Members Popular Post tassojunior Posted April 9, 2015 Members Popular Post Posted April 9, 2015 OK, I finished Bogota and ready for the report. I spent 3 days here before 5 in Medellin and now 2 days back before going home. I felt a duty to report on this little-known place and was determined to crack it's hard-to-penetrate shell. From worst to best: Neighborhoods: TEUSAQUILLO-- Just above downtown, from about 35th to 50th Calle, a trendy fashionable neighborhood with embassies and several universities. SAUNAS: CLUB BALTIMORE SAUNA Actually in a hotel (the Maria Isabel). Gets lots of mentions. That doesn't mean it's good. I went in and the entrance was outrageous- like $60 but I was assured it was worth it because they had A (as in one) masseur who was standing in front of me- he was a 2 at best and I did a u-turn. CASA ROMANO SAUNA Has very titallating ads promising sex shows once a week and strippers once a week. In an old mansion next to the Israeli embassy. I went, I paid to get in, and was introduced to the single masseur they had; he looked like a twin of the 2 I was introduced to at Club Baltimore. Two saunas down quick. COMPLICES SAUNA Also deceptively titalating ads. Just because someone's good at html doesn't mean they're also attractive. Not sure this place even has a masseur but no one of the few people I saw there was better than the ones I shunned already. 3 down quick. CHAPERINO- (Known locally as Chapigayo)- The vast GayBorHood of Bogota. From about 50th to 70th Calles. Bogota has about 9 million people and Chapinero has maybe a quarter million. The south side toward 50th is more run down but safe while the north side bordering the "Financial District" has the Hilton and Marriott. The center part around the Theatron nightclub on 58th is so totally gay that straights seem out of place. Dozens of gay bars and nightclubs and saunas and shops from one end to the other. One of those areas where you can sit and just watch the parade of trendy attractive young urban gays (and drool). STARBOYS Not a sauna but a video club (there are several) listed as having masseurs. It doesn't. Small booths with glory holes were all empty although the owner or manager was a really pleasant guy who smiles and chats machine-gun like sweetly even though he knows you don't speak Spanish. SAUNAS: MEDITERRANEO SAUNA- Also very tempting ads. This place didn't just disappoint but totally creeped me out. You're not allowed to wear towels or briefs; you have to be totally nude. You're given a washcloth and told to hold it over your privates. Tiny building with cheap rates; 15K COP admission, 30K 30-minute massages. I'd pay a lot more to get out if I were trapped in. One of the masseurs was a decent young black guy, there was a cute young towel boy, and there was a cute young guy in the jacuzzi with someone but I never got close. The other masseur I met, and who approached me several times, was terribly out of shape, maybe 35, hairy and too pushy. Probably worked at the St. Moritz when he was 25. I wanted to wait and see if there were other masseurs with clients but a customer with really bad teeth, a really bad comb-over, and a face out of Deliverence kept following me and groping. Through the washcloth. An evening here would not have turned out well. Go forewarned. DAGOAS SAUNA I didn't even go in. I approached the desk and got a bad feel plus I had already had sex twice in 2 hours and was tired. It's in the old address of St. Moritz Sauna and that's how I stumbled on it. It advertises entrance plus 30 minute massage for 45K. Might be wonderful. I doubt it. What is wonderful is the blond security guard outside the gay bar next door. Why I went by three times but no contact. BABYLON SAUNA Where the financial district starts. Highly recommended by many people. Great ad. Entrance was 20K COP but it's published massage rates are very reasonable. It's only open from 3pm until 9:30pm (most of the saunas are only open from 1 until 10pm). Ad has photos of 3 masseurs, I only saw 2 of them, not the white one. All the staff and all masseurs are Amero-Indian and very stocic. Not a word. Very nice facilities and one of the half dozen masseurs really appealed to me- a guy with the body of an American football player. Pure beef. Tights like tree trunks. But he kept texting on a cheap old cellphone the whole time I was there and never looked up. Maybe I should have made a move. I didn't. SAINT MORITZ SAUNA Finally ! Gay El Dorado. At least a half-dozen masseurs. All white (as opposed to Babylon's all native). The friendly towel boy checking you in is cute as a button. The shy 18-yr old manning the bar is one of the cutest guys I've ever seen but doesn't massage. From his expensive braces and expensive designer t-shirt I'd say he's kept well by someone, probably the owner, but will be turned out to massage in a year or so. As soon as I get through the door I'm approached by a tall masseur with big pectorals with an offer for total release massage for 40K. Hairy guy with short hair who looks like the photo to the right on boytoy. Once my eyes go down I notice he's not exactly a six-pack tummy. Very slight lovehandles. Big nipples. Then another guy just like him approaches. Both 25-30 and hairy and very pectorally. Then I notice two more like them. Finally I meet with a shorter guy with no body hair, a nice tatoo of an angel wing, totally smooth skin, the firmest butt I've ever seen, a six pack and hard pectorals and biceps. He wants 150K COP for "Complete", 70K for Basic. That's high for Columbia. What I learn the hard way is St