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Guanabara Bay - Too much, too late

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Who would have imagined that Rio's bay, is as it is?

Most of us know that the Olympics will come to Brazil in less than one year. Incredibly, 28 tons of trash were recently removed from the bay, where some of the Olympic events will be held.

According to the below cited artilce, there is still more rubbish to remove -

Take a look at this - - - - - -



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What a lousy article. Load of shit.

mvan1 must not have been reading any of my posts concerning Guanabara Bay.

Since they closed the landfill and have yet to open the new one in Seropedica, I think the figure is either 2 tons or 10 tons of garbage from trucks is dumped daily into Guanabara Bay. A report that 3.5 tons only during the sailing test events means that they metropolitan government is falling further behind.

And of course no mention of the diseases that continue to make the competitors sick.

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And at the end of the article, do not put credit to the 49% figure. The Boys lie, ans so do the politicians; as in the world over. The water is as dirty as ever. One need only take a look at the canal/open sewer running down the center of Avenida Presidente Vargas, that goes past the Maracana and Rodoviaria Novo Rio bus station before starting in the hills.


There was an interview that I made reference to in a post a month or two back, with someone from the Olympic committee, that there was no way that the bay could have been cleaned up for the Olympics. Why? The same 500 Million that was budgeted for Guanabara Bay was also budgeted for the Deodoro facilities where they will have equestrian, pentathlon, canoe slalom, BMX and shooting.

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MVAN considers himself an expert on everything because he can read. I have said many times , non residents have no idea what really goes on in a country that they are a visitor in. Even if they are 100% Fluent in the language the residents will still never speak completely honestly to a visitor. And of course it is very rare when a visitor is perfectly fluent in a foreign language.

Trying to understand foreign citizens is impossible and only the foolish think they can. Bad enough when government representatives from foreign countries think they understand the the workings of a foreign society. Most visitors would have no intention of moving to Brazil .

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I agree. Shoot, we, in the South, are often misunderstood by "others" and vice versa. Nevermind the US and the UK, separated by a common language.

Best regards,


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MVAN considers himself an expert on everything because he can read.

Your allegation is one of the dumbest, know-it-all type remarks posted to this forum.

Thanks for acknowledging that I can read. Maybe one of these days you also might learn to read sufficiently so that you will not repeatedly misinterpret things I and other posters contribute to this forum.

I will resume ignoring you in the future unless you repeat with another attack at something I post.


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Both of you, don't do this. We need each other, with or without disagreements of content.


Best regards,


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Your allegation is one of the dumbest, know-it-all type remarks posted to this forum.

Thanks for acknowledging that I can read. Maybe one of these days you also might learn to read sufficiently so that you will not repeatedly misinterpret things I and other posters contribute to this forum.

I will resume ignoring you in the future unless you repeat with another attack at something I post.


Really ? Lets see I can listen to a resident who speaks the language or a visitor who has no ability to have meaningful conversations with Brazilians.

Easy Choice!!

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Really ? Lets see I can listen to a resident who speaks the language or a visitor who has no ability to have meaningful conversations with Brazilians.

Easy Choice!!

I said I would ignore you unless you made another attack at something I post.

You don’t know me and I don’t know you. The only thing I know about you is based on the numerous contradictions that you post to what I write in this forum. I cannot understand what motivates you to behave as you do.

Your contradictions are often illogical. They demonstrate that many things you read are beyond the scope of your comprehension. They also confirm that you are a disagreeable person. Your latest illogical statement is shown in your response and quoted above in the heading of this post and below, highlighted.

In addition to your not knowing me, you don’t know anyone I know in Brazil or how many long-term friends I have in Brazil or how much time I spend in Brazil. Therefore, your illogical comment - “Lets see I can listen to a resident who speaks the language or a visitor who has no ability to have meaningful conversations with Brazilians.”

Based on many of the things you have written in this forum, it is obvious that everything must be your way, without any compromise on your part. Your opinions are the only opinions that matter (in your mind).

