Guest Clouseau Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 An amusing return of one of the most arrogant and divisive posters ever, returns. John Lucas as Rockhard from New York who, as he mentions, his active status in the entertainment industry! Can a new underwear thread be far behind. Perhaps even a Starwood Italian vacation! Welcome back Rockhard! Quote
Guest Clouseau Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 You guys are embarrassing yourselves over there. John Lucas is NOT JD. JD does not have that grammar capacity. Rockhard is pulling one over on you guys. Quote
Guest Clouseau Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 Ok so a confession of sorts. I was offered a free massage by JD to create a thread to create a smoke screen to support a new user personality he created over at daddy's forums. I was supposed to do it over there but when the registration process turned out to be days he told me to do it over here. Since then, I've actually read all the other crazy threads over there which I was unaware of and honestly feel nauseous and used by him over this. I'm sorry for the charade. I have just now blocked all phone and email communications with him as I truly believe he has a severe mental illness. Sorry. Quote
Guest zipperzone Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 On 4/10/2016 at 2:58 PM, Clouseau said: An amusing return of one of the most arrogant and divisive posters ever, returns. John Lucas as Rockhard from New York who, as he mentions, his active status in the entertainment industry! Can a new underwear thread be far behind. Perhaps even a Starwood Italian vacation! Welcome back Rockhard! So glad to see him back. Eagerly awaiting his stories of his thousand dollar boxer shorts. Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted April 11, 2016 Members Posted April 11, 2016 I think it's flattering that so many guys remember me. I continue to read Daddy's board, but I can't stomach anyone with 3rd grade writing skills. Why would anyone with half a brain associate me with an escort that goes by the name of JD? Does he look anything like Benjamin Nicholas? Some guys on both boards are desperate for attention, trolls with an addiction, they'll say ANYTHING and they never shut up. I don't think I'm a guy who is easy to imitate. Yes, I'm that special. The smart ones among us know how these cards are played. So to all the brainless idiots who want a piece of me, or want to play me, I say go fuck yourselves. Happy and healthy living, gentlemen. ps Cordiali salute to Lookin and Adam Smith. I hope Lucky is enjoying retirement. OneFinger and AdamSmith 2 Quote
Members BigK Posted April 12, 2016 Members Posted April 12, 2016 Nice to hear from you RockHard. Don't be a stranger. I've always enjoyed your posts. OneFinger 1 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted April 13, 2016 Members Posted April 13, 2016 I think the term "He's back!" is kind of funny. From my perspective, I haven't gone anywhere. Sure, I've traveled a lot in the years since my last Daddy-spanking, but I can't imagine ever losing interest in what my fellow escort-loving-gays are thinking (or not, in the case of those with no brain). And where better to get a pulse, albeit some are hanging on by the thinnest of beta-blocker beats, but on these fabulous escort forums where reality has a life of its own. Of course, I use the term fabulous as if it were an inch of drooping, shriveled, cheesy-impacted foreskin. Some guys like that. Needless to say, there's a lot to catch up on with my fellow comrades. My underwear drawer is brimming with new ambrosial delights. I won't even mention Gossip Galore, one of my favorite drag queens in Hollywood. And judging by the echo chamber in this empty, bat-ridden cave, it looks to me like Oz could use a few more clicks. Waiting for Daddy to die is no fun. But alas, I have to travel again, and I won't be back in the U.S. for weeks. Any celebration of my return will have to wait. That big-mouthed, cock-sucking, old scabby-kneed bitch, who fears me most, will just have to wait a little while longer before I rip her a new asshole. I will be seeing my favorite blonde boytoy in the south of France. If ever I would marry a former escort, he's the one. And I hope to knock on Steven Draker's door on my way to Bruges to see how the old boy is doing. Thank you to the well-wishers. Speak to you soon. Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 Hello Fellow Boytoy Members - Sorry it's taken me so long to get to the bottom of this chaotic allegation as I've been extremely busy with family obligations, and preparing for my move to ATL in a couple of weeks. Haven't had much of an opportunity to address and nip this somewhat false information in the bud when this ridiculous non-sense first occurred. What I have to say with the deepest regret, and apologies is that none of what this poster(s) on Daddy's Forum and some here on are saying about me being John Lucas is true. To come clean of what happened on all accounts under this John Lucas business is a long story, but to put it simple as possible - A client of mine stayed with me for the weekend at my condo here in Hollywood, CA, and was using my labtop to access his account on the Daddy's Forum. My client(John Lucas) read some untrue horrific tales on the forum(Tales that are still occurring til this day on another dramatic matter regarding another escort, but will soon clear up as tomorrow and come to an end. Alot of members from the Daddy's site are not aware completely from my side or others of what actually happened during a demo that took place at a Daddy's event in DC back in January 2015 as the witnesses who were present during this devastating moment have made post on the Daddy's Forum to somewhat clarify what happened to me during this tragic ordeal, and then deleted they're post under the most