Members RA1 Posted May 13, 2015 Members Posted May 13, 2015 I also hope things swing around and you are able to enjoy your visit. Best regards, RA1 lookin 1 Quote
paulsf Posted May 14, 2015 Author Posted May 14, 2015 For me, I'll always have a good time here. It's no different than in the U.S. When the police decide it's time to do a vice crack down. I just feel bad for the guys trying to make a living. $20 to you or me doesn't mean much, but to them it means eating for a few days. This stuff happens here in cycles. Next it will be the ladyboy clubs and then the girlie clubs. It will be back to normal soon enough. It's interesting with the smuggling situation. I watch a lot of CNN and BBC and see more on this subject than I do on Thai TV. It is showing up in the Bangkok Post. But it's a lot like the religious issues in the south of Thailand, it's a long way from Bangkok and locals don't get worked up about it. lookin and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Members mvan1 Posted May 16, 2015 Members Posted May 16, 2015 For me, I'll always have a good time here. It's no different than in the U.S. When the police decide it's time to do a vice crack down. I just feel bad for the guys trying to make a living. $20 to you or me doesn't mean much, but to them it means eating for a few days. This stuff happens here in cycles. Next it will be the ladyboy clubs and then the girlie clubs. It will be back to normal soon enough. It's interesting with the smuggling situation. I watch a lot of CNN and BBC and see more on this subject than I do on Thai TV. It is showing up in the Bangkok Post. But it's a lot like the religious issues in the south of Thailand, it's a long way from Bangkok and locals don't get worked up about it. Thank you very much for your interesting posts of your visits to Thailand. My reading of various reports related to the gay scene in Thailand, together with reading your reports, causes me to conclude that it is now a standard procedure for the police to visit gay establishments merely to harass sex workers. What changed or what happened to cause this behavior of the Thai police? Is the target of the harassment or raids limited to only at the sex workers? Does the harassment also extend to patrons of the bars or establishments? The current behavior of the police cannot be good for tourism in the gay areas. It has been several years since I last visited Thailand. In the days I visited Thailand, there were no raids and there was no harassment of gays or of establishments. The Thai people seemed to live and let live. Considering the current attitude and behavior of the Thai police, I think I will stay away from Thailand. Instead, I will continue to visit other countries where gays are not considered pariahs and/or members of a low class of people that need to be harassed. TotallyOz 1 Quote
paulsf Posted May 16, 2015 Author Posted May 16, 2015 Nothing has really changed since you were here last. These things happen. They happen at the clubs in Ft.Lauderdale where I live. Police walk in looking for underage, drugs, prostitution. Same in Thailand. Thailand is also under military dictatorship right now. The guy in charge has said he wants to have a moral side. But the police in Thailand do expect to be compensate for their cooperation in turning a blind eye to most things. But sometimes the higher ups put a little pressure on. You also have to remember the workers they are targeting are in the country illegally. Many boys from all over SE Asia come to Thailand for work. But I pretty much guarantee if you were here on vacation, you wouldn't even know this was going on. I'm here 1/2 the year and have friends in management and working boys, so we talk about it and I am more aware. There are others on this site that have been in Thailand when this stuff has happened and will probably tell you the same, it won't interfere with your vacation. I was here when the last government overthrow happened. It makes worldwide press, but most of the protesting was in a very small area and didn't interfer with the average tourist. I always found it interesting when a couple of truckloads of arms troops would go by and the boys wouldn't even look up from there drinks. Last night on Soi Twilght the clubs were packed. The outdoor bars were packed. It was the busiest night I have seen on this trip. My friends have said the police have backed off, but they are still wanting the non-Thai boys were long pants for a bit more. The non-non Thai boys are back on stage doing shows and nudity was in abundance. Your last paragraph is a bit strong and not something I agree with. Do some research on police corruption in Thailand. It runs from taxi, to hotels, to bars. Payoffs in SE Asia are a way of life in most businesses. Gays in Thailand are treated quite well. Probably treated better here than in the U.S. It's not the gays that are being harassed in the clubs, it's the illegals, the drugs and under aged. Also these checks don't happen on a daily basis. This is the first I remember in a couple of years. TotallyOz 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 I think corruption is abound everywhere including in the USA. So, don't avoid Thailand based on that. The bars on Soi Twilight have nude shows which are totally illegal in Thailand. The crack downs often occur because someone forgot to pay or didn't pay. These things happen and often it is just the police need some good press and then things return back to normal. I have seen the raids happen in Bangkok and Pattaya