Moritz does not have published rates like every other sauna and you're dealing directly with the masseaur who gets 100% directly from you. Deal with masseurs at St Moritz the way you would with prepagos in negotiations. I talk him down to 120K COP for "Complete" but later learn that doesn't include (from him) any oral other than kissing and certainly no anal. Still it was well worth $48 US for the lengthy hand-job and French kissing from such a stunner. He dresses immediately to go out as I guess he's made a lot of money for him. I go to shower. In spite of St Mortiz being big and very very nice I discover the shower is tiny and has only tepid water on hot. I go out and joke about it to the shy perfect 18 yr old bartender. He tells me I should have gone to a shower upstairs. I hit on him again. He considers it a compliment and grins huge but explains, no, he doesn't. Ever. His smile alone is enough. If I were here longer I would concentrate on Grindr- I've gotten 49 messages in 2 days in spite of having no photo- just "Daddy" as a name and "visiting from USA" in description. Also I would work the cute bellhop in my hotel who's winking at me now on my last day, and I'd work the streets in Chapigayo. And I'd return to Babylon and St. Moritz a lot, and check out some of the other couple dozen saunas and Theatron. THEATRON I didn't go. It's not open Monday or Tuesday and opens at 9 or 10 other days. It costs $13 US admission including unlimited volka drinks but I don't drink. Theatron is the largest gay nightclub in South America. In an old theater building it has 10 bars. Everyone on CB in Columbia I asked and everyone in Medellin I asked for suggestions just said all I need to do is go to Theatron- anything I want I'll find at Theatron. Anything. My flight's at 9am and I'm off to bed. Ciao Columbia. CUTEBUNS88, lookin, mvan1 and 5 others 8 Quote
CUTEBUNS88 Posted April 10, 2015 Posted April 10, 2015 Fascinating report! A few questions, since I am planning on going: Would you recommend staying at the Marriott or Hilton in Chaperino? How long do the massages at St. Moritz last? Did you have any problems with altitude sickness in Bogota? flipao and mvan1 2 Quote
Members tassojunior Posted April 10, 2015 Author Members Posted April 10, 2015 Most gays going to Bogota seem to like the Jones hotel in Chaperniro. Not a lot of high class hotels in Chaperniro since it's mostly a gay sex neighborhood. The Marriott and Hilton are very expensive for Bogota and I don't know how easy guests are. Those 2 and The Holiday Inn are up around 73rd, about 15 (short) blocks north of the center of Chapinero but not far from Babylon and St Moritz. I had a free suite at the Crown Plaza Tuequendama downtown which was a hike to Chapeniro but close to the Gold Museum and the Botero museums which are must-sees in Bogota. The Gold Museum has thousands of gold Inca pieces, thousands of years old. Amazing museum and 1 of a kind. Also see the Colpatria Tower there at night- 50-story building covered with millions of led's in a light show. Generally the massages are priced by length from 20 minutes to 1 hour but in practice they're over when you come. St Moritz is the only sauna without posted rates and it's strictly let's-make-a-deal. Most start with a pretense of a massage with you laying on your stomach and the masseure rubbing oil for the first 5 minutes which is annoying and after the first session with a masseure can be dispensed with.The massage table is really annoying for sex but that's all that's there usually. I'm older etc and didn't have any altitude problems and I walked fast for miles a day. The only time I got physically sick was in the little tin-can taxi racing up and down the mountains from the airport to Medellin. mvan1, flipao and Tartegogo 3 Quote
Members boiworship Posted April 11, 2015 Members Posted April 11, 2015 I'm thinking of heading to Colombia based on these threads. flipao and TotallyOz 2 Quote
TotallyOz Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 Excellent report. Thank you. Firecat use to go to Colombia a lot but has not been in recent years. When I saw the photos he took of the boys, it made me really want to go and visit. Now, you have given me even more to desire. Thank you for the great report. flipao 1 Quote
Members boiworship Posted April 11, 2015 Members Posted April 11, 2015 Let's go together, Oz. Adam should join us too! flipao, TotallyOz and AdamSmith 3 Quote
TotallyOz Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 Let's go together, Oz. Adam should join us too! I have been wanting to go to both Colombia and to Cuba! AdamSmith, flipao and boiworship 3 Quote
AdamSmith Posted April 11, 2015 Posted April 11, 2015 Let's go together, Oz. Adam should join us too! I have been wanting to go to both Colombia and to Cuba! Game on! And we have to include firecat as our guide in Colombia. His posts here about there were amazing! Quote
Members RA1 Posted April 11, 2015 Members Posted April 11, 2015 AS- You cannot go without me. So, let us plot together, Best regards, RA1 boiworship and AdamSmith 2 Quote
Members tassojunior Posted April 11, 2015 Author Members Posted April 11, 2015 Because their racial makeup usually includes Inca, Columbians usually don't have much body hair and are fascinated with men with body hair. Don't manscape for a week before going. Going on any of the internet sex chat sites you can see a lot of Columbians in rooms and chat with them. Their shows usually have 2-3 having sex with each other. flipao 1 Quote
