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Guest rio2015sep

Visiting brazil and looking for another S.A. country to visit

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Guest rio2015sep

Hi Guys,

I'm obviously new to this site and would be interested in some opinions and facts. If i can ever return the favor, you can ask me anything about many countries in S.E. Asia.

I'm 40 years old with a few extra kilos. Not interested in saunas...those extra kilos made me shy I guess.

The reason for my S.A. trip is boys. I like twinks 18-21 and I prefer to pay. Not because I always have too, but it makes things much easier. When money is involved, both parties know where they stand.

Sadly enough, i can only find hunks, muscle and older guys online. I mean, the escorts and the massage places all advertise those categories. This is a problem I face all over the world. There are a few exceptions like "Tokyo Kids" (I wonder who feels it's necessary to comment about that name- all 18 plus!)

Mid September I will arrive in RIO and I'm looking for a place near the street trade. Since I'm not sure where the street trade is, you guys might have some ideas considering my preference.

Also, i have a whole month to spend this holiday, so why not visit another country? Colombia was on my list for a long time, but Venezuela might be interesting too. My choice will greatly depend on the availability of Twinks :-)

Even though I like the street trade, organized prostitution is always best and safest. Thailand is a great example with it's go-go bars. I imagine that something like that cannot be found in S.A., right?

I'll keep reading thread on the forum, but I wanted to create my own thread because these are questions specific to my case.

Thanks all for helping me along.

Guest tomcal

I would suggest getting over your shyness and go to the saunas, bigger selection you'll find what you're looking for there(based on your preferred type I would suggest mao mundo being your first stop)and safe and no one's going to notice your extra kilos those because the majority of clients also have similiar issues. I never have seen the boys discriminate based on weight Of clients! in Rio I think you'll be disappointed with the street scene! trying to find what you're looking for Cruising for twinks i wouldnt recommend on the street

Guest tomcal

I would suggest getting over your shyness and go to the saunas, bigger selection you'll find what you're looking for there(based on your preferred type I would suggest mao mundo being your first stop)and safe and no one's going to notice your extra kilos those because the majority of clients also have similiar issues. I never have seen the boys discriminate based on weight Of clients! in Rio I think you'll be disappointed with the street scene! trying to find what you're looking for Cruising for twinks i wouldnt recommend on the street

Guest rio2015sep

Hi Tomcal,

I can only find New Meio Mundo. Is that it?

I'm surprised that there isn't a street scene to speak of. This must mean that there are other venues to find trade. What about bars? Any that are frequented buy rent-boys? I'm not a fan of online dating but what would be a good app to have in Brazil? My Spanish is pretty good and I'm working hard on Portuguese.

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  On 8/21/2015 at 7:02 AM, rio2015sep said:

Hi Guys,

I'm obviously new to this site and would be interested in some opinions and facts. If i can ever return the favor, you can ask me anything about many countries in S.E. Asia.

I'm 40 years old with a few extra kilos. Not interested in saunas...those extra kilos made me shy I guess.

The reason for my S.A. trip is boys. I like twinks 18-21 and I prefer to pay. Not because I always have too, but it makes things much easier. When money is involved, both parties know where they stand.

Sadly enough, i can only find hunks, muscle and older guys online. I mean, the escorts and the massage places all advertise those categories. This is a problem I face all over the world. There are a few exceptions like "Tokyo Kids" (I wonder who feels it's necessary to comment about that name- all 18 plus!)

Mid September I will arrive in RIO and I'm looking for a place near the street trade. Since I'm not sure where the street trade is, you guys might have some ideas considering my preference.

Also, i have a whole month to spend this holiday, so why not visit another country? Colombia was on my list for a long time, but Venezuela might be interesting too. My choice will greatly depend on the availability of Twinks :-)

Even though I like the street trade, organized prostitution is always best and safest. Thailand is a great example with it's go-go bars. I imagine that something like that cannot be found in S.A., right?

I'll keep reading thread on the forum, but I wanted to create my own thread because these are questions specific to my case.

Thanks all for helping me along.

The recommendation from tomcal relative to your shyness over visiting the Brazilian saunas is an excellent suggestion. As he said, your concern over extra weight is not an issue in the Brazilian saunas. Clients in the Brazilian saunas come in all shapes and sizes.

