Members mvan1 Posted December 5, 2015 Members Posted December 5, 2015 Not that i'm any Kissinger but if the both of you were to sign a solemn oath to put (and keep) the other on ignore, would that bring you both a bit of peace? Although your comment and suggestion are well intended, I must remind you that only a fool makes a deal with the devil. Earlier this year he vowed to ignore me. Then, without warning, he broke his word and nastily responded to a post I made that had nothing to do with him. In other words, he breached his earlier commitment to ignore me. This means that he does not keep his word. It also confirms that he enjoys his role as resident forum internet troll. The term "Internet troll" is defined as - a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers. The highlight of his latest breach is where, for no logical reason, he lashed out at a different poster and called him stupid. That poster had done nothing to deserve being called stupid. His past and present antagonistic behavior confirms that it would be unwise to enter any agreement with a person who has a history of not honoring his word. It is my intention to ignore him in the future unless he again chooses to resume his role as resident internet troll on this forum by making further attacks directed at me. A lot of useful information is exchanged in this forum. Through this forum, many travelers to foreign lands and places benefit from the experience and travels of others. Unfortunately, the exchange of information is occasionally interrupted by a small group of trolls that dislike harmony. These trolls seem to delight in being hostile to others. I wonder what motivates or causes this phenomenon. - Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted December 6, 2015 Members Posted December 6, 2015 Fellow posters and cyber amigos, thanks for supporting me. I, for one, have NOT and do NOT believe in demeaning anyone here as well as in the real world. What enhancement does it bring? Thus, I am NOT going to dignify the remarks mvan1 made in regard to my error and his "blowing it out of proportion" beyond natural limits. I've apologized to the OP; I will not remark about my initial writing anymore. I will NOT participate in a tic for tac caustic game, name calling, the putting down of one over something that is rather insignificant, etc.... To correct myself: I'd meant to write Caribbean (Cuba) instead of Central America. I know Mvan1 does NOT plan to travel there until we Americans can travel there on our own free will, but he apparently does remember our public and private communication about this! I'll let it rest from here! So, guys, let us ALL move on and continue to write helpful and informative comments and pages about what and why this forum was initially formed. Let's continue to support instead of ridiculing and demeaning! Let's try to "AGREE to DISAGREE!" As I told a group of Board members on several occasions, "Leave your egos at the door!" In our case, "don't let our fingers type and post!" Let us ask ourselves if what we're writing any benefit to anyone who reads and/or write here!!!! ferrar, docbr and axiom2001 3 Quote
Members swissmale Posted December 13, 2015 Members Posted December 13, 2015 Although there are no "hustler bars" in Rio, there is a place where is possible to meet working boys. Is a gay disco called "Le Boy", located in Copacabana. It's a regular gay disco but is where some of the finest guys in Rio go looking for some money. It's not a prostitution place per se. It opens at 11 PM and stays open until 5 AM, is huge, several hundred people, maybe a thousand at full capacity and some of the best hustlers in town, put any sauna boy to shame. One important thing to know about Rio/Brazil: is a TV country, the only way to be famous in Brazil is to be a soccer star (before they leave to Europe) or a soap-opera star, if one is a pretty boy only the last option applies. What that has to do with this discussion? If one is pretty, does not have any skills and want a career on TV he cannot work on a sauna or have a picture on a web-site, that is why no drop-dead gorgeous guys can be found at the saunas, if he becomes famous everybody will know of his past and a prostitution background is a major no-no,so where he goes when he still trying and is short in cash? He goes to "Le Boy"! Hundreds of people are there just to have fun, not every good-looking boy is a prostitute, so how do you know? You stare at someone that catches your fancy and he if he stares back at you,and is out of your league, he is a prostitute! Is true that some language skills are helpful, is not in-your-face like a sauna, some of the guys do speak some English and you can even have a test-drive! There is a back-room where a blow-job is a regular occurence and if