Members boiworship Posted April 12, 2015 Members Posted April 12, 2015 Great advice about body hair, Tasso Quote
Members boiworship Posted April 12, 2015 Members Posted April 12, 2015 I'll probably have to fill a suitcase with engineer boots, given my boot fetish! Lol, lol lookin and AdamSmith 2 Quote
Members boiworship Posted April 12, 2015 Members Posted April 12, 2015 We won't have to worry about white cabs or yellow cabs. We'll hire a driver. Quote
Members tassojunior Posted April 12, 2015 Author Members Posted April 12, 2015 Quite honestly Rio probably has it on Columbia but Columbia is so much closer and usually cheaper to get to. The 5-hour non-stop I took was very easy. Quote
Members Popular Post firecat691614502759 Posted April 12, 2015 Members Popular Post Posted April 12, 2015 Glad someone else is trying Colombia . Gayromeo was great for as always. Both the regular and escort session. Boys were happy with $50 US in pesos although naturally they will ask for more. I will have a new experience in a few weeks. Warsaw, Poland . Some real cuties on Gayromeo. Going rate appears to be about $80 an hour $250 all night. Definitely not as cheap as Thailand or Colombia but not bad compared to USA. By the way if you go to Colombia , you must go to Medellin just a beautiful place. Drive from the airport to the city feels like the Alps. boiworship, flipao, lookin and 3 others 6 Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted April 12, 2015 Members Posted April 12, 2015 Last trip to Bogota I don't think Hornet existed. I just looked in Bogota 18-24 and all I can say is WOW . I sent out some Hello's just to see what response you get . Take a look and you'll probably be looking for tickets!! lookin and flipao 2 Quote
Members mvan1 Posted April 12, 2015 Members Posted April 12, 2015 Glad someone else is trying Colombia . Gayromeo was great for as always. Both the regular and escort session. Boys were happy with $50 US in pesos although naturally they will ask for more. snip By the way if you go to Colombia , you must go to Medellin just a beautiful place. Drive from the airport to the city feels like the Alps. 1. With respect to Medellin, where is the best place to find and meet with an escort? 2. Is it safe to invite an escorts to a hotel room? 3. Are escorts allowed to visit a foreigner's hotel room? 4. Are there "short term" hotels in Medellin? 5. Are they easy to find if such places exist? Thanks in advance for a response. flipao and lookin 2 Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted April 12, 2015 Members Posted April 12, 2015 In Bogota I stayed in Hilton no problem with visitors. Medellin I stayed in Colombia Hotel (don't remember name) again no problem at all. Saftey I can only tell you I saw 6 boys from Gayromeo not all in the escort section and I had no problems. As always put your valuables away and be aware as you need to be in Brazil Thailand Prague or anywhere. No idea about short term Hotels because I don't generally like. lookin and flipao 2 Quote
Members Popular Post firecat691614502759 Posted April 12, 2015 Members Popular Post Posted April 12, 2015 Here is photo of first boy who just answered me on Hornet. No english used Google translate 125,000 pesos about $50 Plane tickets??? lookin, boiworship, AdamSmith and 3 others 6 Quote
Members tassojunior Posted April 12, 2015 Author Members Posted April 12, 2015 125,000 COP is about twice what the sauna workers charge but of course it takes much more time to go to a hotel. I found Grindr better than ManHunt or PlanetRomeo but I didn't know about Hornet. Key word- Prepago. flipao 1 Quote
Members tassojunior Posted April 12, 2015 Author Members Posted April 12, 2015 1. With respect to Medellin, where is the best place to find and meet with an escort? 2. Is it safe to invite an escorts to a hotel room? 3. Are escorts allowed to visit a foreigner's hotel room? 4. Are there "short term" hotels in Medellin? 5. Are they easy to find if such places exist? Thanks in advance for a response. Prepagos are nightly in the bars and on the street of Calle 57A where it meets Oriental, the main street. There's a gay sex hotel in that block and they're all over Candaleria. They're not nice. The bartender at Andres Carbon in that block is a good looking young guy who will set you up with others. I wish I had started with Club Tobi and gotten suggestions from those guys. Also I wish I'd known about the masseur house mentioned in the Medellin thread. Club Tobi is a good start and base. Good hamburgers too and many of the regular customers are stunning. All regular hotels have safes but getting a guy in could be a problem with some hotels. Medellin hotels have an anti- "Sex Tourist" campaign going. Had to look at it's posters every time I took an elevator. But in day time with a mature clean-cut guy I doubt it's a problem. Bogota should be less problematic. mvan1 and flipao 2 Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted April 12, 2015 Members Posted April 12, 2015 Here is another who replied to me. Initial ask was about $80 but I'm sure he would take less. I did not want to dicker with him because I am not ready to go again. AdamSmith and flipao 2 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted April 13, 2015 Members Posted April 13, 2015 Excellent report. Thank you. Firecat use to go to Colombia a lot but has not been in recent years. When I saw the photos he took of the boys, it made me really want to go and visit. Now, you have given me even more to desire. Thank you for the great report. Your reports have enticed my interest even more as well. Many, many thanks. Quote