Guest callipygian Posted January 24, 2015 Posted January 24, 2015 I've read this comment here and on other forums before, when discussions of sauna boys comes up. From my calculation today 100.00 USD = 258.10 BRL With the exchange rate being so favorable to the US dollar - why are some people concerned if an American wishes to share the benefit with an escort hire and pay a bit more? How does the generosity of one client spoil it for someone else? I know that when the exchange rates in Canada were much more favorable to the US dollar, I always felt comfortable either tipping more or paying more. We're not taking trinkets or souvenirs here - we're talking about people selling sex to us. They are human beings and I just can't buy into the notion that because these people are generally poor that if we share with them our benefit of a good exchange rate we are spoiling it for those who visit later. I'm sure I'm missing something here - so if anyone has a viewpoint on this - I love to understand more. Quote
Guest parisrio2000 Posted January 24, 2015 Posted January 24, 2015 I agree with you. The story is even worse than you think though because foreigners who go in with the mindset of "not being cheated" are actually the ones "spoiling it" for the rest of us. When I first went to 117 I also haggled and was very wary not to get taken advantage of, as a foreigner. I was warned about this by other foreigners there, so I took precautions. I didn't care about "ruining it" for others, but didn't want to be made a fool of. I think that protecting yourself in this way does make some sense by the way. For example if a boy asks you for R200 or more straight up, or some ridiculous price, you should (generally) not accept that and try to work the price down considerably. I like to pay more because I want to, not because I'm being charged for it. Even so, I regret not having hired a boy who asked for R200 at Lagoa. I was in town only for a few days, I should have taken advantage of the chance, he was a very impressive specimen and how stupid of me to refuse to pay under $100 for such a guy. On the other hand it seems like many foreigners and many on this forum are more interested in getting a low price, and bragging to others about how little they have to pay, than in getting pleasure. It becomes a contest to see who can pay less, as a matter of status or something. This is all very silly. Extreme hostility is expressed toward the idea that some boys, especially the handsomer ones, charge more, to the point of denying their existence or writing angry comments when you talk about them (this happened to me a while back when I posted with a similar message). It's as if the market laws of supply and demand are supposed not to exist in a sauna, and the more handsome boys who can and do charge more are declared not to exist, or otherwise people encourage each other not to pay them and to avoid them. I've even seen people write "avoid the better looking ones." And the sad part is that many do avoid them for these reasons. It's all very silly. As a consequence of all this, foreigners have started to have a bad reputation at 117 at least. Many boys have told me that they prefer to avoid foreigners because of the tiresome haggling. Far from thinking foreigners are easy to take advantage of, many boys have realized foreigners who come there have this terrible attitude about "not being taken advantage of," so they have a reputation now for being cheap and difficult to deal with...not worth it especially as they know you won't be a regular anyway. If you think this makes boys more likely to be friendly with you or give you a lower price, you're wrong. Indeed, some of the higher quality boys will totally ignore approaches from clients they know to be cheapskates. This isn't just a rumor, I've seen it myself...a boy just completely turn his back when a particular client approached, and walk away. I fear the day when this will become generalized, and they will start to treat all foreigners this way. The attitude on this forum seems to be that these boys are all dirt-poor and should be really happy to have a few dollars thrown their way, but that is just not true, at least at a certain level. Furthermore even if you do "get taken advantage of" you're usually going to lose like $20, so what's the big deal? My regular "friend" at 117 likes me and gives me a discount if I want it (and on some days I did) but I pay him more anyway because I like him. It's still a bargain compared to what I get in the US, and actually I can't even find boys like him in the US, for pay or not. A straight guy who looks like him in the US would likely charge many thousands. Finally please realize there are many Brazilian regulars there and at other places who are immensely rich. They don't pay a lower price than you, some choose to pay a flat rate that is much higher. There is one client I know of who pays a flat rate of R600, so he is much sought after by the boys. I myself wouldn't pay that much because I can't afford it, but I don't think that guy thinks he's "being taken advantage of," he's just enjoying himself and wants to be generous...and that money probably means nothing at all to him. There are other Brazilians who similarly pay a lot, R200 or R300, so I just have to laugh at this attitude that foreigners have about "be careful not to get taken advantage of." The price is unlikely to rise because of the foreigners who occasionally show up for a few sessions. When I first went there the price was R50, and now it's up to R100 ...this isn't because of foreigners. Quote
