Members flguy Posted July 4, 2016 Members Posted July 4, 2016 I'm not sure you are a bad person, but mentally ill is a great possibility and you need to seek help. As it appears you are the only one to believe your posts says your denial of the facts says volumes about your mental health. Please get help... I know for a fact you are still texting people and harassing them just as you did when you solicited their votes for EOY. GIVE IT UP and get professional help. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 4, 2016 Posted July 4, 2016 The day you stop creating these exaggerated tales and you seeking help is the day I'll seek professional help. Asking fellow clients for votes doesn't warrant one for being mentally ill. You need to go back to school and learn what are signs and behavioral patterns for mental illness is, my friend as asking people to vote for you isn't a mental illness or harassment if they're long term clients or had long term interactions(for which are the people I've contacted to vote for me). Give me a freaking break, dude. Sounds like you could use some professional help as well as Killian, Daddy, Steven and of course Sir JJ. Maybe with all the drama they've caused recently on the forum you need to relay to them they need professional help too - which may not be a bad idea considering they're unruly behavior has been lately on the forum. Especially JJ causing a stir like he did on the NYC meet up thread that unfortunately got shut down. Wink Quote
Members OneFinger Posted July 4, 2016 Members Posted July 4, 2016 18 hours ago, JDDanielsxxx said: ...The reason for me posting these long-winded emails is so people can understand and see I am not a bad person. I'm actually a sweet guy with a good heart in making others happy. ...You burn me once - I let it go - You burn me twice - Warning/Red Flags go up - You burn me three times - Shame on me, bye-bye for you. JD, Your rantings here do nothing to convince me that you're a sweet guy with a good heart. At one point I believed that but that's no longer the case. You say if someone burns you three times it's bye-bye for them. Yet, you don't seem to let them go. Does your idea of "bye-bye" include verbally or physically harassing them? IMHO you need professional help and perhaps some hospitalization. There are professionals out there that can help you deal the pain of the EOY experience and events leading up to it. You owe it to yourself to get this pain out of your life. Marc in Calif and MsAnn 2 Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 4, 2016 Posted July 4, 2016 4 minutes ago, OneFinger said: You say if someone burns you three times it's bye-bye for them. Yet, you don't seem to let them go. Does your idea of "bye-bye" include verbally or physically harassing them? Meaning out of my life in walking away. I don't believe in physical violence or harassing others, Onefinger. That's not my style to be violent, but dismiss someone silently without raising my fist. I'm sorry you don't believe I'm a nice person by posting what all I posted on here as I do understand it's hard to believe, but it's the truth being I had to do this to present my side of the story and what led to the devastating issues at hand regarding Daddy and the EOY scandal. I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from being I have been through ALOT with this EOY mess along with people betraying me, and backstabbing me. I'm currently in therapy and have been for awhile in order to heal from all of this, and help move on with my life. My therapist(who's been following the forums and it's negativity) felt it's best I do reveal in an overall post of everything that's been happening to me behind-the-scenes that explains why I would question myself a lot cause I was always put down or ridiculed by people who I thought were mentors I could share my feelings with and trust, and then they misused my trust by backstabbing and betraying me in the end by making it public or revealing to people I didn't want to be repeated to on purpose. The therapist suggested in my opening up, and stand my ground in letting people know what led to the turn of events as to why my relationship with Daddy and Kesslar failed which is all explained in the post. You all on here and on Daddy's forum can view me ranting and complaining all you want - maybe most of you aren't ready for the truth that Daddy and some forum member(as you can see) are dysfunctional, but the emails of what Kesslar and Daddy have done that were disgraceful don't lie. I'm quite proud(no matter how badly you all think of me for doing this) I finally now have closure with the drama being out in the open as to why things went sour the way they did unfortunately. Sorry this all don't make any sense to you most of you, but it makes sense to me - cause it was me who endured all the drama that wasn't well-deserved in any way. By me fighting for what's right being on the defense/clear my name of so many rumors, is what's gonna make sense out of all this mess in the end. Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted July 4, 2016 Posted July 4, 2016 On 7/2/2016 at 10:02 PM, JDDanielsxxx said: Get help? Have all on Daddy's Forum lost your fucking minds? What is wrong with you guys? Why in the hell would you think I need help after everything that's been presented... Why do you feel, Adam I need to get help? For what? All I did was give my side as to why Daddy and Kesslar are against me. 8 hours ago, JDDanielsxxx said: The day you stop creating these exaggerated tales and you seeking help is the day I'll seek professional help. 33 minutes ago, JDDanielsxxx said: I'm currently in therapy and have been for awhile in order to heal from all of this, and help move on with my life. Quote
