Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 2, 2016 Posted July 2, 2016 Hello Fellow Members, Well, Finally the time has come for me to share some issues that's been rumored about me over the past few months as to why my Escort Of The Year Title was stripped (from Daddy's Reviews) early of my reign, why I was truly banned from Daddy's forum, why Daddy blocked and erased current reviews clients would send about my services, and why he also would block me from communicating with him. Trust me, If Daddy didn't hate me over everything I'm about to explain in this thread - I would still have the award along with other privileges. Being stripped of my title was done out of malice, and to get back at me for personal issues that went on between me, him and Kesslar. It had NOTHING to do with me being a bad person or escort in the community (publically). As of today everyone is gonna know the brutal truth as to why all of this drama happened behind-the-scenes along with a few other surprises people from Daddy's or here on Boytoy didn't know of the horrific nature of my abusive relationship with both Steven Kesslar or Daddy behind the scenes. I will be including of email correspondences from Steven Kesslar that will prove in full detail of the devastating bullying I've encountered from Daddy that Steven himself admitted to me in an email as to why Daddy was mean to me at times for no reason by going as far as being called and made fun racial slur/names. This is an email Steven Kesslar sent to me in response to my "Tough Love" Thread on Daddy's Forum, but at the sametime did question Daddy of why he insist in making racial statements after Daddy has been asked repeatedly(very nicely) not to being it's an offense to me. Everytime I would ask Daddy to not use such references regarding race he would always threaten to end all communication with me being somewhat of a bully by saying "if your gonna argue with me we're done", and would ask me to leave until I calm him down. This is what Steven Kesslar committed in a follow-up email to the "Tough Love" thread: I'm going to summarize what I feel I know about you in ways that might help you to understand how other people perceive you, and how you can change if you want to win Escort of the Year, or more important simply be a stronger and happier person. That is one-sided of me. But I'm not the one asking for help or support, or wanting to be named Escort of the Year. You are. It is actually a relief to have now said things to you that I avoided saying before, simply because I felt they would hurt you, and not change anything. I feel 100 % sure Daddy is coming from the same place. I asked him about why he uses the "N" word with you. His view is that you have to get used to being called that by clients who are racist and not "shut down." I think his perception about you is correct. I can vouch for the fact that you will take it as, to use your words, a "vicious attack" that is "disrespectful." Whether Daddy is right or wrong about how you should react to the word is really your choice, though. As far as I'm concerned, you also have the choice to call a client who uses that word a racist pig and tell him to go fuck himself, and to tell Daddy that is a word you simply won't tolerate from anyone. Really, that is your choice, as I told you repeatedly driving back from Vegas. But if you want to continue seeking help from Daddy, the mature thing to do is stop calling him horrific and racist, stop thinking of him as horrific and racist, and just listen to him and decide whether you want to follow his advice or not. And if the "N" word offends you that much, you have a perfect opportunity to use him to practice the right way to respectfully but firmly insist people not use that word because you feel it is demeaning. It's your decisiion. This is a response from a forum member who's known about the situation regarding Daddy and Kesslar - here is his first take on it: To JD Daniels 11/26/15 at 12:05 AM JD, It's been really difficult for me to read Steven's "tough love" comments. The comment are fine, but really, really long. I almost have to chart every paragraph, so could I have more time. I am angry that Daddy calls you racist names. Steven does try to justify it, but I disagree. I have never really liked Daddy, so I have never unserstood your relationship with him. Please try to enjoy Thanksgiving today. Things will get better, I promise. For the longest time people been wondering how did me and Steven Kesslar went from being close friends to all of sudden raging enemies, and how him and Daddy are such good friends after disliking each other for several years, and kicked me out of picture. Here it goes: 1. Why was the 2015 "Escort Of The Year" stripped early of it's reign? Very simple - due to personal vendettas that were between me, Daddy, and Kesslar. If me and Daddy were on good terms - the title would still be around. Daddy did this to get back at me for a lot of reasons - one of them being cause he wasn't for me winning in the first place as the number of votes(in his opinion don't lie). The day I won EOY, he called me complaining how escorts and clients(including Kesslar) were stating in they're votes to him privately how it's about time that the site has had an African-American EOY being it's never been done before(which is quite true regarding such a statement). Daddy called me with an attitude complaining fellow escorts who voted for me making commits or statements in they're votes to make him out to be of a racist by they're not being a Black EOY ever and how finally it's about time they're is one. I was proud that I won, but was unhappy of Daddy's unacceptable and rude behavior towards me based on what others said that I had nothing to do with. Instead of complaining to me how these individuals were only stating to him of the obvious, he should have been congratulating me on my victory. There was a lot of controversy behind the whole EOY scandal - that fellow members who were ANTI-JD accused me of cheating my way to EOY which isn't true at all. Daddy said I won based on the votes from several sources and VIP's. If people weren't happy I won based on the votes why not get mad at Daddy. Most of these people who were against me winning had wanted Alec Andrews to win, and nothing else. Alec simply would have won based on his looks as look what happened - he retired. Daddy admitted to me and Ace Rockstar back in 2014(when I met Daddy for the first time) that I would have to prove myself 10 times greater to win EOY cause I am Black. Ace was just as shocked as I was to hear him make such a statement claiming the escorting community especially the forum isn't ready for a Black Escort Of The Year yet. You realize how discouraging that is to be put down like that, and your the only Black face in the room? Kesslar would always say " if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" phase. He would always ask me "if Daddy is so cruel to you why not tell him to go fuck himself"? One being I was trying to keep the peace as Daddy would always threaten to dismiss me if I challenge on anything he advises me on, and two - I just felt I would vent to Steven being I didn't want to let anyone down and jeopardize the award in anyway being so many people were rooting for me to win, and if Daddy dismissed me - I would be out of the race. So, I couldn't tell Daddy to go fuck himself as Kesslar made it very simple to be. One thing Kesslar could have done instead of sitting there seeing be insulted like an idiot was come to my defense and be of support seeing I was being mistreated or insulted. Instead, he just sat there and watched me be ridiculed, and disrespected racially. As Daddy got to know me more and more after our first meeting with Ace, it seems he took pride in always devouring my self-worth in some sort of way. Whether it was my looks, race or pride it was like he was always trying to ruin my self-esteem by putting me down about my being Black or how my pictures were crappy when others actually liked it. I remember one pic I took with Tom Sawyer, and Ace Rockstar where he said I looked like crap in the photo. Others loved it, but he would always say how I looked terrible. He was putting me down, and stating Ace was the only one out of all three men in the picture who looked the best. That was horrible, and til this day Ace doesn't know that Daddy was saying such shitty statements like that to me. To insult me even more and throw How Ace is better than me in my face - he gave Ace the title " Keeper of the cookie jar" which I think was a title that was given to me being I did help Daddy bake all the cookies, and me and Steven Kesslar were the ones who got him the Baking Mixer for his birthday that cost us over $300.00, and had it special delivered to his house. Daddy did that deliberately as a slap in the face to me as it makes better sense being I helped baked the cookies don't you think that title should go to the one who helped make them? It's like Daddy doesn't know when to quit - not only did he insult me in front of Kesslar back in October, but the next month on his birthday does something else to give me a slap in the face by making me help him bake cookies, and then give a title to someone who didn't help make it, plus say to me how shitty I look in a photo, but how Ace looks better than me and Tom Sawyer. LOL. How shitty is that? Unbelievable. Seems after I won EOY, Daddy has been quite nasty to me ever since. I just cant figure the man out sometimes, and think he can be quite complicated of an individual at times. If he didn't want me to be the EOY and felt more Alec Andrews or Dane Scott should have won it - he should have made them EOY to begin with, and placed me in the runner-up category. A lot of the forum members feel I robbed Alec of the title. Both Alec and I know that isn't true and Alec is quite supportive of me winning the EOY as he knew he was going to be retiring, and the award doesn't matter to him that much as people on the forum make it out to be. He was quite happy I won, and felt too I was well-deserving of it - he even stated that in his congratulatory post to me. So I wish people from Daddy's forum would stop making fools of themselves stating I robbed him of the title as I didn't rob anyone of anything. It's sad I won by the votes of the community, and we should leave it at that. Steven along with Tristian Baldwin voted for me for EOY, but later regretted it once they decided to turn against me over the Coco/Rentboy scandal of me suggesting that Coco should attend. Baldwin hates me on the count of his clients, and that I suggested or in favor of Coco attending. Baldwin along with many others felt I should have consulted with the host(Oliver) before making a suggestion. I was only going to run it by the host if the person was able to attend for sure. Baldwin failed to see that many a lot of the people who adored Lady Coco asked for her to come back for the 2016 event in advance. Plus, the host himself invited her to attend in 2016 back a year ago. So, my stance to all this is - what is the big fucking deal? It was told to me they didn't feel it was best for her to come due to the Rentboy scandal and politics that may cause discomfort to other members who may attend for the first time, and how they didn't want no drama behind the scandal. My intentions were good being she had a rough year, and that it'll be nice to see her have a good time at an event she enjoyed being at last year. Steven later told Daddy I did it for attention, and what a hypocrite I was to mention her being there after talking shit about her being a thief. Once again, Steven Kesslar exaggerates as I only repeated what he heard a "certain" big mouth escort told me over the phone about her unethical practices which I found out in the end wasn't true in the end. I tell you, Steven is only being vengeful towards me for getting even with him for wronging me like he has. I also feel Tristian Baldwin has wronged me for no apparent reason. The same goes for Killian James, Dane Scott, Steven Kesslar, Steven Draker. I have been nothing but kind to all these individuals and got stepped on in the end. Tristan and Killian have no reason to be against me. They're only being vindictive towards me for the sake of they're clients who were on them about associating with me. I haven't wronged them in any way personally, but they're treating me like shit as if I had which is ashame cause they will regret it in the long run. Plus, I hate to say but karma will bite them both in the ass sooner or later for being as mean and nasty as they are Only God knows how good and kind I've been to them, and didn't deserve the shitty treatment they bestowed upon me in the end. I was very hurt when Tristian wrote how he regretted I won EOY as if I personally did something wrong to him. Since he did that - I lost respect for him and now we despise each other. He crossed me for no apparent reason, and I'm sorry I don't respect people that talk shit about me, and disrespect me cause they feel they can. I'm not one to take such abusive from anybody and he will soon find that out. Steven Kesslar may have created his own drama by making his vote publically that caused a rift with him and Dane Scott being that Dane wasn't happy with Kesslar for not putting him at number one instead of me. To avoid Dane getting upset in voting for me as number one Steven suggested he do his vote privately and not publically. Kesslar was not suppose to make his vote public on the count of Dane being upset at him which eventually did happen. So kesslar you can say brought that shit with Dane being angry at him on himself as he totally did the opposite of what he said he was going to do to prevent that problem from happening. Kesslar is being a jerk to me partly due to Dane admitting his disappointment in him. Kesslar is partially blaming me for Dane's disappointment which is totally absurd. You see Steven may have voted for me, but didn't think I was going to actually win. He even admitted to me at one point when he called off our dating relationship is that he's would be quite jealous and mad if I did happen to win EOY and he called off our dating relationship. Steven cut off the dating and sexual relationship we had to just us being friends. He mainly called off the relationship due him feeling we were going to fast and something exaggerated Epigonos told him that disrupted me and Steven going further. Not to put a bigger damper on matters, but it was told to me by Kesslar that both Dane and Ace were talking shit about me to Kesslar that I couldn't be trust and to be careful being that Kesslar had an interest in getting to know me better(you know). Unfortunately, Steven has been unstable when it came to us really getting to know each other romantically. During the course of our "courtship/dating" he told me one thing stating if I ever needed to talk to him over anything that was important was to share it with him - I do, and what does he do - disappear for a week. I call and text him and one day he just disappears and ignores me. He'll go to lunch with Dane, and responded to everyone else's calls, but ignore me. He then contacts me a week later to say he wants to talk the next day, and how he was sorry to have been so rude, but hit an emotional wall, and needed space. That is well and fine, but just ignoring me, and treating me like shit isn't the best route to go to state you need space. He mainly called me the next day to call off the dating relationship, and only wanted to be friends as he claimed at the time he wasn't ready to commit to someone like he thought. I was hurt and emotionally distraught over the phone cause I really liked him, and thought he was a wonderful guy for me to possibly go further with down the line being I haven't dated or liked a man in quite a long time, but let my hair down with Steven being we had some special moments together. Not to mention the sex. He is quite good in bed I must say, and the chemistry I had with him was incredible. Due to the amount of stress I've encounted from that ordeal I got really sick and had to be hospitalized overnight. I was in Atlanta when he called the relationship off, and met with him 2 weeks later for a weekend at his place for closure of his decision to just being friends. I was shocked to hear him admit(which I know now was nothing but bullshit) that he would be quite mad and jealous if I did happen to win EOY and here it was he dismissed our dating relationship. I didn't understand what he meant by that being he was so confident in his decision, and part of me does hold Epigonos for the break-up being Kesslar informed me he told him some information that was totally and completely exaggerated to say the least. I have a feeling Epigonos was behind the dismissal cause he doesn't want to see Steven with anyone else (especially me). I'm very unhappy with Dane that he would say such horrible things about me behind my back by stating I couldn't be trusted. Would go out to lunch with me and smile in my face, but talk shit to others when I'm not in his presence. Then again, this isn't the first I have heard of Dane doing this sort of thing to other escorts as I have been informed and warned too about Dane trashing other escorts in NYC, but gave him the benefit of the doubt. It's quite sad that I come to find out he's been trashing me like he did with other escorts. Certain escorts have shared with me how Dane has trashed them or told clients he wouldn't work with them, ect. I even heard from clients of how Dane has trashed me or other escorts. Guess it just goes to prove no matter how nice and positive you are to people you'll still get burned in the end somehow. I have NEVER once said anything horrible about Dane(who I adored dearly, and speak nothing but the best compliments), but come to find out he's been talking trash about me to other escorts. I am too through. Same with Ace as I have never spoke bad about - even when he spoke trash about me along with Dane I have never spoke badly of neither one of them at all. Come to think of it I've never trashed any escort, but these fools are so quick to trash my ass. Well maybe now with this press release will be my chance to get back at them all for the wrong they've done to me over the past year. Quite interesting how they'll speak badly of me, but still be friends with Kesslar who has spoken badly about BOTH of them. Ace especially along with Alec Andrews(who he says flakes on clients), Ace(who he claims disrespects clients, and Dane(who he claims is a close friend, but don't like he complains and wines about school too much). Seems to me Kesslar has a known habit of talking shit as bad as Dane does, but neither of these gentleman know what all Kesslar has been informing ME about them that was very disturbing and damaging to a point where he's confided in me of personal and confidential information about everyone of them. I guess that should have been my cue to have my guard up if he did this to them by divulging information behind they're backs - what makes me think he wouldn't do it to me down the line(for which he did by exposing me to Daddy). :(. I think it's sad how Daddy, and other escorts trash one another, and then later trashed me. Daddy is no angel in trashing escorts If need be being how he's stated that Steven Draker isn't and never was a friend being he hates Black people. Oh yeah, you guys didn't know Daddy said