Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 Hey Guys, On a certain website I am actively advertising on, happen to receive an e-mail from someone here in Dallas from Daddy's Forum stating I am false advertising by putting on my ad that I am the 2015 Escort Of The Year, but should remove it off my ads being my title is vacated and been stripped of it's reign as it doesn't exist. How should I go about this being that most people know the title was wrongfully stripped due to personal issues with me and Daddy outside of escorting, and him just being viciously crude? A lot of people who voted for me as the EOY know of Daddy's unruly actions as to why he stripped my title away, and think I should(in spite of him being nasty by stripping the title) keep the title in my ad being I still won it, and am the winner regardless if it's been stripped or not. This is the first of the history of Daddy's site this has happened where an EOY has been stripped of his title, but it's also going to be the first EOY to see his website get stripped as well I'm afraid if this madness continues. How should one go about this or handle this so people don't think I'm misleading them, and I'm not being I did win the award fair and square? Technically folks I am the winner, but those who are ANTI-JD (who are mean-girls most likely) wanna stir up shit stating "YOU NEED TO REMOVE A TITLE YOU DIDN'T DESERVE OFF YOUR ADS - IT'S FALSE ADVERTISING". BULLSHIT!!! It's not false advertising on an award you won, but was wrongfully stripped due to the person who awarded you being a jerk by retaliating due to someone else informing him I called him a racist for using the "N" word towards me multiple times. To me, that is a racist if they insist on keep using such a word after you've asked them not to. I feel it's sad someone who is a 60 year old man is acting so immature by stripping a title (that was rightfully earned and voted upon by the people) over personal matters that is outside of the profession. I think it's quite sad how someone like Daddy can be so cold-blooded to insult me, but yet respected by escorts being he racially disrespected someone's boundaries to not bring up sensetive subjects that can hurt they're self-esteem. Is that ironic or what? JD Quote
TotallyOz Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 If you were awarded the title, it is yours. You have the right to advertise with it. IMHO Quote
Guest RfromKC Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 3 hours ago, TotallyOz said: If you were awarded the title, it is yours. You have the right to advertise with it. IMHO There was actually a count done by Mr. F (full names not allowed removed by admin) (known as Daddy over there) of all the votes tendered for the title of Escort of the Year on that site. You were voted in as Daddy's Escort of the Year for 2015. Even if The Powers That Be decided to "strip" you of that title for whatever reason, personal or private, in my humble opinion you won EOY fair and square with the majority of all the votes, Daddy awarded the title to you and you shall thus remain Daddy's Site's EOY for 2015 until December 31, 2016, even though Guy (full names not allowed removed by admin) decided to wipe the title from his site! Please do not hesitate to advertise your title proudly in all your promotional materials as it is definitely your right! TruHart1 Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 8 hours ago, TotallyOz said: If you were awarded the title, it is yours. You have the right to advertise with it. IMHO 7 hours ago, RfromKC said: There was actually a count done by Mr. F (full names not allowed removed by admin) (known as Daddy over there) of all the votes tendered for the title of Escort of the Year on that site. You were voted in as Daddy's Escort of the Year for 2015. Even if The Powers That Be decided to "strip" you of that title for whatever reason, personal or private, in my humble opinion you won EOY fair and square with the majority of all the votes, Daddy awarded the title to you and you shall thus remain Daddy's Site's EOY for 2015 until December 31, 2016, even though Guy (full names not allowed removed by admin) decided to wipe the title from his site! Please do not hesitate to advertise your title proudly in all your promotional materials as it is definitely your right! TruHart1 Well Said, Gentlemen - That's all I needed to know so people can stop emailing me stating I'm being "dishonest" by posting of my current title as the 2015 EOY in my ads not knowing "Daddy" (Guy F) is the one who is "dishonest" being he stripped it due to personal reasons that he is making on his site "unknown", but a lot of people are aware through Steven Kesslar upsetting email of his reasoning is personal, and not anything to do professionally. I guess when one calls him out to be of a racist for making unacceptable racial remarks using the "N" reference multiple times - he feels he needs to retaliate