You mentioned street trade as an alternative to meeting garotos in the saunas. While it is possible that you could meet garotos on the street, it is extremely dangerous to chose the street trade over the safety of meeting garotos in the saunas.

In the saunas, it is unlikely that you will be robbed or worse. You have the protection of other garotos who want to protect their ongoing income derived from working in the sauna. You also have the protection of management and sauna employees who would expel any garoto who tried to harm a client while in the saunas. Remember, most garotos depend on working in the saunas for a major portion of their income. They do not want trouble in the saunas because trouble can cause clients to stay away from the saunas, which is not good for business.

On the other hand, if you were to choose the “street trade” for meeting garotos, you have little to no protection for safety.

In Rio, the street trade, unless you know the areas well, is especially dangerous for a “gringo” which we (as foreigners) are classified while in Brazil.

The street trade in Sao Paulo is less dangerous than the street trade in Rio. In Sao Paulo, the areas of street trade are usually patrolled by the police which tend to lessen the danger of being robbed while on the streets negotiating with a potential garoto.

There are one-hour motels in most large cities in Brazil where you can take a garoto that you meet from the street trade. Those hourly hotels require garotos to leave their identification at the front desk as a safety to the client. The garoto retrieves his identification when you both leave the hotel, assuming that you, the client, are okay when you both leave.

If you decide that you cannot accept the sauna as your method to meet garotos and if you decide that the street trade is the method you will use, NEVER, ever take a garoto from the streets to your regular hotel (even if the hotel will allow a garoto to your room). While you are together in your regular hotel room with a garoto from the streets, anything can happen, especially bad things. I do not mean at one-hour hotels - I mean if you can get a street trade garoto into your regular hotel room you loose a major safety factor.

If you meet a garoto in the saunas (rather than on the street) and after you get to know the garoto a while) you can invite that garoto to your hotel (with relative safety).

You mentioned the possibility of visiting another South American country during your upcoming one-month long trip to Brazil. Rather than visit another country, why not visit other cities in Brazil? Sao Paulo is only one hour away from Rio via aircraft. Porto Alegre, depending on the routing you take, can be reached in about two hours via aircraft. Those two cities are very different from Rio.

Those two cities also have saunas that are great, but above all, are safe. Porto Alegre, in addition to the two saunas found in that city, has a fun hustler bar that gets busy after the saunas business slows down in the evening.

I have visited Brazil 127 times and I will be returning again in mid September for trip number 128. My many trips to Brazil have taught me things that only time and exposure can teach one.

On another note, you mentioned the possibility of two other countries, Colombia and Venezuela. Coincidently, I will be making my first trip to Columbia next week (prior to my returning to Brazil in mid September). I have done a fair amount of research concerning things I want to see and do in Colombia. If I enjoy myself while in Colombia, I will report back here about my experiences and recommendations.

Have a wonderful trip to Brazil.


Guest rio2015sep

You gave me a lot to think about. You probably don't know that I live in Thailand. This means that S.A. is on the other side of the world with hardly a normal connection to it. So while I'm there I would really like to visit a Spanish speaking country. I stayed two years in Mexico in the past and it will be fun to use mi malo espanol :-)

The fact that i have seen many cute Colombians and Venezuelans on some webcam sites has absolutely nothing to do with it *Big Wink* Those guys are insanely hot in my opinion and it will be hard for me to come to that part of the world again anytime soon. So that is the main reason i want to do it all. But time is not an problem. A week in one place is really enough for me. So from that perspective, I could do both countries and an extra city in Brazil.

I was just looking what the options for round trips are. Here in Asia, flying is dirt cheap. Not so in S.A. i noticed. Not many price fighters battling for passengers.

I'm sure you are right about the gringo part. Although, many people think (guess when i ask them) that I'm from Brazil, hehe... until i open my mouth. I recognize that the relative safety of Thailand is not enjoyed around the world.

(45 minutes later)

I just took some time to research flight options and i was very surprised. I remember flights being more expensive. So I can do

Rio - Porto Alegre - Sao Paulo - Bogota - Caracas - Rio for 726 USD, which is a steal in my book. That was the first combination i looked at so there might be even better options. I noticed that the last flight would always make a stopover in Lima, getting in two days in Lima would probably mean an extra 100USD for the flight/stop over. This will give me a fair impression of S.A. and will make the long haul from Asia worth while.