that...Oh yes, baby Daddy himself has said that Steven Draker doesn't like Black people. That he was cheering when some Blacks died in some sort of fire, and made racist remarks as it was being advertised. What he was telling me was horrible, but it also made sense as to why in the end Steven Draker was so vicious towards me in the end like he was. Steven Draker approached me at the DC event back in January of 2015, and we became very good friends. Somehow down the line he fell off the deep end when he got offended I wanted to hire him for a session by stating he was offended cause we were friends and friends don't hire other friends. I thought maybe hiring him was the best route to go being I didn't want to ask him to see me for free as that could have been even a bigger insult possibly being he was always too busy to meet off the clock. I meant no harm by wanting to hire him. I thought that would have been a compliment in a way, but I guess it wasn't. :(. Daddy I'm sure was trashing Steven and eventually put him on permeant time out due to the fact that Draker trashed him on another site. Daddy let Draker trash me on the forum for a long time until Draker turned on him is the only reason why he was put on a permeant time out. From what I understand Draker has been put on time out so many times it's unreal. For Draker, Daddy override the TOS for Draker to stay on board, but when Draker went on the deep end by letting Daddy have it - Daddy put him on permeant time out for good. Just like he did me. Daddy not only put me on permeant time out, but blocked all my email addresses and phone numbers from ever contacting him again Which is fine with me because it only shows how immature and juvenile he is as it's ashame for a 60 year old man to act like at times of a 12 year old. it's something how he would make commits how gays can be such mean evil queens, but not realizing he too can be just as bad. Try going places with this man in public at restaurants. Kesslar informed me how Daddy was an embarrassment at the last PS get together back 2 or 3 years ago at the meet-n-greet dinner by embarrassing himself to the waiters causing a scene to attract attention. I think it's sad how Daddy uses his power to get what he wants. The samething happened to me when Nate Bruno and I took Daddy out for his birthday lunch back in November of 2014. Daddy caused such a stink about the pricing of the meal of how they wouldn't apply his senior discount and how because he was "Daddy" and it was his birthday is why he should receive special treatment. Nate and I were so embarrassed by the whole ordeal he Nate just said "It's okay - I'll pay for it". That was very sweet for Nate to do being he paid for all of us. I told Nate I would treat him on the next go around. Now I see why Ace had that talk with me like he did, and deals with him as little as possible as he can be a hand full in public from what others have told me, and from what I've seen with my own eyes later on as I got to know him. I will admit now I did find it quite strange why many of the "kids" don't come out to support Daddy on his birthday. Many of the members will grant birthday wishes, but it was interesting that me and Ace were the only ones who were the main supporters when it came to his actual birthday celebration. Like I said, Daddy became nasty the moment I won EOY. Even at times he was nasty I would still send him money as Thank you gifts to towards the site. I would always contribute to Daddy or the site once or twice a month. Shortly after Daddy took me and Kesslar on time out, and Kesslar poisoning Daddy's head full of crap about me being angry of him making racist commits this was Daddy's response: To Daddy Mar 4 at 4:05 PM Daddy, Sent you a gift card in this mail, and just now checked my mailbox to see it came back undeliverable to no such address? What's going on as the address I have for is:6130 Tropicana Ave. Apt 124. Las Vegas, NV 89103 I'll resend it tomorrow as I don't understand it came back returned knowing I been sending mail to you there for months. Yours Truly, JD Daniels Winner: Of Daddy's Reviews 2015 "Escort Of The Year" Award Mobile: 818.657.9822 Reply, Reply All or Forward | More To JD Daniels Mar 4 at 4:26 PM Please do not resend the card, it costs me $1.80 to have it returned.. I follow the adage: “Free Offered; Freely Accepted.” I am no longer comfortable receiving gifts from you. Daddy This is a responding email from one of my VIP's that'll explain why Daddy was being a jerk by sending me that response:I’m truly sorry, but I see this whole thing, including Steven causing your friendship to end with Daddy, as being lamentable. I am fearful though, that if you do go ahead with a war against Steven or Daddy you will be banned for life from the forum. I hate to say this but I’m pretty sure Daddy’s never going to trust you again, having been convinced by Steven and others that you called him a racist! Okay. I understand. You are angry and oh, so hurt, but I don’t want Daddy to start doing to you what he did to Draker, not allowing any reviews of you to be submitted, etc. I’ve no doubt that Steven and his supporters are working right now to get you banned for life and if you retaliate you will definitely be hurting yourself. Please think about this. You have many friends on the forum so please don’t let them be cut off from communicating with you Please think about these things before you go in guns blazing and do something that can never be mended, for the sake of your mental health and your supporters on the forum. I am and always will be your supporter in life and on the forum, but please don’t go for vengeance which in the end, I’m afraid, is only likely to really hurt you and those of us who love you. Now may I remind you that Kesslar ratted on me to Daddy about what I said in anger due to the fact of me exposing private information to Dane Scott that Kesslar revealed to me of a personal family matter of Dane's that's quite serious and extremely private matter. I revealed to Dane that Steven told me of his unfortunate past to get back at Steven for the backstabbing and drama Kesslar caused by telling Daddy what I asked him not to tell in confidence. That's the only reason Kesslar told Daddy I called him a racist asshole(I didn't say he was a racist asshole as Kesslar exaggerated that line like he does in most things when he's pissed off about something). It's interesting how he wanted me to not reveal to Dane in vain of what I knew of his past, but he's gonna reveal my secret. Kesslar really crossed the line by telling a certain person about what he knew about me being "violated" at a forum demo back in 2015. Many of you know what that is being the alleged individual posted a thread about my accusing him of such a crime, but was later deleted due to unknown reasons. Those unknown reasons were that people realized that what the accused individual was stating didn't make any sense regarding his defense of why people posted comments that were questioning his purpose of saying something 2 years later after the fact, and then later deleted there post that may have exposed the person as being a liar, and me being innocent after-all. Why else was the thread deleted? People on the forum who knew the truth about the alleged rape were private messaging each other knowing Kesslar was the culprit in creating that mess that caused the accused individual to create a thread in his defense. Kesslar only did this to stir up shit, and to further get back at me, but this is something that unfortunately backfired on him, and eventually the accused individual involved as Daddy told him to create the thread, but later decided to delete it. Hmmm...seems strange doesn't it? It caused such a mess by what Kesslar did is that one of this particular escort who "violated" me clients were due to attend the PS Event back in May, but didn't due to this escort threatening them if they came to the event he would make they're visit there a living hell. Once this got out and people were putting two and two together that this unfortunate circumstance happened to me from this fellow escort - they removed themselves from the Daddy's Forum partly in shame being they committed against me and supported the accused individual, and come to find out what happened to me was true. The person found out by one of the fellow members in attendance at the demo. Daddy knew of the rape, but asked me to not make it public by saying anything for which I didn't. But, the accused individual did. How hypocritical it was for Daddy to tell me to not go public with this matter as it may ruin this escorts career, but tell the accused individual to post a thread to defend himself. Here's what a forum member inquired about Kesslar's betrayal and other shortcomings: On Saturday, November 21, 2015 10:04 PM Hi JD, By now I know Steven's splendid writing style, so I discount many of his comments but not all. I do disagree with Steven about telling friends about their "faults," but you may have accidentally backed him into a corner without a choice. From what I read, Steven did violate a confidence; you have every right to be very upset. I assume that Steven is very supportive about your therapy. Me too. The sessions sound very painful, JD. So you have my total respect for continuing with therapy. There is not much I can say about Daddy. I grew up in the 1960s, and therefore tend to dislike authority figures like Daddy. He has helped you, and I like that. And Steven has helped you too. I very much hope you do win Escort of the Year. Add my vote as well. There is no doubt that you make very legitimate points throughout. I never completely understood the antipathy toward the Rentboy Fund raising until I read what people are saying about it. And Steven has thrown himself into fund raising in such a way that could remind people of his political related activities associated with Senator Paul Wellstone. In other words, is the Rentboy funding just another way to relive his younger years? If so, it affects you directly because he has less time available for other people. You have quite rightly come to depend on his advice, perhaps unwisely. I see Steven as someone who gets bored easily. Therefore, he has given up on you for the short term and moved on -- but not because it's your fault. That's just Steven. As much as he tries to blame you, it does not ring true. JD, It is 1 AM on the east coast. I shall read everything again. Bottom line: I agree with you more than Steven. There are certain members who have the actual email correspondences, and have decided to vanish from the forum due to Daddy's wrong doings. Daddy failed to tell people I have been a long time contributor towards the site for 2 years before I became EOY. When he decided to listen to Kesslar's bullshit saying I called him a racist asshole - that's when he sent me that email to say "he no longer feels comfortable in accepting gifts from me". Since he's rejected my contribution based on Stevens revelation of what I've confided in him of his commits - he's been low on funds. I was contributing to the site not to kiss ass or to win EOY, but to show appreciation in all the hard work he's done in helping us escorts get ahead in life. Kesslar was the one who sabotaged the situation wanting to ruin my relationship with Daddy to get back at me for telling Dane Scott I knew of his unfortunate past from Kesslar. I made an awful mistake in confiding in Kesslar of my many secrets as he's betrayed me in the end by making what I've shared with him to the world. All that drama is gonna come back to haunt and bite him in the ass if he hasn't already I'm afraid. Daddy later admitted on the forum he was in need of help financially as he cannot run the website on such little limited funds and that's where Kesslar(to be in good graces with Daddy again after disappointing Daddy in being timed-out) thought he would be a good Samaritan in helping Daddy come up with the idea of dedicated members contributing monthly. As the former EOY, I would contribute, but being how I've been wronged on the forum and by Daddy on so many accounts I can't see myself even thinking on contributing, plus being how cruel Daddy was to send back my last contribution to him based on Kesslar's evil deeds in retaliating, it's best I refrain in helping this man any further at this point. Oh, Kesslar thinks he's very clever by doing all he can to prove he has power in making me out to be the little man. LOL. He really thinks he can manipulate me and overpower me when proven wrong on his many rants as he's one of these political giants who feels he has to be right about everything even if it means putting mud in your face to do it. Well, he's soon gonna find out(just like Daddy) he's met his match when it comes to winning a long earned battle. I see he thinks I'm just a weakening who doesn't know how to fight for respect. Never under-estimate me as you will get burned royally in the end as I know to this day he will be shocked(so will Daddy) I mustarded all this information that's been stored in my labtop since the day I met him. Kesslar may think he have me over a barrel, but he doesn't know I can be just as mean as a bulldog as he can - if not worse. He'll find out by seeing this thread that I can be vicious too, but in a good way. You see, Steven thought he would take it upon himself to make me look bad to Daddy, but I got news for him - Now, his name is mud because after Daddy finds out that Steven told me information by questioning his racist commits to me in an email - that's when the shit will hit the fan. Trust me, Darlings there is more to come as the saga continues. I'm not gonna rest until every one of these fool apologize for all the chaos they've caused over petty bullshit. All of this mess could have been prevented if only they knew how to act right, and be kind. I didn't deserve none of this crap by Daddy racially insulting me, Kesslar acting like a madman not getting his way by proving a point, Tristian acting stupid over something so petty as if I personally attacked and offended him and didn''s all so fucking juvenile behavior. Were grown men here - let's act like it, and stop being so childish over who's right and who's wrong. If someone ask you to not use racial slurs or commits - just do it out of respect. Why challenge, and threaten the person you'll be done with them unless you are a racist? I don't get the mentality behind that of why Daddy would threaten to end his relationship with me just cause I won't tolerate him belittling me of my race? I don't have respect for people like that who take such pride in bullying someone just cause they can't disrespect them however way they like. Not how people nor the world works by doing others wrong and think your gonna get away with it. I do know this much - stripping of my EOY, blocking me from the forum, blocking of current reviews being placed on the site and blocking me from communicating with you, Daddy to get back at me for saying certain things in anger cause I was offended isn't gonna solve these personal vendettas. Actually it's only going to cause a major war and eventually shut down the site if means necessary as the torture you and Kesslar and many others have put me through for no reason is only gonna cause me to get ugly and which I don't want to. I'd suggest you all make right for this, and do it fast before more unpleasant statements come out that you all may not want to be revealed. I don't want to make this a battle, but being how I've been wronged like I have for over 2 years, it's time to fight. No way I'm gonna allow you to mess with my EOY without a fight being I have paid some serious emotional scars, pain and tears to earn that, and for you to strip it from me because you wanna be evil and vindictive - you must be out of your fucking mind to think I'm gonna just let you do me wrong all this time, and now try to hurt me more by fucking with the very thing I have to hold of pride of the sacrifices I've been through. Oh no, that award was mine, and it's gonna be put back or else, and trust me I have more emails in the vault that you may not want released from Kesslar or from you personally, so I suggest you put back the award and stop this foolishness in giving me a hard time. Like I said in the title "Enough is Enough" as I don't want this to be war, and if Daddy, Kesslar, and many others want to see my wrath, be my guest as it's not a wrath they want to see come they're way. I'm not one who's violent or believe in harm physically towards anyone as that's not my style as one who's a professional, but do have a way in doing the right thing, and revealing the truth they don't know I have in my stored emails that can be made public like I have in this case. Wink. Stay tuned for a possible Part 2 of this thread as there is more dirt to be revealed if necessary!! JD Daniels Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 2, 2016 Members Posted July 2, 2016 JD, This is all OLD news and nothing we havent heard before. The post is unneccessary since its water under the bridge and most of us have put it out of our minds. Therefore I can only think this post is a self-serving act, yet you take little to no responsibility for anything that happened. You are basically playing a "without cause" victim... For those of us that followed the shennanigans, we aint buying it, and can see thru the reasons for this volume of "War & Peace". I know if you were allowed to rant now on Daddy's site, you would, but since you cant, you are HERE.... Most of the guys that frequent THIS site wouldnt hire you anyway.... You are wayyyyy too old for them. So what's your point since this isnt necessarily your audience? What smelled fishy at first, now smells rotten. Please, unless you have something NEW to say, and accept blame, STOP TALKING ! Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 2, 2016 Posted July 2, 2016 Thanks JJ. I'll keep that in mind being this advice is coming from someone who's been timed-out more times Draker from what I've heard from Daddy and many others, so you have room to talk. Maybe it's nice you take responsibility for your shenanigans you caused others once in awhile knowing of the stories I've heard about you from so many members on the forum. The moment you accept blame for the bullshit you've caused others on there - the day I'll listen to your suggestions, but until then - you nothing further I wanna hear at this point. Take responsibility? For What? Did I ever name call anyone or make racist remarks? NO. Did I backstab people or cause harm to they're career? NO. So what are you blabbering about? The only thing that's fishy by you writing me is wanting to stir up something(for which obviously your known for doing from many members including Purplekow). I think it's pretty clear what's happened to me that were hidden information swept under the rug that NOBODY from the forum(publically) knew about, and can care less at this point on what you think out of all people who talk trash about others, so save me the misery of putting the guilt on me for misfortunes that happened from Daddy's. Quit the bullshit and just accept the facts as they are as the truth hurts, but the facts don't lie. Sorry you and others on Daddy's can't accept the truth, and wanna hide behind the vail and wanna blame me entirely for all that's happened which isn't going to happen as there is nothing to hide or me to take responsibility for as the facts have been signed, sealed, delivered, and proven in my post. Sorry to say. JD P.S. The majority of facts of past occurrences that were mentioned in the thread were new information and not OLD NEWS. Where in the forum anywhere was this OLD NEWS? Alot of escorts and clients who've contacted me so far didn't know a lot of this information. Please, unless you have something nice to say - please don't contact me as I don't want no mess with me and you to get started like with many of the other members you've caused grief to. I've heard the horror stories too about you, and please - just leave well enough alone, and just accept it for what it is as none of this is pleasant for me to bring up, but did for a reason which was to tell my side of the story, and I'll leave it at that for now. Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted July 2, 2016 Posted July 2, 2016 As someone who has been personally and endlessly harassed by this escort; for what can only be defined as his need for self-validation and his unwanted demands to take sides with him against other escorts whom I visit while in the US, this blathering manifesto of an unstable individual, threatening more retaliation against others, should be more than anyone should require to stay as far away as possible. Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 2, 2016 Posted July 2, 2016 Total Lies. 27 minutes ago, Larstrup said: As someone who has been personally and endlessly harassed by this escort; for what can only be defined as his need for self-validation and his unwanted demands to take sides with him against other escorts whom I visit while in the US, this blathering manifesto of an unstable individual, threatening more retaliation against others, should be more than anyone should require to stay as far away as possible. Total Lies as you've NEVER been contacted or endlessly harassed by me. That's a total lie. Maybe escorts need to stay far away from YOU as possible being your lying though your teeth, and ain't having it. Takes someone like you who to talk about who's unstable. My retaliation is based on the wrong that was committed towards me by several people. For you to have the balls to post what you posted just now shows how dysfunctional you are being if you read the thread you will see why I'm very hurt and upset about the situation at hand as I was wronged on many accounts that were unnecessary. This isn't about self-validation as you proclaim - it's about fighting for what's right. Something you may wanna look into seeing you like it when escorts are treated badly and done wrong for your enjoyment. Quote