and they come and they go but they never harass foreigners. They are there to get the boys and fine the establishments. If boys have drugs in their system, they pay or go to jail.. It is that simple. Without the drugs, most of this would be avoided. But, in every gay community I have been in, drugs are rampant including New York and LA. But, there they don't pee test workers. They have to catch you in the act. In Thailand, a pee test is proof of drugs and thus illegal and thus arrests are made. Often the bars know the police are coming and dress down, stop the nudity and clear out all the illegal workers from Cambodia, Laos, etc. When things die down, they all return. I have seen this a lot. Now, this new government is more conservative than the last and it would not surprise me if things change a bit there. But, I don't see any drastic changes coming. paulsf 1 Quote
Members lookin Posted May 16, 2015 Members Posted May 16, 2015 First they came for the illegals, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an illegal. Then they came for the druggies, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a druggie. Then they came for the underaged, and I did not speak out— Because I was not underaged. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Which was fine because I was on my way to Rio. MsGuy, AdamSmith, paulsf and 1 other 4 Quote
Members mvan1 Posted May 16, 2015 Members Posted May 16, 2015 Nothing has really changed since you were here last. These things happen. They happen at the clubs in Ft.Lauderdale where I live. Police walk in looking for underage, drugs, prostitution. Same in Thailand. Thailand is also under military dictatorship right now. The guy in charge has said he wants to have a moral side. snip snip Gays in Thailand are treated quite well. Probably treated better here than in the U.S. It's not the gays that are being harassed in the clubs, it's the illegals, the drugs and under aged. Also these checks don't happen on a daily basis. This is the first I remember in a couple of years. Thanks for expanding on your posts concerning the police in Thailand. You mentioned that police also target clubs in Ft. Lauderdale, in the U.S. " looking for underage, drugs, prostitution." Maybe I am just lucky but I have not been in a gay bar or a club in the U.S. that had the police enter looking for those type of things. During my many trips to Brazil and visits to the saunas, I have never been present during a police raid. I know of only one such raid that happened more than eight years ago involving Sauna Alterosas in Sao Paulo. That sauna was raided because a church moved in across from the sauna and the church people did not like a male brothel just across the street from the church. Shown below is a photo of one newspaper article that depicts how the police lined up sauna customers against a wall in the sauna. How degrading it must have been for the patrons and garotos to have their photo appear on television news and in various news papers. Luckily, I was not at the sauna the day the church people called in the police. The only time I personally witnessed a situation that involved police harassing the gays was in Madrid, a few years ago. At that time, there was a campaign to round up hustlers who were foreigners that over stayed their allotted time to be in Spain. The cost of police salaries and police equipment to maintain such a campaign seems difficult to understand given the depressed economy of Spain. For a few days of the campaign to catch the illegal hustlers, there was a "paddy wagon" of sorts parked outside of Adan sauna. The police presence not only kept away the illegal hustlers (for fear of being arrested), clients stopped visiting the sauna because most of the hustlers were foreign and did not show up to work at the sauna. Police raids are not going to stop illegal hustlers in Spain and police raids will not stop illegals hustlers in Thailand, either. I don't see how anyone could call police presence in a gay club anything except harassment. Bottom line - I remain surprised at the police raids in Thailand and, given the above facts, perhaps I was a bit harsh by making it appear that police harassment is limited to Thailand. - Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted May 16, 2015 Members Posted May 16, 2015 Unfortunately you don't know what you are talking about . The girlie clubs get harassed way more then the Gay Clubs and it is just for the police to pad their pockets. Visitors are never bothered except for drugs and under age prostitution which they should be and would certainly be harassed in the USA etc for any of those type of situations. There are more gay strip clubs on one street in Bangkok then there are in 50 states and 300 million people in the USA. Same in comparison with Brazil. If you don't like Saunas , Brazil has nothing to offer except Porte Allegre 2 nights a week. And there it is just a pick up bar . Thailand is one of the easiest countries for a Gay Customer looking for Sex Shows, GoGo Boys and live Sex shows. The customer is never harassed unless you consider asking for his passport to be harassment. All the newspaper clipping you posted have nothing to do with Thailand. So why even mention them . This Forum is about Asia and what goes on in Spain or Brazil can be posted in the Forum that is for those areas. Quote
