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Brokered Conventions

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Will there be a brokered Republican convention? Will there be one for democrats?

I'd love to see a free for all at the Republican convention just to see what happens to Donald Trump.

Living overseas, the things he says is embarrassing and the rest of the world is laughing at us. Do those that support him not get this?

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My prediction...

Yes there will be a brokered convention for the Republicans. I don't believe Trump can hit to the 1237. Looks like he's going to lose Wisconsin, and his numbers are not climbing, so states going forward might be in jeapordy. The RNC has already set the ground work for a brokered convention, and Cruz has a better political structure to deal with the delegates at the convention. Despite what they claim, In my opinion the RNC has been working on this behind the scenes for months.

For the Dems, Hillary already has an almost insurmountable lead. She'll lose Wisconsin, but she'll take New York, but Bernie is going to chase her all the way to the convention. Despite all of that, I would be shocked if Bernie gets the nomination, and at a contested convention, Hillary would have the backing of the party power brokers, something the Donald doesn't have.

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Does that mean that the world is not laughing at BO for his feckless and ignorant foreign policy? I agree that the world is laughing at the US and mainly for the lack of leadership. We do not need to be the world's policeman but we cannot just let things happen, either.

The Trump supporters like him for his candor, whether PC or PI and also whether it conflicts with his previous positions/pronouncements or not. They do not trust current pols and think the US needs to shake things up. Right or wrong, that I what I believe they think.

Hillary should be indicted if not found guilty and put into jail. She is the establishment personified. Still, if she is elected (and pardoned), likely she will not sell the US down the river but I am not sure at what cost.

If Trump takes Wisconsin, I think it likely he will get to 1237 and be the R nominee. It indeed would make for an interesting campaign if the nominees were Bernie and Donald. ^_^

Best regards,


Guest zipperzone

I can't help but wonder what Americans would do if Trump became president. THAT would be interesting!

If he is the nominee a potential win might hinge around who he chooses as his VP running mate>

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This is the most interesting political season in my life time (and I am older than dirt). ^_^  The US is part way down the road to socialism and so embraces the Bern.  Who will pay and how?  Hillary is so establishment that she reeks of old lace, etc.  Both Trump and Cruz are "outsiders" who play to the frustration of voters (and others).  How this all plays out will be interesting to say the least.


The good news is that I likely will not be alive 50 years from now.  The bad news is that I am alive now.  ^_^


Best regards,


Guest Erostotle

"Some of us would miss you if you let go.."


And who would they be besides myself and Ms Guy?

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6 hours ago, Erostotle said:

"Some of us would miss you if you let go.."

And who would they be besides myself and Ms Guy?

Well...there will all those nieces and nephews squabbling over the furniture and his gun collection. Surely at least one of them will shed a tear.

And a few select escorts of course.

And, should RA1 elect to shuffle off his mortal coil in mid flight, a plane load of passengers would no doubt regret his passing for a minute or two. :P

Oh, and then there's AdamSmith. Those two seem to have hit it off over the years.

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You may rest assured that I will not "elect" to shuffle off in mid flight.  Even if I were about to involuntarily depart, no doubt the noise of screaming passengers would revive me.  Thus far I have not lost a passenger during flight and my intention is to not start now.  Once is too often.

There are any number of folks that I would miss should they demise in an untimely fashion.  AS and you being two.

Best regards,




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I don't recognize that image but come back to me in about 12 years. ^_^


Best regards,


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Only brokering at the Repug convention will be for VP. Word is it's Rubio; T Man needs him for S. Fla., Rubio's not entering the Senate reelection campaign, and T Man wouldn't have been so bold with Gov. Martinez and the Mexican judge if he didn't have a Spanish-speaking ace card coming. 

Hillary will keep on falling but may be saved by the Electoral College and a strong Libertarian showing IF the Libs get votes mostly from GOP. 

If she's indicted she's toast. If T Man redefines himself she's toast. If Bernie people go Libertarian and Green she's toast.

Talk about cross-section; in one day T was endorsed by Paul Ryan, North Korea and Home Depot

There are plenty of Trumps now running central European and south Asian countries. Hungary can't afford a wall but bought the world's monthly output of razor wire recently for it's border with Serbia. And that Trump-type anti-immigrant guy may soon lose to the further-right-wing Jobbik party which is anti-Jew also. They want to shoot Arabs violating their border and register all Jews. And wait till you hear what's running Ukraine !  Europe has it's hands full with nationalist populists.

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