Guest lurkerspeaks Posted July 2, 2016 Posted July 2, 2016 Time to change the litter in the sandbox Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 2, 2016 Members Posted July 2, 2016 JD keep playin the victim with your crazy ass. Not a single person is in your corner. your actions and aftermath have proven who your are. Yup Daddy banned me many times, BUT I'm still there and your sorry ass aint. The more shit you post, the "sorrier" you look, and its become pathetic. TRUTH ? You wouldn't know truth if it bit you in your fat ass. It your delusional mind, you were wronged, but funny, not a single person agrees with you. We ALL had just about forgotten about you, but THERE YOU COME, back in the guise of trying to make amends, when you are really trying just to get some income. Sorry girl, aint working. Maybe you can get a job at Chik-fil-A ? Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted July 2, 2016 Posted July 2, 2016 1 hour ago, JDDanielsxxx said: Total Lies. Total Lies as you've NEVER been contacted or endlessly harassed by me. That's a total lie. Maybe escorts need to stay far away from YOU as possible being your lying though your teeth, and ain't having it. Takes someone like you who to talk about who's unstable. My retaliation is based on the wrong that was committed towards me by several people. For you to have the balls to post what you posted just now shows how dysfunctional you are being if you read the thread you will see why I'm very hurt and upset about the situation at hand as I was wronged on many accounts that were unnecessary. This isn't about self-validation as you proclaim - it's about fighting for what's right. Something you may wanna look into seeing you like it when escorts are treated badly and done wrong for your enjoyment. Whilst I have no intent in getting into a prolonged pissing match with you, it was important for me to come here and speak truth to your delusional facts and hallucinations. I would think to most whom have read your past insipid and tedious ramblings and accusations against others and whom experienced your unwelcome aggressiveness and intrusions at all hours of the early mornings need no further information about you. Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 1 hour ago, Suckrates said: 1 hour ago, Larstrup said: A client recently just sent me an email on what was said on Daddy's Forum by Kesslar and others committing on this thread. Oh my, Kesslar - you're talking all calm now and sympathetic now today's post on Daddy's, but you weren't talking so calm, cool and collected back a month or 2 ago. Maybe this e-mail you sent me will refresh your memory of why I'm so angry with you being you said some demeaning and horrible commits that questions your true integrity or intention in truly helping others as you stated... Mar 4 at 11:09 PM JD: STEVEN: You are a complete and total liar. In my recent forum post, I told (QTR) that she was welcome to the party. Epigonos has told her that. PLEASE stop making her a victim of your bullshit by dragging her into the middle of this, and making "women" the issue. Whether women attend forum events is not the issue. You and your abusive bullshit is the issue. As far as I am concerned, you are emotionally raping QTR by insisting on dragging her into the middle of this. All she wants to do is attend a party and have fun. Why won't you let her do that? What kind of friend are you? Please stop dragging Lady Coco into this. She is not the issue, and Rentboy is not the issue. Oliver, Epigonos, and I have all given money to the Rentboy defense fund. To the best of my knowledge, you have not. That's your choice. But don't parade publicly as a defender of Rentboy and then tell and me privately that Lady Coco was fired for being a thief. You told me months ago you were going to stop associating yourself with the Rentboy fight because it was too controversial. It was one of many things that made me decide you lack integrity. MY RESPONSE: 1. Anyone who is full of abusive, Steven is YOU at this point. It's quite sad(in a lot of the members opinions and evaluation of your comments and judgment) how you cant stand not being right and not having the "upper hand" to a debate - can you? 2. Your FULL of lies about this whole drama regarding the PS event not being about women attending the event as you and Epigonos both have made crude statements on the forum on past post stating how you didn't want Coco's appearance to be of a political event(for which no-one stated it would be unless members make it as a political event that can be uncomfortable) for which you and others were assuming that's what was going to take place which to me and others feel it's ridiculous how you and a few other members blew off on that reason which was an assumption. 3. I have been told by members how you all don't care for women to be there - just like it was in DC where I was informed from certain members there how they're liking how QTR wasn't at the DC event which was awful to hear, and it is just that in this case as you seem to forget how (Epingonos) told Coco to her face how he didn't want her there(which by the way made he feels awfully bad consider( if any of you have forgotten) she was disliked being there because SHE WAS A WOMAN, and was told to her by more then one person there in her face - including Epingonos himself. So don't feed me this BS about it has NOTHING to do about women being there as that's a complete an utter lie, and have TONS of proof to state so. I have considered on giving up fighting for the cause at one point because I was being discouraged, judged, threatened, and given up on by fellow friends in the business cause they felt I was disgrace to be seen with clients due to my fight publically for - True, but didn't give up after I realized if they can do threaten me and support me fighting for the cause - they're not my friends. 5. Who are you to make assumptions of me not contributing(finanacially) to the Rentboy cause as your not in my pocket book to claim so? I have made and offered my contributions towards your fundraising, and have dedicated my time, and efforts in helping fight for Rentboy as much as you have - I was so immersed into the Rentboy campaign to a point where I was losing friends in the business because of me being an "activist", but felt I was an activist for so-called "attention" they had to disassociate themselves. He actually said he didn't want NOTHING to you do with you or me because of our involvement making him look bad. You were aware of him saying such statement during a phone conversation I've had with him where he "trashed" both me and you on several occasions thinking we were being "sell-out" by fighting for a cause who didn't give a shit about us as escorts, and was ripping us off. What you also seem to have forgotten is: YOU yourself were being challenged from long-term clients who were ready to dismiss you for good as they were threatened how you were exposing yourself too far with the whole Rentboy fiasco (publically) that could have caused potential harm to them getting in trouble being exposed themselves in hiring you. You yourself had doubts on wanting to continue fighting for Rentboy being threatened by clients letting you go due to your serious involvement as an activist. STEVEN: Please stop dragging Daddy into this. I could have publicly said that you view him as a racist asshole, but I didn't. I have an iPhone full of your hateful crap. You despise Daddy, but sucked up to him so you could be Escort of the Year. Here's some of what you said, in writing, that I did not post: "Then to make matters worse, when we left Daddy's apartment you asked me how I felt being called what I was called as I explained to you I didn't wanna talk about it and I was way beyond upset, but then yet you pushed the issue which is why you got this wrath as I knew it wasn't wise for me to discuss it knowing how humiliated I felt being the wonderful things I've done for this man to help make his birthday special and got that sort of outcome in the end by being insulted. If you had any remorse or sympathy you would understand how that must have made me feel, but no your too selfish in your own drama to show compassion and kindness to someone who was insulted based in a racial manner. No, you can't possibly get the idea of that cause your own selfish reasons. I did NOTHING to deserve that as I went out of my way to make his birthday special Damn it and was called that sort of name in the end with him knowing I don't like my freinds (which I thought he was) using that vicious word. Very shocking to me how people can disrespect me in the worst possible ways but didn't like it if it comes back to them. Unbelievable." "You betrayed me and told people confidential information about my rape and told Daddy personally in front of me info I asked you not to tell...PERIOD. Your ass asked me not to tell information to Daddy [that I had just learned my brother had terminal cancer] I respectfully did not reveal and wouldn't have any way based on common sense, but you turn around and betray my trust by doing it to me..." MY RESPONSE: Bad mistake as you did threaten in your text communications with me this is what you were going to do, but under these terms: TEXT MESSAGE FROM STEVEN: Please stop calling me a friend, mentor, or role model on the forum. Please stopping referring to me in any way or calling me at all. If forced to i will respond by apologizing not only to Dane but to the entire forum for my bad judgment in supporting you. 1. It's a good thing you didn't post such those comments on the forum as you are overally-exaggerated the entire chain events to what happened as to why I lost my cool with you when we left Daddy's apartment. I gave fair warning that I did NOT want to talk about what was bothering me at the moment being I was extremely hurt, upset, and embarrassed by everything(including the mess with you revealing information didn't need to be repeated) that occurred. I DID NOT call Daddy a racist asshole - let's get that straight right now as that's a total and utter lie. You asked me when we left his apartment how I felt about the racial comments he made, and I said, "I didn't want to discuss it" as yes, I was upset and hurt by some of the insensitive comments that was made on his part that could be viewed as racial - Yes. Eventually(after you bombarding me to reveal what was bothering me to death) I finally gave in, and exploded revealing how I didn't appreciate some of the racial statements that were made that came off insensitive, and like I was being made fun of for being black. I was embarrassed how he said these offensive terms in front of you being I've asked him several times to NOT make such "references" about being black that can be a little too much. Much of my anger was due to embarrassment of Daddy being so open with racial topics in front of you being you were already opening yourself up to him again after you feel he did you wrong back 3 years ago. You told me when we got back to the room I should have let him have it, and stormed out, and how you would have followed behind me being what he said was fucked up. Why would you say that if you felt what Daddy said wasn't racist stating I should have stormed out of his apartment by calling him an asshole, and stormed out with you along side of me? Doesn't make any sense. 2. YOU were the one who said, you thought some of the statement's he made came off racist as you were shocked by what he said, and was sorry I had to endure that sort of behavior from him as you wouldn't have figured he would go that far by making such racial statements that seemed to not set well with me, and you said it didn't with you either. 3. You did betray my trust by sharing information I asked you NOT to reveal as like you asked me on Daddy's birthday and that was - to not share with him about your brother's illness. It wasn't you're place(like it wouldn't be mine by sharing with him of your brothers illness) to tell anyone what I asked you not to tell being you felt you didn't want to damper Daddy's birthday and all. Why would you ask me not to reveal a secret of yours that you felt was going to ruin the occasion, but felt it was okay to reveal my secrets? Anyone who would hear your reasoning would think your fucking nuts as you have no right or excuse to exploit me in such a humiliating manner I don't give a fuck if the person knew or not - you had no fucking right to tell ANYBODY something I asked you not to repeat. PERIOD. I see your one of those types of guys who don't like it when your secrets are exposed, so what gives you the right to exploit someone's else secret? Dude, your insane if you think that you can go around doing people wrong like that - you have no sense of class AT ALL to do me wrong like that. 4. Point being, you did betrayed my trust, and confidence in you, and then gonna be a jerk about it by being abuse and manipulative because I became irate towards you? What's wrong with you? You think it's okay to do conduct abusive and manipulative behavior and NOT be called out on it? Hey, I'm gonna lay it ALLLLL out on the table since you want to make me out to be this insane monster - I'm gonna even the score by revealing a lot of your BS too, pal as you're NO ANGEL in this at all, and do have documentation too prove so if need be as two can play at this game of yours. 5. Why don't you tell Daddy how you trashed him on several accounts along with Oliver, and Epigonos(being how both Oliver and Epigonos has stated along with you at last years event) what an asshole he was, and how you didn't talk to him for the longest time because of an unfair review he posted back 3 years ago on your friend - Why don't you tell him about that? Why don't you reveal to this man how you guys rambled on how he embarrassed you guys hitting on the waiters at Trio in an inappropriate fashion - Why not reveal that since you wanna make me out to be this mistrusting SOB knowing how you guys talked shit behind his back that I didn't need to know at last years event. And you guys say I'm fucking drama telling others this sort of information at a PS event? Oh please!! Give me a fucking break, dude. You have some nerve to talk to me about who trashed who in this case. 6. Sucked up to Daddy to be "Escort Of The Year"? Your so full of shit it's unreal - as NO ONE has sucked up to Daddy okay. I love and adore Daddy as much as you or anybody else does - OK. Yes I agree - me and Daddy at times tend to have had our differences, and disagreements (as much as you two did in Vegas over topics during his birthday), but doesn't mean I'm out to use him, bribe him, or manipulate my way to his heart(as you claim) to win EOY. Sweetheart, you me twisted with someone else if you sincerely think I'm kissing ass as I'm not the one(like YOU) who claimed to not wanting anything to do with Daddy for 3 years over some BS of Daddy posting a negative review regarding your friend, and how you felt he was an asshole on the count of posting a fake review when I first met you. Oh yeah, you tend to have forgotten how last year you and Epigonos were talking trash about him at the pool party to me claiming you don't like him, and what an asshole he was, and how and why I tolerate him like I do - oh the list goes on and on how you guys "trashed" this man I seemed to adore at the time, but you and Epigonos despised him. Yeah, why don't you admit to that, Daddy since you guys seem to take pride in exposing so much of what I do and say. 7. Steven, don't forget I have emails, and text messages of your hateful crap you said about me, and others as well my dear. Don't get it twisted, buddy as I have my ways of exposing you as well as it's ALL documented and ready to go if Daddy ever needs to see it as proof. You're not the only one here of having someone by the balls. You see I know how to unleash my wrath here as you have with yours it seems. 