paulsf Posted July 4, 2016 Posted July 4, 2016 After Oz almost got beheaded in Saudi Arabia, this must seem quite trivial to him. Tartegogo 1 Quote
Members OneFinger Posted July 6, 2016 Members Posted July 6, 2016 On 7/4/2016 at 2:16 PM, JDDanielsxxx said: I'm currently in therapy and have been for awhile in order to heal from all of this, and help move on with my life. My therapist(who's been following the forums and it's negativity) felt it's best I do reveal in an overall post of everything that's been happening to me behind-the-scenes that explains why I would question myself a lot cause I was always put down or ridiculed by people who I thought were mentors I could share my feelings with and trust, and then they misused my trust by backstabbing and betraying me in the end by making it public or revealing to people I didn't want to be repeated to on purpose. The therapist suggested in my opening up, and stand my ground in letting people know what led to the turn of events as to why my relationship with Daddy and Kesslar failed which is all explained in the post. I think it's very positive that you're in therapy. If this is part your therapist-suggested healing, then I'll not question your motive or reasons for posting. Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 6, 2016 Posted July 6, 2016 2 hours ago, OneFinger said: I think it's very positive that you're in therapy. If this is part your therapist-suggested healing, then I'll not question your motive or reasons for posting. Thanks, Onefinger. I think it's a mighty positive thing for me to be in therapy for multiple reasons. I'm not seeking therapy cause I'm crazy - I'm in therapy to find myself, and deeply heal in comfort by talking to someone who can guide me, and give me insight(outside of my social circle) to happiness within myself for once. I tried to seek that in Daddy, Steven Kesslar, and many others who I thought were positive influences/mentors, but instead would get ridiculed and put down alot(at least from Daddy anyway). It'll be painful at times emotionally how Daddy would just do and say things to push my buttons on purpose just cause he feels he can because he's "Daddy". . I had a therapy session today actually, and the therapist thinks I did a wonderful job with posting the facts, and for members to understand how vindictive these people can be. Like the therapist told me during the session, "As much as some of the members want to say you're delusional, and a con-artist, and so on - the facts you presented that Kesslar said of the mean things Daddy said to you are proven facts. The members were shown documentation, and alot of them are just in denial or don't want to accept they're being deceived by Kesslar and Daddy's actions towards you that were virtually and regretfully unacceptable behavior on they're parts". "Instead of these members saying your crazy and need help - they need to tell Daddy, Killian, Kesslar and all the other people who've wronged you and others they need help as well". The therapist also shared with me as much as Daddy stripped the EOY - still doesn't remain I still am the winner. A lot of people (including the therapist) feel Daddy stripping the award is a very immature and childish thing that will reflect badly on him - not me. His viewpoints in today's session: "Like Daddy told you, JD, you won the "Escort Of The Year" award, JD based on the people's votes, right? By him stripping the award away from you is him pissing off those who voted for you, and him retaliating towards you personally like a little kid who can't have his way in bullying you as he'd would continue to like. I have to say, JD, his actions in doing that sort of cruel and disgraceful act was a direct hit to hurt you because he knew how much it meant to you to have it as a prized possession you can be proud of. He's not doing any service to himself or anyone else(in a good way) by stripping it from you based on personal conflicts that were private matters between you, him and Kesslar". "I know (and so does the rest of the world), JD what Daddy did unto you was a personal vendetta by him banning you from the forum, stripping of your EOY title, banning new reviews to be posted, will show the rest of the world of Daddy's demons base on your post. I don't think you should look too negatively on his vindictive actions as you losing the award because in all reality - you didn't actually lose what you've already won". "In my view(and those who rooted and voted for you), JD I feel Daddy stripped the award to hurt you cause Steven tattle-tale stating you so-called him a "racist". I'm sorry to say, JD - but the references he used towards you often at times can be viewed by most people as racist. What Daddy doesn't realize(until now I guess) that Steven clarified he made such references towards you negatively in an e-mail to you that he questioned Daddy why was he so adamant in using "N" word in the midst of your presence repeatedly." "Instead of members saying you need help, JD - I think Daddy, Kesslar, and a few others who have been maliciously fowl to you need to seek professional help for they're vindictive and disruptive behavior they throw at you for no reason other but to be manipulative bullies". "From what I read in the emails you presented JD, all the members in question need help I'm afraid. These forum members need to get on Daddy and Steven's case as much as they get on yours, but am seeing alot of them are too afraid to stand up to Daddy and Kesslar in fear of being banned, but you however did splendid in standing up for what you thought wasn't right". "By Daddy banning you and stripping your title to me, JD is him being a bully and a coward. You don't need people in your life who take pleasure in making you