Porto Alegre, in addition to the two saunas found in that city, has a fun hustler bar

Hustler bar, Sounds very interesting to me. I used to like those bars in Prague. It was always easy to make contact with the boys and it was the perfect mix of the feeling of the hunt, scoring but still pay at the end of the day and with that make an end to it. Could you tell me something about the Crowd, other than that they are hustlers? Like i said, I'm into the twinky, little fem or not, but skinny not muscular type.

The sauna :-) I hope you guys will talk me into it, and I will be grateful in the end. Being so self aware is messing with ones fun in life I think.

What you were saying about not bringing boys to the hotel is straight up my alley. Yes, for all the reasons you said but also for the privacy I hold dear. In the Philippines there are love hotels on every corner and i wouldn't do without them. Filipinos (generalizing here) are scruples. They don't seem to have the word No (in any language) in their vocabulary). Not sure if Brazilians are as pushy as well, but if they don't know where you stay, the cannot bother you at your hotel.

I'm so amazed that you have an exact count of your trips to Brazil :-) I'm sure you can average your boy count with that too.

Your trip to Bogota comes at a perfect time. Hopefully you'll have a blast and can treat us to some war stories. I'm not sure what you are into, but to me, Colombians are hot. They seems much more loose than Asians but this is just something i "think" to know.

Where are you going to stay in Brazil? If I'm near, i would always be in for a drink. But, I realize that we are total strangers so i wouldn't be offended if this didn't happen.

Well, I hope to get some more information so i can make the final plane bookings. Also, I would be interested to know where the safer street trade can be found in Sao Paolo. Hotel recommendations for the places you have suggested would be welcome too.

I hope I'm not asking to many questions, but i shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel. Like i said in another thread "I'd be happy to reciprocate if any of you might need information about Asia. Especially countries like Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Hong Kong.

Guest Trench

You want to pay but avoid the sauna scene. It sounds as though you have not completely comprehended what the Brazilian sauna scene is all about as amply discussed in this forum. But if you have, perhaps what you are looking for is the rush, excitement, unpredictability even obvious danger that most street scenes anywhere offer. For that you do not have to cross the Pacific basin, they have it everywhere.

Guest lurkerspeaks

Just thought I would chime in real quick. I am a 54 year old gaywhite male. (although most people think I am in my 40's). I am a big guy (5'7" and over 250lbs)...I have had no problem in the saunas as far as the boys go.. The only problem that is occasionally encountered is the sauna's lack of a big enough towel for me..Although most clients do strip down and hangout in just a towel, it is not uncommon to remain in your street clothes while relaxing at the saunas. The only real negative I have for staying clothed in the common areas is the inability to enjoy the actual sauna/steamrooms and or shower rooms for some preliminary eye candy and/or tease action with the boys.

The first time going into the sauna can be scary, but summon up all of your courage, and take the plunge. Once you get over the first time, it becomes a rush to know that just on the other side of that front door can and most likely will be a veritable smorgasbord of boys just waiting to spend time with you.

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RIO2015- If you insist on street trade DONT GO TO VENEZUELA. Try Cuba instead. The chances that we read of your unfortunate demise will go down 300%. In Cuba, the police keep a lid on any violence, especially involving a tourist. In Venezuela, when the cops show up, everything gets worse and they may be the ones to cause you harm. Since you are looking for "twinks", Mexico may be an option for you as well.

One thing you may be doing is drawing analogies between SE Asia and SA. The only similarity is that men with money can buy sex cheaply. Beyond that, the levels of violent crime etc are night and day. I will add my voice to the "Go to the Brazilian Sauna" choir. Its the best way to get the best selection most safely. its also a great way to audition a friend you may hope to see outside the sauna.

Guest tomcal

Please take the advise given! what Mvan1 and JAYBLK said is right on the mark! you are getting advise from 3 members here with over 300 trips to Brazil between them!! think with your big head!!

Guest rio2015sep

Thanks for your advice. It is obviously something I will take into consideration. It will probably guide me away from Brazil all together. That is to say, besides from a few days sightseeing and giving the saunas the big old college try, i might wanna move on to another country. I will visit the Sauna you advised.