8. Bad judgment in supporting me for EOY? Maybe one can feel the same about you and your aggressive campaigning for your fundraising for which I highly supported you on. I supported you on that without any question, so don't you dare use you supporting me for EOY as a form of attack being I can view your Fundraising aggressively for rentboy as a form of attack as well being people felt the same way towards you like they did me campaigning for EOY. There is no difference as BOTH were ran so-called "aggressively" without question. Let's not forget that shall we. STEVEN: Here's my take, JD. I went to Las Vegas at your request to celebrate Daddy's birthday, and because you wanted him to make you Escort of the Year. I happened to learn my brother was dying of cancer. I compartmentalized it, so that the day could be about Daddy and his birthday. You instead made it about JD, and about being Escort of the Year. Daddy gave you a lot of good advice. As soon as we left his apartment, you asked me what I thought. I told you. I agreed with Daddy. I don't think you listen. I think you hear what you want to hear. That is why i decided back in October that I would not speak a word to you, and everything was going to have to be in writing, because you twist everything. How much of this is intentional manipulation, and how much is something you actually believe, I can't say. But you twist everything, so it is better for me to simply use your own words to describe what you said. MY RESPONSE: Steven, You are(I have to say) the most manipulating abuser who doesn't seem to listen to anything anyone tells you at all being how your in your own dysfunctional universe, and you don't listen except for what you want to hear, and believe that can be self-absorbed. You asked me when we left Daddy's Apartment how I felt, and then I finally opened up I asked you what you thought, and you said to me you were shocked by what he said and apologized as you felt he wrong to make such racist comments. You ended the friendship after I lashed out on you on the way home out of guilt being how you've hurt me in such abusive ways words cant comprehend. The hurt, abuse, and humiliation I bared putting up with your bullshit, but still was trying to be patient and work things out to the best of my ability - even if at times I was hurting by the emotional abuse I was encountering from you. Our trip coming from Vegas was the final straw of me dealing and tolerating your abuse, and you being cold-blooded towards me for no reason being I didn't deserve such treatment from you. I know you said your not one who's very compassionate, and sympathetic, but instead of you being a jerk during a time I was hurt and frustrated over so many thing, maybe it was best if you could have been compassionate if you were my friend. I was to you regarding your brother's illness, and maybe I was hoping you could have been compassionate towards my crisis as well. Daddy gave a lot of great advice, yes for which he gave some interesting advice to you too(even though you had to prove every step of the way how right you are, and debate with him at his apartment, and at dinner on every point you were trying to express), but your saying how I don't listen, and being too sensetive after the fact you've trashed him stating he made some off-the-wall racial comments that, how shitty his apartment was, and how you two don't see eye-to-eye is why you didn't bother with him to begin with 3 years ago claiming how he still doesn't get it as to why people such as you, Epigonos, and Oliver can't stand him. I'm not kidding - this is VERY sad how your crashing down on me about what all I said, but not taking into account on ANY of the shitty things you, Epigonos or Oliver have all said AT ALL. 1. What I did find sad was how you literally lied to Daddy in his apartment when he asked you were we ever involved or were we dating, and you right away said "No", and the way you said it was like it was a disease to be seen with me in that way. The way you said it - was like you made me out to be a liar being at one point and time, we DID have a dating/sexual relationship which is NOT a lie. The way you responded when Daddy asked you certain questions to where our "involvement" was, you answered in an inappropriate cold-blooded tone which did hurt me a lot like it was an embarrassment to be viewed with me in that way is how it came across. Even Daddy saw that cause he did ask the question, "what did you do to him"? As like - what did I do to cause you to be so dismissive for which I didn't do anything, but do everything right when you have a certain interest in someone. Forum members were suspecting we dated at one point, and Daddy had his suspicions too which was why it was sad you couldn't come out and be honest that we were "talking" at one point and time after the PS event 2015. I have had several people on the forum indicate to me how they felt we had a "thing" going on, and for which they were right as people are NOT stupid. We were dating at one point, and you called it off on the bases of our involvement going too "fast" for you, and also of what all Don told you, and exaggerated about stating I said to him certain things about us that were off-the-wall that got repeated to you that wasn't accurate. It's amazing how Epigonos says I'm a pain the ass, and this is coming from someone who I feel some was responsible for telling you misinformed information on more then one occasion of what I say to him or what our interactions were, and another being how he told you I guess supposedly I brought up "race" issues or relations he seems to forget I wasn't the one who brought up such uncomfortable topics for which you agreed, and said you know it was him who brought it up, but he claimed to you I did. Oh, there are ALOT of people who claim Epigonos too can be a royal pain the ass(remember - members on the forum talk), but he doesn't want to see that, and it's funny how he claims I'm a pain in the ass after being nice to him, and being a friend by treating him out to dinners, and expressing interest on what's new and happening in his life, and then because of our feud, and you getting timed-out - he(like you) turned on me. It's quite sad how people can't seem to stick with someone as a friend despite of someone else. Was seriously rude and hurtful what he wrote about me in the "JD&PS thread. I can't believe he would do something so vicious being I have never spoke bad about him, but yet he does this to me in public. Both him, and Oliver are only upset with me because of your influence, and are holding me responsible for getting us timed-out as I'm not taking the blame for you slandering me in public that got YOU timed-out. Anybody who's gonna hold my ass responsible for that mess is freaking crazy. You deserved to be timed-out for that stunt as I told you if you did such a thing they're were going to be consequences behind that for which you saw happened. My only mistake for me getting timed-out in this mess was my response to your slandering post as I should have just shut the fuck up, and let you have hung yourself, but due to my response to your slandering post - I got what came to me too by getting timed-out along with you, and for that I take responsibility for as that was my fault, and poor judgment on my part for which I shouldn't have done. STEVEN: Because of how poorly you listen, I also tended to speak to you repetitively and in "bumper stickers." So here are the two "bumper stickers" I repeated again and again and again after "celebrating" Daddy's birthday with you: 1) If he says jump, you should say how high. Meaning if you want Daddy to make you Escort of the Year, you should perhaps consider listening to him. 2) If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Meaning if you think Daddy is racist and insulting, tell him to go fuck himself, and you don't need to be escort of the year. That is what I said, again and again and again, hoping you might listen. Your response was to call me a mean, cold-blooded asshole. I think your view is that when you say jump, WE - meaning Daddy, me, Lee, Don, your clients, everybody - should say how high. MY RESPONSE: You have no clue how disgusted I am with you right now being yes, you did say those things - true, but you tend to have a cold-blooded nature about yourself that can push others over the edge emotionally, and can be upsetting is to why I lashed out on you like I did being you pushed my buttons for 3 hours on our way back to CA telling me in a cold-blooded tone of the "bumper sticker" statements you made like I had no feelings at all. You stated to me your not one who's for sympathy, and you were right seeing how rude you were to me during a time I was suffering through a lot. Another thing is: Your a liar to say you agreed with Daddy as you didn't because you said to me(once again) at the hotel you felt what he said was wrong, and felt it was racist. Your FULL of it to make people believe you didn't say that. You even apologized and said how sorry you were to hear Daddy make such racial comments in front of me like that as you would have never thought he would do or say such things, and how you saw how hurt I was behind that. Why in the hell would you say such things, Steven if you didn't mean it? Why would you apologize saying how deeply sorry you as to how insensitive he was to make such commits as you yourself felt was said was racist on his part. That came out of your mouth(as GOD STRIKE ME DOWN IF I'M LYING). This to me is what's sad is that your NOT giving the entire story, and making me out to be this monster who's crazy as people don't know the FULL story as to what led to a lot of what went down. I'm not going to let you or anybody else in this group make me out to be of a monster for your wrong doings, and slander me as if I go down with this non-sense by you slandering me and reveal my secrets to everything that's went on, your going down as well - bottom line. STEVEN: What I find unbelievable is that you were raped in DC. After you started stalking me, I took the time to read what you posted after last year's DC event. You said you "loved" ****, and begged him to come to Palm Springs, to the party at my house, where I met you. This is a weird way to talk about a rapist. It is weird to publicly ask your rapist to come to a party so you can see him again. How fucked up is that? I think you are the rapist, JD. You emotionally abuse and rape people you call friends to get whatever you think you want. MY RESPONSE: 1. You wanna know what infuriates me about you the most: you keep bringing up the rape as a defensive mechanism to your manipulation which can be at times very emotionally abusive. That's what's really sad about you, and your abusive ways here. It's not about me, Daddy, Oliver, Epigonos or anyone else - it's about Steven, and what I've done so bad to him after he burned and betrayed me - oh yeah, I'm such the asshole to be naturally upset for honoring your wishes to your secrets, but yet, you couldn't respect mine - regardless of what my reasons were - you had no right to expose me as you didn't want Daddy to know(for whatever reason) about your brother, and as a friend, I honored your request(being It wasn't my place to mention anything about your brother anyway). It's not about what JD wanted - it was ALL about what STEVEN wanted despite of my generosity, and many efforts to help make that trip, and Birthday special out of the kindness of my heart. Not just for Daddy, but for us as well, but apparently it didn't turn out that way being what went down I guess. 2. I told you I was being "civil" with **** as it was hard for me to interact with him as you were wondering why I kept my distance from him during the pool party being it was hard for me to deal with someone who "violated" me, and it's sad to see how you like to make me out to be a monster for being classy as what good would it due me to be shitty being I was told by Daddy to always show class even if it is towards my worse enemy? STEVEN: Speaking of compassion, I spoke to both Oliver and Epigonos while I was in Las Vegas with you. They are friends. They both acted like true friends. You were not compassionate, and you were not a friend. Through your eyes, the great crime of the Las Vegas trip was that I told Daddy you were raped. There are four problems with that. One, he already knew. The trip was supposed to be about Daddy's birthday, not you. Four, you might have seen that I deserved compassion, not your abuse. MY RESPONSE: 1. Tell the freaking truth, Steven as I was very compassionate towards your pain, and was there for you(like I always have been), but you told me you didn't want to discuss it, and asked me to not talk about it with Daddy either. I didn't have much time to go over with you much detail the day we arrived in Vegas being you were with your brother most of the time, and eventually spent the night with him the first day we got there, so we didn't have much time until you returned to our hotel room the next day, and even then I was supportive, but asked for us to focus on Daddy's birthday at your request(for which I did, and was going to anyway being we drove over 300 miles to do so). Just so you know - the trip wasn't all about you either, Steven as I was focused, and dedicated on Daddy's birthday being special as much as you were. I could have used some compassion from you at times too being I was struggling with some very intense and disturbing complications as well, but got back a lot of insensitive comments from you that came off cold-blooded, and harsh at times. I couldn't see myself giving you any further compassion on the way home being you weren't being so nice and compassionate towards me at all, but more cold-blooded in your approach which could aggravate and upset any normal person who didn't deserve such treatment. You were treating me like a jerk being I was there for you, and didn't feel you were there for me in return by the insensitive comments you made as the tone you used was very insensitive, and just down right harsh. This is another statement you made: STEVEN'S TEXT: On the trip home from Vegas I actually did apologize to you for what I said in front of Daddy about your alleged rape. Like Daddy, I feel you don't listen, and you hear only what you want to hear. So there are two things I have to say about this. First, subjectively, you have every right to be angry, which is why I apologized. You told me not to say anything about your rape to anyone, and I did to Daddy, because I thought it was appropriate to repeat something you told me he already knew. It upset you. I got that, and I apologized several times, which you did not hear, since you were very preoccupied with feeling persecuted. Second, it taught me a lesson. The questionable logic of what I did is I felt Daddy and I were two of your closest confidantes and mentors, to use your frequently used word, and so I thought it was okay to discuss sensitive matters like that openly with him. Big mistake. What I have gradually learned about you is trust isn't a very useful concept in our interactions. The same goes for my mistake with Dane. I made an overly trusting judgment about you and I revealed something sensitive I should not have. When I told you I felt I should not have, you told me I did the right thing, since as a psychologist you could "help" him. Instead, what I now see as the model with you is that abusers use information to manipulate, control, and abuse. So it makes perfect sense to me now that you would be extremely sensitive to and critical of anything I say and any information I share about you. STEVEN: I know you see yourself as the victim of horrific abuse. The fact that you can't see the difference between my brother dying of cancer, and my telling Daddy something he already knew about an alleged crime that your own language on a public forum suggests never occurred, says everything about why I ended the trip by saying I can't be your friend, and I can't help you. MY RESPONSE: 1. No, what's sad is: You can't admit and see the difference to your own faults by betraying other people's trust, and confidence in you. Doesn't matter if Daddy knew it or not - I asked YOU not to repeat it - just like you asked me to not repeat to Daddy about your brother's illness or anything else you've told me as you have trashed Daddy, Dane Scott, Ace, Epigonos, Oliver, Your Family(calling your sister a "bitch", but yet go out of your way at times to help and support her),but yet you wanna make me out to be a monster when I confided how hurt I get about certain things that bother me. The rape did occur as they're are witness to vouch as and heard this person say they weren't gonna fuck me for which he did anyway. Daddy even said unto you the rape was true and accurate by actions he's done to others, so you need to not go stating it wasn't true, Steven. There was no way I was at the time going to post on the forum of it being a "rape". I'm not like YOU who believes in sharing other's business or misfortunes privately or on the forum. How good would that make me look to ruin this escort criminally like that as I'm trying to build a name for myself in the business. You know how unprofessional that would make me look to tell people what this SOB did to me? Of course I'm not going to display that on the forum - are you kidding me? STEVEN: I am saying it again. I can't be your friend, and I can't help you. Leave me alone. Leave Epigonos alone. Leave Oliver alone. I sincerely wish you well, but none of us want anything to do with you. We don't know what your problem is, but we are all really sick and tired of your abuse. MY RESPONSE: I don't care to be friends with you either at this point being how you have trashed, abused me, and humiliated me along with others(who you so-call claim are you're good friends) in the process. You have done the same to Dane by trashing him and revealing personal and private information to me about him, you have trashed Ace stating what a low-life piece of shit he was at a client dinner by eating someone else's dinner. You trashed Dane being a horrible complainer about school claiming how you couldn't stand him for asking you to not bully him. Then you went on how shitty Dane was to have fired Oliver from being a client, and made Oliver emotional upset by doing so(which I thought was strange being how can you fire a client). The list goes on and on with you as you have done a lot of evil deeds to others, but yet wanna make yourself be such a saint knowing of the things you said to others and what they've said about me, doesn't make you a saint as you too have talked shit behind others back, but wanna make me out to the villain in all of this. I told you what I was going to have my talk with Dane, and you saw what happened where I did inform him of a few things as did inform others about me. Oh, and trust me - Dane got a mouth full from me about his infidelities as well for which I told him I DID NOT appreciate him telling other people(meaning you or anybody else) that I couldn't be so-called "trusted". Never once have I bad mouthed him to anybody as I always spoke very highly of him, but come to find out he's been bad mouthing me. Like I said, seems to me no-one in this bunch can be "trusted". Just like Dane told you I so called couldn't be trusted - I felt he should know YOU couldn't be trusted either being this is what you told me in your ill mannered text message: STEVEN'S TEXT: I am going to defend myself, which includes making very sure Dane understands why I did what I did when you attempt to"get even.". I will tell him that I mistakenly thought that you both have a degree of compassion and maturity that would allow you to share with each other a common and painful experience. It was a huge mistake on my part to assume that, and try to promote a friendship that does not and can not exist. The apology owed for that is to him. I will apologize to him, again. You might consider doing the same. The further this goes and the more you reveal, I can assure you it will lead to things you really don't want to hear, and other people don't want to say, whether its about you, or me. It will diminish and discredit us both. Do me a favor please, Steven: don't brag to others or to me how close you are to Dane stating of this information you