miserable cause they're miserable, and from what I've heard about Daddy, and reading of his characteristics the e-mails presented - he sounds like one who's very miserable, and was taking out those frustrations out on you by bullying you and using his name to demand what he wanted. The same with Kesslar, Killian and others on the forum. "I'm confident, JD, if the members read the entire thread you put out there they would fully understand your hurt and frustrations behind all this drama as they talk on the forum as if they're above the situation, and there is nothing to uphold if both of these men were nasty to you as it's in bold print how nasty at times these gentlemen were without cause". Me and the therapist agreed that the emails I posted on this thread don't lie, and as much as most of you may think bad of me for posting this diatribe of aa mess - the therapist felt (for my sake and many others involved) it was very beneficial for members to know I'm not awful in any way as people make me out to be. As you can see I was very kind, and loyal to both men, and loved both of them dearly. Part of me still does. Yes, they did me wrong from what you read of course, and got hurt quite badly in the end behind me standing up to them, but at least now people can see I lost the EOY, got banned, and shunned for the wrong reasons that were taken as a personal attack outside of the website and the forum. My feeling are to this whole mess is It's only a matter of time where karma will come back to bite them in the ass, and now that truth has unfold by the post I made - maybe members can now stop thinking so horribly of me and can see I've been a good Samaritan, and did right by both of these guys, but they didn't to me at times, and you can say I got fed up with being stepped on. Again, I am a beautiful guy with a good heart, and just feel my kindness and loyalty was taken for granted being mistreated and manipulated like I was by being bullied, betrayed, and backstabbed as you all read in the thread. Honestly people from what all you read, do you think what I went through was hurtful and deceitful? Is it bad for me to be angry and upset how I disrespected I was being I didn't disrespect them. The therapist feels both parties should apologize for they're vicious actions, and move on being that both of these men(and many others) have wronged me more ways then one, and it would be the mature thing for them to apologize for putting through alot of chaos that wasn't necessary for one who was nothing but kind to them. JD Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 6, 2016 Members Posted July 6, 2016 On 7/4/2016 at 8:20 AM, JDDanielsxxx said: The day you stop creating these exaggerated tales and you seeking help is the day I'll seek professional help. Asking fellow clients for votes doesn't warrant one for being mentally ill. You need to go back to school and learn what are signs and behavioral patterns for mental illness is, my friend as asking people to vote for you isn't a mental illness or harassment if they're long term clients or had long term interactions(for which are the people I've contacted to vote for me). Give me a freaking break, dude. Sounds like you could use some professional help as well as Killian, Daddy, Steven and of course Sir JJ. Maybe with all the drama they've caused recently on the forum you need to relay to them they need professional help too - which may not be a bad idea considering they're unruly behavior has been lately on the forum. Especially JJ causing a stir like he did on the NYC meet up thread that unfortunately got shut down. Wink @disgracedEOY, Get it str8 bitch. I didnt stir anything over there... I was dealing with a person as mentally ill and toxic as you, who like you, showed his colors in an over the top RANT. The only talking you should be doing is to your therapist. From the looks of things, he's robbing you. STOP talking and just go away ! You can target and name as many people as you want who you think are responsible for YOUR problems, but it's You and only YOU that caused them. Take your own advice in this Thread Title "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" !!!!!!!!! MsAnn and Marc in Calif 2 Quote
Members MsAnn Posted July 6, 2016 Members Posted July 6, 2016 5 hours ago, JDDanielsxxx said: Thanks, Onefinger. I think it's a mighty positive thing for me to be in therapy for multiple reasons. I'm not seeking therapy cause I'm crazy - I'm in therapy to find myself, and deeply heal in comfort by talking to someone who can guide me, and give me insight(outside of my social circle) to happiness within myself for once. I tried to seek that in Daddy, Steven Kesslar, and many others who I thought were positive influences/mentors, but instead would get ridiculed and put down alot(at least from Daddy anyway). It'll be painful at times emotionally how Daddy would just do and say things to push my buttons on purpose just cause he feels he can because he's "Daddy". . I had a therapy session today actually, and the therapist thinks I did a wonderful job with posting the facts, and for members to understand how vindictive these people can be. Like the therapist told me during the session, "As much as some of the members want to say you're delusional, and a con-artist, and so on - the facts you presented that Kesslar said of the mean things Daddy said to you are proven facts. The members were shown documentation, and alot of them are just in denial or don't want to accept they're being deceived by Kesslar and Daddy's actions towards you that were virtually and regretfully unacceptable behavior on they're parts". "Instead of these members saying your crazy and need help - they need to tell Daddy, Killian, Kesslar and all the other people who've