For purposes of harmony and getting along in this forum, I often read things that are not accurate. Unlike you, I don't resort to personal attacks at those who wrote the inaccuracy. However, in your case, I must be blunt in order to penetrate your defensive armor that prevents you from being civil.

I conclude this response with a quote from a famous philosopher who wrote “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”


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I might be better not to cut and paste erroneous information.

Is there something that was cut and pasted in this thread? I looked but didn't see anything cut and pasted.

I saw a link that you had posted to the Daily Mail - (post # 3 above)


Is there something in the Daily Mail article that was erroneous and cut and pasted?

Then there was the link I posted - (post # 1 above)

http://riotimesonlin...(The Rio Times)

I was not aware that the news sources cut and pasted erroneous information.

If you have time, I appreciate your pointing out where cut and pasting occurred and where it is erroneous.

Much obliged.


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Sorry Sybil. I'm not a pro like yourself. You are the expert at nomenclature. LINK is the word. My bad. Yes and it is a false report. As false as some handles on this site.

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Is there something that was cut and pasted in this thread? I looked but didn't see anything cut and pasted.

I saw a link that you had posted to the Daily Mail - (post # 3 above)


Is there something in the Daily Mail article that was erroneous and cut and pasted?

Then there was the link I posted - (post # 1 above)

http://riotimesonlin...(The Rio Times)

I was not aware that the news sources cut and pasted erroneous information.

If you have time, I appreciate your pointing out where cut and pasting occurred and where it is erroneous.

Much obliged.


IPHGUY has got you figured out . You are an expert on everything in your own mind and in reality you are nothing but a Sex Tourist in Brazil and have no idea of what really goes on there.

Unlike you even though I have been to Brazil many time , I do not pretend to understand what goes on in the country beyond the reason I am there which is as a Tourist.

Your problem is you think you are an expert on everything because you read articles online where you have no idea about the publication or the author of the article. Then you spew the BS in the article back on this Forum like it is Gospel.

It is not and you arguing with a long term resident of Brazil who is fluent in Portuguese just shows what an undeserved high opinion you have of yourself.

It would be more appropriate if you posted personal experiences here instead of bloviating about articles you read.

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Sorry Sybil. I'm not a pro like yourself. You are the expert at nomenclature. LINK is the word. My bad. Yes and it is a false report. As false as some handles on this site.

The supposed false report is this link:


A normal person would read the above cited article and either accept the information or reject it. It is that simple.

However, in your case, you did neither. Instead, you claimed the article is false and you repeated your assertion in your most recent post (above). More strange is the fact that you initially wrote that I had “cut and pasted” the article in a post to this forum.

The above cited article is from a reputable news source. The article discusses problems associated with contamination of the waters off of Rio de Janeiro.

Despite the fact that you claim to be a retired florist and not a scientist nor one who works with the agencies in Rio that are attempting to resolve the water pollution, you flatly insisted that the article I cited is “false” (see your above quoted response).

If you are a retired florist, as you claimed, with no related training or experience in ocean water pollution, for

you to insist that you know more than scientists and agencies that are currently working to resolve the water problem is ridiculous.


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IPHGUY has got you figured out . You are an expert on everything in your own mind and in reality you are nothing but a Sex Tourist in Brazil and have no idea of what really goes on there.

Unlike you even though I have been to Brazil many time , I do not pretend to understand what goes on in the country beyond the reason I am there which is as a Tourist.

Your problem is you think you are an expert on everything because you read articles online where you have no idea about the publication or the author of the article. Then you spew the BS in the article back on this Forum like it is Gospel.

It is not and you arguing with a long term resident of Brazil who is fluent in Portuguese just shows what an undeserved high opinion you have of yourself.

It would be more appropriate if you posted personal experiences here instead of bloviating about articles you read.

Such a nasty, hostile and silly post.

That iphguy poster does not know me and I do not know him (just as I don't know you either).

All I know of either of you is from the argumentative and disoriented posts made by him and by you. Therefore, it is laughably presumptuous for either of you to claim anything about my motives and/or beliefs.