unfortunately. What a shame. :(. Daddy did himself a disservice by making himself look bad by stripping the title, and made out to be a liar being he announced and made as rule that once you have won the title you can NOT win it ever again, and second being you can NEVER have the title taken away from you no matter what. So, it makes you wonder - why he would break his rule for the first time with me and not others he may have felt didn't deserve it to be EOY either, but he's never stripped of they're title. One would wonder huh? Maybe by him doing these vicious acts just proves secretly that he truly is a racist behind-the-scenes. It's just like the accused stalker who's harassing me - people didn't think he was a racist either until they heard his racial rants on the phone calling me a "N" more than once. One person (admittedly on this site) opened up and confirmed of the accused shortcomings. Not only was the accused used racial slurs on several occasions, but was also berating me as a black man stating because I was black he can do whatever he wants to me, and he can get away with it cause he's white and privileged. One client during a session heard him say such racial rants and slurs by phone, and now wants NOTHING to do with the accused as he too didn't believe the accused was a racist until he heard it for himself. And people say I need help for being on the defense when being viciously and verbally attacked - NO - it's maniacs like this who needs help being I don't go around stalking people and calling them "N" and berating them. I find people who think I deserve such abuse and torment are just as mentally deranged as the stalker is apparently seeing one member from here stated I did deserve being stalked by the accused. Still til this day the accused will not leave me alone, so I will have no choice but to reveal(along with documentation) on who the accused stalker is seeing he wont take heed to what I have asked him to do. I gave him fair warning, and he just won't listen. So, there you have it folks - I am the 2015 "Escort Of The Year" as OZ and Truhart1 has stated in this thread, and if Daddy wants to continue to this battle of stripping my award and make himself look stupid on the count of this - go for it, but it's only going to cost him in the long run one way or another as karma always has a way of biting someone in the ass if it comes down to it. Just doesn't pay to be nasty to people. Apparently the stalker in question will find out the hard way of this theory as well (sorry to say). Thank you, OZ and Truhart for your outpour of support as I truly appreciate your comments as they are true and valid as to how people view of the situation in question of me winning the award "HONESTLY" and not in an unfair and dishonest manner as those who are ANTI-JD proclaim my winnings to be. I'm not a dishonest person, so why should my award be, right. Wink. JD Quote
Members Lucky Posted July 22, 2016 Members Posted July 22, 2016 The title is given according to the rules of the website. If those rules allow for taking the title away, then it's legitimate to do so. If there is no provision for removal, then it isn't legitimate. I'd ask for a copy of the rules to determine your situation. Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted July 22, 2016 Posted July 22, 2016 Quote I'd ask for a copy of the rules to determine your situation. Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 22, 2016 Posted July 22, 2016 10 hours ago, Lucky said: The title is given according to the rules of the website. If those rules allow for taking the title away, then it's legitimate to do so. If there is no provision for removal, then it isn't legitimate. I'd ask for a copy of the rules to determine your situation. That's the thing, Lucky, there are no rules as Daddy stripping the award was due to personal vendettas that were going on outside of escorting or on the forum that were all private and personal issues between me, Daddy, and Kesslar at the time. Had NOTHING to do with me being a bad escort or doing something sinister in any way to clients or else I wouldn't have won the award. Like I said in a previous post, the EOY was stripped from me due to Steven Kesslar telling Daddy I called him a racist for making racist remarks towards me when we were visiting him one time in Vegas before I won EOY back in October of 2015. Kesslar deliberately told Daddy this information in spite cause I told Dane Scott something Steven was not suppose to repeat to anyone, but he did such a thing to me. Yes, I did reveal to Dane what Steven told me about Dane's past to get back at Steven of what he repeated to Daddy I did not want repeated(Plus there is more that Steven did that was hurtful I wanted to grab him by the balls with to get even and this was one to them). I asked Steven not to repeat something to Daddy for a reason for which he agreed not to repeat, but he did it anyway, so to get back at him for crossing