revealed in your text. I found that out you guys have more of a casual here and there type of friendship as you guys have never been intimate, or in a relationship, and has even admitted he won't and never do jobs together with you in my recent conversation with him as this proves you two don't get along as the closest of friends you present onto others on the forum how close you are to him. This is what Steven says creating a Birthday thread for him not long after Dane didn't win EOY(What I see is someone trying to suck up after Dane literally said Steven fucked up by not voting for him at number 1.) STEVEN'S BIRTHDAY POST FOR DANE: Well, what can I say? There are worse things on your birthday than ending up with cream on your face. Whatever you end up doing today, my friend, have a blessed and Happy Birthday. And at the risk of saying too much, and too much personal, thank you for being who you are. It was a pleasure to celebrate 3 things with 4 margaritas with you: a New Year, your birthday, and your continued acclaim as an Escort of the Year finalist. You define what a mature Gay escort should be. And you do it in a quiet, humble, and above all heartfelt way. My life is richer because you are part of it. Many people on this site feel that way about you. It doesn't even need to be said. It just is. You are not only what a Gay escort should be. You are a wonderful Gay son, Gay brother, Gay uncle, Gay friend, Gay buddy, and Gay confidante. And of course there are your fabulous Gay cookies. Who knows, maybe you could even be Gay President, but then we'd have to share you with the world. I'm glad we get your special kindnesses and courtesies all to ourselves. You are a wonderful man, and you make maturity and compassion look sexy. Happy Birthday. You are our gift, and we love you. Here is what Steven's vote for Dane for EOY which Dane that seems false according to what Dane has openly admit that never was of they're off and on friendship. Even Steven himself has admitted they've been at odds before off and on, so to me what he says about Dane doesn't make sense if he feels so odd towards him at times: STEVENS VOTE FOR DANE: 2. Dane Scott. Actually, I love this man, and it is painful to say Dane is #2 in anything. I respect him and value his friendship more than any other escort I know. It's actually hard to compare Dane and JD, because they are almost opposites. Dane is gentle (mostly ) and soft-spoken and leads with his heart, and his strength is the kind that comes from enduring warmth and deep caring. I adore him, and it is clear to me that his clients do, too. It of course helps that he is handsome and ripped and sexy and a tiger in bed. But who cares about that stuff, anyway? He is what all escorts should be; a sexy man with a lovely body and a loving heart. This is what Steven has indicated what his friendship(now) with Dane is after I have confided on having a serious talk with Dane about his many infidelities: STEVEN'S TEXT: You definitely can't threaten my friendship with Dane. You've actually brought us closer together. I've already apologized to him and told him I was wrong and he was right. I should never have trusted you. The only thing you can tell him is that I made a mistake in character judgment by trusting and confiding in somebody abusive like you. He knows that already. We've already had long conversations about your abusive behavior. You really want to confirm to him what a jerk you can be? He's one of the most compassionate men I know, but i don't think that includes tolerance for your manipulation and abuse. MY RESPONSE: Dane has openly admitted to me in an interesting phone conversation, he has not had any communication with you whatsoever regarding such topics of my so-called "abusive" behavior or an apology in person or by phone with you. He regrettably denied and apologized you told me such false information, so I guess really that makes YOU out to be a liar. He's even shared with me he's confronted you personally about you telling something I wasn't suppose to know, and has forewarned you he wants no part of this drama that's going on between ME AND YOU. Like he said himself, all this is ridiculous, but none of this would have happened if you for one, Steven didn't slander me on the forum, and number two didn't get others involved in our drama privately and publically on the forum. As a matter of fact - he feels the same way I do to why your being viciously mean as he told me he confided in you how disappointed he was you didn't put him at number 1 instead of me for EOY. You see this what makes you now look ridiculously stupid by being vicious as you have been to me I know why you became nasty to me more and more being after Dane told you information - this is when you became more and more resistant towards me based out of guilt without knowing (til now) Dane has admitted this to me he opened up to you of his disappointment in you voting against him. You see you guys, Steven was suppose to do his vote for me and Dane by via email to Daddy, and at the last minute decided to vote on the forum which wasn't in his agenda to do being how he wanted to prevent this sort of outcome from happening, but thanks to him not doing what he said he was going to do to prevent that drama from happening between me and Dane. What does Steven do - he does his vote on the forum anyway which caused Dane to question Steven's loyalty in the end I guess. :(. What a shocker huh? You see Steven didn't tell anybody about that missing piece of the puzzle here. Yeah!!! I wanna see him explain his reasoning out of this. If you make threats and cause drama with Dane and Daddy and me you have to know it will simply discredit you even more than you just did with your ridiculous post and defensiveness. Did you not read what Daddy said to you? Do you not get that he is losing patience with your bullshit, as is everybody else? MY RESPONSE: I think you already took it there by discrediting both of our credibility when you pulled that horrific stunt in slandering me that got us both timed-out. You have yourself to thank for that as your a grown man who is responsible for his own actions. The same goes for me by responding like I did as I have to take responsibility for that along with my actions as well. If your so close to him - why trash and doubt him so much? You're only doing this to rub it in my face, and prove something that's worthless in being proved upon knowing of what I know as Dane told me the full history, and trust me, it's NOTHING to what you said on the forum AT ALL. And don't call yourself trying to use Daddy against me either as if he didn't know a lot of this information - well guess what - he does now being he knows it's true as how else could I have known a lot to why it was you guys didn't speak or was on the forum for 3 years. Even though you, Epigonos, and Oliver all spoke negatively of him at the Pool Party, I still was speaking highly of him, and even encouraged you to give him another chance is what brought you two together eventually for his birthday in the end. So, if I'm so "self-absorbed" and "selfish" as you proclaim me to be, why in the hell would I bring you two together for his birthday so you can spend time with him, and get to know him? Just so I can suck up to him and be made EOY. Oh please. Give me a fucking break as none of bringing you guys together or his birthday had NOTHING to do with me as I only wanted you guys to enjoy each other again, and have a good-time. Your really full of crap if you believe that I was being "selfish and self-absorbed" as you were the one trashing him along with your other two buddies, and it was ME who made the situation positive in the end by bringing you guys together again, so just admit it that I did a great thing by doing so, shut the fuck up, and let's move on. From this point on I'm gonna leave you, Epigonos, and Oliver alone being how ALL of you have done me wrong at this point in one way form or another, and quite sick of it. I feel even Dane in some ways have done me wrong as well by telling you to not trust me, but then again - he found out YOU can't be trusted at all either considering what he informed me as he apologized stating he couldn't trust you either now at this point as you trashed and slandered him as you have now done unto me. He cant talk either I guess being he trashed me telling you to not trust me, so it seems to me everyone seems to be trashing each other, and can't be trusted when you come to think of it. Seems everyone has "trashed" everyone in some of form or another. Steven, I don't know what your problem is as why you being so viciously manipulative and abusive, but your only creating more problems for yourself by being on the attackk as you are. You should see by now I'm not the "push-over/kiss-ass" type of guy you want me to be, and will NOT tolerate people trying to belittle, deframe or controlling me. I find it sad how others wanna bash and wrong me when they can't treat me however way they want. I've been too nice of a person for people to walk, kick, and step all over me. I never disrespected you, Epigonos, Daddy, or Oliver in any kind of way for all of this drama to come about. It's all about you not having the "last word" to a debate we were having on "Racial Diversity" is what got you bent out of shape when I corrected you stating I only wanted the EOY award to be of the 1st African-American winner to get it(which is NOT true as I wanted to the award for several reasons), and to make it worse - you had to drag others into our feud(privately and now publically that got us timed-out to begin with)which in the end caused a bigger stir that didn't need to be. Steven, I wish you all of you the best, (Really I do) but truly want NOTHING to do with you guys either being how I've been burned, turned against, ridiculed, betrayed, backstabbed, tormented(emotionally and mentally), bashed, humiliated, and most of all - deceived in every horrific way possibly imagined. I don't know what's wrong with you guys, but I'm sick and tired of you guys abuse as well along with few other people I know who I shall remain nameless at this point and time as most of them are on the forum anyway - I will say that much. I said it once, and I'll say it again - I don't care to associate myself with mean-girls who believe in making others miserable for no reason. I believe in being a good person, and not hurt others as I have NEVER been one who's selfish. I've done too many good positive things for people to be viewed as insincere and selfish. I have TONS of people who will vouch for that on the forum, and outside of the forum. Like you told me at one point(and these are your words) "Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" . You, Oliver, and Epigonos may also wanna take heed to your advice here, and not underestimate me as I can be of a fighter as well when it comes to what's right and wrong(not violently) meaning - I don't take no bullshit from NO ONE. Not anymore being I'm through with being nice to people, and get burned, and disrespected for no reason in the end. There's no need for you all to lash out such drama, and it's about time for me to stand up for myself and fight for what's right if I've been wronged, and in many cases regarding you guys - I have, and sick and tired of it as one who has a good heart don't deserve this sort of cruelty as one can only take so much hurt, pain, bullying, and abuse. I'm always kind, thoughtful and generous to others(including you guys) - why can't you guys do the same by showing me the same courtesy and respect without making this of who has the "upper hand" in always being right? JD Daniels Winner Of Daddy's Review's 2015 "Escort Of The Year" Award Mar 5 at 2:30 AM I will extend the timeout of anyone sending anymore of this diatribe my way by a week for each occurrence. Daddy To Daddy Mar 5 at 10:53 AM Okeydoke. Sorry for dragging you into this horrible mess. Sent from my iPhone Show original message Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 1 hour ago, Larstrup said: Whilst I have no intent in getting into a prolonged pissing match with you, it was important for me to come here and speak truth to your delusional facts and hallucinations. I would think to most whom have read your past insipid and tedious ramblings and accusations against others and whom experienced your unwelcome aggressiveness and intrusions at all hours of the early mornings need no further information about you. Unfortunately, that's you're hateful and disgraceful version of the story for which I can give a shit about at this point being how unsympathetic it is to say the least. I don't answer to ignorance anymore. Sorry. Have good evening, pal. Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 1 hour ago, Suckrates said: JD keep playin the victim with your crazy ass. Not a single person is in your corner. your actions and aftermath have proven who your are. Yup Daddy banned me many times, BUT I'm still there and your sorry ass aint. The more shit you post, the "sorrier" you look, and its become pathetic. TRUTH ? You wouldn't know truth if it bit you in your fat ass. It your delusional mind, you were wronged, but funny, not a single person agrees with you. We ALL had just about forgotten about you, but THERE YOU COME, back in the guise of trying to make amends, when you are really trying just to get some income. Sorry girl, aint working. Maybe you can get a job at Chik-fil-A ? Keep talking trash. You'll soon one day get what's coming to you as well. Karma seemed to have bite you in the ass on more than once, JJ. You may not want it to happen again as I'll put your ass in check real quick, buddy. I don't mind putting you in your place if I have to as I don't kiss ass to you or anyone anymore. I'm over that. I tried to be nice to you all on the forum and got fucked over in the end. You think your so all that cause your on Daddy's Forum again after being timed-out, but I got news for you is that all it'll take is for you to fuck up on there and your sorry ass is GONE again, and will be LONNNNNNG forgotten just like the last few times you were dismissed. Yeah, what you have to say to that smart ass? Anyone who is crazy and delusional is your trifling ding bat ass. I can care less what you think of me because trust me, baby there are not a lot of members who don't think well of you either I'm afraid, so maybe you need to just shut-the-fuck-up, and move on off my ass. You seem to like black men, but very quick to dismiss us if given the chance. Instead of committing so much on both Daddy's forum and here, why isn't your ass working or getting paid someplace? Do something constructive instead of trying to stir up trouble. I see why so many people dislike you cause you don't know when to shut up, and push others buttons. Draker seemed to had the same problem was why his ass got timed-out too (Permanently). Quote
Guest RfromKC Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 Hmmm...for the two who insist on trying to negate JD's honest plea for understanding: (misquoting) me thinks the 'ladies' do protest too much. If it's such old news here, why not just ignore it, JJ? "Not a single person is in your corner." ??? I beg to differ with that opinion also, JJ. As pointed out so often over there, the JD haters all try to gang up on Mr. Daniels, mostly coming off as whiny middle school tween girls. (My apologies to good middle school tweens for that comment.) Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 31 minutes ago, JDDanielsxxx said: Unfortunately, that's you're hateful and disgraceful version of the story for which I can give a shit about at this point being how unsympathetic it is to say the least. I don't answer to ignorance anymore. Sorry. Have good evening, pal. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted July 3, 2016 Members Posted July 3, 2016 26 minutes ago, RfromKC said: Hmmm...for the two who insist on trying to negate JD's honest plea for understanding: (misquoting) me thinks the 'ladies' do protest too much. If it's such old news here, why not just ignore it, JJ? "Not a single person is in your corner." ??? I beg to differ with that opinion also, JJ. As pointed out so often over there, the JD haters all try to gang up on Mr. Daniels, mostly coming off as whiny middle school tween girls. (My apologies to good middle school tweens for that comment.) Stop the fucking games JD, you are a loser. You've created fake identities before to show you have an ally to support your views. You are doing it again with this dude RfromKC. Everyone can see thru your psychotic shit. Enuf already. Go see a shrink. He's not Real, He's YOU.... Damn man, you are one fucked up piece of work, and Daddy was so right to rip that crown off your head and kick your ass to the curb. What a poor roll model for escorts. That's why they have all distanced themselves from you. Noone does CRAZY. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
