Members gap1972 Posted December 11, 2015 Members Posted December 11, 2015 In airport waiting for my flight. It's end of the year again! Brazil time :-) Except for a couple short posts by Pauleiro and tomcal about the saunas, not much else in the past few weeks. Tomcal seems too occupied or something else to share his fun times here. Anyone care to share some sauna Intel? Can't wait to land in Rio tomorrow. With the Real free falling and the recession, hotels in Rio is much more affordable. I manage to book the one right by 117 for 120R a night (monte castelo). However, my favorite Rio sauna has been MM, as I prefer slim twink type. There is a new boy Kaua at looking delicious, wonder if anyone has seen him in any of the saunas. Thanks in advance if anyone cares to share their recent sauna experiences in Rio. Happy holidays, fellow Brazil lovers! axiom2001 1 Quote
Badboy81 Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Enjoy your trip and enjoy your boys....definitely not my type....more for you....! Quote
Members gap1972 Posted December 12, 2015 Author Members Posted December 12, 2015 Hi, Badboy! Wonderful people have various tastes. Thankfully, there are many types available in Brazil, why we come time and time again. It was a long journey to reach Rio. I had a little reaction to something on the plane, perhaps the NyQuil I took before the flight. It usually works as my sleeping pill, but perhaps it works best when you are in a more comfortable lying down position. I woke up covered with cold sweat and felling light headed. Thankfully it went away after a seemingly quite long time. Then there is the connecting flight in São Paulo. The new T4 is being renamed as T1, the old T1 and T2 is now T2. Thankfully there are signs on the shuttle bus and terminal to warn you. At T4, the Azul agent printed my ticket for someone else before me, so I couldn't get in. After reprinting it, still doesn't work. Luckily, with all the problems Brasil is suffering, terrorism is not one of them, the security lady at the entrance just let me in with a smile. I had a laugh with the guy holding the same ticket as mine on board. The wonderful times when terrorism was not a factor in our lives :-) Landing at SDU is a luxury in itself, so many pretty sights. The prepaid taxi to Gloria in terminal is 35R, the regular taxi has a long line waiting. So I just walked out past an overhead bridge and waved down a taxi on the street. It's a 11R ride to Metro Gloria. Checked in hotel at 4pm. The room at hotel monte castelo is small but clean, bed is hard and comfy, so I am quite happy. The sink is really a toy sized sink like someone commented on :-) But hey, it's literally next door to 117! It's Friday, so I decided to go to MM. The hot weather and the sighting of cute Brazilians in the airport is so welcoming:-) As I stepped out of the metro and saw the cathedral few blocks away, the usual buzz and smell from the street, as people heading home on a Friday afternoon, it just feels home! Quite crowded inside, a lot of clients in the changing room, and a lot of boys. A couple familiar faces, mostly new ones. None of the boys I slept with before. There is one in particular my type, but he is a totoal top and quite popular with other clients so no deal :-( A couple others not bad as well, but after seeing the first boy, I decide to keep looking a bit longer. A cute, little thuggish black boy caught my eye and a handshake, a hug, a few kisses, we ended up in the sauna. I am usually attracted to the clean cut twink boys, this boy with his spunky big hair and little thuggish attitude towards other boys is not my usual targets, but he is a great kisser. It's only 100R, why not. He said he is a top, but do a little passivo :-) he is so tight I can't even get in. But it was somewhat fun. Walk around more afterwards, still a few more boys just checking in. Mostly dark boys like before. Run into a fellow member from the discussion board here from a cuuple years ago. What a small world! Still very busy, but I am tired from the travel, decided to call it a day. And what a lovely night, 25 degrees, no need for AC nor blanket. What a welcoming difference from December back home :-) docbr and ihpguy 2 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted December 13, 2015 Author Members Posted December 13, 2015 Cloudy day, perfect for walking. Checked out selaron stairs and walked winding cobble street of Santa Teresa along the street car lines. Didn't get to ride one though, saw a couple passing. Ended the walk on flamingo beach, nice to see little kids playing happily by the water, families simply have a day out. Even though it's cloudy from time to time, still get a burn, and a white shoulder belt mark staring at me when I got home :-) Took a quick nap, then head to 117 around 5:30. It's not too busy yet, about 15-20 boys, less clients. Like before, it's mostly muscular boys. The place filled up quickly in the next hour, a lot of clients came in, boys also steam in now and then. It's always fun sitting by the entrance watching who is coming in :-). There are two boys I like. One is a dark boy, very cute face, a bit too muscular for me and a long tattoo covers half of his top body. But the face wins! However, he is very clear he tops only :-( that leaves the other white twinkish boy, he walked around in his cloth for a long time before finally undressed in the locker area. I sat on one of the benches along the