me(and more than once) in such a vicious and arrogant manner, I thought I would repeat a secret he asked me not tell Dane in return. From that point on is where things went sour with me and Daddy, and me and Kesslar. If I was still on good terms with them - the EOY would have NEVER been stripped, but because both men dislike I don't tolerate they're BS anymore at this point - they want to see about making my life miserable, and having my EOY stripped is one of them. There were several forum members on Daddy's forum who were against me winning EOY, and Daddy overrode it as we were still on good terms as he felt I won fair and square. It was when Steven said to him I called him a racist is when Daddy decides he want to evil and then turn against me. There were other issues that got blown out of proportion like me being banned from the PS Forum Event due to the host(s) asking me not to attend because "certain" members told the host if I attended they will not come. It was told to me they didn't feel comfortable in my presence being I won the EOY unfairly, and can't stand to see me there. Plus, theyre was some controversy because I wanted to see Miss Coco(of to attend again at the event - they didn't think it was wise for me to be there which stirred for a few escorts to not go seeing how sexist some of these men are, and wanted no part of it for which I don't blame them. Miss Coco was encouraged to return back in 2015's event to make another possible appearance for 2016 event, and the reason a lot of these sexist mongers had a bat up they're ass about her possibly attending(as for 50% of the members wanted her to come back) was because of the whole Rentboy shut-down scandal and they didn't feel her attending was wise based on that. Many members found to be It had a lot to do with the fact of her being a woman who was somewhat popular there was why made a big stink about it for her and for me. Tristan Baldwin told me he wasn't pissed at me mentioning it cause she was a woman, but because: A. I didn't ask the host(Oliver) was it okay for Miss Coco to attend(which was bullshit cause I only was going to ask him further if she was able to attend for which she wasn't available after all). Like she told me, she was invited and told by the host himself she was welcomed to attend in 2016. B. It was involving bringing back someone who was involved in a public scandal(for which I didn't think of at the time being I wanted her to come to have a good time as it had nothing to do with anything political of any kind). Was all out of nothing but the best of intentions was why I wanted her to come, and to grant the wishes of many members who enjoyed her company and wanted her to attend in 2016. Another thing that threw a monkey wrench in whole mess was Steven Kesslar telling a certain member that I so called revealed about me being "violated" by this person during a DC event back in January of 2015. Unfortunately, the accused "violator" had to create a thread in defense which stirred up more shit to a point where the one and only woman who was going to attend ended up not attending the PS event cause the accused "violator" threatened her he would make her life at the PS event a living hell if she attended(being she was going to hire him during the weekend of the event, but that all got shattered down when he threatened her). He threated her because of the fact she was the one and only person who stood up to him and confirmed(based on her own personal experiences with this man in the past) and said " YES, I feel you raped JD, and know it to be true". Daddy encouraged this "violator" to post a thread of defense after Kesslars bullshit in taking more vengeance toward me backfired apparently as you see. Daddy later had it deleted and removed for unknown reasons(to many of us know why as it was told to me many members found of the "violation" to be true, and was found that Kesslar told the person out of further spite towards me. Kesslar did advise the accused "violator" not to post a thread, but was advised by Daddy to do so which eventually they found was a mistake to the point of having the thread closed, locked and furthermore DELETED!!. Wasn't long after the PS event was over and he returned to his home in Vegas, was when Daddy decided to have my title stripped after so many people complained to him I should have never won it and Kesslar poisoning Daddy's head as well. Little does Daddy know that Steven was the first to admit he felt Daddy was being racist by using the "N" word so freely around us like he was as he confided in me back at the hotel, he was not pleased to hear Daddy say such nasty words in my presence(being I am a Black man who is sensitive to that word being used against me by people who are suppose to be my friends). However to get back at me and to cause chaos between me and Daddy to arise like it did based on me getting back at Steven telling Dane what Steven revealed about Dane's past - Steven