Members mvan1 Posted May 17, 2015 Members Posted May 17, 2015 Unfortunately you don't know what you are talking about . The girlie clubs get harassed way more then the Gay Clubs and it is just for the police to pad their pockets. Visitors are never bothered except for drugs and under age prostitution which they should be and would certainly be harassed in the USA etc for any of those type of situations. There are more gay strip clubs on one street in Bangkok then there are in 50 states and 300 million people in the USA. Same in comparison with Brazil. If you don't like Saunas , Brazil has nothing to offer except Porte Allegre 2 nights a week. And there it is just a pick up bar . Thailand is one of the easiest countries for a Gay Customer looking for Sex Shows, GoGo Boys and live Sex shows. The customer is never harassed unless you consider asking for his passport to be harassment. All the newspaper clipping you posted have nothing to do with Thailand. So why even mention them . This Forum is about Asia and what goes on in Spain or Brazil can be posted in the Forum that is for those areas. "Unfortunately you don't know what you are talking about . The girlie clubs get harassed way more then the Gay Clubs and it is just for the police to pad their pockets. Visitors are never bothered except for drugs and under age prostitution which they should be and would certainly be harassed in the USA etc for any of those type of situations." Unfortunately, you don't know what you are talking about with respect to my post. You failed to "connect the dots" because more than one thought was presented in my post and the subject matter in my post (police harassment) is related to all three countries (Thailand, Spain and Brazil). Even if the visitors are not "bothered" by the Thai police, the mere fact that the police enter the premises and speak with the visitors creates anxiety for them. "The customer is never harassed unless you consider asking for his passport to be harassment." Yes, I do consider it harassment if a customer visits an establishment and the police enter and ask to see a visitor's passport. There is no logical purpose accomplished by the police in asking a customer for his passport, except to harass. "All the newspaper clipping you posted have nothing to do with Thailand. So why even mention them . This Forum is about Asia and what goes on in Spain or Brazil can be posted in the Forum that is for those areas." Your above comment again confirms that you dropped the ball and again failed to connect the dots. If you still don't see the relationship of the information I presented, I suggest you focus on something else. Oh, and thank you for your response. Quote
Guest truthteller2 Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Unfortunately you don't know what you are talking about ... So why even mention them . This Forum is about Asia and what goes on in Spain or Brazil can be posted in the Forum that is for those areas. a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black! Have you thought of taking your own advise? You have jumped into the Brazil forum to talk about Thailand on more then one occasion! Maybe you do not know what you are talking about since You have not been to Brazil in what? 12 or more years or more ago but you are a authority on the saunas there....hmmm Have you thought that there are a significant number of gay men that are not sexually attracted to Asians and particularly the effeminine types that you like? Quote
Members mvan1 Posted May 17, 2015 Members Posted May 17, 2015 a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black! Have you thought of taking your own advise? You have jumped into the Brazil forum to talk about Thailand on more then one occasion! Maybe you do not know what you are talking about since You have not been to Brazil in what? 12 or more years or more ago but you are a authority on the saunas there....hmmm Have you thought that there are a significant number of gay men that are not sexually attracted to Asians and particularly the effeminine types that you like? "You have not been to Brazil in what? 12 or more years or more ago but you are a authority on the saunas there....hmmm Have you thought that there are a significant number of gay men that are not sexually attracted to Asians and particularly the effeminine types that you like?" In two days, I will be returning to Brazil for my 124th trip. I visit Brazil every five or six weeks and spend between two weeks and one month each time I visit there. What caused you to believe that I have not been to Brazil in 12 years? You have me confused with someone else because I am "not sexually attracted to Asians and particularly the effeminine types that you like?" It is the masculine garotos that attracts me to Brazil, not the effeminate guys you alleged. "You have jumped into the Brazil forum to talk about Thailand on more then one occasion!" Not only did you confuse me with another person and get facts all twisted and incorrect, you don't even know that this is not the Brazil forum, it is the Asian forum. This forum is generally a place of entertainment or a place to disseminate information or to help other forum users. However, your post fails to fall within the foregoing categories. Instead, your post is down right inaccurate and it makes no sense. Your post should be an embarrassment to you. Quote