Tomcal: I've read your thread about Brazilian Saunas and from a text perceptive it was very interesting. A sauna that functions more as a brothel. I did misunderstand how that worked in the beginning. However, the pictures part was really a turn off. Hunks just don't interest me at all. If 18 - 21 year olds look like that in Brazil I'm definitely not interested. It reminds me of the Philippines :-) All you can find advertised as money boys for massage *wink* are muscle guys. I have never understood why, younger looking slim guys wouldn't offer this service. In Gogo bars you only find macho dancers. Weird detail is, that the country and the people are poorer than in Thailand, still the trade is 2 to 3 times more expensive. It's also pretty dangerous out there, compared to the rest of Asia.

You can judge me anyway you want, but I always make sure my dates are 18+ but I'm sure that some might see them as being younger. Conversely. I see those guys in the pictures as being 25+ It reminds me of the USA, where boys always look older than their age to me. I wonder if definitions of "twinks" differ around the world.

Here are a few definitions that made me laugh: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=twink

This is more how i see it. The first paragraph says it all for me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twink_%28gay_slang%29


This in Latino style please :-)

I've stayed in Mexico quite some time. i was in my late 20s early 30s and boy what great fun. I loved the cabaret Titos. they had the afternoon version, but I went there once only because it was meant for 16-. Another one opened a bit later. That was a minefield because it was for 16+. It was very often that boys would walk up to you with a request from their friends "would you like to kiss with my friend?" And if you would say yes, the friend would come over and kissing would start immidiatly. never seen this in Asia :-) and then there was the late night version 18+. Just great fun with twink guys. We would call these places bar dancings in my country.

The clubs (big discos) were such disappointments, that I avoided them all together. Too many snubs for my taste. Cabaret Tito used to be unpretentious. That's what i liked about it. I would rather take a step down to a more sleazy place than that i would move up to those high end clubs...Tito was in the middle. Anyone know those bars from 10 to 15 years back?

A city like Rio must overflow with Bars and clubs. I know they are hunting grounds for many boys around the world. Be it for sex with someone of their liking or sex with someone who will pay them. Maybe there are professional guides you can hire to take you on a bar hop? This is very common in japan for example. The bar scene is very complex over there and joining one of those tours is not an unnecessary luxury.

I remember someone telling me about a gay hotel (forgot the city) and many boys on the street. Luckily, i will meet this person before my flight so i can ask him about the details.

My tickets to Rio and back are bought. I'm not going to plan any further than this until I arrive. Plane tickets will be a bit more expensive but at least I'm free to make decisions on the spot. I might look for a guide (sex trade nightlife) for day 2 or 3, so I can do some, recovering from the flight, regular sight seeing, beach and getting used to the timezone the first days of my stay.

This hotel looks like a great suggestion: http://www.booking.com/hotel/br/apartments-porto-alegre-manhattan.en-gb.html?aid=332539;label=metagha-hotel-97780_site-localuniversal_ucc-US_dev-desktop_los-1_room-0_lang-en_curr-USD;sid=8d0db2a5b7269ccd91c968aa3391b2ca;dcid=4;checkin=2015-09-06;checkout=2015-09-07;dist=0;sb_price_type=total;srfid=13db86f199200919098b9cf7c90a868d63c36519X1;type=total;ucfs=1&;selected_currency=EUR;changed_currency=1

Any suggestion for Rio? I was even thinking about Airbnb. They offer many apartments with doorman, which in my book equals security, or am i wrong?

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“Hustler bar, Sounds very interesting to me. I used to like those bars in Prague. It was always easy to make contact with the boys and it was the perfect mix of the feeling of the hunt, scoring but still pay at the end of the day and with that make an end to it. Could you tell me something about the Crowd, other than that they are hustlers? Like i said, I'm into the twinky, little fem or not, but skinny not muscular type.”

The name and address of the hustler bar in Porto Alegre is:

Bar Mixx - Conde de Porto Alegre 232 - Porto Alegre

You will need to take a taxi there.

You asked me to tell you “Something about the crowd.”

The crowd changes constantly. There is no fixed type. Many of the guys are good looking but the guys seem more ordinary rather than the better looking and athletic type guys usually found in the saunas. On occasion, some guys from the saunas show up at Bar Mixx.

If there are any “twinky little fem” and not skinny not muscular” guys there, I never noticed any. I tend to like the ordinary and athletic type guy. This means that the non skinny twink feminine guys are almost invisible to me when I go to Bar Mixx (or any other place, for that matter).