you really like what you got, you don't have to take him to your place, there is a sauna upstairs with rooms, steam room and everything else. Important: The sauna despite being in the same location of the disco works as a stand-alone bath without working boys. Do not bypass the disco and go to the stand-alone sauna (called "Le Boy Fitness") looking for working boys cause there isn't any. You have to do your chase at the disco! Important about "Le Boy": Although is open 11 PM to 5 AM the back room only opens at 3 AM, do not expect using before, they are smart enough to know is the main attraction and they want you to wait, hopefully drinking! If you are at the disco, the admission to the sauna upstairs is free. On Tuesdays is strip-nights with strippers totally naked (I've only been once on a Tuesday, the strippers not of my liking, just buffy types, no twinks). The admission costs R$15-R$30 reais, depends on the night of the week, Women are admitted but pay more than men, ain't that nice? Local celebrities with a taste for the demi-monde can be seen regularly, occasionally some international one when in town (Rihanna, Naomi). If you are over 35 or 40 at best, do not expect to like the music (techno/trance). The sauna (again: "Le Boy Fitness") opens at 3 PM and stays open until 5 AM. In a good night you will find boys way above what you see at the saunas/web-sites but expect to pay substantially more (R$300 reais and up). Is also convenient for an occasional blow-job very late at night (R$100 reais or so) and you will not regret it. Best nights: weekends including Sundays. During the week Tuesdays is the best nights for hustlers, although not a sure bet. Very helpful, thanks much. I remember when going out of Le Boy (some 2 years ago) at around 2am that there was several guys outside of the bar ostentatiously holding their crotch and sending obvious eye contacts. I also remember some pretty hot guys walking along Ipanema beach road in very tight speedos and who proposed me some services. docbr 1 Quote
Members trzinko Posted December 14, 2015 Members Posted December 14, 2015 there is a bar in ipanema on rua de amoedo. it is defenitely not a hustler bar. however, many gringos bring their night catch for a drink before they leave for the day, and the boys know about the place. the tonemai serves expensive coctails. but the boys usually walk around and they look, if someone, will invite them in and buy them a drink..... repeat, it is not a hustler bar, but you can meet a boy there. also wifi is working. don't forget about grindr. many around. docbr and axiom2001 2 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted December 18, 2015 Members Posted December 18, 2015 Very helpful, thanks much. I remember when going out of Le Boy (some 2 years ago) at around 2am that there was several guys outside of the bar ostentatiously holding their crotch and sending obvious eye contacts. I also remember some pretty hot guys walking along Ipanema beach road in very tight speedos and who proposed me some services. I'm not a huge fan of LeBoy but on one of my recent trips with male and female friends, we went there as it was one place we could all go to enjoy ourselves. When we were leaving the club and hailing a taxi, this really fine, built young man at the corner waved at me and of course, I went over to chat. He immediately said, "sexo?", so I figured he was hustling. I was with a group of friends, male and female, but if I were alone (or even with just one other whorish male friend), I would've went for it! This was in October 2013, on a weekend night around 2-3 am. I haven't been back to LeBoy since even though I've done Rio several times since then, but I'd imagine the street corner action around LeBoy is still about the same. Quote
Members Coogee Posted December 19, 2015 Author Members Posted December 19, 2015 I am amazed how my simple question has been interpreted and misinterpreted ! Unbelievable that people are so engaged that their entries are full of accusations of others ! Back to my question : It seems that escort bars are not the thing in Rio anymore, but it looks like occasional escorts can be picked up inside- outside Le Boy. This has always been the case. Too bad that Maxime's isn't going anymore . It used to be a fun place after a day at the beach . Now people apparently don't go to the gay beach , " The Bolsa" anymore either ! Everything has moved to the Farme. I guess there are still plenty of opportunities to meet gorgeous looking guys in Rio including the saunas . It was easier before , but we will still meet stunning Cariocas ! Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted December 19, 2015 Members Posted December 19, 2015 I am amazed how my simple question has been interpreted and misinterpreted ! Unbelievable that people are so engaged that their entries are full of accusations of others ! Back to my question : It seems that escort bars are not the thing in Rio anymore, but it looks like occasional escorts can be picked up inside- outside Le Boy. This has always been the case. Too bad that Maxime's isn't going anymore . It used to be a fun place after a day at the beach . Now people apparently don't go to the gay beach , " The Bolsa" anymore either ! Everything has moved to the Farme. I guess there are still plenty of opportunities to meet gorgeous looking guys in Rio including the saunas . It was easier before , but we will still meet stunning Cariocas ! I'd be very interested in knowing why the hustler bars and restaurants in Rio have all gone away. Have the politics of the city shifted to the right (this is what closed down all the great hustler and stripper bars in New York City -- when Giuliani came into office)? Was it purely economic? Was it a cultural shift? Or are hustler bars just a thing of the past? They are almost nonexistent now in the USA. There still seems to be one in São Paulo and one in Santo Domingo, DR, both seemingly thriving with patrons. Quote
Guest tomcal Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 there is also one Hustler bar in Porto Alegre that does well, as well as 3 in Prague and I think the one in Madrid and one in Budapest but that is it! I think the internet killed off a lot of the business for many of them in the U.S. and combined with several other things in each of the cities mentioned contributed to their demise. For Example, Corujinhas in Copacabana was next door to the gay disco, when that closed down a lot of guys that were going to the disco later who would make some extra money beforehand at Corujinhas stopped coming. The gay bar in Ipanema that was mentioned ToNemAi, is not a hustler bar, but a regular gay bar a block and half in from the beach on Farme de Amoedo, and is packed on Thurs to Sunday nights with the crowd spilling into the street, I have picked guys up there TWICE, out of many trips there! both times it happened I was by myself, sitting at the small tables by the railing along the sidewalk where the smokers go. A guy sitting with a friend kept staring at me and finally I waved him over and he needed to make some money to go out with his friend, so we agreed on a price and my apartment is only 2 blocks from the bar, so we left, and had a great time. but definitely wouldn't plan on finding someone there. I was there a month ago but was with the 4guys that were staying with me and I did look around but everyone appeared to be in 2's and 4's or more there were no single guys there at that time. Quote
Guest tomcal Posted December 22, 2015 Posted December 22, 2015 I was asked in a email what the hustler bars were/names/cities. Here they are: Porto Alegre -- Bar Mixx Madrid ---Black & White Prague -- Temple, Little Temple(Montys') and Drakes Budapest -- Action Bar Of the above, the only one I can recommend with a certainty is Bar Mixx, on a Friday night by 11:00 pm usually will have 30+ guys working Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted December 22, 2015 Members Posted December 22, 2015 There are easily 50 of them in Thailand. Quote
Members scott456 Posted January 7, 2016 Members Posted January 7, 2016 .... the admission to the sauna upstairs is free. This is not true. You still have to pay R40 to get in the sauna section even if you already paid to get in the disco.Local celebrities with a taste for the demi-monde can be seen regularly, occasionally some international one when in town (Rihanna, Naomi).. I went to Le Boy almost every night for 10 days nonstop last month. It is a nice big place, but very empty EVERY night, no more than 50 people on any night. The crowd is mostly girly gays. Celebrities? I did not see anyone that could possibily be a celebrity. Quote
Members JAYBLK Posted January 7, 2016 Members Posted January 7, 2016 I'd be very interested in knowing why the hustler bars and restaurants in Rio have all gone away. Have the politics of the city shifted to the right (this is what closed down all the great hustler and stripper bars in New York City -- when Giuliani came into office)? Was it purely economic? Was it a cultural shift? Or are hustler bars just a thing of the past? They are almost nonexistent now in the USA. There still seems to be one in São Paulo and one in Santo Domingo, DR, both seemingly thriving with patrons. HUSTLER BARS seem to be yet another industry disrupted by the Internet. The web offers a larger and more private market for buyers and for sellers. Sadly, the same may happen to the saunas. All agree that these places exist because of the locals, not for us. The worsening economic conditions in Brazil and the inevitable loss of clientele to Grinder, Romeo etc, may mean that the saunas as we have known them won't survive the recession. Badboy81 1 Quote