hallway by the boys lockers. He saw me and came over to say hello. Good kisser and seductive smile, I am hooked. He claims to be top first, but agreed to bottom after I told him me too. He asked 200, then quickly lowered to 150 when he saw me questioning the price. Deal. However, his attitude changes once I agreed to get a room. First he locked himself in the shower for a few minutes to wash up, then he complains we are kissing too long, then he refuses to give head saying I have some precum. After I took a quick shower, he did oblige but keep slapping my hand away when I put it on his head or neck. I am not that horny anymore and had a difficult time keeping my hardon. So that ended rather pathetically. Don't see anyone else particularly my type, except for this boy I had a session with in Lagoa. He is ok, but insisted on sucking only with condom the last time, so I am not very eager to do it again. As I put on my cloth to leave around 8:15, a very cute white twink with glasses came in. I am very much attracted to him. It apparently is raining hard outside, as another boy without umbrella came in soaking wet. So I decided to go downstairs again to check out the new boy. His name is Lukas, a little soft in the middle, but still very nice! But he is somewhat distant, not even offering a kiss. He is also top only, after I said I am top too, he is not offering any alternatives, just say let's go. I can't even get a clear answer if he is fine with blowjobs. Then he said he likes us$, if I pay 100$, he will bottom. After the prior experience, I decided to give up. I am waiting a little bit more for the rain to lighten a bit. The bar area is packed, there must be more than 50 boys here tonight, counting the ones left already. Lukas didn't find someone yet, as he saw me waiting by the entrance, he came by again asking me to take his friend up with us, his friend will btm for both of us. Not exactly what I am looking for. He is a cutie though, but not meant to be. Sometimes I wish I were a good bottom, would have had so much more fun! But that's a talent I haven't learned, you lucky ones :-) The owner lady is very nice, the place is very clean. Perhaps I will give it another try on Tuesday. docbr and axiom2001 2 Quote
Members Popular Post gap1972 Posted December 15, 2015 Author Members Popular Post Posted December 15, 2015 I have no photos to post here, but how things change over night :-) it's another I love Brazil moment only 3 days into my trip. First a shout out for hornet app, two years ago I met Raul in São Paulo through it, this year, Jose in Rio. He has the cutest face, among all the men I had the luck to know so far. if only he is taller, he could totally be a model, but he is only 5'7" ish. Which is perfect for me. He works for an insurance company, has photos on his Facebook where he presented for Petrabra clients. And for a 22 yo, he certainly has been to places, Paris, Manchu picchu, south Africa, Disney world not sure which one to name a few. And such a nice boy without any attitude. I messaged two boys close by that I really liked, and Jose responded. Sometimes good things just happen. Only in Brazil. I am already booking a second longer session before he heads to Paris again on Saturday to meet his "amigo". Monday night is MM night. Met two fellow forum participants there around 5:30. There are a lot of boys already, not many clients. Ihpguy said it's the economic depression. But the quality of the boys are not as good, both ihpguy and I agree on that. There is still just that one twink boy I really like, but he is a total top, so not happening with him :-( About 7, a slim smooth black boy caught my eye. He looks cute, fresh and nice. Thiago, I know there are many with that name. He even made a joke about himself when I faked disbelief when he said he is 20. He said, ok, I look like 9 :-) He doesn't, he looks like a teenager though, a good, simple joke even I can understand. It's a fairly good session even though he is not a seasoned bottom. He gives nice head, really tries to bottom, but it apparently hurts a lot. So I couldn't finish. we had a laugh and called it a day. He apologetically gave my dick a kiss before we left the room. Nice touch :-) I am about to leave for the night. A lot more boys came in! I really feel bad for them since they sure outnumbered the clients. The little thuggish boy I had some fun with came to say hello, and looks a little sad when I said not today. Then came in a white guy in his mid 20s. He really stands out among the boys, and mostly dark boys, as he looks well educated, I wouldn't use cute, handsome fits better. I am intrigued but after Jose in the morning, and Thiago just minutes ago, I decided to pass when I saw his middle section is a little soft. But I am surprised when he came over and started talking to me in English! He can totally carry a conversation. This is a first for me, I am quite turned on by this. We ended up in the bar area since he wants a beer. He is from Florianapolis, love women, but don't mind taking a pounding himself to make money. He used to work in logistics, but it only paid 1500 a month. I usually go for young looking slim twinks, but fucking a handsome straight man in his mid 20s seems really hot! He doesn't beg for it like many of the boys, just touching my legs a couple times and caressing my neck and face with his hand, I can smell the light cigarettes from his fingers. I also like his name, Gabriel. I