Based on your description of type of guy you prefer, I suspect that you would not like Bar Mixx.


“Well, I hope to get some more information so I can make the final plane bookings. Also, I would be interested to know where the safer street trade can be found in Sao Paolo.”

In my post in response to your questions, I wrote, in part, “My many trips to Brazil have taught me things that only time and exposure can teach one.“ Which means that my PERSONAL experience over many trips and many years visiting Brazil have taught me things about visiting there. I would never recommend specific streets or areas to meet street hustlers to a person who has never been to Brazil. It would be too dangerous for you to venture out on your own to such areas and it would be irresponsible of me to make such a recommendation. I say this even those those areas are heavily patrolled by police. I learned about those places while being accompanied by Brazilians, not from being told about the areas.

I really hope that you overcome your reluctance to use the saunas for your entertainment while you visit Brazil. Safety is never guaranteed but safety is more likely to be existent in the saunas than on the streets.


I mentioned in my post that I booked a current trip to Colombia prior to my next trip to Brazil in mid September. I will visit only Medellin on my current Colombia trip. In your post you mentioned Bogota, a city that I might visit at some trip in the future, provided I have a good time in Medellin.

Again, have a wonderful trip to Brazil. While there, take a deep breath, forget about your shyness for the saunas, and go to the saunas that have garotos. Not all saunas in Brazil have garotos.

One more thing. I remember my first trip to Brazil and particularly my first time in a Brazilian sauna. I was fascinated by the idea of the saunas. However, when it came to my actual first visit, I found it nearly impossible to put aside my inhibitions. I went in to the sauna with unfounded trepidation.

After that first visit, I have returned many many times to various saunas. Going to the saunas is now second nature to me. I hope it will be the same for you.


Guest rio2015sep


Your last post convinces me even more to find a guide for a save tour. I cannot not imagine it to be a waste of money.

I can understand what you mean when you cannot remember if a certain type is in a place or not. If I'm not cruising for it, I hardly notice their presence :-)

  • Members
  On 8/23/2015 at 6:51 AM, rio2015sep said:


Your last post convinces me even more to find a guide for a safe tour. I cannot not imagine it to be a waste of money.

I can understand what you mean when you cannot remember if a certain type is in a place or not. If I'm not cruising for it, I hardly notice their presence :-)

If you feel that you need a guide and do not already have one in mind, there is a guide named Daniel Cabral who is a private tour guide for Rio de Janeiro.

He has more than three-hundred sixty positive reviews on Tripadvisor.

That is a lot of positive reviews!

Here is a link to what his clients say about him:


I don't know what he charges. You can e-mail him and ask him.

His e-mail is - contactus@rio4visitors.com

His phone is - 55 21 99355-9585

He speaks excellent English plus three other languages.

He has his own auto to take you around.

Good luck -


Guest wathenjb


I would definitely suggest a private tour guide. Oct will be my 1st time in Brazil and I have hired a privet tour guide for first half of my vacation to help me get acclimated with the city and its attractions along with the Saunas. I avoid the ones here in the US because it is just not my thing but as they say "When in Rome".

I would suggest checking out http://riogaytours.tumblr.com/tagged/Allas the tour guide offers both normal site seeing tours along with gay themed tours and even a Rio Sauna tour to help you get used to the city. The prices are higher from most of the tour guides I have looked at in Rio but I am ok with paying extra to know he is familiar with gay clubs, saunas and sites that I would be interested in knowing/seeing along with all the normal tour items.

He even offers executive car service to drive you to other cities in Brazil such as San Paulo for a overnight excursion. So check it out!

As far as your aversion to the sauna scene I would say get over it. I could not fathom the danger of street trade, especially if you plan on doing any drinking before hand when you would be even more prone to getting yourself hurt. Stick to the safe options and ask a fellow tourist where you might find some twinks for hire or just pop in and out of the various saunas till you find a guy you like and after your first encounter with him, if you enjoy his time and want to see him more just ask him when you can find him tomorrow or how you can get hold of him if you would like to spend more time with him.

Either way enjoy your vacation! I am looking forward to my 1st trip to Brazil and if I find a hot rent boy that I like in the saunas then yay! If not I am still going to have a bunch of fun and enjoy relaxing away from busy work life for a while!