Badboy81 Posted January 9, 2016 Posted January 9, 2016 HUSTLER BARS seem to be yet another industry disrupted by the Internet. The web offers a larger and more private market for buyers and for sellers. Sadly, the same may happen to the saunas. All agree that these places exist because of the locals, not for us. The worsening economic conditions in Brazil and the inevitable loss of clientele to Grinder, Romeo etc, may mean that the saunas as we have known them won't survive the recession. I don't see saunas going anywhere....they make a ton of money...I have been to Rio outside of holiday periods and you take into account the cost of entry and the cost for renting a suite and even without the tourist dollars, they do well... I think we forget about the standard of living and standard of products in our countries versus in Brazil.... Services are very inexpensive so the labor/workers in the sauna is cheap compared to what we would pay for hotel workers here in the states Also take into account that the escort/male prostitute thing is completely different in Brazil than here in the states... Yes you can find hot boys on some of the apps but if you don't speak Portuguese, it's not happening AND those guys tend to be gay versus the sauna workers who many consider themselves gay and actually WORKING a job.... From all the trips I have taken in Rio...I have only seen a handful of the sauna guys in "gay" places like Ipanema beach or in front of the gay bars...the vast majority of them look at the saunas like a job Quote
Members scott456 Posted January 9, 2016 Members Posted January 9, 2016 Yes you can find hot boys on some of the apps but if you don't speak Portuguese, it's not happening AND those guys tend to be gay versus the sauna workers who many consider themselves gay and actually WORKING a job.... From all the trips I have taken in Rio...I have only seen a handful of the sauna guys in "gay" places like Ipanema beach or in front of the gay bars...the vast majority of them look at the saunas like a job No, I think the majority of the sauna boys are only gay for pay. Thus, there is no reason for them to hangout at other gay places.Why do you think Club 117 only play straight porn in the porn room and in suites. Those guys need to see pussies to get erection. Quote
Members JAYBLK Posted January 9, 2016 Members Posted January 9, 2016 I hope you guys are right about the staying power of the saunas. The economic recession that will become a depression after the Olympics stimulus is over will reduce the capacity of at least some local clients to pay for their fun. The more experienced posters here ofte make reference to a golden age of saunas when there were many more of them. I hope those that remain are so wildly profitable that they survive. Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 9, 2016 Posted January 9, 2016 A couple of points, and let me state this is not a scientific study, just my opinion from coming to Brazil for the past 15 years, usually 4 sometimes 5 times a year. also based on my "extensive" visits to the hustler bars in NYC, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, L.A. , etc in the 90's thru 2005 . There is one more sauna at the present time then there was in Rio in 2001 when i started coming here! True there has been up to 6 open at one time,ithink it was around 2006 or 7, but they never seemed to stay open that long. 117 has been there the whole time and Pointe opened in i believe late 2002, possibly 2003. The average has been 3 rent boy saunas and it is that way today, Meo Mundo, 117 and Pointe 202. the one difference is that both Pointe and Meo Mundo now have the same owners. Again, foreigners make up a miniscule portion of the business/revenue for the saunas. They are dependent on LOCALS to stay open! So whether the olympics are boom or bust for the overall economy will have little effect on the long term survival of the suanas! The Brazilian economy will detirmine the survival. Right now they are suffering with them having 1 or 2 busy nights and the rest slow. Given their profitability they can survive for the time being. Unlike NYC and the demise of both the Gaiety and Stellas, etc, that was driven by both Real estate values(there are no really bad/low rent areas in Manhatten anymore, just look at Hell's Kitchen now compared to 20 years ago. and Prostitution is illegal.. Not so in Brazil where prostitution is legal. I was afraid that the hot real estate market would eliminate the cheaper rents that the saunas needed to function but with the precipitates drop in real estate prices in rio recently, this is maybe a few years off now. there is and will be for awhile a huge minimum wage population relative to the overall population compared to the U.S. and Europe which supplies the workers for the saunas. Probably somewhere around 75% of the guys working in the saunas work there for 6 months to a year, usually around the ages of 19 -21 before moving into a "normal" type employment. but with the economy in the toilet this has changed this year! i can tell you that i have gotten at least 20+ different guys that left the sauna business to take regular jobs 3, 4, 5 years ago that have contacted me in the last few months wanting to know when I was going to be back in Brazil and did i want to see them because they have lost their jobs. Quote