I never claimed to be an expert on Brazil. You and your hallucinatory friend made that up.

Because the ihpguy character moved to Rio, it appears that he expects visitors to Brazil to look to him for all answers concerning Brazil. It is he who wants to be considered the expert about Brazil.

He claims to be a retired florist. I was not aware that a florist could move to Brazil and suddenly become an expert just because he moved there. Many people in Brazil, even Brazilian natives, do not have a clue about local issues.

As I wrote, you and your friend do not know me. Despite not knowing me, you stated that I am "nothing but a Sex Tourist in Brazil" which is false. Considering some of your prior posts on this forum, wherein you discussed the type of effeminate, very young and skinny males that you pursue in your travels, your assertion is irrational.

Through many posts to this forum, I shared my knowledge of Brazil that I gained from more than one-hundred trips there and much time spent there. Most forum users were helped from my information.

I wrote in my response to the iphguy character that it is obvious why this forum has such little traffic compared to similar forums. When posters like you and the iphguy character repeatedly and unjustifiably attack posters, potential posters tend to shy away and not participate.

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You are beyond a joke. On this thread:

"The disgruntled are after the wrong person"

Every single poster disagreed with you but of course according to you, you know better. You finally gave up in that thread when you could not find anybody to agree with you.

That is typical of any of your Non Tourist posts. When you post about personal tourist experiences , you provide useful personal experience.

When you post links to news articles that you have no way of knowing their veracity and then pretend anyone who disagrees with your theory must be wrong , your posts are useless.

I can print news articles from all over the world on Front Pages of newspapers where the story ended up completely false.

But with you any links you provide must be Gospel. Ridiculous!

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You are beyond a joke. On this thread:

"The disgruntled are after the wrong person"

Every single poster disagreed with you but of course according to you, you know better. You finally gave up in that thread when you could not find anybody to agree with you.

That is typical of any of your Non Tourist posts. When you post about personal tourist experiences , you provide useful personal experience.

When you post links to news articles that you have no way of knowing their veracity and then pretend anyone who disagrees with your theory must be wrong , your posts are useless.

I can print news articles from all over the world on Front Pages of newspapers where the story ended up completely false.

But with you any links you provide must be Gospel. Ridiculous!

You are not an asset to this forum.

You are causing people to leave this forum and/or not participate.

I have received communications from other posters about the negative effect you have on this forum. Many will not post anything to this forum because of you and/or your hallucinatory friend that lives in Rio.

OZ spends money to run this forum. At the same time, the behavior of you and that nut in Rio, drive people away. Eventually, the site will close due to lack of traffic. Unfortunately, your behavior will be a major contributing factor for the closure.

I will let you have the last word (word, in your case = nonsensical babbling).

What a miserable person you are. And, not a bright one, either.


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Possibly you should look in the mirror! Quote "Considering some of your prior posts on this forum, wherein you discussed the type of effeminate, very young and skinny males that you pursue in your travels, your assertion is irrational. " I don't remember commenting on your preference for Muscle Hunks. See if you can find a link for that??

Typical attack from you is the above sentence.

You are delusional. I have posts here on boys in Spain, Portugal, Poland, Budapest, Prague Bogota, Medellin etc etc with photos.

You won't find many skinny effeminate boys except in Thailand and I have tons of replies thanking me for the information I have provided.

I don't see anyone thanking you for your ridiculous links to newspapers.

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On this thread:

"The disgruntled are after the wrong person"

Every single poster disagreed with you but of course according to you, you know better. You finally gave up in that thread when you could not find anybody to agree with you.

.... and you arguing with a long term resident of Brazil who is fluent in Portuguese ....

I don't post often but I'll just weigh in here and say that i was a bit disappointed that, after my point-by-point on-the-ground rebuttal against the absolutely erroneous thesis that somehow Dilma had no responsibilitity for the current economic crisis, that mvan1 did not concede the point.