wronged you and others they need help as well". The therapist also shared with me as much as Daddy stripped the EOY - still doesn't remain I still am the winner. A lot of people (including the therapist) feel Daddy stripping the award is a very immature and childish thing that will reflect badly on him - not me. His viewpoints in today's session: "Like Daddy told you, JD, you won the "Escort Of The Year" award, JD based on the people's votes, right? By him stripping the award away from you is him pissing off those who voted for you, and him retaliating towards you personally like a little kid who can't have his way in bullying you as he'd would continue to like. I have to say, JD, his actions in doing that sort of cruel and disgraceful act was a direct hit to hurt you because he knew how much it meant to you to have it as a prized possession you can be proud of. He's not doing any service to himself or anyone else(in a good way) by stripping it from you based on personal conflicts that were private matters between you, him and Kesslar". "I know (and so does the rest of the world), JD what Daddy did unto you was a personal vendetta by him banning you from the forum, stripping of your EOY title, banning new reviews to be posted, will show the rest of the world of Daddy's demons base on your post. I don't think you should look too negatively on his vindictive actions as you losing the award because in all reality - you didn't actually lose what you've already won". "In my view(and those who rooted and voted for you), JD I feel Daddy stripped the award to hurt you cause Steven tattle-tale stating you so-called him a "racist". I'm sorry to say, JD - but the references he used towards you often at times can be viewed by most people as racist. What Daddy doesn't realize(until now I guess) that Steven clarified he made such references towards you negatively in an e-mail to you that he questioned Daddy why was he so adamant in using "N" word in the midst of your presence repeatedly." "Instead of members saying you need help, JD - I think Daddy, Kesslar, and a few others who have been maliciously fowl to you need to seek professional help for they're vindictive and disruptive behavior they throw at you for no reason other but to be manipulative bullies". "From what I read in the emails you presented JD, all the members in question need help I'm afraid. These forum members need to get on Daddy and Steven's case as much as they get on yours, but am seeing alot of them are too afraid to stand up to Daddy and Kesslar in fear of being banned, but you however did splendid in standing up for what you thought wasn't right". "By Daddy banning you and stripping your title to me, JD is him being a bully and a coward. You don't need people in your life who take pleasure in making you miserable cause they're miserable, and from what I've heard about Daddy, and reading of his characteristics the e-mails presented - he sounds like one who's very miserable, and was taking out those frustrations out on you by bullying you and using his name to demand what he wanted. The same with Kesslar, Killian and others on the forum. "I'm confident, JD, if the members read the entire thread you put out there they would fully understand your hurt and frustrations behind all this drama as they talk on the forum as if they're above the situation, and there is nothing to uphold if both of these men were nasty to you as it's in bold print how nasty at times these gentlemen were without cause". Me and the therapist agreed that the emails I posted on this thread don't lie, and as much as most of you may think bad of me for posting this diatribe of aa mess - the therapist felt (for my sake and many others involved) it was very beneficial for members to know I'm not awful in any way as people make me out to be. As you can see I was very kind, and loyal to both men, and loved both of them dearly. Part of me still does. Yes, they did me wrong from what you read of course, and got hurt quite badly in the end behind me standing up to them, but at least now people can see I lost the EOY, got banned, and shunned for the wrong reasons that were taken as a personal attack outside of the website and the forum. My feeling are to this whole mess is It's only a matter of time where karma will come back to bite them in the ass, and now that truth has unfold by the post I made - maybe members can now stop thinking so horribly of me and can see I've been a good Samaritan, and did right by both of these guys, but they didn't to me at times, and you can say I got fed up with being stepped on. Again, I am a beautiful guy with a good heart, and just feel my kindness and loyalty was taken for granted being mistreated and manipulated like I was by being bullied, betrayed, and backstabbed as you all read in the thread. Honestly people from what all you read, do you think what I went through was hurtful and deceitful? Is it bad for me to be angry and upset how I disrespected I was being I didn't disrespect them. The therapist feels both parties should apologize for they're vicious actions, and move on being that both of these men(and many others) have wronged me more ways then one, and it would be the mature thing for them to apologize for putting through alot of chaos that wasn't necessary for one who was nothing but kind to them. JD You need a new therapist, and you need to think about the irreputable damage you are doing to your brand. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Popular Post AdamSmith Posted July 6, 2016 Popular Post Posted July 6, 2016 3 hours ago, MsAnn said: You need a new therapist, and you need to think about the irreputable damage you are doing to your brand. +1000 Marc in Calif, Latbear4blk, OneFinger and 2 others 5 Quote