made it out to be I was the only one to say Daddy was racist as Daddy doesn't know is that Steven was also displeased by Daddy's outburst in making such racist remarks, and was so displeased to a point he didn't care to go to Breakfast with the man the next day(Daddy asked us to breakfast and Steven made up an excuse that we had to get on the road the next morning). Steven revealed later when we got to our hotel room, that he was very shocked and appalled how insensitive Daddy was by using this word so freely like it's nothing seeing that it bothered you, and was sorry I had to endure such an insult. I was very hurt and emotionally upset that someone I thought was a friend and mentor can be so evil as to insult me being I was being supportive on they're birthday and drove over 300 miles to help make they're 60th special and that's the thanks I get to be racially insulted and treated like shit. At the time Steven thought what I went through with Daddy was terrible and unbelievable I've tolerated this to keep peace, but now that he and Daddy are such buddies - he doesn't think it's so terrible I've been called such names - which show what a hypocrite he is, and will be glad when all of those who crossed me on that site will eventually get theirs. They will come to find out - that crossing me was the wrong thing to do as Steven should know better I'm a man who is true to his word as when I say what is about to happen I mean it as they may not think I won't have the site seized. They just wait and see as when I'm burned and crossed(repeatedly) I am NOT a very nice person, and I know when I have been crossed and crossed royally. Had a close relationship(personally) with both men as Daddy was like a father figure and Steven and I had a romantic involvement that (as you can see went eventually sour) was wonderful in the beginning but later turned ugly unfortunately because he crossed the line not respecting boundaries and is one who has a BIG MOUTH in repeating what others tell him not to reveal to others. You tell him not to repeat something, and he will do it anyway. How can I respect or trust someone who do me or others wrong like that. Dane asked him not to repeat something, and he did anyway. I was stupid I guess in thinking he wouldn't do the same to me as he did the day of Daddy's birthday was repeat something that wasn't suppose to be repeated. The only rules I know to be legitimate as to this whole EOY business is: 1. Once you win the award you can't win it again 2. Once you win the EOY and it is official you are the winner - it's been explained to me and Steven Kesslar back in October of 2015 by Daddy himself, the title can't be taken away from you. Daddy did strip the title from me being this is the first in the site's history an EOY has been stripped of his EOY reign. What will go down in history is: I will be the first former EOY to strip Daddy's website away which is in process as we speak which will be the first to EVER happen in the history of the site. Daddy isn't the only SOB one who can nab someone by the balls if need be. Wink. Like I said, All of this is over personal vendettas to get back at me for standing up and calling them out on they're bullshit. Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted July 23, 2016 Posted July 23, 2016 54 minutes ago, JDDanielsxxx said: stripping of the award was due to personal vendettas that were going on outside of escorting or on the forum that were all private and personal issues between me, Daddy, and Kesslar at the time. Yes, I did reveal to Dane what Steven told me about Dane's past to get back at Steven of what he repeated to Daddy I did not want repeated. I asked Steven not to repeat something to Daddy for a reason for which he agreed not to repeat, but he did it anyway, so to get back at him for crossing me (and more than once) in such a vicious and arrogant manner, I thought I would repeat a secret he asked me not tell Dane in return. From that point on is where things went sour with me and Daddy, and me and Kesslar but later turned ugly unfortunately because he crossed the line not respecting boundaries. You tell him no and he is one who has a BIG MOUTH in repeating what others tell him not to reveal to others. But to repeat something, and he will do it anyway. How can I respect or trust someone who do me or others wrong like that. Dane asked him not to repeat something, and he did anyway. I was stupid I guess in thinking he wouldn't do the same to me as he did the day of Daddy's birthday was repeat something that wasn't suppose to be repeated. . Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 23, 2016 Posted July 23, 2016 33 minutes ago, Larstrup said: 1 hour ago, JDDanielsxxx said: stripping of the award was due to personal vendettas that were going on outside of escorting or on the forum that were all private and personal issues between me, Daddy, and Kesslar at the time. Yes, I did reveal to Dane what Steven told me about Dane's past to get back at Steven of what he repeated to Daddy I did not want repeated. I asked Steven not to repeat something to Daddy for a reason for which he agreed not to repeat, but he did it anyway, so to get back at him for crossing me (and more than once) in such a vicious and arrogant manner, I thought I would repeat a secret he asked me not tell Dane in return. From that point on is where things went sour with me and Daddy, and me and Kesslar but later turned ugly unfortunately because he crossed the line not respecting boundaries. You tell him no and he is one who has a BIG MOUTH in repeating what others tell him not to reveal to others. But to repeat something, and he will do it anyway. How can I respect or trust someone who do me or others wrong like that. Dane asked him not to repeat something, and he did anyway. I was stupid I guess in thinking he wouldn't do the same to me as he did the day of Daddy's birthday was repeat something that wasn't suppose to be repeated. . Quote
Members OneFinger Posted July 23, 2016 Members Posted July 23, 2016 On 7/20/2016 at 9:14 PM, JDDanielsxxx said: Hey Guys, On a certain website I am actively advertising on, happen to receive an e-mail from someone here in Dallas from Daddy's Forum stating I am false advertising by putting on my ad that I am the 2015 Escort Of The Year, but should remove it off my ads being my title is vacated and been stripped of it's reign as it doesn't exist. How should I go about this being that most people know the title was wrongfully stripped due to personal issues with me and Daddy outside of escorting, and him just being viciously crude? A lot of people who voted for me as the EOY know of Daddy's unruly actions as to why he stripped my title away, and think I should(in spite of him being nasty by stripping the title) keep the title in my ad being I still won it, and am the winner regardless if it's been stripped or not. This is the first of the history of Daddy's site this has happened where an EOY has been stripped of his title, but it's also going to be the first EOY to see his website get stripped as well I'm afraid if this madness continues. How should one go about this or handle this so people don't think I'm misleading them, and I'm not being I did win the award fair and square? Technically folks I am the winner, but those who are ANTI-JD (who are mean-girls most likely) wanna stir up shit stating "YOU NEED TO REMOVE A TITLE YOU DIDN'T DESERVE OFF YOUR ADS - IT'S FALSE ADVERTISING". BULLSHIT!!! It's not false advertising on an award you won, but was wrongfully stripped due to the person who awarded you being a jerk by retaliating due to someone else informing him I called him a racist for using the "N" word towards me multiple times. To me, that is a racist if they insist on keep using such a word after you've asked them not to. I feel it's sad someone who is a 60 year old man is acting so immature by stripping a title (that was rightfully earned and voted upon by the people) over personal matters that is outside of the profession. I think it's quite sad how someone like Daddy can be so cold-blooded to insult me, but yet respected by escorts being he racially disrespected someone's boundaries to not bring up sensetive subjects that can hurt they're self-esteem. Is that ironic or what? JD OMG can't you just quit the drama?!?!?!?!??! WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS ISSUE ANY MORE. QUIT BRINGING IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! paulsf, MsAnn and BigK 3 Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 23, 2016 Posted July 23, 2016 28 minutes ago, OneFinger said: OMG can't you just quit the drama?!?!?!?!??! WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS ISSUE ANY MORE. QUIT BRINGING IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG - Why don't you just shut the fuck up? If you mean-girls don't like what I post - then don't read it - just as simple as that!! "Don't create drama if you don't want it thrown back at you" is my motto. Gee whiz!!! Thank you!!! Quote
Guest RfromKC Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 23 hours ago, OneFinger said: OMG can't you just quit the drama?!?!?!?!??! WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS ISSUE ANY MORE. QUIT BRINGING IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh My Goodness yourself, OneFinger, just let the man vent (he certainly can't over there!) and ignore his posts if you don't care!!! I believe anyone may post their opinion here who follows all BT posting guidelines. TruHart1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 24, 2016 Members Posted July 24, 2016 6 hours ago, RfromKC said: Oh My Goodness yourself, OneFinger, just let the man vent (he certainly can't over there!) and ignore his posts if you don't care!!! I believe anyone may post their opinion here who follows all BT posting guidelines. TruHart1 You know Truhart, you should be ASHAMED of