  • Members
  On 8/21/2015 at 8:04 AM, rio2015sep said:

Hi Tomcal,

I can only find New Meio Mundo. Is that it?

I'm surprised that there isn't a street scene to speak of. This must mean that there are other venues to find trade. What about bars? Any that are frequented buy rent-boys? I'm not a fan of online dating but what would be a good app to have in Brazil? My Spanish is pretty good and I'm working hard on Portuguese.

There is supposedly a "street scene" which is near the US Consulate/Embassy? But if you DO NOT speak Brasilian Portuguese, you'll be out of luck. I wrote the preceding based on what my late gay travel agent who took me via auto to the streets just to view and to let me know of this existence. The only thing I remember is that he mentioned the venue which is near "where the boys hang out!" We drove passed which encompassed about 2 or 3 streets, but neither of us was very impressed. Check out http://www.gaycities.com{Rio de janeiro} and http://www.riogayguide.com.


When I visited Rio during my first three visits, I had a bi/gay guide. We did the cultural route; I did my own sauna visits based on the help I received from the salient material which was at http://www.daddysreviews.com. I also asked questions at the site as you're doing here. ...very, very, very helpful, indeed!

Guest rio2015sep

Hi Guys,

Thanks again for your feedback. Eventhough it's not what i want to hear, It is greatly appriciated.

I have done my research and i was lucky enough to get some direct information from you guys. My friend also told me things I didn't want to hear so my visit to Brazil will be short. A few days Rio and Sao, then on to Bogota for 7 days and the rest I wil spend in mexico. This should be enough time to visit a few saunas and do some tourist stuff. Who knows, if I get a sauna in, i might even go crazy on a beach :-) water looks lovely there.

Bogota has been on my list for a long time now. As i read here and there, it can also be unsafe. I have some specific places that i want to visit so a week should be long enough.

When i started writing about my past experiences in Mexico, i got curious. So i pulled up a gay map and scrolled to DF. Seems like things are pretty much the same and I really had a great time there. I'm a lot older now so I wonder if i can still meet people that easily. But, most foreign people I hung out with during that time where 45+ and they had a ball, so why not?

I'm very interested in knowing if they are quoting in USD http://riogaytours.tumblr.com/post/23820363075/rio-gay-rentboybecause if they do, then they are asking around 3 - 4 times more than date would cost. And the sauna entrance must be on par with western prices too.

Anyway, I'm keeping it simple. Hotel at the beach and taxi to sauna and clubs.

ps tnx for the link "daddyreviews" ddin't know that website.

  • Members
  On 8/26/2015 at 8:41 AM, rio2015sep said:

Hi Guys,

Thanks again for your feedback. Eventhough it's not what i want to hear, It is greatly appriciated.

I have done my research and i was lucky enough to get some direct information from you guys. My friend also told me things I didn't want to hear so my visit to Brazil will be short. A few days Rio and Sao, then on to Bogota for 7 days and the rest I wil spend in mexico. This should be enough time to visit a few saunas and do some tourist stuff. Who knows, if I get a sauna in, i might even go crazy on a beach :-) water looks lovely there.

Bogota has been on my list for a long time now. As i read here and there, it can also be unsafe. I have some specific places that i want to visit so a week should be long enough.

When i started writing about my past experiences in Mexico, i got curious. So i pulled up a gay map and scrolled to DF. Seems like things are pretty much the same and I really had a great time there. I'm a lot older now so I wonder if i can still meet people that easily. But, most foreign people I hung out with during that time where 45+ and they had a ball, so why not?

I'm very interested in knowing if they are quoting in USD www.viator.com; do a google check for guides and tours in Rio; see what's available on Craigslist. I got a great, gay guide in Lima, Peru in 2008 and an ex-pat gay guide in Buenos Aires in 2010 by using http://www.Craigslist.com. Both charged a reasonable fee, and I do believe that we enjoyed each other's company. Look under M4M and Travel at C's L....

While in Rio you could do the "hop on, hop off" bus if available; do venues by taking taxis and/or bus if the route is direct.

I don't particularly like traveling alone or going places solo, but when I was in Rio as a solo traveler, I used both modes of transportation. Since I cannot speak any language other than English, I'd have my place of destination written and hand to taxi drivers and "make off like a bandit" to enjoy, and that I did!

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