really would never guessed that he likes getting fucked, he looks like a handsome straight mid class working man. To hear him say he would give me a nice blowjob and take it in the ass is a huge turn on. It's his first time in MM, I had to show him where the bar is, how much the going rates are, and we had to ask the attendant where is our room after we decided to go for it. He lives in São Paulo now, sometimes work in Lagoa, just in Rio for some business, heading back tomorrow. We found the room on top floor, and he is not lying, great head, put the condom on for me using his mouth, and take a good pounding without complaining. Afterwards he just lie there said time for a cigarette. As I tell him only in Brazil can you find straight boys gladly getting fucked for money then go back to chasing girls. He laughed and said, yeah, I love pussy and women, it's my instinct. Outside here I am fucking women, sometimes in the ass, but I like pussy better. inside here, I can be your bitch. Then he asked me for another beer, said he need some alcohol and a smoke break before he can take another cock. I gladly bought him another one. The most interesting fun fuck ever :-) A great day filled with sex and fun that can only happen in Brazil! ferrar, floridarob, ihpguy and 6 others 9 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted December 16, 2015 Author Members Posted December 16, 2015 Joined ihpguy for a beach day Tuesday afternoon at ipanema. Forgot my sunblock at hotel, my legs are hurting from the burn this morning. It was hot and water is nice and cool. Saw quite a few lovely boys playing ball by the waves. Perfect beach day. Ihpguy is sensitive to the heat though, he was getting a little dizzy after a couple hours, so we left around 5:30. He still braves to visit 117 since it's the best night there, free cabins :-) I went back to hotel first. Took a shower, relaxed a little. Tired from walking the whole length of copacabana beach and the burn, plus I have a date with Jose Wednesday, I was hesitant whether to go to 117 at all. But this is the only Tuesday I have in Rio, so I decided to go as the clock ticking towards 7. Ihpguy got lucky already and was leaving when I got to the change room. The place is packed. Much busier than Saturday! Quite a few new faces. I immediately noticed Lukas again, standing by the hallway at the entrance in a pair of bright red KC boxer. We smiled at each other. After I changed, he is waiting for me in the hallway outside the change room. The cocky attitude is gone, he is more serious this time. He speaks to me in simple English, and looks like a cute college student, even without his glasses today. Very much my type. The initial price for foreign clients seem to be 200 these days. He is less willing to go for 150 like Philip did the other night. He promise I will like it, even though he doesn't give head without condom. He did offer some kisses to win me over, no French like other boys, so I know he is not as wild. But we have been talking for 5 minutes, I do like him a lot, he lowed to 170, I feel like I would be an ass walking away now, so Lukas it is for tonight. He kisses very softly, and still no french. He pouts a little when he talks, looking very cute to me. Not the wild type in bed, he is very polite and gives good head with a condom. His dick was soft and small when he first took his shorts off, but soon grow quite large as he jerks himself. I was a little surprised at the size. The fucking was good, he is quite tight, I wish it's more "friendly". Perhaps I am overdosing on sex these past few days. Easy to over do it in Brazil :-) he said he will come with me, and he did shoot all over his chest, looking pretty hot. As we showered, he politely fetched my flip flops and towel for me. Nice boy. I gave him 200 anyways. He wants to give me his phone number, but I am not sure I want to do it with him again. I do like him, it must be there had been too much sex, I am spoiled with options. Took a quick walk around, but I'm really done for the night. Plus I need to save my sex drive for Jose, we are going to a love hotel Wednesday. So call it a night. Brazil is wonderful! I have more sex here in a few weeks than I do rest of the year. I should have a sex free day on Thursday to recoup :-) MsGuy 1 Quote
Members ferrar Posted December 17, 2015 Members Posted December 17, 2015 As I tell him only in Brazil can you find straight boys gladly getting fucked for money then go back to chasing girls. It's all very practical. Engage in trade to finance your own [often commercial, and seemingly preferred] romps with the ladies. Don't forget those pesky alimony and child-care payments each month. Those can really add up. It is often said here that the local justice system only works in enforcing those two payments. Indeed skipping out will probably lead to time in a Bangu cell, where, again, the trade appears to be not really their predilection. To add insult to injury, that will probably go uncompensated. All in all, better to head off to the saunas. Quote
Badboy81 Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 Since when is the going rate 200 reais? axiom2001 1 Quote
Members wncdemcub Posted December 17, 2015 Members Posted December 17, 2015 Since when is the going rate 200 reais? Well that was what they were pushing when I was there in Oct but they usually went down to 150 or even 125. On the free room night they were particularly pushy on the 200 number, probably because they might only get a chance at one client that night. I was still able to get them down though. Quote
