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Orlando Masacre: Will Obama say Radical Islam?

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My heart goes out to those that lost loved ones in Orlando.  As of right now, 50 dead. 

This is radical Islam.  Plain and simple.  Will Obama ever say this?  Will the USA ever wake up and realize the country is being attached?

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It's a terrorist act and a hate crime.  I'm not sure the religion used as the excuse is that critical to the discussion (but many will make it so).  

Think of it this way, the guys who killed Mathew Sheppard, I'm fairly certain they were brought up Christian and were told that their god hated fags, and that mindset/justification may well have played into what they did.  

Yes, Islam's currently creating the greater atrocities against us but Christianity has been for thousands of years too.  

I dunno what I'm saying, I guess it's that all religion is used by powerful men to control those of poor education and intellect, and having "Christians" use an event like this to get US to treat another group as shitty as they had just been treating us doesn't seem right.  

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BO has not said this before and I know of no reason that he might now.  I am very afraid that Hillary will carry on the same course should she be elected.  :(


Best regards,


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It's not about Radical Islam.

It's about homophobia.

The killer was a self-hating closet case and he targeted gay people to kill and vent his rage.

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Crazy can hide behind religion. Hatred can hide behind religion. These things take us away from true spirituality and drive us apart from the one goal that truly spiritual people believe and that is to love and help one another. 

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How true.  However, many would not try to do or be better without formal or informal religion.  Alas, many also so not try to do or be better, regardless.

Best regards,



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