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Guest JDDanielsxxx

How To Go About Advertising As The Former OR Present EOY??

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Guest JDDanielsxxx
  On 7/24/2016 at 2:15 PM, TotallyOz said:

You call this post patiently waiting? 


Quite sad I must say how people can be so ruthless and nasty towards others, but one day, just one day - that nastiness will come back to haunt them. You mark my words.

Let them keep talking trash, as you get back for what you put out. ^_^


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  On 7/24/2016 at 7:14 PM, JDDanielsxxx said:

I call it BULLSHIT!!


You call everything bullshit, yet you're the one suffering,  and suffocating in your own Bullshit.   We should Re-name THIS thread  "Joke of the Day"  (The JD Traveling Circus)  





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  On 7/24/2016 at 7:22 PM, JDDanielsxxx said:

Anything coming from you normally is


Yeah homie, so why is everyone laughing at You then ?   Spend some time looking for a new profession instead of regurgitating your old news everyday, cause you've pretty much destroyed your escorting one.  Gotta pay the bills baby...., but it seems you have alot of time on your hands ?   Where are all these V.I.P. clients you keep telling us about ?  

  • Members
  On 7/24/2016 at 2:17 PM, TotallyOz said:

Disagreement?  You were encouraging me to take a big fat prick down my throat! I am a gentle man.  I need to be relaxed and massaged a bit before I do that!





And this is why I don't post around here much anymore either.

JD posts about his drama.

I don't know JD, and don't much care, though I think the use of the N word is way off base. The drama is between them, and they're sort it out, or they won't. 

But then the local nasties decide they want to stir up the shit storm and now it's this.

If I wanted to experience this infantile name calling, I'd go hang out at an elementary school play ground.

Are your lives so boring that you need to make somebody else's drama about you?

checking back out....

  On 7/25/2016 at 1:21 AM, caeron said:


And this is why I don't post around here much anymore either.

JD posts about his drama.

I don't know JD, and don't much care, though I think the use of the N word is way off base. The drama is between them, and they're sort it out, or they won't. 

But then the local nasties decide they want to stir up the shit storm and now it's this.

If I wanted to experience this infantile name calling, I'd go hang out at an elementary school play ground.

Are your lives so boring that you need to make somebody else's drama about you?

checking back out....


If you don't post here based on a few shit storms over the years, while the VAST majority of all threads are great and drama free, I'd say you are not posting for another reason.  I don't know what that is.  But, if you don't fly based on the same logic of airplanes crashing, then I understand.  Otherwise, I'd say you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Guest 406boytoy

If it's not to late, I'd like to throw my 2 cents in

So you won, but were stripped. It doesn't take away the fact that you did win the award. Also if it's in the rules that a title can be removed then those are the rules. However they can't take away the fact that it happened. Perhaps you can call yourself the "former" EOY 2015. Just like Ric Flair was a 16 time world champion baby! WWHHOOOOOOO!

Ric Flair.gif

  On 7/26/2016 at 1:18 AM, caeron said:


Yes, of course. I"m a liar too about why I don't visit.

See, that's why I don't visit much, perfectly demonstrated.



I never said you were a liar.  I said your logic was faulty and that by not participating based a very few issues, is silly.  There is a difference between that and calling you a liar. 

I believe that so many people get their panties in a wad over little things on the Internet.  It happens a great deal. I have seen it 1,000 times. I rarely get upset over things but I have a very high tolerance level.  Others are very thin skinned and participating for them is very difficult. I totally accept that others have issues with the moderation of this site and I fully accept that some want the hammer to come down hard when it is something they want to control. But, I have also found that for every time a discussion is stopped or halted based on a poster getting tired of it and upset that 100 more complaints will fast ensue.  I believe that as adults we can all choose what our tolerance level is and then pass by topics that are of no interest to us. 

Specifically for you sir, I was only saying that if you find a topic that has a shitstorm you don't like, you just avoid that thread. It is pretty simple.  IMHO.  Perhaps, I am wrong and others can point out why my thinking is wrong. But, there are threads I don't like and once read, I just ignore them in the future.  That is easy for me.  I would never let myself get upset by a thread and then go back over and over to watch something I have no interest in at all.  That is a true waste of my time. But, to avoid a site that has great information on it simply to avoid a few things one finds distasteful is pretty petty IMHO.


You said I didn't know why I stopped posting and hanging out here much.

So either I'm a liar or I'm an idiot.

You want to fit me into your narrative of thin skinned people on the internet getting wound up.

I simply don't care for shit storms. If I could predict them perfectly, then I could avoid them, but of course you can't.

so when the incidents become common enough to annoy, you avoid the neighborhood.