Members mvan1 Posted December 17, 2015 Members Posted December 17, 2015 The initial price for foreign clients seem to be 200 these days. He is less willing to go for 150 like Philip did the other night. He promise I will like it, even though he doesn't give head without condom. He did offer some kisses to win me over, no French like other boys, so I know he is not as wild. But we have been talking for 5 minutes, I do like him a lot, he lowed to 170, I feel like I would be an ass walking away now, so Lukas it is for tonight. Thanks again for your interesting report. I quoted only a portion of your report because I think the quoted portion needs discussion and clarification with respect to pricing of garotos for foreigners. You wrote "The initial price for foreign clients seem to be 200 these days." I am in Brazil quite a bit (130+ trips to Brazil and usually for two or three weeks at a time). I spend more than half of my Brazil time in Sao Paulo but I also spend time in other Brazilian cities. I was in Rio last month. I am not Brazilian. I have never been asked for R$200 by any garoto in the Rio saunas, or Brazilian saunas in any other city, at any time. I think it is probable that the garotos who asked you for that much money were trying to take advantage of you. Don't forget, just as we talk about garotos, garotos talk about us, the clients. If a garoto told one of his friends that he got R$200 from you, the word would get out that you pay that price. Other garotos negotiating with you will ask you for a similar price. On the other hand, it has been eleven days since I was last in Brazil. Maybe the pricing has increased during that short time period, although I doubt it. The next time a garoto asks you for that much money, laugh at him and tell him he is joking. The garoto knows he is trying to manipulate you. Even though you wrote foreigners, how much do you think Brazilian clients pay garotos for time in the sauna suites? By the way, even at Lagoa, in Sao Paulo (where stunning gorgeous garotos are found) none of them ask for R$200. If that were the current new price, I would certainly know about it. - Badboy81 1 Quote
Badboy81 Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 Well that was what they were pushing when I was there in Oct but they usually went down to 150 or even 125. On the free room night they were particularly pushy on the 200 number, probably because they might only get a chance at one client that night. I was still able to get them down though. I was just in Rio in both July and October and did not pay more than 100 reais....I paid a few 80 to 90 but nowhere near 200.....I guess it depends on the guy and the client.... Quote
Badboy81 Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 Thanks again for your interesting report. I quoted only a portion of your report because I think the quoted portion needs discussion and clarification with respect to pricing of garotos for foreigners. You wrote "The initial price for foreign clients seem to be 200 these days." I am in Brazil quite a bit (130+ trips to Brazil and usually for two or three weeks at a time). I spend more than half of my Brazil time in Sao Paulo but I also spend time in other Brazilian cities. I was in Rio last month. I am not Brazilian. I have never been asked for R$200 by any garoto in the Rio saunas, or Brazilian saunas in any other city, at any time. I think it is probable that the garotos who asked you for that much money were trying to take advantage of you. Don't forget, just as we talk about garotos, garotos talk about us, the clients. If a garoto told one of his friends that he got R$200 from you, the word would get out that you pay that price. Other garotos negotiating with you will ask you for a similar price. On the other hand, it has been eleven days since I was last in Brazil. Maybe the pricing has increased during that short time period, although I doubt it. The next time a garoto asks you for that much money, laugh at him and tell him he is joking. The garoto knows he is trying to manipulate you. Even though you wrote foreigners, how much do you think Brazilian clients pay garotos for time in the sauna suites? By the way, even at Lagoa, in Sao Paulo (where stunning gorgeous garotos are found) none of them ask for R$200. If that were the current new price, I would certainly know about it. - Great feedback....that sounds like an extremely large amount of money compared to what I paid in July and October....I was starting to get worried because of my upcoming trip... My suspicion is exactly what you said, they saw him as an easy mark and told him double the standard price... I do know the prices can go higher if the client is deemed less attractive, a hassle or extremely overweight...BUT that is also not always the case... I would think with the increase of guys out of work and the fewer amount of locals going to the saunas less, the price would actually go down... Ill have more to report in a week or so when Im in Rio.... JAYBLK and mvan1 2 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted December 17, 2015 Author Members Posted December 17, 2015 Thanks for the insider information on pricing. I was hoping to hear about the ongoing price before my trip, but didn't find much updates here. Good to know. I suppose the boys