ridiculous circumstances that would have help support my case as to why this devastating moment during the demo was kept quiet for so long, but that'll all change as of tomorrow). If they're not going to speak up - I will. Back to "John Lucas" - My client has been a silent member on Daddy's Forum for over 3 years, and decided after reading all the horrific tales that's been said about me for the longest time decided to come on board to help support me in my defense. Unfortunately, his potential(but not wise) intentions backfired as I was unaware of what he was doing by liking a lot of closed threads bragging about me that raised a few eyebrows among members who are well-established on the site. Due to those actions that occurred from my client did raise some red flags, and caused for both parties to be timed-out for a year. All I can say to this non-sense is - I had NOTHING to do with what my client did as he felt he was trying to help me, but in all actuality, it caused unnecessary drama that stirred up a ruckus that caused us an unfortunate extended timed-out. Whoever is lying saying I "bribed" them for a free massage by creating John Lucas is a sacrificial liar as I NEVER put anyone up to creating John Lucas. John Lucas is a long-term client who happen to be innocent in wanting to help support me, and not knowing I was timed-out before he used my labtop to access his account to do whatever he did that made people suspicious that he was possibly me or that I so-called put him up to it, and I didn't as I was unaware he was on his account from my labtop going overboard I guess you say on the support process. Just so you know it wasn't me as John Lucas - I was timed-out when my client - John Lucas created this account. You cant create a new account if your timed out on Daddy's. The account my client created as John Lucas was done from his home computer under his email/IP address. If you don't believe me - ask Daddy how it's done, and he'll tell you exactly what I'm telling you right now. There is NO WAY IN HELL it could have been me as "John Lucas" being Daddy has my IP blocked to create any further identities. You can't create new identities if your timed-out status as he goes strictly by the IP address from your computer to verify who's signing in as a new member. There you have it folks as to what really happened, and how I had nothing to do with what went down regarding my client's intentions as the person who posted on here I "bribed" them gave you all here on Boytoy and Daddys false information to attract more drama I guess for which was successful, but all good lies will come to happy end eventually as this imposter who lied on me will be revealed(not by me) in the end as some members know somewhat who the mysterious member is that told this scandalous/vicious tale on me that isn't true of the events that took place regarding my client's identity. JD Quote
Guest JDDanielsxxx Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 For someone who doesn't know me - you come off very nasty to make such remarks, Rockhard. Nice to see you bash other escorts you haven't met as your response about comes abruptly rude and self-centered. Shouldn't be so full of yourself by knocking other escorts you barely know down in the mud. So uncalled for to say the least, man. I'm a very nice guy, but don't judge or insult me. I don't care to insult or judge you, so please do due diligence and show the same respect unto me as I do unto you. Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted April 14, 2016 Members Posted April 14, 2016 Good grief. What a mess. I don't know how to do html on this board. Here goes my first try: "For someone who doesn't know me - you come off very nasty to make such remarks, Rockhard." The name is RockHard. I don't know you. I have very little knowledge of you. I don't read your posts because you ramble and write poorly. I fail to see where I have made any "nasty" remarks about you. I have a feeling you thought some of what I wrote was directed at you, and if so, you're completely wrong and misguided. My words and their intent may have gone over your head. "Nice to see you bash other escorts you haven't met as your response about comes abruptly rude and self-centered." I have not bashed any escort here on this thread. Calling me "abruptly rude and self-centered' is presumptuous and it's a judgement. It's also extremely rude and hostile. "Shouldn't be so full of yourself by knocking other escorts you barely know down in the mud." That's a poorly constructed sentence. Again, please tell me where I am "knocking other escorts" on this thread? Better yet, don't bother. "I'm a very nice guy, but don't judge or insult me." Perhaps this is a newsflash: This is a REVIEW site. People come here to judge others by writing about their experience. "I don't care to insult or judge you" You've done nothing but insult and judge me with this post, and it seems you took some of my words and applied them to you. Now who is full of himself? You clearly didn't understand my words, their meaning, or their intent. Your passive aggressive behavior and your presumptions are not endearing qualities. Don't bother to apologize. IMO, you apologize too much, which renders your apologies INSINCERE. Quote
Members flguy Posted April 14, 2016 Members Posted April 14, 2016 WONDERFUL having Rockhard back and now if only Fin Fang Foom would return, THEN the quality of conversations would really take a new direction. AdamSmith 1 Quote
Members Posse Posted April 14, 2016 Members Posted April 14, 2016 I concur FLGuy, with Rockford and FFF back, we'd have some teeth again! OneFinger 1 Quote
Guest zipperzone Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 JDDANIELSXXX Do you really think we give a shit ???? Get over yourself, act your age & take a creative writing course with proper attention to sentence structure & grammar. Quote