AdamSmith Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 JD, I say this with only love. I am certifiably insane. I have been through much more than a decade of psychoanalysis and I am still out of Anybody's help. Get help. Please. MsAnn 1 Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 40 minutes ago, Suckrates said: Stop the fucking games JD, you are a loser. You've created fake identities before to show you have an ally to support your views. You are doing it again with this dude RfromKC. Everyone can see thru your psychotic shit. Enuf already. Go see a shrink. He's not Real, He's YOU.... Damn man, you are one fucked up piece of work, and Daddy was so right to rip that crown off your head and kick your ass to the curb. What a poor roll model for escorts. That's why they have all distanced themselves from you. Noone does CRAZY. LOL. Just keep It up cause I will be the last man laughing as your one sick ass motherfucker who doesn't seem to learn as I about had enough of you, and about losing my patience with your bullshit. Daddy may have strip the award from me and kicked me to the curb, but he will get what's in store for him soon enough - don't worry. You saw what happened to Kesslar and few others from Daddy's Forum flapping at the mouth accusing me about the whole Dario scandal, and came to find out it wasn't me. Kesslar and others names were MUD behind that as they all made total asses out of themselves assuming it was that Michael was referring to, and it wasn't me. You on the other hand are a dumb ass fuck that seem to be one of them hard learners who needs to put in his place obviously. Don't wind up with EGG on your face again as your heading on your way there talking more shit that's gonna smack you in the face. Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 39 minutes ago, AdamSmith said: JD, I say this with only love. I am certifiably insane. I have been through much more than a decade of psychoanalysis and I am still out of Anybody's help. Get help. Please. Get help? Have all on Daddy's Forum lost your fucking minds? What is wrong with you guys? Why in the hell would you think I need help after everything that's been presented and said to prove I am not the bad guy in this mess? I don't get what the hell is wrong with you guys thinking I'm this RC person. I know who the person is, and you guys are gonna feel mighty bad to know it isn't me. Just like with Jon Lucas. Jon Lucas wasn't me either. Jon was a client staying at my house overnight, and used my computer. He only created that account to help boost up my reputation after being stepped on by so many people over BS. Jon Lucas wasn't me - just like this RC person isn't me. You guys are really something to say I need help and this RC person isn't me as you guys are gonna feel mighty stupid once he admits who he is. Why do you feel, Adam I need to get help? For what? All I did was give my side as to why Daddy and Kesslar are against me. One person you should say needs help is JJ. Not me as I don't go around attacking and putting forum members down. Why don't you say people like him need help. Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 It's been announced on Daddy's Forum who RCFROMKC is. I believe(JJ) you owe me an apology for your degrading and insulting post to me as you(once again) just made a complete ass of yourself to quickly jump the gun accusing me being someone else. Maybe hopefully this little unfortunate embarrassment for JJ will make you all aware I'm telling the truth about Jon Lucas as well. I'll be awaiting graciously for your apology, JJ. Thank You!! Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 45 minutes ago, JDDanielsxxx said: It's been announced on Daddy's Forum who RCFROMKC is. I believe(JJ) you owe me an apology for your degrading and insulting post to me as you(once again) just made a complete ass of yourself to quickly jump the gun accusing me being someone else. Maybe hopefully this little unfortunate embarrassment for JJ will make you all aware I'm telling the truth about Jon Lucas as well. I'll be awaiting graciously for your apology, JJ. Thank You!! I think you have become one of the most decisive, hateful and unstable members to ever post here in a long time. Your race, has never been of issue here. your challenge is your own looking glass into your own life and your own resolve of your discontent of how you view yourself as a black str8 for pay escort catering to gay and perhaps bisexual men. Your need to embrace the gay community as one of us will always ring untrue and fall short because you are not a part of our community nor have you ever invested anything into our culture other than how your color defines us as racists. You know nothing about us other that you can cash in on some whom see a black man as a fantasy which you are perfectly wiling to cash in on. Yet all the while have less association with your own sexuality than we have strength of our own. Keep being an angry black man about the injustice your tricks pay you for being something unresolved in your own head. That's where this goes off the tracks for everyone. Dude resolve your own racial issues in in own life before you start blaming your white clients for your personal failings. It's tiresome and Only proves you're too unstable to accomplish both. Your white clients will never be your problem because they are not apart of your personal belief that you are less than. Until then get your shit together about what you're doing and with whom. Quote
Guest Larstrup Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 19 minutes ago, Larstrup said: I think you have become one of the most decisive, hateful and unstable members to ever post here in a long time. Your race, has never been of issue here. your challenge is your own looking glass into your own life and your own resolve of your discontent of how you view yourself as a black str8 for pay escort catering to gay and perhaps bisexual men. Your need to embrace the gay community as one of us will always ring untrue and fall short because you are not a part of our community nor have you ever invested anything into our culture other than how your color defines us as racists. You know nothing about us other that you can cash in on some whom see a black man as a fantasy which you are perfectly wiling to cash in on. Yet all the while have less association with your own sexuality than we have strength of our own. Keep being an angry black man about the injustice your tricks pay you for being something unresolved in your own head. That's where this goes off the tracks for everyone. Dude resolve your own racial issues in in own life before you start blaming your white clients for your personal failings. It's tiresome and Only proves you're too unstable to accomplish both. Your white clients will never be your problem because they are not apart of your personal belief that you are less than. Until then get your shit together about what you're doing and with whom your misery will continue to plague us all Quote
Members MsAnn Posted July 3, 2016 Members Posted July 3, 2016 16 hours ago, JDDanielsxxx said: A client recently just sent me an email on what was said on Daddy's Forum by Kesslar and others committing on this thread. Oh my, Kesslar - you're talking all calm now and sympathetic now today's post on Daddy's, but you weren't talking so calm, cool and collected back a month or 2 ago. Maybe this e-mail you sent me will refresh your memory of why I'm so angry with you being you said some demeaning and horrible commits that questions your true integrity or intention in truly helping others as you stated... Mar 4 at 11:09 PM JD: STEVEN: You are a complete and total liar. In my recent forum post, I told (QTR) that she was welcome to the party. Epigonos has told her that. PLEASE stop making her a victim of your bullshit by dragging her into the middle of this, and making "women" the issue. Whether women attend forum events is not the issue. You and your abusive bullshit is the issue. As far as I am concerned, you are emotionally raping QTR by insisting on dragging her into the middle of this. All she wants to do is attend a party and have fun. Why won't you let her do that? What kind of friend are you? Please stop dragging Lady Coco into this. She is not the issue, and Rentboy is not the issue. Oliver, Epigonos, and I have all given money to the Rentboy defense fund. To the best of my knowledge, you have not. That's your choice. But don't parade publicly as a defender of Rentboy and then tell and me privately that Lady Coco was fired for being a thief. You told me months ago you were going to stop associating yourself with the Rentboy fight because it was too controversial. It was one of many things that made me decide you lack integrity. MY RESPONSE: 1. Anyone who is full of abusive, Steven is YOU at this point. It's quite sad(in a lot of the members opinions and evaluation of your comments and judgment) how you cant stand not being right and not having the "upper hand" to a debate - can you? 2. Your FULL of lies about this whole drama regarding the PS event not being about women attending the event as you and Epigonos both have made crude statements on the forum on past post stating how you didn't want Coco's appearance to be of a political event(for which no-one stated it would be unless members make it as a political event that can be uncomfortable) for which you and others were assuming that's what was going to take place which to me and others feel it's ridiculous how you and a few other members blew off on that reason which was an assumption. 3. I have been told by members how you all don't care for women to be there - just like it was in DC where I was informed from certain members there how they're liking how QTR wasn't at the DC event which was awful to hear, and it is just that in this case as you seem to forget how (Epingonos) told Coco to her face how he didn't want her there(which by the way made he feels awfully bad consider( if any of you have forgotten) she was disliked being there because SHE WAS A WOMAN, and was told to her by more then one person there in her face - including Epingonos himself. So don't feed me this BS about it has NOTHING to do about women being there as that's a complete an utter lie, and have TONS of proof to state so. I have considered on giving up fighting for the cause at one point because I was being discouraged, judged, threatened, and given up on by fellow friends in the business cause they felt I was disgrace to be seen with clients due to my fight publically for - True, but didn't give up after I realized if they can do threaten me and support me fighting for the cause - they're not my friends. 5. Who are you to make assumptions of me not contributing(finanacially) to the Rentboy cause as your not in my pocket book to claim so? I have made and offered my contributions towards your fundraising, and have dedicated my time, and efforts in helping fight for Rentboy as much as you have - I was so immersed into the Rentboy campaign to a point where I was losing friends in the business because of me being an "activist", but felt I was an activist for so-called "attention" they had to disassociate themselves. He actually said he didn't want NOTHING to you do with you or me because of our involvement making him look bad. You were aware of him saying such statement during a phone conversation I've had with him where he "trashed" both me and you on several occasions thinking we were being "sell-out" by fighting for a cause who didn't give a shit about us as escorts, and was ripping us off. What you also seem to have forgotten is: YOU yourself were being challenged from long-term clients who were ready to dismiss you for good as they were threatened how you were exposing yourself too far with the whole Rentboy fiasco (publically) that could have caused potential harm to them getting in trouble being exposed themselves in hiring you. You yourself had doubts on wanting to continue fighting for Rentboy being threatened by clients letting you go due to your serious involvement as an activist. STEVEN: Please stop dragging Daddy into this. I could have publicly said that you view him as a racist asshole, but I didn't. I have an iPhone full of your hateful crap. You despise Daddy, but sucked up to him so you could be Escort of the Year. Here's some of what you said, in writing, that I did not post: "Then to make matters worse, when we left Daddy's apartment you asked me how I felt being called what I was called as I explained to you I didn't wanna talk about it and I was way beyond upset, but then yet you pushed the issue which is why you got this wrath as I knew it wasn't wise for me to discuss it knowing how humiliated I felt being the wonderful things I've done for this man to help make his birthday special and got that sort of outcome in the end by being insulted. If you had any remorse or sympathy you would understand how that must have made me feel, but no your too selfish in your own drama to show compassion and kindness to someone who was insulted based in a racial manner. No, you can't possibly get the idea of that cause your own selfish reasons. I did NOTHING to deserve that as I went out of my way to make his birthday special Damn it and was called that sort of name in the end with him knowing I don't like my freinds (which I thought he was) using that vicious word. Very shocking to me how people can disrespect me in the worst possible ways but didn't like it if it comes back to them. Unbelievable." "You betrayed me and told people confidential information about my rape and told Daddy personally in front of me info I asked you not to tell...PERIOD. Your ass asked me not to tell information to Daddy [that I had just learned my brother had terminal cancer] I respectfully did not reveal and wouldn't have any way based on common sense, but you turn around and betray my trust by doing it to me..." MY RESPONSE: Bad mistake as you did threaten in your text communications with me this is what you were going to do, but under these terms: TEXT MESSAGE FROM STEVEN: Please stop calling me a friend, mentor, or role model on the forum. Please stopping referring to me in any way or calling me at all. If forced to i will respond by apologizing not only to Dane but to the entire forum for my bad judgment in supporting you. 1. It's a good thing you didn't post such those comments on the forum as you are overally-exaggerated the entire chain events to what happened as to why I lost my cool with you when we left Daddy's apartment. I gave fair warning that I did NOT want to talk about what was bothering me at the moment being I was extremely hurt, upset, and embarrassed by everything(including the mess with you revealing information didn't need to be repeated) that occurred. I DID NOT call Daddy a racist asshole - let's get that straight right now as that's a total and utter lie. You asked me when we left his apartment how I felt about the racial comments he made, and I said, "I didn't want to discuss it" as yes, I was upset and hurt by some of the insensitive comments that was made on his part that could be viewed as racial - Yes. Eventually(after you bombarding me to reveal what was bothering me to death) I finally gave in, and exploded revealing how I didn't appreciate some of the racial statements that were made that came off insensitive, and like I was being made fun of for being black. I was embarrassed how he said these offensive terms in front of you being I've asked him several times to NOT make such "references" about being black that can be a little too much. Much of my anger was due to embarrassment of Daddy being so open with racial topics in front of you being you were already opening yourself up to him again after you feel he did you wrong back 3 years ago. You told me when we got back to the room I should have let him have it, and stormed out, and how you would have followed behind me being what he said was fucked up. Why would you say that if you felt what Daddy said wasn't racist stating I should have stormed out of his apartment by calling him an asshole, and stormed out with you along side of me? Doesn't make any sense. 2. YOU were the one who said, you thought some of the statement's he made came off racist as you were shocked by what he said, and was sorry I had to endure that sort of behavior from him as you wouldn't have figured he would go that far by making such racial statements that seemed to not set well with me, and you said it didn't with you either. 3. You did betray my trust by sharing information I asked you NOT to reveal as like you asked me on Daddy's birthday and that was - to not share with him about your brother's illness. It wasn't you're place(like it wouldn't be mine by sharing with him of your brothers illness) to tell anyone what I asked you not to tell being you felt you didn't want to damper Daddy's birthday and all. Why would you ask me not to reveal a secret of yours that you felt was going to ruin the occasion, but felt it was okay to reveal my secrets? Anyone who would hear your reasoning would think your fucking nuts as you have no right or excuse to exploit me in such a humiliating manner I don't give a fuck if the person knew or not - you had no fucking right to tell ANYBODY something I asked you not to repeat. PERIOD. I see your one of those types of guys who don't like it when your secrets are exposed, so what gives you the right to exploit someone's else secret? Dude, your insane if you think that you can go around doing people wrong like that - you have no sense of class AT ALL to do me wrong like that. 4. Point being, you did betrayed my trust, and confidence in you, and then gonna be a jerk about it by being abuse and manipulative because I became irate towards you? What's wrong with you? You think it's okay to do conduct abusive and manipulative behavior and NOT be called out on it? Hey, I'm gonna lay it ALLLLL out on the table since you want to make me out to be this insane monster - I'm gonna even the score by revealing a lot of your BS too, pal as you're NO ANGEL in this at all, and do have documentation too prove so if need be as two can play at this game of yours. 5. Why don't you tell Daddy how you trashed him on several accounts along with Oliver, and Epigonos(being how both Oliver and Epigonos has stated along with you at last years event) what an asshole he was, and how you didn't talk to him for the longest time because of an unfair review he posted back 3 years ago on your friend - Why don't you tell him about that? Why don't you reveal to this man how you guys rambled on how he embarrassed you guys hitting on the waiters at Trio in an inappropriate fashion - Why not reveal that since you wanna make me out to be this mistrusting SOB knowing how you guys talked shit behind his back that I didn't need to know at last years event. And you guys say I'm fucking drama telling others this sort of information at a PS event? Oh please!! Give me a fucking break, dude. You have some nerve to talk to me about who trashed who in this case. 6. Sucked up to Daddy to be "Escort Of The Year"? Your so full of shit it's unreal - as NO ONE has sucked up to Daddy okay. I love and adore Daddy as much as you or anybody else does - OK. Yes I agree - me and Daddy at times tend to have had our differences, and disagreements (as much as you two did in Vegas over topics during his birthday), but doesn't mean I'm out to use him, bribe him, or manipulate my way to his heart(as you claim) to win EOY. Sweetheart, you me twisted with someone else if you sincerely think I'm kissing ass as I'm not the one(like YOU) who claimed to not wanting anything to do with Daddy for 3 years over some BS of Daddy posting a negative review regarding your friend, and how you felt he was an asshole on the count of posting a fake review when I first met you. Oh yeah, you tend to have forgotten how last year you and Epigonos were talking trash about him at the pool party to me claiming you don't like him, and what an asshole he was, and how and why I tolerate him like I do - oh the list goes on and on how you guys "trashed" this man I seemed to adore at the time, but you and Epigonos despised him. Yeah, why don't you admit to that, Daddy since you guys seem to take pride in exposing so much of what I do and say. 7. Steven, don't forget I have emails, and text messages of your hateful crap you said about me, and others as well my dear. Don't get it twisted, buddy as I have my ways of exposing you as well as it's ALL documented and ready to go if Daddy ever needs to see it as proof. You're not the only one here of having someone by the balls. You see I know how to unleash my wrath here as you have with yours it seems. 