TotallyOz Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Lets calm down. I have been to both places. I enjoy both. But, I also understand the police situation. I was stopped one year at Carnival by the police and money was stolen from me in Rio. Yes, Rio. I have been in Thailand WHEN raids happen and not once ever asked for ID or anything and just left the place and went to another bar. Shit happens and you either get over it and move on or you live in fear. I prefer to continue traveling to both places and enjoying life. The last several posts in this thread are a bit too aggressive for me. I like an aggressive guy in bed but not in the forums. Relax. Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted May 17, 2015 Members Posted May 17, 2015 a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black! Have you thought of taking your own advise? You have jumped into the Brazil forum to talk about Thailand on more then one occasion! Maybe you do not know what you are talking about since You have not been to Brazil in what? 12 or more years or more ago but you are a authority on the saunas there....hmmm Have you thought that there are a significant number of gay men that are not sexually attracted to Asians and particularly the effeminine types that you like? As someone who has contributed almost nothing to these Forums with a grand total of 5 posts , I don't much care what you think! And by the way for Mvan Like Oz I have made 60 trips to Thailand and never been asked for a passport. And Mvan is the one who started this with ridiculous assertions about Thailand which he apparently really knows nothing about except what he reads on blogs. Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted May 17, 2015 Members Posted May 17, 2015 "You have not been to Brazil in what? 12 or more years or more ago but you are a authority on the saunas there....hmmm Have you thought that there are a significant number of gay men that are not sexually attracted to Asians and particularly the effeminine types that you like?" In two days, I will be returning to Brazil for my 124th trip. I visit Brazil every five or six weeks and spend between two weeks and one month each time I visit there. What caused you to believe that I have not been to Brazil in 12 years? You have me confused with someone else because I am "not sexually attracted to Asians and particularly the effeminine types that you like?" It is the masculine garotos that attracts me to Brazil, not the effeminate guys you alleged. "You have jumped into the Brazil forum to talk about Thailand on more then one occasion!" Not only did you confuse me with another person and get facts all twisted and incorrect, you don't even know that this is not the Brazil forum, it is the Asian forum. This forum is generally a place of entertainment or a place to disseminate information or to help other forum users. However, your post fails to fall within the foregoing categories. Instead, your post is down right inaccurate and it makes no sense. Your post should be an embarrassment to you. You don't even know what posts you are replying to. You mix up posts of 2 different members and then reply like it was one member. Try reading what yo write before you post it! Quote
paulsf Posted May 17, 2015 Author Posted May 17, 2015 Mvan, I hope your not getting the wrong impressions of what a police raid is like here. Don't think of many officers in riot helmets and rifles marching down the street into a club. Not what happens. Usually a couple of undercover, not in uniform officers. They come in usually early in the evening before most tourist are there. They will check licenses, look for drugs and underage ect. If you were here now, you wouldn't even know this happened. You and Tomcal know many boys and owners in Rio. Your privy to some inside info of what's going on. Same for me in Bangkok. My bf is Vietnamese he has a passport and is here legally. But he works when here, and that is illegal. So he keeps an eye open to goings on. I am friends with the owner of one of the larger bars and clubs. He is less concerned about the police than you are. Inconvience is a better word than harassment. This is definitely not a weekly, monthly and usually not a yearly issue. Bangkok is a city that is close to violent crime free. I've always thought these were little things they gave the police to do to keep them busy and give them something different to do than traffic duty. Bottom line, this should be a non issue and pretty much can guarantee this would never affect you as a tourist. lookin 1 Quote
paulsf Posted May 17, 2015 Author Posted May 17, 2015 Last night (sat) I was hanging out at Hot Male bar. There must be some sort of Chinese holiday as even the boys were commenting how many Chinese customers were around. They drink a lot but the boys complain they don't tip much. Friday night the owner of Hot Male opened a new night club across the street in the Wall Street Tower building. It's on the lower level. About midnight, last night, he was headed over there and invited me and my friend as his guest. It is really a nice place. Got to sit in the owners corner and all the bottle services that come with it. Thais are very polite so a friend of the owners gets treated as well as the owner. I'm not much of an alcohol drinker and the bottles of whiskey on the table scared me a bit, but I just keeped asking for more ice cubes. Unfortunately it's more a straight club, but no shortage of eye candy behind the bar. And the boys seeing I was with the owner were very easy to flirt with. Im getting to old for this going out at 10pm and staying out till 4am. . I had a great time and that's what is important. For those that are familiar with Soi Twilight, the owner of Hot Male is going to open a beer garden and restaurant at the far end of Soi Twilight. I think it's going to be where Balls