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Rio in Autumn

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Hi All

I'm making my first trip to South America this year. Very excited! Especially after reading all the posts on this forum. I was hoping if someone would be able to tell me what the Rio scene is like in May? I believe this is the low season in Brazil and a lot of guides advise that that it's a nice time of year to visit because the weather is good and there are less tourists. But I was wondering if this means that there are less boys in the saunas? And if so, would be be better to visit later - in June? Any info would be greatly appreciated!



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Hi All

I'm making my first trip to South America this year. Very excited! Especially after reading all the posts on this forum. I was hoping if someone would be able to tell me what the Rio scene is like in May? I believe this is the low season in Brazil and a lot of guides advise that that it's a nice time of year to visit because the weather is good and there are less tourists. But I was wondering if this means that there are less boys in the saunas? And if so, would be be better to visit later - in June? Any info would be greatly appreciated!



Just about anytime is a good time to visit Rio and the saunas. The only time you might find it dull and with few clients and garotos is just before xmas time. Many of the out-of-town sauna workers and clients go away for the holidays, which means the saunas are without many clients and garotos.

Throughout the year (except xmas time) you might find the saunas not busy (fraco) then other times you might find the saunas packed (cheio). There is no logical explanation for the fluctuation from busy to not busy. Sometimes heavy rain might explain the weak nights but, changes just happen.

Those two Portuguese words mentioned above (fraco and cheio) are words used by the sauna owners and other Brazilians to describe whether a sauna is busy or not busy with clients and garotos.

You said you read the posts in this forum about Brazil. That being so, I want to caution you (just as I have cautioned other first time visitors to Brazil) to limit your association with garotos to within the confines of the saunas. You are safe in the saunas.

After you visit Brazil a few times and learn a little Portuguese and some of the lay of the land, you might want to venture out and invite a garoto to spend time with you outside the saunas. On the other hand, you might be a very confident person who adapts to most any situation.

My caution and opinion are based on my having spent a lot of time in Brazil and after more than 140 trips here.

Have a great time in Brazil.


I echo Mvan's views. I will say I avoid only July, because all schools are closed the month of July as well as being the coldest month of the year, which is not much a factor in Rio but can be a big deal in Porto Alegre where it can get down in the 30's! May is a great time to visit(as is June, Aug, Sept, Oct. Nov etc.. LOL )

Have a great time!

Guest riosul77

Those two Portuguese words mentioned above (fraco and cheio) are words used by the sauna owners and other Brazilians to describe whether a sauna is busy or not busy with clients and garotos.

Did you mean "cheia" ?

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Did you mean "cheia" ?

No, I wrote cheio -

It is a common word often heard on busy nights in the saunas in Brazil. Very colloquial -


  1. (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.
    synonyms: informal, conversational, everyday, nonliterary;
Translations of cheio
completo, cheio, pleno, inteiro, repleto, lotado
repleto, cheio, empanturrado, saciado, completamente cheio
cheio, carregado, pleno
recheado, cheio, estufado
grosso, espesso, denso, cheio, cerrado, carregado
cheio, prestes a rebentar
repleto, prolífico, cheio, abundante, fértil, apinhado
transbordante, superabundante, cheio, exuberante, super cheio
coberto, cheio, repleto
cheio, corado, rico, rosado, abundante, vigoroso
roliço, carnudo, cheio, categórico, arredondado, amplo
redondo, inteiro, circular, arredond
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Ah, I see, sorry!

Like cheia de merdas

Are you referring to yourself? If so, I certainly agree.

Thank you for your honesty. It shows a real classy guy.

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