yourself. Let the man vent ? WHY ? This site is NOT the JD site, and certainly NOT about drama he dragged over here from Daddy's. He was warned by management about continuing down his personal path with this Bullshit about his stripped title, but he continues, and YOU staunchly support him. One can only wonder how many Free dinners or bribes he is giving you for your loyalty, because I know you are not stupid enough to actually believe anything he has to say in this matter. The fact the he BELIEVES the shit he says DOES NOT make it true, and its more than ENOUGH already. Unless JD goes to Party CITY and buys himself a crown, it aint coming back, so in JD's words, the BOTH of you just need to shut the fuck up about this. If you care to discuss more Universal issues that concern OTHER members here on the site, you are welcome to do so, BUT WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT JD'S STRIPPED TITLE AND DADDY VENDETTA ANYMORE !. This is Tiring, annoying and NO fun here. I am patiently waiting for OZ to move this to the Sandbox once and for all to allow us to get back to our usual business. . MsAnn and numerito 2 Quote
AdamSmith Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 12 minutes ago, MsAnn said: LMAO EOY award gives a whole new meaning to the term junk jewelry. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 24, 2016 Members Posted July 24, 2016 4 minutes ago, AdamSmith said: LMAO EOY award gives a whole new meaning to the term junk jewelry. Tiara ROADKILL ! OneFinger, MsAnn and AdamSmith 3 Quote
AdamSmith Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 1 minute ago, Suckrates said: Tiara ROADKILL ! Sounds like a porn star. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 24, 2016 Members Posted July 24, 2016 NEWS BULLETIN - This Just In Grandma Sucky says: JD, You were EOY 2015 (or at least for part of it) Its now 2016 so officially your Reign would be over anyway Princess. Time to get back to the business that you so valiantly fought to preserve: ESCORTING I am sure your 1 client Truhart is waiting for your service, and IMO, he should certainly be getting some FREE black dick for his unwavering support of you thru your shambles and meltdowns. And now, let us return to our regularly scheduled programming, which was briefly pre-empted due to self-serving Bullshit ! OneFinger 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 1 minute ago, Suckrates said: NEWS BULLETIN - This Just In Grandma Sucky says: JD, You were EOY 2015 (or at least for part of it) Its now 2016 so officially your Reign would be over anyway Princess. Time to get back to the business that you so valiantly fought to preserve: ESCORTING I am sure your 1 client Truhart is waiting for your service, and IMO, he should certainly be getting some FREE black dick for his unwavering support of you thru your shambles and meltdowns. And now, let us return to our regularly scheduled programming, which was briefly pre-empted due to self-serving Bullshit ! You call this post patiently waiting? MsGuy 1 Quote
Members MsAnn Posted July 24, 2016 Members Posted July 24, 2016 12 minutes ago, AdamSmith said: LMAO EOY award gives a whole new meaning to the term junk jewelry. 8 minutes ago, Suckrates said: Tiara ROADKILL ! 7 minutes ago, AdamSmith said: Sounds like a porn star. I "LIKE" all of these. I'm out of "likes' again. Imagine that. Oz and I had a little disagreement in the Political Section and she took all my likes away again. AdamSmith and TotallyOz 2 Quote
TotallyOz Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 Just now, MsAnn said: I "LIKE" all of these. I'm out of "likes' again. Imagine that. Oz and I had a little disagreement in the Political Section and she took all my likes away again. Disagreement? You were encouraging me to take a big fat prick down my throat! I am a gentle man. I need to be relaxed and massaged a bit before I do that! MsAnn 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 24, 2016 Members Posted July 24, 2016 1 minute ago, TotallyOz said: You call this post patiently waiting? Sorry Oz, but my patience quickly wears off when people give me the finger in response to a post, instead of having the courtesy to respond like a MAN. MsAnn 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 Just now, Suckrates said: Sorry Oz, but my patience quickly wears off when people give me the finger in response to a post, instead of having the courtesy to respond like a MAN. That was yesterday Rhett! Today is another day! Quote
AdamSmith Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 2 minutes ago, Suckrates said: my patience quickly wears off when people give me the finger I sort of like it. TotallyOz, MsAnn and paulsf 3 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 24, 2016 Members Posted July 24, 2016 1 minute ago, TotallyOz said: That was yesterday Rhett! Today is another day! Yup you are right again, but with 1 proviso.... Another day, but same ole shit ! Quote