Still, we can and will disagree on whether that is or is not an impeachable offense. (Clearly, most Brazilians have indicated that it is, as per the specific pollling responses to that very question.)

When you post about personal tourist experiences , you provide useful personal experience.

I certainly agree with this.

What a lousy article. Load of shit.

.... must not have been reading any of my posts concerning Guanabara Bay.

Since, from what I understand ihpguy actually lives off of Guanabara Bay, and has for the better part of a decade, I would certainly defer to him on this topic.

The supposed false report is this link:


The above cited article is from a reputable news source. The article discusses problems associated with contamination of the waters off of Rio de Janeiro.


This could be the problem. Riotimesonline is hardly a reputable news source.

Why not read Folha, Estadao, Valor Economico, and OGlobo, to name a few and not just one but at least two for varying perspectives.

If you are a retired florist, as you claimed, with no related training or experience in ocean water pollution, for

you to insist that you know more than scientists and agencies that are currently working to resolve the water problem is ridiculous.


I don't care if ihpguy is a retired pimp.

But like many others I sure hope he sticks around and continues to contribute to this forum. As long as he does, both for his on-the-ground perspectives, and yes sometimes colorful way of expressing them, I and many others will continue to tune in, which will surely continue to support the site's traffic numbers.

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I live on an island in Guanabara Bay. I bought my place in January 2004. Retired here permanently in 2009. I see the bay daily. I take the ferries at least 4 days weekly, and usually more. I read, write and speak Portuguese.

Go ahead and castrate me for mixing up the lingo for link and cut and paste. True, I am a retired wedding florist. But that is not what I studied at university. And I am definitely not a PhD (PILED HIGHER AND DEEPER) in accountancy.

We have gone through the dead fish stages here that are now taking place this weekend in Jacarepagua Lagoon right in front of the Olympic Park. And have many times taken place at Rodrigo de Freitas were the rowing, sculls and canoe will take place. I have seen the vast groupings of dead fish with my own eyes. Smelled them as well. I have read up on the matter in O Dia and O Globo papers. And as I live on Guanabara Bay, I take a very personal interest in the works to clean up the bay. And that is since I bought here in 2004. I do have friends here who are not just rentboys.

So I do have a bit of experience on certain matters.

When it comes to rentboys and saunas I definitely defer to those with more experience. As to the the civil engineering and city planning involved in the preparations for next year, I am very well read.

I didn't know I ever was rumored to be a retired pimp. But thanks to the professor for the props.

This isn't my 127 trip to Brasil. Actually, who the fuck cares? I do live here and have permanently for the last six years.

Guest riosul77

Mvan, you really do provide some useful posts, I think they do provide some helpful tourist info to first time visitors. I believe, Firecat acknowledged this (in the interests of balance). You travel to Brasil frequently and have probably found out some of these tips from trial and error and pass on your experience as a frequent visitor with useful detail. Of course, you can add commentary on any subject you wish, that is, of course, your perogative. But Brazilian society, societal norms, politics, priorities, are pretty complex. I would never think of commenting, even armed with quotes gleaned from google, on China society / politics; just to use an example....way to foreign to me. Personally I think Riotimes is not a great source. Best read by expat bimbo blonds,the white SUV group in Leblon , too dumb and to lazy to learn portuguese.

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I have a friend visiting from Munich who just arrived yesterday. He has spent 4 days in Sao Paulo and couldn't get over how great the center of the city looked near the Avenida Paulista. He hasn't been here for a bit over 3 years. He has been coming to Rio de Janeiro for 26 years so he a long history with this country. He has stayed with me many times over the past ten years. I had warned him how polluted Guanabara Bay had become. I don't think he believed me. He does now. The municipal government might have advertised that they had pulled 3.5 tons of refuse from the bay last week. But that was last week. There was more garbage floating in the bay than I have seen in quite a while yesterday afternoon.

I think the hospitalized German sailing competitor is kind of proof that the Games organizers have dropped the ball. It is impossible to protect oneself from the polluted water and be competitive.

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