8. Bad judgment in supporting me for EOY? Maybe one can feel the same about you and your aggressive campaigning for your fundraising for which I highly supported you on. I supported you on that without any question, so don't you dare use you supporting me for EOY as a form of attack being I can view your Fundraising aggressively for rentboy as a form of attack as well being people felt the same way towards you like they did me campaigning for EOY. There is no difference as BOTH were ran so-called "aggressively" without question. Let's not forget that shall we. STEVEN: Here's my take, JD. I went to Las Vegas at your request to celebrate Daddy's birthday, and because you wanted him to make you Escort of the Year. I happened to learn my brother was dying of cancer. I compartmentalized it, so that the day could be about Daddy and his birthday. You instead made it about JD, and about being Escort of the Year. Daddy gave you a lot of good advice. As soon as we left his apartment, you asked me what I thought. I told you. I agreed with Daddy. I don't think you listen. I think you hear what you want to hear. That is why i decided back in October that I would not speak a word to you, and everything was going to have to be in writing, because you twist everything. How much of this is intentional manipulation, and how much is something you actually believe, I can't say. But you twist everything, so it is better for me to simply use your own words to describe what you said. MY RESPONSE: Steven, You are(I have to say) the most manipulating abuser who doesn't seem to listen to anything anyone tells you at all being how your in your own dysfunctional universe, and you don't listen except for what you want to hear, and believe that can be self-absorbed. You asked me when we left Daddy's Apartment how I felt, and then I finally opened up I asked you what you thought, and you said to me you were shocked by what he said and apologized as you felt he wrong to make such racist comments. You ended the friendship after I lashed out on you on the way home out of guilt being how you've hurt me in such abusive ways words cant comprehend. The hurt, abuse, and humiliation I bared putting up with your bullshit, but still was trying to be patient and work things out to the best of my ability - even if at times I was hurting by the emotional abuse I was encountering from you. Our trip coming from Vegas was the final straw of me dealing and tolerating your abuse, and you being cold-blooded towards me for no reason being I didn't deserve such treatment from you. I know you said your not one who's very compassionate, and sympathetic, but instead of you being a jerk during a time I was hurt and frustrated over so many thing, maybe it was best if you could have been compassionate if you were my friend. I was to you regarding your brother's illness, and maybe I was hoping you could have been compassionate towards my crisis as well. Daddy gave a lot of great advice, yes for which he gave some interesting advice to you too(even though you had to prove every step of the way how right you are, and debate with him at his apartment, and at dinner on every point you were trying to express), but your saying how I don't listen, and being too sensetive after the fact you've trashed him stating he made some off-the-wall racial comments that, how shitty his apartment was, and how you two don't see eye-to-eye is why you didn't bother with him to begin with 3 years ago claiming how he still doesn't get it as to why people such as you, Epigonos, and Oliver can't stand him. I'm not kidding - this is VERY sad how your crashing down on me about what all I said, but not taking into account on ANY of the shitty things you, Epigonos or Oliver have all said AT ALL. 1. What I did find sad was how you literally lied to Daddy in his apartment when he asked you were we ever involved or were we dating, and you right away said "No", and the way you said it was like it was a disease to be seen with me in that way. The way you said it - was like you made me out to be a liar being at one point and time, we DID have a dating/sexual relationship which is NOT a lie. The way you responded when Daddy asked you certain questions to where our "involvement" was, you answered in an inappropriate cold-blooded tone which did hurt me a lot like it was an embarrassment to be viewed with me in that way is how it came across. Even Daddy saw that cause he did ask the question, "what did you do to him"? As like - what did I do to cause you to be so dismissive for which I didn't do anything, but do everything right when you have a certain interest in someone. Forum members were suspecting we dated at one point, and Daddy had his suspicions too which was why it was sad you couldn't come out and be honest that we were "talking" at one point and time after the PS event 2015. I have had several people on the forum indicate to me how they felt we had a "thing" going on, and for which they were right as people are NOT stupid. We were dating at one point, and you called it off on the bases of our involvement going too "fast" for you, and also of what all Don told you, and exaggerated about stating I said to him certain things about us that were off-the-wall that got repeated to you that wasn't accurate. It's amazing how Epigonos says I'm a pain the ass, and this is coming from someone who I feel some was responsible for telling you misinformed information on more then one occasion of what I say to him or what our interactions were, and another being how he told you I guess supposedly I brought up "race" issues or relations he seems to forget I wasn't the one who brought up such uncomfortable topics for which you agreed, and said you know it was him who brought it up, but he claimed to you I did. Oh, there are ALOT of people who claim Epigonos too can be a royal pain the ass(remember - members on the forum talk), but he doesn't want to see that, and it's funny how he claims I'm a pain in the ass after being nice to him, and being a friend by treating him out to dinners, and expressing interest on what's new and happening in his life, and then because of our feud, and you getting timed-out - he(like you) turned on me. It's quite sad how people can't seem to stick with someone as a friend despite of someone else. Was seriously rude and hurtful what he wrote about me in the "JD&PS thread. I can't believe he would do something so vicious being I have never spoke bad about him, but yet he does this to me in public. Both him, and Oliver are only upset with me because of your influence, and are holding me responsible for getting us timed-out as I'm not taking the blame for you slandering me in public that got YOU timed-out. Anybody who's gonna hold my ass responsible for that mess is freaking crazy. You deserved to be timed-out for that stunt as I told you if you did such a thing they're were going to be consequences behind that for which you saw happened. My only mistake for me getting timed-out in this mess was my response to your slandering post as I should have just shut the fuck up, and let you have hung yourself, but due to my response to your slandering post - I got what came to me too by getting timed-out along with you, and for that I take responsibility for as that was my fault, and poor judgment on my part for which I shouldn't have done. STEVEN: Because of how poorly you listen, I also tended to speak to you repetitively and in "bumper stickers." So here are the two "bumper stickers" I repeated again and again and again after "celebrating" Daddy's birthday with you: 1) If he says jump, you should say how high. Meaning if you want Daddy to make you Escort of the Year, you should perhaps consider listening to him. 2) If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Meaning if you think Daddy is racist and insulting, tell him to go fuck himself, and you don't need to be escort of the year. That is what I said, again and again and again, hoping you might listen. Your response was to call me a mean, cold-blooded asshole. I think your view is that when you say jump, WE - meaning Daddy, me, Lee, Don, your clients, everybody - should say how high. MY RESPONSE: You have no clue how disgusted I am with you right now being yes, you did say those things - true, but you tend to have a cold-blooded nature about yourself that can push others over the edge emotionally, and can be upsetting is to why I lashed out on you like I did being you pushed my buttons for 3 hours on our way back to CA telling me in a cold-blooded tone of the "bumper sticker" statements you made like I had no feelings at all. You stated to me your not one who's for sympathy, and you were right seeing how rude you were to me during a time I was suffering through a lot. Another thing is: Your a liar to say you agreed with Daddy as you didn't because you said to me(once again) at the hotel you felt what he said was wrong, and felt it was racist. Your FULL of it to make people believe you didn't say that. You even apologized and said how sorry you were to hear Daddy make such racial comments in front of me like that as you would have never thought he would do or say such things, and how you saw how hurt I was behind that. Why in the hell would you say such things, Steven if you didn't mean it? Why would you apologize saying how deeply sorry you as to how insensitive he was to make such commits as you yourself felt was said was racist on his part. That came out of your mouth(as GOD STRIKE ME DOWN IF I'M LYING). This to me is what's sad is that your NOT giving the entire story, and making me out to be this monster who's crazy as people don't know the FULL story as to what led to a lot of what went down. I'm not going to let you or anybody else in this group make me out to be of a monster for your wrong doings, and slander me as if I go down with this non-sense by you slandering me and reveal my secrets to everything that's went on, your going down as well - bottom line. STEVEN: What I find unbelievable is that you were raped in DC. After you started stalking me, I took the time to read what you posted after last year's DC event. You said you "loved" ****, and begged him to come to Palm Springs, to the party at my house, where I met you. This is a weird way to talk about a rapist. It is weird to publicly ask your rapist to come to a party so you can see him again. How fucked up is that? I think you are the rapist, JD. You emotionally abuse and rape people you call friends to get whatever you think you want. MY RESPONSE: 1. You wanna know what infuriates me about you the most: you keep bringing up the rape as a defensive mechanism to your manipulation which can be at times very emotionally abusive. That's what's really sad about you, and your abusive ways here. It's not about me, Daddy, Oliver, Epigonos or anyone else - it's about Steven, and what I've done so bad to him after he burned and betrayed me - oh yeah, I'm such the asshole to be naturally upset for honoring your wishes to your secrets, but yet, you couldn't respect mine - regardless of what my reasons were - you had no right to expose me as you didn't want Daddy to know(for whatever reason) about your brother, and as a friend, I honored your request(being It wasn't my place to mention anything about your brother anyway). It's not about what JD wanted - it was ALL about what STEVEN wanted despite of my generosity, and many efforts to help make that trip, and Birthday special out of the kindness of my heart. Not just for Daddy, but for us as well, but apparently it didn't turn out that way being what went down I guess. 2. I told you I was being "civil" with **** as it was hard for me to interact with him as you were wondering why I kept my distance from him during the pool party being it was hard for me to deal with someone who "violated" me, and it's sad to see how you like to make me out to be a monster for being classy as what good would it due me to be shitty being I was told by Daddy to always show class even if it is towards my worse enemy? STEVEN: Speaking of compassion, I spoke to both Oliver and Epigonos while I was in Las Vegas with you. They are friends. They both acted like true friends. You were not compassionate, and you were not a friend. Through your eyes, the great crime of the Las Vegas trip was that I told Daddy you were raped. There are four problems with that. One, he already knew. The trip was supposed to be about Daddy's birthday, not you. Four, you might have seen that I deserved compassion, not your abuse. MY RESPONSE: 1. Tell the freaking truth, Steven as I was very compassionate towards your pain, and was there for you(like I always have been), but you told me you didn't want to discuss it, and asked me to not talk about it with Daddy either. I didn't have much time to go over with you much detail the day we arrived in Vegas being you were with your brother most of the time, and eventually spent the night with him the first day we got there, so we didn't have much time until you returned to our hotel room the next day, and even then I was supportive, but asked for us to focus on Daddy's birthday at your request(for which I did, and was going to anyway being we drove over 300 miles to do so). Just so you know - the trip wasn't all about you either, Steven as I was focused, and dedicated on Daddy's birthday being special as much as you were. I could have used some compassion from you at times too being I was struggling with some very intense and disturbing complications as well, but got back a lot of insensitive comments from you that came off cold-blooded, and harsh at times. I couldn't see myself giving you any further compassion on the way home being you weren't being so nice and compassionate towards me at all, but more cold-blooded in your approach which could aggravate and upset any normal person who didn't deserve such treatment. You were treating me like a jerk being I was there for you, and didn't feel you were there for me in return by the insensitive comments you made as the tone you used was very insensitive, and just down right harsh. This is another statement you made: STEVEN'S TEXT: On the trip home from Vegas I actually did apologize to you for what I said in front of Daddy about your alleged rape. Like Daddy, I feel you don't listen, and you hear only what you want to hear. So there are two things I have to say about this. First, subjectively, you have every right to be angry, which is why I apologized. You told me not to say anything about your rape to anyone, and I did to Daddy, because I thought it was appropriate to repeat something you told me he already knew. It upset you. I got that, and I apologized several times, which you did not hear, since you were very preoccupied with feeling persecuted. Second, it taught me a lesson. The questionable logic of what I did is I felt Daddy and I were two of your closest confidantes and mentors, to use your frequently used word, and so I thought it was okay to discuss sensitive matters like that openly with him. Big mistake. What I have gradually learned about you is trust isn't a very useful concept in our interactions. The same goes for my mistake with Dane. I made an overly trusting judgment about you and I revealed something sensitive I should not have. When I told you I felt I should not have, you told me I did the right thing, since as a psychologist you could "help" him. Instead, what I now see as the model with you is that abusers use information to manipulate, control, and abuse. So it makes perfect sense to me now that you would be extremely sensitive to and critical of anything I say and any information I share about you. STEVEN: I know you see yourself as the victim of horrific abuse. The fact that you can't see the difference between my brother dying of cancer, and my telling Daddy something he already knew about an alleged crime that your own language on a public forum suggests never occurred, says everything about why I ended the trip by saying I can't be your friend, and I can't help you. MY RESPONSE: 1. No, what's sad is: You can't admit and see the difference to your own faults by betraying other people's trust, and confidence in you. Doesn't matter if Daddy knew it or not - I asked YOU not to repeat it - just like you asked me to not repeat to Daddy about your brother's illness or anything else you've told me as you have trashed Daddy, Dane Scott, Ace, Epigonos, Oliver, Your Family(calling your sister a "bitch", but yet go out of your way at times to help and support her),but yet you wanna make me out to be a monster when I confided how hurt I get about certain things that bother me. The rape did occur as they're are witness to vouch as and heard this person say they weren't gonna fuck me for which he did anyway. Daddy even said unto you the rape was true and accurate by actions he's done to others, so you need to not go stating it wasn't true, Steven. There was no way I was at the time going to post on the forum of it being a "rape". I'm not like YOU who believes in sharing other's business or misfortunes privately or on the forum. How good would that make me look to ruin this escort criminally like that as I'm trying to build a name for myself in the business. You know how unprofessional that would make me look to tell people what this SOB did to me? Of course I'm not going to display that on the forum - are you kidding me? STEVEN: I am saying it again. I can't be your friend, and I can't help you. Leave me alone. Leave Epigonos alone. Leave Oliver alone. I sincerely wish you well, but none of us want anything to do with you. We don't know what your problem is, but we are all really sick and tired of your abuse. MY RESPONSE: I don't care to be friends with you either at this point being how you have trashed, abused me, and humiliated me along with others(who you so-call claim are you're good friends) in the process. You have done the same to Dane by trashing him and revealing personal and private information to me about him, you have trashed Ace stating what a low-life piece of shit he was at a client dinner by eating someone else's dinner. You trashed Dane being a horrible complainer about school claiming how you couldn't stand him for asking you to not bully him. Then you went on how shitty Dane was to have fired Oliver from being a client, and made Oliver emotional upset by doing so(which I thought was strange being how can you fire a client). The list goes on and on with you as you have done a lot of evil deeds to others, but yet wanna make yourself be such a saint knowing of the things you said to others and what they've said about me, doesn't make you a saint as you too have talked shit behind others back, but wanna make me out to the villain in all of this. I told you what I was going to have my talk with Dane, and you saw what happened where I did inform him of a few things as did inform others about me. Oh, and trust me - Dane got a mouth full from me about his infidelities as well for which I told him I DID NOT appreciate him telling other people(meaning you or anybody else) that I couldn't be so-called "trusted". Never once have I bad mouthed him to anybody as I always spoke very highly of him, but come to find out he's been bad mouthing me. Like I said, seems to me no-one in this bunch can be "trusted". Just like Dane told you I so called couldn't be trusted - I felt he should know YOU couldn't be trusted either being this is what you told me in your ill mannered text message: STEVEN'S TEXT: I am going to defend myself, which includes making very sure Dane understands why I did what I did when you attempt to"get even.". I will tell him that I mistakenly thought that you both have a degree of compassion and maturity that would allow you to share with each other a common and painful experience. It was a huge mistake on my part to assume that, and try to promote a friendship that does not and can not exist. The apology owed for that is to him. I will apologize to him, again. You might consider doing the same. The further this goes and the more you reveal, I can assure you it will lead to things you really don't want to hear, and other people don't want to say, whether its about you, or me. It will diminish and discredit us both. Do me a favor please, Steven: don't brag to others or to me how close you are to Dane stating of this information you revealed in your text. I found that out you guys have more of a casual here and there type of friendship as you guys have never been intimate, or in a relationship, and has even admitted he won't and never do jobs together with you in my recent conversation with him as this proves you two don't get along as the