is. I have my doubts that it can work. Dicks and Maxis seem to cover the restaurant business quite well on the Soi. Also most people don't seem to walk that far up the Soi. He will need to come up with some really good marketing to make it work. Tonight is my last night of fun here. Heading over to Hero Massage for the 6th time this afternoon. (TotallyOz, if we stayed in a hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 11, how many times would we go to Hero.). Best collection of boys I've ever seen anywhere. Then tonight my friend will be joining me for dinner and spending the night. My flight leaves Tue morning at 6:30 am to Hong Kong connecting to my AA flight to Dallas. So Monday night is reserved for being in bed by 9 or so. MsGuy and lookin 2 Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted May 17, 2015 Members Posted May 17, 2015 And amazingly they are all masculine and muscle for the most part. Just think of that Thailand has lots of masculine and muscle boys. Who would have thought??? lookin 1 Quote
paulsf Posted May 17, 2015 Author Posted May 17, 2015 I have a couple of friends that say they don't like Asians because they are so small. Well surprise on them. Sure there are some small Asians. But many of these boys have discovered the gyms. My Vietnamese friend plays soccer 3 times a week in a local league. Sometimes he will bring a couple of friends by after a game. They have the best legs and rock solid butts. And current info, 2 just took showers and left 20 minutes ago. As for Hero, your right. 100% masculine and I would say 90 % muscular. They have really figured out how to fill out a tank top. Tonight was my last night out on the town before flying home Tuesday morning. Took my Vietnam friend and a Thai friend out for Mexican food. Their first time. They had Taco salads and enchiladas . Not the best meal they have ever had, but they were ok with it. After 3 weeks of Thai food I was into it. I've had a great time. Seen very little rain. But lots of heat. Most days pushing 100 and nights staying in the 80's. Got great use of the pool. It's a bit into the low season and it shows. The bars and clubs a bit slow on week nights, but pick up ok on weekends. I'm always a bit anxious to get home and see what's up, but then after a couple of weeks I'm thinking of that next trip. Be back in Sept for a month and then Feb for 2 months. Will try to throw a Rio in there somewhere. So for the next couple of months it will be Swinging Richards and Boardwalk. Love this retirement thing. Don't like getting older. lookin and MsGuy 2 Quote
Members MsGuy Posted May 17, 2015 Members Posted May 17, 2015 Planetime, you've become quite the travel writer. I find myself looking forward to your posts here. Thanks for the good work. And whenever you find you have a bit of downtime during your gallivanting around the globe, remember us homebodies and fire off a report from the front lines. lookin 1 Quote
paulsf Posted May 18, 2015 Author Posted May 18, 2015 My life at home is totally opposite of my fun times on the road. I go to the gym a few days a week to get out during the day, then sit by the pool and read a book for a bit in the afternoon. For many years, I worked 7 days a week and traveled a lot. Reading was just something I never had time to do. So now I really look forward to a good mystery, and sitting by the pool makes it better. The rest of the day is spent infront of the TV, daydreaming of my next trip to Thailand. Friday afternoon is movie day and every few weeks thru in a strip club visit. My life is so routine you could set your watch by it. I've given up the escort scene in the U.S. What I would pay for 1 get together, I can get 5 nights in Bangkok. So I just sit on my money at home, so I can get on that plane. The years are creeping up quickly. I still have my health and want to make the most of it. But one of these days I'm just going to wake up and realize it's not going to happen anymore. I appreciate the kind words Msguy. My flight arrives back in Ft.Lauderdale Wednesday night, and the same same daily routine of retirement begins . lookin, MsGuy and AdamSmith 3 Quote
paulsf Posted September 14, 2015 Author Posted September 14, 2015 Got tired of sitting around the pool in Ft.Lauderdale, so decided to trade it in for my pool in Bangkok for the month of Sept. Sitting here watching Sunday night Football at 8:30 am Monday morning. That's my biggest problem this trip. Love football, get a few games ,but start around 5 or 6 am. Flew over Bos-Dfw-Hkg-Bkk. Business class upgrades came thru in the last hour. Thought my run of sitting up front was over. Arrived in Bangkok at 12:30am. No lines at that hour. I'm sure most of you have heard of the bombings here.Uptick in security has been very noticeable . Immigration asked for mobile phone numbers to be put on landing cards and luggage was screened exiting airport. I had to spend the first night in a hotel. Usually pick up keys to my apartment from the security desk in the lobby, but because of new security rules, keys kept in office and can only be picked up during the day. No problem. Got a $58.00 rate at the Courtyard by Marriott. Next morning my friend showed up for as he puts it "my vacation" with you. When I'm in town he doesn't have to work and makes enough money to last a few months. Courtyard has a buffet breakfast. Don't know where my friend put all the food, but he now loves buffets. Time to head over to apt. Head up to room for quick shower and get my stuff. Friend decides I shouldn't shower