's easier to silence him here than it is dragging everyone into court. Exactly. That's exactly right, and exactly how. JD and I actually have a lot in common. We bother suffer from verbal diarrhea. But I can be short and sweet. He's hurt and alienated at least dozens of people including some of the most respected escorts around and some of the most prominent posters on both of these websites. I suppose we could all suck it up and just spend months tolerating the abuse, or have a bunch of people all spend thousands on a bunch of lawyers. But I can tell you from personal experience: it ain't fun. I just don't think abusers deserve to be given a forum to abuse and slander, at least once they make it incredibly and very painfully clear that their goal is to slander and abuse. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 I found this Great way to Avoid the Whole thing...... MsAnn 1 Quote
Guest DirtyBird Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 From what I understand from JD’s own post is that he was promised nothing but some pie in the sky possibility that Daddy might change his mind and give JD the EOY title back. JD donated money to the rentboy fund, not because he’s such a nice and caring guy, but because he thought there was something in it for him (this is according to his own post). He hasn’t changed his selfish ways. I see that he’s also donated to two other rentboy funds: Kurtis Wolfe’s and Supporters Unite. He’s promised a weekly donation to the Supporters Unite fund. We’ll see how far that goes. Is he trying to cover all the bases trying get back the crown and his reviews? Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 (edited) 13 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said: Exactly. That's exactly right, and exactly how. JD and I actually have a lot in common. We bother suffer from verbal diarrhea. But I can be short and sweet. He's hurt and alienated at least dozens of people including some of the most respected escorts around and some of the most prominent posters on both of these websites. I suppose we could all suck it up and just spend months tolerating the abuse, or have a bunch of people all spend thousands on a bunch of lawyers. But I can tell you from personal experience: it ain't fun. I just don't think abusers deserve to be given a forum to abuse and slander, at least once they make it incredibly and very painfully clear that their goal is to slander and abuse. So again, what you're saying is: ban him here and all this drama, hatred, resentment, ill-will, contempt, etc., which has existed for a year (or more) between all parties is resolved for you. I just don't buy that argument. I think you, Daddy, KJ, JD and your friend(s) have much more difficult work ahead to do to identify, heal, fix or at least find agreeable ground for peace. Again, I'm certainly not advocating here for JD. I just think your problem is far greater than a silencing on a forum. Edited August 28, 2016 by Larstrup Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 28, 2016 Members Posted August 28, 2016 All JD's presence here is doing is keeping the feud alive. He has said everything he has to say, over and over and over again. So the presumed slander has already been done. OK, now what ? Ban him here, and he'll pop up somewhere else... If he's that man on a mission, then you need to find a way to "ABORT".... Quote