  On 7/26/2016 at 2:12 PM, caeron said:

You said I didn't know why I stopped posting and hanging out here much.

So either I'm a liar or I'm an idiot.

You want to fit me into your narrative of thin skinned people on the internet getting wound up.

I simply don't care for shit storms. If I could predict them perfectly, then I could avoid them, but of course you can't.

so when the incidents become common enough to annoy, you avoid the neighborhood.



Well, I didn't say you were a liar or an idiot.  What I disagree with is the use of common.  But, hey, some people don't travel on airplanes because airplane crashes into volcano are common.

My posts were certainly not mean to insult or demean you. You have reasons. Only you know the reasons are. But, if you believe the shit storms are common, then I guess I'll just have to say we agree to disagree.

Guest JDDanielsxxx

A client (who is also an attorney working with a fellow DA investigating this whole mess according to Steven Kesslar's email as racism/discrimination is determining if he's going to see to it of Daddy's being shut down officially in September or not) I went out to dinner with in NYC recently told me to tell most of you to look up the word: "Svengali" which will give you all a perfect example of what all I went through regarding Daddy and Kesslar's BS.

All I know is was I in the wrong by standing up for what I felt was right by defending myself but eventually got shafted and tossed away?

Now you tell me is it right for someone to insult me and what I should just sit there and take it cause of Daddy being an authority figure and so call has control of my future as an escort?

Sounds to me that most of you who hate me think I deserved such treatment that was uncalled for and unnecessary. I know if it was any of you going though such trauma you wouldn't put up with it, so why should I after putting up with such degradation for 2 years.

Without being bitchy, just tell me after all I suffered, do you all think it's right I had to put up with all this madness and did the right thing finally stand up and fight?

All I wanna know is - was Daddy in the right to use such racial references I asked him repeatedly not to use in my presence?

Was he in the right to threaten to dismiss me if I didn't tolerate his berating me racially?

Please answer the questions or give your opinion without being dramatic and berating towards me as I am not on boytoy to be belittled.

All I want to know is did I do the right thing by standing up for myself by telling someone to NOT belittle me or make fun of me cause I'm black.

If someone is saying awful things that make you uncomfortable, should you stand up for yourself and say " I would appreciate it if you don't use such a word in my presence"?

One last thing, Why do most of you think me wanting EOY is such horrible desire to want and have -  like it's a crime?

If most of you think of it as such a petty award then why do you participate in it when it comes to someone you really want to see win? Doesn't make any sense to me as to why it's such drama if I win, but if it's someone else it's party time. LOL.

Some of you are saying it's not a race thing as to why I lost or won the award, but myself along with other escorts have our doubts being all this BS never went down in the past winners and finally when there is an African-American winner comes along and wins - it's a catastrophe and the most God awful thing on earth cause Alec Andrews(America's muscle boy) didn't win.

It's really sad that no Black guy can get such recognition without there being some sort of drama(and I'm not the only escort who sees that as ALOT of escorts have said they felt the same way as people are not stupid and do recognize this sort of racism happening still in society.).

Daddy himself forewarned me that this may happen where people are not ready for a Black EOY, and after seeing of the shit I've been through with this - maybe he was right. :(.

Goes to show the escorting community that no Black man really can win a so-called "white" award peacefully without there being a war in the end. Sad I had to go through hell being called literally the "N" word or go tolerate the horror or hearing that word multiple times from someone I thought was a mentor in order for me to win the award and prove I am worthy of winning such a title.

Guest BrianKevin

When you thought filling out all this forums information to join was pointless then realize that this is STILL going on, on another forum.


honestly this was fun-- but just a little pathetic. You won now bask in your victory. It sounds good so advertise with it. Just stop feeding this bullshit shit storm. You're better than this! I came to point fingers and laugh but I'm here as an Ex-friend asking you to please stop. You have a career depending on it. Keep your head up. 

Guest JDDanielsxxx
  On 8/3/2016 at 4:13 AM, BrianKevin said:

honestly this was fun-- but just a little pathetic. You won now bask in your victory. It sounds good so advertise with it. Just stop feeding this bullshit shit storm. You're better than this! I came to point fingers and laugh but I'm here as an Ex-friend asking you to please stop. You have a career depending on it. Keep your head up. 


Thanks Brian,

You're right, and have learned to let it go, and move on as I said my peace, and it's time for me to throw in the towel for once.

I've won EOY - it's time for me to enjoy my victory (being how I sacrificed for it behind the scenes as you all have read), and even though I have had some terrible things happened out of this mess - it's all a lessons learned for the better. :).

Thanks for your uplifting input, and will keep my head up to remain positive in my career. My career as an escort is important to me, and that's what's should matter the most.

On to new and positive things, and glad to see you with us here on Boytoy. :).


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