Badboy81 Posted January 9, 2016 Posted January 9, 2016 No, I think the majority of the sauna boys are only gay for pay. Thus, there is no reason for them to hangout at other gay places. Why do you think Club 117 only play straight porn in the porn room and in suites. Those guys need to see pussies to get erection. Not at all bro...I have seen a few of the guys out on the beach with their friends (the gay beach, Ipanema) and I know for a fact one of the sauna boys has a boyfriend.... I think the majority of them area gay for pay but there are a few ladybugs....And keep in mind for major holidays, you have boys that who don't work in the saunas full time that will work to make money because of the influx of tourists...I had at least one on my last trip.... They play straight porn because its Brazil and its part of the culture.....some things have and will always be what they are Quote
Badboy81 Posted January 9, 2016 Posted January 9, 2016 I hope you guys are right about the staying power of the saunas. The economic recession that will become a depression after the Olympics stimulus is over will reduce the capacity of at least some local clients to pay for their fun. The more experienced posters here ofte make reference to a golden age of saunas when there were many more of them. I hope those that remain are so wildly profitable that they survive. Golden age when there was many more would mean?? The majority of the main saunas are still open with a few that have fallen by the wayside...the main players are still in play....I can think of a few that have closed and that is since I started traveling in about 2004.... Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 9, 2016 Posted January 9, 2016 Not at all bro...I have seen a few of the guys out on the beach with their friends (the gay beach, Ipanema) and I know for a fact one of the sauna boys has a boyfriend.... I think the majority of them area gay for pay but there are a few ladybugs....And keep in mind for major holidays, you have boys that who don't work in the saunas full time that will work to make money because of the influx of tourists...I had at least one on my last trip.... They play straight porn because its Brazil and its part of the culture.....some things have and will always be what they are I agree with Badboy81, it is a cultural thing and i think that Brazil is very unique regarding the 'fluidity' of their sexuality! Do a majority go on to a straight heterosexual lifestyle once they live the saunas and as they enter their mid/late 20's? yes i believe so. but i can tell you that in the 4 and 5 ways i have at the apartment, there have been numerous times, actually more then 1/2 where after we are done and falling asleep 2 of the guys will again start fooling around or go to the second bedroom to fuck and it's two of the 'straight' guys who have GF's that they called hours earlier to say they wouldn't be home tonight! it has happened alot over the last 15 years! to put it simply, brazilians just like sex with whoever is handy at the time...maybe i am totally off base on this, but it's my belief based on what i have observed/participated in while in Brazil. Quote
Members JAYBLK Posted January 9, 2016 Members Posted January 9, 2016 Golden age when there was many more would mean?? The majority of the main saunas are still open with a few that have fallen by the wayside...the main players are still in play....I can think of a few that have closed and that is since I started traveling in about 2004....I was referring to the days when Rio had 5-6 rent boy sauna owners rather than just two. My point is only that right now there are people being employed to build stadiums, improve infrastructure, refurbish hotels etc. when the Olympics are done, those people will go back into the regular economy and either not find jobs or push others into unemployment. That will mean more guys in the saunas and it will mean fewer locals with the income necessary to play with the same frequency. Some of both groups will turn to the web and never come back. Again, I hope I'm wrong about this. Quote