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AP reports that bay in Rio is still severely contaminated

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"Olympic sailor Erik Heil floated a novel idea to protect himself from the sewage-infested waters he and other athletes will compete in during next year's games: He'd wear plastic overalls and peel them off when he was safely past the contaminated waters nearest shore.

Heil, 26, was treated at a Berlin hospital for MRSA, a flesh-eating bacteria, shortly after sailing in an Olympic test event in Rio in August. But his strategy to avoid a repeat infection won't limit his risk.

A new round of testing by The Associated Press shows the city's Olympic waterways are as rife with pathogens far offshore as they are nearer land, where raw sewage flows into them from fetid rivers and storm drains. That means there is no dilution factor in the bay or lagoon where events will take place and no less risk to the health of athletes like sailors competing farther from the shore.

Rio won the right to host the Olympics based on a lengthy bid document that promised to clean up the city's scenic waterways by improving sewage sanitation, a pledge that was intended to be one of the event's biggest legacies. Brazilian officials now acknowledge that won't happen.



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Just wait.

Some people doubted me when I said that there was no possibility of the bay getting at all in cleaned up in time for the games in past posts. I haven't even let my dogs swim in the bay in about two years.

There were riots on the Avenida Paulista yesterday with tear gas and flying waves of police on foot, motorcycles and SUV's.

UFRJ hospital in Rio on Ilha Fundao near the airport has stopped taking in any patient other than emergencies. No more elective surgeries.

A UERJ hospital that specializes in HIV cases is not taking any new patients and is closing 165 current beds, Third party employees have not been paid in six months, No money for supply purchases either.

It was announced that the athlete's village for the Games will not have air conditioning as there is no money.

UERJ near Maracana has no money to pay third party employees. i.e. Cleaners and security as well as students on scholarship are not getting their money.

And so it goes.

Oh, and Dilma faces impeachment by the legislators. One is Romario, ex-football star and current senator and Cunha, leader of the Camara or House of Representatives, who have both been found to have multiple illegal accounts in Switzerland worth millions.

The Line 4 Metro is supposed to start in June, 2 months before the games. However, they still have 700 meters to drill and they are now in the worst stretch of the whole works to finish. And at least two stations are not close to being done. Gavea/PUC will definitely not be open in time for the games.

Dirty water in Guanabara Bay? It has only been getting worse over the past 3 years. What's a MRSA or worse among some water sports athletes.

This place will be an armed camp if the government wants to avoid what happened on the Avenida Paulista in SP yesterday.

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