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March 15, 2015 - in major cities in Brazil

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I think that most frequent visitors to Brazil agree that Brazil has an unusually large number of holidays compared to the U.S. and to many other countries. In addition to the holidays, there are lots of strikes (greves) that disrupt banking and certain other services in Brazil.

Over the years, I have had to make changes to my schedules, plans and itinerary while I was in Brazil because I failed to check ahead for holidays and certain banking strikes.

Depending on how one feels about the effects of holidays (places being closed) it is a good idea to be aware of these dates.

Taking the above one step farther, I learned that, next month, on Sunday, March 15, 2015 there will most likely be major disruptions in most of the larger cities in Brazil.

The disruptions are in connection with urging of mass demonstrations (peaceful - supposedly) as further attempts to have Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff impeached.

I will be returning to Brazil soon for several weeks. Unfortunately, I will be in Brazil during the demonstrations.

I am not concerned about safety. Rather, I find holidays, strikes and demonstrations more of a nuisance because of the effects to local transportation and businesses and some of my favorite restaurants being closed. If the demonstrations take place, as urged by social media, it will be difficult, or impossible, to get from place to place in large cities while streets are blocked by demonstrators or local transportation is unavailable.

For those planning to be in Brazil during the middle of March, this message is a word to the wise. Like I said, the demonstrations will be in the larger cities, such as Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Porto Alegre et cetera. There won’t be much demonstrating in the Northern parts of Brazil.

Below is one such notice that encourages Brazilians to take to the streets about this matter:


Dia 15 de março de 2015, domingo, que chamaremos o Dia da Dignidade do Brasil, nós nos reuniremos e sairemos pelas ruas de todo Brasil pelo Impeachment Democrátido da Presidente Dilma Rousseff como fizemos em 1.989 com Collor de Mello.
Nosso protesto é pacífico contra o golpe que o Brasil está sendo vítima e contra a corrupção generalizada dos golpistas no poder.
Pedimos que todos usem roupas verde e amarela, levem a bandeira do Brasil, porem não admitamos bandeiras de partidos políticos. É de se esperar que as autoridades e corruptos prejudicados pelo nosso protesto voltem a contratar os “Black Blocks” e outros baderneiros para desvirtuar o nosso protesto patriótico contra a baderna reinante no país. Portanto, não aceitem provocações, não participem de atos de violência ou vandalismo que é o que desejam os corruptos governamentais.
Por amor ao Brasil e ao nosso futuro, repassem esta mensagem à sua lista de e-mails, do whatsapp, do face-book e todas redes sociais que fizerem parte.
Antes de dois anos de mandato, terá que haver novas eleições. Não podemos assistir inertes a tanto escracho com o nosso pais e nosso futuro.
VAMOS PARA AS RUAS DEMONSTRAR NOSSO NOJO POR TUDO ISSO! - See more at: http://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/search/label/manifesta%C3%A7%C3%B5es%20de%20massa#sthash.MSqvwDXv.dpuf

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