closest of friends you present onto others on the forum how close you are to him. This is what Steven says creating a Birthday thread for him not long after Dane didn't win EOY(What I see is someone trying to suck up after Dane literally said Steven fucked up by not voting for him at number 1.) STEVEN'S BIRTHDAY POST FOR DANE: Well, what can I say? There are worse things on your birthday than ending up with cream on your face. Whatever you end up doing today, my friend, have a blessed and Happy Birthday. And at the risk of saying too much, and too much personal, thank you for being who you are. It was a pleasure to celebrate 3 things with 4 margaritas with you: a New Year, your birthday, and your continued acclaim as an Escort of the Year finalist. You define what a mature Gay escort should be. And you do it in a quiet, humble, and above all heartfelt way. My life is richer because you are part of it. Many people on this site feel that way about you. It doesn't even need to be said. It just is. You are not only what a Gay escort should be. You are a wonderful Gay son, Gay brother, Gay uncle, Gay friend, Gay buddy, and Gay confidante. And of course there are your fabulous Gay cookies. Who knows, maybe you could even be Gay President, but then we'd have to share you with the world. I'm glad we get your special kindnesses and courtesies all to ourselves. You are a wonderful man, and you make maturity and compassion look sexy. Happy Birthday. You are our gift, and we love you. Here is what Steven's vote for Dane for EOY which Dane that seems false according to what Dane has openly admit that never was of they're off and on friendship. Even Steven himself has admitted they've been at odds before off and on, so to me what he says about Dane doesn't make sense if he feels so odd towards him at times: STEVENS VOTE FOR DANE: 2. Dane Scott. Actually, I love this man, and it is painful to say Dane is #2 in anything. I respect him and value his friendship more than any other escort I know. It's actually hard to compare Dane and JD, because they are almost opposites. Dane is gentle (mostly ) and soft-spoken and leads with his heart, and his strength is the kind that comes from enduring warmth and deep caring. I adore him, and it is clear to me that his clients do, too. It of course helps that he is handsome and ripped and sexy and a tiger in bed. But who cares about that stuff, anyway? He is what all escorts should be; a sexy man with a lovely body and a loving heart. This is what Steven has indicated what his friendship(now) with Dane is after I have confided on having a serious talk with Dane about his many infidelities: STEVEN'S TEXT: You definitely can't threaten my friendship with Dane. You've actually brought us closer together. I've already apologized to him and told him I was wrong and he was right. I should never have trusted you. The only thing you can tell him is that I made a mistake in character judgment by trusting and confiding in somebody abusive like you. He knows that already. We've already had long conversations about your abusive behavior. You really want to confirm to him what a jerk you can be? He's one of the most compassionate men I know, but i don't think that includes tolerance for your manipulation and abuse. MY RESPONSE: Dane has openly admitted to me in an interesting phone conversation, he has not had any communication with you whatsoever regarding such topics of my so-called "abusive" behavior or an apology in person or by phone with you. He regrettably denied and apologized you told me such false information, so I guess really that makes YOU out to be a liar. He's even shared with me he's confronted you personally about you telling something I wasn't suppose to know, and has forewarned you he wants no part of this drama that's going on between ME AND YOU. Like he said himself, all this is ridiculous, but none of this would have happened if you for one, Steven didn't slander me on the forum, and number two didn't get others involved in our drama privately and publically on the forum. As a matter of fact - he feels the same way I do to why your being viciously mean as he told me he confided in you how disappointed he was you didn't put him at number 1 instead of me for EOY. You see this what makes you now look ridiculously stupid by being vicious as you have been to me I know why you became nasty to me more and more being after Dane told you information - this is when you became more and more resistant towards me based out of guilt without knowing (til now) Dane has admitted this to me he opened up to you of his disappointment in you voting against him. You see you guys, Steven was suppose to do his vote for me and Dane by via email to Daddy, and at the last minute decided to vote on the forum which wasn't in his agenda to do being how he wanted to prevent this sort of outcome from happening, but thanks to him not doing what he said he was going to do to prevent that drama from happening between me and Dane. What does Steven do - he does his vote on the forum anyway which caused Dane to question Steven's loyalty in the end I guess. :(. What a shocker huh? You see Steven didn't tell anybody about that missing piece of the puzzle here. Yeah!!! I wanna see him explain his reasoning out of this. If you make threats and cause drama with Dane and Daddy and me you have to know it will simply discredit you even more than you just did with your ridiculous post and defensiveness. Did you not read what Daddy said to you? Do you not get that he is losing patience with your bullshit, as is everybody else? MY RESPONSE: I think you already took it there by discrediting both of our credibility when you pulled that horrific stunt in slandering me that got us both timed-out. You have yourself to thank for that as your a grown man who is responsible for his own actions. The same goes for me by responding like I did as I have to take responsibility for that along with my actions as well. If your so close to him - why trash and doubt him so much? You're only doing this to rub it in my face, and prove something that's worthless in being proved upon knowing of what I know as Dane told me the full history, and trust me, it's NOTHING to what you said on the forum AT ALL. And don't call yourself trying to use Daddy against me either as if he didn't know a lot of this information - well guess what - he does now being he knows it's true as how else could I have known a lot to why it was you guys didn't speak or was on the forum for 3 years. Even though you, Epigonos, and Oliver all spoke negatively of him at the Pool Party, I still was speaking highly of him, and even encouraged you to give him another chance is what brought you two together eventually for his birthday in the end. So, if I'm so "self-absorbed" and "selfish" as you proclaim me to be, why in the hell would I bring you two together for his birthday so you can spend time with him, and get to know him? Just so I can suck up to him and be made EOY. Oh please. Give me a fucking break as none of bringing you guys together or his birthday had NOTHING to do with me as I only wanted you guys to enjoy each other again, and have a good-time. Your really full of crap if you believe that I was being "selfish and self-absorbed" as you were the one trashing him along with your other two buddies, and it was ME who made the situation positive in the end by bringing you guys together again, so just admit it that I did a great thing by doing so, shut the fuck up, and let's move on. From this point on I'm gonna leave you, Epigonos, and Oliver alone being how ALL of you have done me wrong at this point in one way form or another, and quite sick of it. I feel even Dane in some ways have done me wrong as well by telling you to not trust me, but then again - he found out YOU can't be trusted at all either considering what he informed me as he apologized stating he couldn't trust you either now at this point as you trashed and slandered him as you have now done unto me. He cant talk either I guess being he trashed me telling you to not trust me, so it seems to me everyone seems to be trashing each other, and can't be trusted when you come to think of it. Seems everyone has "trashed" everyone in some of form or another. Steven, I don't know what your problem is as why you being so viciously manipulative and abusive, but your only creating more problems for yourself by being on the attackk as you are. You should see by now I'm not the "push-over/kiss-ass" type of guy you want me to be, and will NOT tolerate people trying to belittle, deframe or controlling me. I find it sad how others wanna bash and wrong me when they can't treat me however way they want. I've been too nice of a person for people to walk, kick, and step all over me. I never disrespected you, Epigonos, Daddy, or Oliver in any kind of way for all of this drama to come about. It's all about you not having the "last word" to a debate we were having on "Racial Diversity" is what got you bent out of shape when I corrected you stating I only wanted the EOY award to be of the 1st African-American winner to get it(which is NOT true as I wanted to the award for several reasons), and to make it worse - you had to drag others into our feud(privately and now publically that got us timed-out to begin with)which in the end caused a bigger stir that didn't need to be. Steven, I wish you all of you the best, (Really I do) but truly want NOTHING to do with you guys either being how I've been burned, turned against, ridiculed, betrayed, backstabbed, tormented(emotionally and mentally), bashed, humiliated, and most of all - deceived in every horrific way possibly imagined. I don't know what's wrong with you guys, but I'm sick and tired of you guys abuse as well along with few other people I know who I shall remain nameless at this point and time as most of them are on the forum anyway - I will say that much. I said it once, and I'll say it again - I don't care to associate myself with mean-girls who believe in making others miserable for no reason. I believe in being a good person, and not hurt others as I have NEVER been one who's selfish. I've done too many good positive things for people to be viewed as insincere and selfish. I have TONS of people who will vouch for that on the forum, and outside of the forum. Like you told me at one point(and these are your words) "Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" . You, Oliver, and Epigonos may also wanna take heed to your advice here, and not underestimate me as I can be of a fighter as well when it comes to what's right and wrong(not violently) meaning - I don't take no bullshit from NO ONE. Not anymore being I'm through with being nice to people, and get burned, and disrespected for no reason in the end. There's no need for you all to lash out such drama, and it's about time for me to stand up for myself and fight for what's right if I've been wronged, and in many cases regarding you guys - I have, and sick and tired of it as one who has a good heart don't deserve this sort of cruelty as one can only take so much hurt, pain, bullying, and abuse. I'm always kind, thoughtful and generous to others(including you guys) - why can't you guys do the same by showing me the same courtesy and respect without making this of who has the "upper hand" in always being right? JD Daniels Winner Of Daddy's Review's 2015 "Escort Of The Year" Award Mar 5 at 2:30 AM I will extend the timeout of anyone sending anymore of this diatribe my way by a week for each occurrence. Daddy To Daddy Mar 5 at 10:53 AM Okeydoke. Sorry for dragging you into this horrible mess. Sent from my iPhone Show original message After reading all of this, can someone explain to me again why hiring these stripper boys, and hiring off of BackPage is such a horrible thing to do? I'll stick with the stripper boys, thank you very much. MsGuy and AdamSmith 2 Quote
Members MsGuy Posted July 3, 2016 Members Posted July 3, 2016 Now I truly understand why some folks drag their quarrels over here especially after they've managed to get themselves banned over there, but, really folks, just because you can doesn't mean you must. Why just yesterday someone over there called me a crusty butted inbred bottom who could benefit from changing my Depends on a more regular basis. Does that mean I should come over here and call out Frequentfiler for the vile, pin worm infested ass-hole he so clearly is? NO! I have risen above all that and will leave FF in peace to resume his desperate scratching at the masses of white, wriggling parasites escaping his anus. Bless his heart, I want only that FF should obtain the peace he deserves. If somehow he could also resist sniffing and licking his juice stained fingers, he might even reduce his parasitic load to a tolerable level. MY POINT? Either put this behind you, take a deep breath and walk away with your dignity intact... OR HAVE AT IT WITH GUSTO! There's nothing more boring than an internet cat fight where both parties are trying to appear reasonable &/or rational. paulsf and AdamSmith 2 Quote
Members OneFinger Posted July 3, 2016 Members Posted July 3, 2016 4 minutes ago, MsGuy said: Now I truly understand why some folks drag their quarrels over here especially after they've managed to get themselves banned over there, but, really folks, just because you can doesn't mean you must. One of the best lines in this whole thread. MsAnn, MsGuy and AdamSmith 3 Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 4 hours ago, MsAnn said: After reading all of this, can someone explain to me again why hiring these stripper boys, and hiring off of BackPage is such a horrible thing to do? Because if this is how these so called "Escorts" behave, then I'll stick with the stripper boys, thank you very much. Hello Ms.Ann &Ms.Guy, OneFinger, Unfortunately, the facts are the facts here of the drama I put up on this thread with all the hurt, betrayal, and manipulative abuse I've endured from this individuals and got sick of it finally. A person can only take so much hurt and abuse for so long. These were people I looked up to as respectable admirers, and due to me being so delicate at times in my personality and approach to what all I was trying to achieve in life or with getting to know others - they took advantage of my kindness and ran with it by treating me however way they wanted(even if it meant demeaning me in some way that was ill-willed for they're enjoyment and benefit, and that is just plain wrong as you don't do that to people, and not expect to be called out on it in the long term). The reason for me posting these long-winded emails is so people can understand and see I am not a bad person. I'm actually a sweet guy with a good heart in making others happy. Just cause I'm doing the right thing by expressing my feelings to the situation here on Boytoy, and defending myself to all the drama that's happened behind-the-scenes within the past few months doesn't make me a bad or evil person. I'm sorry if most of you may see me in bad light due to this posting or other horrifying occurrences that may have arise over the past few months, but it was something that had to be done due too many questions and rumors being flown around on who did what to who. If some of you hate me because I'm on the defense towards these individuals who wronged me after being stepped on and tossed away innocently - then so be it. I have every right to express myself open and freely just as much as the rest of you, and will be damned if I'm going to allow others to say I'm a horrible person by doing so. Some of you don't see Kesslar as a bad person expressing himself ratting on me/trashing me like he did, so don't hate on me for partially doing the samething. If you can think horribly of me for expressing my side of the story to all of this, maybe you should hate and put him down too. At least with my side of the story has proof behind it by posting all the emails that show that I was wronged, and just not saying it. If some of you can't take the truth for what it is - then I'm sorry, but that's your problem - not mine. The facts are the facts here - plain and simple. I have always taken pride in my ability in making others happy and doing right by others, and never ask for anything in return, but for respect. I have always treated the individuals in question with loyalty, respect, love, and kindness as I do with all people, but in the end these individuals crossed or disrespected me in some form of way or another which is unfortunate. Plus, from what I understand from other friends we know in our circle I'm not the first person they have backstabbed or have been wronged in the past. Like I said, It is what it is. I'm sorry if alot of you can't see the logic in what's happened to me behind-the-scenes, but hey - get over it. I have done right by these people in question, and was stepped on and tossed away when it came to me fighting for what's right. I'm sorry if I'm not a push over when people wanna be bullies towards me or others cause they feel they can. I don't tolerate people who are suppose to be my friends acting like bullies, and treat me with disrespect cause they feel they can. Those of you who are ANTI-JD think I should tolerate such manipulative and cruel behavior these people are out of your fucking minds as no one should have to tolerate and accept that sort of disgraceful behavior from ANYONE. I'm sorry, but people who are have a heart, respectable, and normal don't think with such cruelty like what I've encountered. Only someone who's mentally corrupt would take pleasure in others misery such as that. I don't believe in making other people life miserable or seeing other people be miserable as to what I've been though with all of this drama. Seriously, I am a good person, and intend to stay that way, but when I'm crossed and betrayed like what these people did to me, yes, I am not a very nice person when I have been wronged in such a way. You bet your sweet ass I'm not. What your seeing now of me fighting back is maybe JD being fed up with the BS of being burned and crossed one too many times. For 2 years I have tolerated these people do and say inappropriate things to me just to keep peace, and hope by expressing my feeling of they're actions would make it all stop, but no - they had to keep pushing my buttons and in the end pushed my limits. You all can think whatever negative thing you can think of about me as I don't give a fuck anymore. Why? Because I'm done with being nice to people who believe in hurting others just for the hell of it. People like that are the ones who need help. Not me. I don't believe in doing wrong to others. I treat people with respect, and am loyal to others. You burn me once - I let it go - You burn me twice - Warning/Red Flags go up - You burn me three times - Shame on me, bye-bye for you. Enough is enough and I've had it with people giving me a hard time - thinking they can get away with it cause they can. Ain't gonna happen to me - not anymore. Quote
Guest lurkerspeaks Posted July 3, 2016 Posted July 3, 2016 OK>. we have heard your side of the story.. We have heard "their" sides of the story. Now can we please just let it rest and let people decide (quietly) which side they want to believe? One of the main reasons many of us migrated over here from Daddy's was to get away from all the drama. It's done. It's over.. Lets move on with our lives and not dwell on things in the past.. Quote