alone. After eating I'm not usually in the mood, but it started big time raining outside, knew we would be delayed and needed something to do. And we did it. Sept is monsoon season . I've always avoided this time, but decided to give it a try. It's a lot like south Florida with everyday storms for short periods of time. Except, more severe in Thailand. Rain ended, got to apt. Sun came out and hit up the pool for awhile. We were about to head out for dinner and the evening when the early evening round of showers hit. Sit tight for an hour and it's dry again. Headed to Soi Twilight so I could say hi to my friends. Business has been very bad do to bombings. Early week nights have had no customers at all. Some clubs have not had shows. Thursday was a bit more promising as we get closer to weekend. Friday ok, Saturday better. Outdoor bars and restaurants looked crowded on the weekend, but the shows were not close to full, but did go on. We ate at Dicks on Friday and Saturday. I really like it. Decent food, comfortable seating and lots of eye candy walking around. Because business is so slow, boys are treating customers like eye candy. They are a lot more aggressive than usual. Smiling and starting conversations. Thoughts of $$$ dancing in their heads. I should say not aggressive in a bad way. Asians can be on the quiet side, but now are more open to starting the conversation. The owner of Hot Male opened a beer garden at the end of the street. Fenced in with white picket fence and bench type seating. Looks really nice. Will hit it up in a day or so. Food and alcohol I've spend the first few days hanging out with my friends and my special friend has come over a few times for some fun. But now it's Monday and I'll be getting out and about more and hit up some of the massage places. Being here a month, don't need to do it everyday. But will update this scene a bit latter in the week. Last night monsoon season hit in a big way. Living in So.Florida, I'm used to lots of daily rain. We had a storm hit Bangkok last night that was nothing short of a Hurricane for an hour. My apt is top floor corner and all around glass. We had non-stop Lightning for an hour. A little scary yet beautiful. I couldn't see a block do to downspour. Street below disappeared, becoming a lake up over the curbs. Lost my tv in the first minute and was waiting to lose electricity. But fortunately didn't. Friend from Hot Male called and said don't come by. To much water, no customers and a mess. Would of had to swim anyway. My friend said while we get storms everyday, we only get a couple this bad. So this was all the boring part. I hope to get to the fun stuff in a day or so and will do some more posting at that point. lookin, TotallyOz, axiom2001 and 1 other 4 Quote
TotallyOz Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Welcome back to the Land of Smiles. I know you have a smile on your face just from being there. Have a great time! Quote
paulsf Posted September 15, 2015 Author Posted September 15, 2015 I've traveled all over for work and jet lag was never really a problem. But it is in Thailand. With a 12 hour time difference it just throws me off. I just need to keep busier during the day and skip the nap. I like sports a lot and with the time difference, they are morning games here. I did get to bed at midnight last night, but had to get up at 5am for Monday Nite Football. Know here as Tuesday morning football. I stayed in last night so I could try to get back on track. My friend said he was going to play soccer but would make it by 1am to help me to sleep. I told him reluctantly no. Ambian worked just as well, though not as much fun. They are saying we are going to have a couple days of heavy rain starting this afternoon. If I can get out and about I'm going to try to hit up a massage parlor or 2 . The way I look at it, if you have sex with a boy, massage, sweat with the heat and humidity, 5 " of rain shouldn't slow you down. You gonna get wet some how. I prefer, boy in shower. For TotallyOz, I went to Cute and Beauty yesterday for mani/pedi . I've been stopping by each trip now, and the boys recognize me when I come in. I was talking to another customer that had been there for hours, doing a complete spa day. He said he does it once every other month. 9:30 am, 2nd football game starting. I'm glad I don't drink much. Having a beer watching games at 5am could lead to an uncomfortable day. Time for 2nd pot of coffee. Quote
TotallyOz Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 For TotallyOz, I went to Cute and Beauty yesterday for mani/pedi . I've been stopping by each trip now, and the boys recognize me when I come in. I was talking to another customer that had been there for hours, doing a complete spa day. He said he does it once every other month. I love Cutey and Beauty. For those that have not heard of it, it is a hair shop with massage and manicure / pedicure that is done by cute sexy guys. I have been going since my first trip and still enjoy it. lookin 1 Quote
Members firecat691614502759 Posted September 16, 2015 Members Posted September 16, 2015 HeHe Only place you ever failed to chase down cute guy working there. 1000 successes and 1 Failure. Not Bad Of course always the chance you caught him and never admitted it to me. But in that case I have one sure failure in my back pocket. Can you remember??? I should be so good.. You know you have been going there for too many years when the cute 18 years olds turn into +30 year olds. Many long time boys and some new ones also. Quote