could see me as an easy mark since I speak little Portuguese, comes to Brazil once a year (I try my best, due to limited vacation days) and all my encounters here in MM and 117 are first time. Thanks for your advice, mvan1. I wouldn't know how to say "you are joking", even if I do, that seems a little harsh. For me, 100 at MM and 150 at 117 is rather acceptable. I am certainly not a good bargainer. I have never walked away from a boy if we talked more than a minute and shared a kiss. I don't go to 117 much in previous years, I have always been asked for higher price there. One reason I prefer São Paulo, where the boys are more to my liking, and the asking price has always been 100, with a few smaller twinks asking for 80 at fragata. I never had to bargain there at all. Anyhow, it's very nice for you guys to share the price you pay. Skipped sauna Wednesday since I had a date with Jose in a love hotel right by Metro Gloria. The 4 hour room costs more than nightly price of the hotel, but I don't want to bother with front desk asking if I can have a guest. Love the huge mirror on the ceiling:-) I wouldn't say how much I paid him, but he is even a better boyfriend experience than Raul in São Paulo two years ago, so I paid him accordingly. I have taken two sauna boys and two non-sauna boys into hotels in the past few years, while the sex are all good, the experience with non-sauna boys are certainly more satisfying. Perhaps it has something to do with that they are gay (both times i found them on hornet). There are tender eye contact and gentle touches I just don't find with sauna boys. It's less business like i suppose, those little things make it much more satisfying. Also I get to flip through their Facebook posts, both Raul and Jose have much more colorful life recorded there than maikon and Jesse. For the boys I like enough to take outside sauna, price is not much a concern. After all, I am only doing it a couple times a year, they don't even add up to the plane ticket. I consider myself lucky meeting Raul and Jose at a certain time in their life, when they don't mind share it with me for a few short moments. Raul has been in a happy relationship so he is no longer available. Jose broke up with his boyfriend of 3 years a few months back and is in between jobs. His bad luck opens window of opportunity for me. This is a big reason why I love Brazil, the boys here are very open minded as to sex for money. I know a friend ( never slept with) still enrolled in one of the best universities in São Paulo, he doesn't look down on prostitution at all. He thinks it's a reward for being good looking and taking care of your body. Of course, the price has to be worthwhile. It's just a mindset day and night different from North America. I remember CTV Canada was interviewing people on the street when the Supreme Court Canada ruled that the existing prostitution law in Canada violates the freedom charter of constitution and must be revised. The uglier the person being interviewed, the more outraged they seem to be :-) Jose is flying to Paris on Saturday, so I am planning to get together with him again on Friday if possible. Today is sex free day to recoup :-) mvan1 1 Quote
Members PopeFrancis Posted December 17, 2015 Members Posted December 17, 2015 I was in Porto Alegre at the end of November/early December I was always quoted 100 R$ in a sauna I was quoted 70 R$ and, on one occasion, 60 R$ on the street I did however tip them handsomely for good work - occ giving 200 or 300 R$ I imagine the news got round as I recall one guy, who I was with, getting WhatsApp messages whilst we were together - I was described as the "gringo de Londres" - he said his friends were jealous! That said, no one quoted anything other than 100 R$ The guy told me that they charge Brazilians 50 R$ ...and even then, clients often manage to hammer them down to 40 R$. I did go with one really beautiful guy. He quoted 100 R$. But once we were in the room, he said he'd only be "passivo" for 200 R$. He pulled the same trick again when he spent the night with me. We'd agreed 400 R$. But once we were in bed at my hotel, he starts google translating something along the lines of "I don't normally ejaculate for 400. But I will for 650!". Well I couldn't care less whether he ejaculates or not... but I did think - if this is how your business model, you need to see why it doesn't really work long term. I gave him the 650 R$. He messaged me a number of times telling me he'd be in the sauna again. I saw him there. I ignored him. mvan1 and gap1972 2 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted December 17, 2015 Members Posted December 17, 2015 One of my friends that I sometimes travel with is a great guy but he is very overweight. He only slightly stands out in a crowd in the USA, where obesity is the new normal, but the several times that we travel together to places like Brazil, it's a problem. He gets charged more at the saunas and more for massages, because as the boys have told me, "he's twice as large and twice the work". Actually, come to think of it, he gets charged more by strippers for lap dances in the USA as well, for the same reason. That being said, as mvan1 has eloquently stated, the boys do talk about clients. If the word gets out that a client will pay more (or overpay), the other boys will soon find out, and the price for that client goes up. Similarly, if a client becomes too much work, or is overbearing, or is very easy and relaxed and not too demanding, that word gets around too. The clients you may notice that are holding court and seem to have a harem of garotos attending to their needs, or a revolving door of garotos, tend to fall into the latter category. Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted December 17, 2015 Members Posted December 17, 2015 Gap1972, I loved your reports and laughed that you may have paid too much. Big Deal!! It does not amount to enough to worry about in the overall cost of your trip. Unless of course you are Tomcal where the multiples could add up to a lot.. Many people have over paid in Brazil and other places because we realize how many more times it would cost us in our home country and the quoted price may sound cheap until we have more experience or been warned we are paying too much. The few Western visitors as a % will never really adjust the price by paying a little too much. Most boys will be happy to negotiate. Just one thing there are other places in the World that are just as much fun. Spread your wings! axiom2001 and gap1972 2 Quote
Members JAYBLK Posted December 17, 2015 Members Posted December 17, 2015 One of my friends that I sometimes travel with is a great guy but he is very overweight. He only slightly stands out in a crowd in the USA, where obesity is the new normal, but the several times that we travel together to places like Brazil, it's a problem. He gets charged more at the saunas and more for massages, because as the boys have told me, "he's twice as large and twice the work". Actually, come to think of it, he gets charged more by strippers for lap dances in the USA as well, for the same reason. That being said, as mvan1 has eloquently stated, the boys do talk about clients. If the word gets out that a client will pay more (or overpay), the other boys will soon find out, and the price for that client goes up. Similarly, if a client becomes too much work, or is overbearing, or is very easy and relaxed and not too demanding, that word gets around too. The clients you may notice that are holding court and seem to have a harem of garotos attending to their needs, or a revolving door of garotos, tend to fall into the latter category. Im also a very large guy. I've never been charged more because of more work in Brazil or in the USA. Just another data point. axiom2001 1 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted December 18, 2015 Members Posted December 18, 2015 gap1972, I thank you for taking the time to report here about your time and experiences in "The Marvelous City;" I also thank you for your sincerity and honesty and am enjoying the read very much. Keep reporting (when convenient), and do continue to enjoy the cariocas in one of my very favorite cities in this world of ours. gap1972 1 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Normally I don't post about pricing because it is really up to each individual what he's willing to pay/how good he is at negotiations, etc. At the saunas I pay $100./R I don't tip but I always invite the guy(s) for a drink afterwards and 90% agree while they wait for their net client.. I have never been turned down yet! Now, a lot of the guys know me and my rep. so maybe they are willing to accept less knowing they will get future business, I don't know but in Rio and Porto Alegre a 100.R works. If they are doing a overnight it usually starts at around 9:30 -10:00 after the sauna and we go to dinner and then back to the apartment. The guys usually stay until around noon, and I pay $250-$300.R Normally we never get up in time for breakfast but 1/2 the time they will go to lunch and then leave. For those who hire off the netgay or other sites I think the minimum is $200 - $300 as I have said before I never hire off those sites as a lot of the guys you can find in saunas.(I checked and 4 of the guys I met this last trip were also on netgay and charge2 -3 X what they do in the saunas). I had a guy this last trip who I met in Sao Paulo and I told him the next day I would be going to Rio and he said I can join you there, I have a new car and can drive there in 5 hours. I said "ok, so you will be there from noon on Sunday until 1:00 pm on Tues. he said, "why don't you let me drive you back to S.P.? ' I said that sounded like a plan, and he said $1000.R and 300.R for gas(which turned out to be just about what he spent. So 48 hours cost me $325. U.S. and he drove us all around Rio. and since we had 3 other guys staying over each night he probably had sex 7+ times in that 48 hrs. btw, when I told the guy from S.P. that I had 3 guys staying over on Sunday and Monday nights and showed him their photos he goes "let's go!!" they all ended up getting along really well and I noticed this week they are all friends on FB now and messaged me yesterday asking when in March am I coming back? :-) Quote
Badboy81 Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Normally I don't post about pricing because it is really up to each individual what he's willing to pay/how good he is at negotiations, etc. At the saunas I pay $100./R I don't tip but I always invite the guy(s) for a drink afterwards and 90% agree while they wait for their net client.. I have never been turned down yet! Now, a lot of the guys know me and my rep. so maybe they are willing to accept less knowing they will get future business, I don't know but in Rio and Porto Alegre a 100.R works. If they are doing a overnight it usually starts at around 9:30 -10:00 after the sauna and we go to dinner and then back to the apartment. The guys usually stay until around noon, and I pay $250-$300.R Normally we never get up in time for breakfast but 1/2 the time they will go to lunch and then leave. For those who hire off the netgay or other sites I think the minimum is $200 - $300 as I have said before I never hire off those sites as a lot of the guys you can find in saunas.(I checked and 4 of the guys I met this last trip were also on netgay and charge2 -3 X what they do in the saunas. I had a guy this last trip who I met in Sao Paulo and I told him the next day I would be going to Rio and he said I can join you there, I have a new car and can drive there in 5 hours. I said "ok, so you will be there from noon on Sunday until 1:00 pm on Tues. he said, "why don't you let me drive you back to S.P.? ' I said that sounded like a plan, and he said $1000.R and 300.R for gas(which turned out to be just about what he spent. So 48 hours cost me $325. U.S. and he drove us all around Rio. and since we had 3 other guys staying over each night he probably had sex 7+ times in that 48 hrs. Can I be like you when I grow up? Sounds like an amazing trip....I am looking forward to my upcoming trip and need to try a few 3s or 4s.... ihpguy and axiom2001 2 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted December 18, 2015 Members Posted December 18, 2015 Im also a very large guy. I've never been charged more because of more work in Brazil or in the USA. Just another data point. So, you're special? That's your experience and perhaps even just your perception. I am reporting what I have personally witnessed and what I've been told by sauna workers, strippers and various, sundry escorts / hustlers about my very overweight friend, who is literally more than twice my size (I am 6'2 and weigh around 185). I don't know how big you are, but in any book, my friend is considered obese (even though he is working on it, for his own health). Another Brazil story: a group of us (4), including my very big friend, were going to a party in Salvador and had a driver. The driver refused to pick him up because he was "muito grande" and he was afraid the car's axel would break (whether that is an unreasonable concern is beside the point). He had to get another cab willing to take him, which was his responsibility since we already had a driver. The social and business attitudes about the obese are very different in other cultures from how they are in the States. Back to sauna workers, strippers and escorts: another contributing factor to my big friend's prices are his demands versus his size. He doesn't just want the boy to lie there, he requires them to do more work. This probably greatly contributes to their asking price, as it's a lot more work for them to work around a guy with that much weight on him. BTW, this same friend doesn't complain about whatever price he does pay in Brazil because he knows the quality and price is still FAR better than he could dream of getting otherwise. I think most of us, no matter what our weight or looks may be, feel the same way about Brazil. Quote
Members gap1972 Posted December 18, 2015 Author Members Posted December 18, 2015 This thread is getting busy. Thanks tomcal for sharing the price you pay. Great information to know. I am with firecat on this, the 50 or occasionally 100 extra I pay at 117 is really rounding errors when counting the whole trip. As long as the boy is nice in the room, I don't really care for the extra 20$ Canadian. But knowledge is power :-) I will not pay over 150 at 117 when i visit it again on Saturday. BTW, firecat, what other cities would you recommend? I have been to Prague, Barcelona etc, doesn't compare to Brazil in my opinion. Not much interest for Thailand from what my friend told me. Sex free Thursday didn't work out. Jose is busy on Friday, his last day home before his vacation to Paris, so I ended up asking him for a sleepover Thursday night. I am suffering the empty pillow syndrome right now :-( It was a great night and morning, but I've learned my lesson now. I will never do an overnight again. I don't do drugs or pills, but I imagine this must be how the withdrawal feels after the high. Rather than the pleasant feeling Monday night after MM, and I can barely remember the faces of those boys now, I miss Jose already, it's not a pleasant feeling. Similar, but even worse than how I felt a few years ago after Maikon left the hotel. However, now I do remember those encounters with Maikon fondly. I am sure this will pass soon. Still, Lesson learned, at most a couple hours in a love hotel from now on. No overnight cuddles. MsGuy 1 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 gap1972"he doesn't give head without condom. He did offer some kisses to win me over, no French like other boys, so I know he is not as wild..." I can honestly say I have never had a guy not French kiss and there has not been one in recent memory that made me put a condom on for a BJ! This guy is not a sauna boy or escort, he's just a scammer looking for guys to pay him for doing nothing, imho. in fact this last trip 3 of the guys started off rimming which more guys seem to do now then when I first started going to Brazil 15 years ago. There are many, guys that will do the things you want and do them at 1/2 the price you are paying. One thing I do with a new guy I meet in the sauna is say to them "are you a good kisser" usually without fail they will give you a immediate demonstration of their skills right on the spot! that makes for a good start for the negotiations. good luck on the rest of your trip! Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted December 18, 2015 Members Posted December 18, 2015 Normally I don't post about pricing because it is really up to each individual what he's willing to pay/how good he is at negotiations, etc. At the saunas I pay $100./R I don't tip but I always invite the guy(s) for a drink afterwards and 90% agree while they wait for their net client.. I have never been turned down yet! Now, a lot of the guys know me and my rep. so maybe they are willing to accept less knowing they will get future business, I don't know but in Rio and Porto Alegre a 100.R works. If they are doing a overnight it usually starts at around 9:30 -10:00 after the sauna and we go to dinner and then back to the apartment. The guys usually stay until around noon, and I pay $250-$300.R Normally we never get up in time for breakfast but 1/2 the time they will go to lunch and then leave. For those who hire off the netgay or other sites I think the minimum is $200 - $300 as I have said before I never hire off those sites as a lot of the guys you can find in saunas.(I checked and 4 of the guys I met this last trip were also on netgay and charge2 -3 X what they do in the saunas). :-) It's a balance, but it need not cause any grief or headaches. I think clients should pay what they feel comfortable paying without feeling either ripped off or taking advantage of someone in a compromised situation. If someone puffs their chest out because they can pay 80 reais when another might pay 150, and they think that makes them somehow more attractive, desirable or smart, then that client is just fooling himself. Conversely, paying a garoto 200 reais just to show him that you have more dough than other clients may not necessarily be the sharpest tactic either, because the difference it makes in the quality and quantity of time spent could be negligible. Ultimately, spend what you feel most comfortable, spend what makes you happy and what you can afford. It all evens out in the end. When I am not traveling alone, my travel buddies include some guys on the high-end of big-spender scales (investment bankers, lawyers, surgeons, software engineers, TV producers, screenwriters) all the way to fixed-income retirees, public school teachers, and always broke model/actor/waiter/personal trainers. Everyone's spend and budget varies, but no one ever leaves the sauna or Brazil without a huge smile on their face. The difference between 80 reais ($20 USD) and 150 reais ($38 USD), to me, is very insignificant when I am vacationing, not like if I were investing in commercial real estate by dollar per square foot or short-selling shares on NASDAQ. And I know the difference can mean a lot for the receiver, a lot more than it could for me. However, I fully understand the need for others to be more concerned about the price differences and to make sure that their entertainment / pleasure dollar stretches. MsGuy 1 Quote
Members JAYBLK Posted December 18, 2015 Members Posted December 18, 2015 So, you're special? That's your experience and perhaps even just your perception. I am reporting what I have personally witnessed and what I've been told by sauna workers, strippers and various, sundry escorts / hustlers about my very overweight friend, who is literally more than twice my size (I am 6'2 and weigh around 185). I don't know how big you are, but in any book, my friend is considered obese (even though he is working on it, for his own health). Another Brazil story: a group of us (4), including my very big friend, were going to a party in Salvador and had a driver. The driver refused to pick him up because he was "muito grande" and he was afraid the car's axel would break (whether that is an unreasonable concern is beside the point). He had to get another cab willing to take him, which was his responsibility since we already had a driver. The social and business attitudes about the obese are very different in other cultures from how they are in the States. Back to sauna workers, strippers and escorts: another contributing factor to my big friend's prices are his demands versus his size. He doesn't just want the boy to lie there, he requires them to do more work. This probably greatly contributes to their asking price, as it's a lot more work for them to work around a guy with that much weight on him. BTW, this same friend doesn't complain about whatever price he does pay in Brazil because he knows the quality and price is still FAR better than he could dream of getting otherwise. I think most of us, no matter what our weight or looks may be, feel the same way about Brazil. Perhaps my different experience is related to the fact that I travel alone rather than bringing along someone 6'2 185lbs to underscore my physical limitations. I am fully aware of what a bargain Brazil is and, when necessary or deserved, I happily pay more than is required. Still, I have never been made to feel that my size determines the prices I am offered. I only offered my own data points in case other big guys are reading this and inclined to think they must offer more to get the same treatment as others. It turns out that my cash is perfectly sized. mvan1, SolaceSoul and MsGuy 3 Quote