Guest callipygian Posted January 24, 2015 Posted January 24, 2015 Thanks parisrio2000 for this insightful response. It helps me to more clearly understand both sides of this. I believe, as you stated, that no foreigner wants to get taken advantage of while away and visiting a country outside of their own - but the discussions about sauna boys and escorts in Brazil has just always rubbed me the wrong way. So much so at times, that it feels to border on a sex-trafficking state of mind. While that probably is an over-statement of this situation - the result to me feels about the same. These boys are human beings and they should not be treated as some commodity which can be attained at the very lowest cost possible. If I am willing and accustomed to paying $200, $250, $300 for an escort in my own homeland - I simply cannot justify or reconcile haggling someone down to $35.00 (or less) for the same pleasure and feel alright about it. It feels simply wrong from a humanistic point of view. It demeans the very person of whom I am wanting to share pleasure with. It seems to me that If I can afford to fly to Brazil, pay for hotel accommodations, taxi, food, drink etc., The very least I should be able to do is to share a very healthy return for my US dollar with someone I am looking to spend quality time with. Thanks again for your post! Quote
Members ihpguy Posted January 24, 2015 Members Posted January 24, 2015 PR2K is full of shit. He really needs to seek professional help. He is nuts. The great majority of clients are not foreign travelers at either 117 or Meio Mundo. Brasilians pay 50-60 at Meio Mundo and 80-100 at 117. Paying more is not necessary. Just raises the prices to more than what is required for Brasilian as well. These are not boys. These are male whores. It is a business transaction. Nothing more. Nothing less. The boys/garotos all talk about pricing. If one goes to shop at Macy's and they are having a special promotion, does one refuse to accept the discount and say to the sales person, you can keep the difference? Last week I went to 117. Some garoto wanted 150. I told him that was too much. His response was that a Japanese tourist paid 400Reais for 30 minutes so I should be happy to pay 150. I have an American friend here now who speaks Portuguese and he only pays 80 to100 with an ejaculation at 117. Save your money and get two sex session for what PR2K seems pleased to pay for less than one. Spend the money on something else. Take the boy out of the sauna, treat him to a nice meal and use the rest to pay for an overnight. I could go on and on, but is there really any reason? flipao 1 Quote
Members ihpguy Posted January 24, 2015 Members Posted January 24, 2015 By the way.....BOYS LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! flipao 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 I often hear this as well. I think one should pay what on wishes to pay. But, I always pay the local prices. I do this and then, after I tell them this is for the programma, (negotiated in advance), I'll hand them the tip of my choosing. I stopped just paying any amount that I felt was in line with American standards overseas many years back and only negotiate for what the locals pay. Most go. Some don't. But, those that go and get a tip with me always go back if I ask. But, I never negotiate above the local price point. flipao and JKane 2 Quote
Guest parisrio2000 Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 By the way.....BOYS LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ihpguy weren't you the one who was advising people not to go for the most good-looking boys in another thread? Why were you doing that? calli I agree with you. While I won't pay the prices you speak of in Brazil (I can't even afford that...but I might pay that or more if money didn't matter), it won't "distort the market" if you pay what you like. The boys and the market doesn't depend on foreigners, and there are a few Brazilians who also just choose to pay more. I know a rich Brazilian guy who pays R600 flat, it isn't the boys who told me about him. The basic price at 117 went from R50 to around R100, but this has nothing to do either with foreigners or with generous tippers. Also another fact is that the laws of supply and demand work in a sauna just like anywhere else, and not every price or product is equal. Some boys can and do charge more. They're not doing this to "take advantage" of foreigners, that's their rate for everyone. Some boys can charge more because they're in high demand; trying to blame the somewhat higher rate on "foreigners" is delusional. I already said to protect yourself and not pay ridiculous prices but you can see from the very emotional response that there's more going on here. The fact is, foreigners are getting a bad rep...not as suckers, but as antagonistic cheapskates. And there's no question that on this forum there's a lot of competition to see who can brag about getting the lowest price (and also a lot of lies and bullshit about this as well). Quote
Guest lurkerspeaks Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 to add my two cents worth.. There is a "market price" for garotos, just like any other product..the 80-100 reias is the current market price. Most of the boys (granted there are a few this might not apply to) will be happy with this amount, IF you treat them with dignity and respect. Likewise the same boys might demand higher rates if they have heard that client has a reputation of being hard to please, or that the client has a reputation of being rude, condescending. Bottom line is that the client's attitude goes a long way in determining what price the garotos ask. Just like we talk about the boys, the boys also talk about us. If you are in town for a week and go to the same sauna for several consecutive days, trust me, by the second or third visit, many of the boys will know your likes, dislikes, and your "hot buttons.. I know for a fact that Tomcal pays a fair rate, but does NOT overpay the boys, yet they all clamor for his attention..Because he is a nice person who shows the boys respect and treats them like humans and not just like a piece of meat. Quote
Members Gotti Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 I did my best to stay away from this but there is an important aspect that hás not been covered yet:YOU! Are you too fat? You gonna be charged more. Are you too old? You are gonna be charged more. Are you unreasonable sloppy, repugnant ? You are gonna be charged more. Are you unreasonable ugly? You gonna be charged more. What about The color of your skin? It my be an issue for certain boys, and you gonna be charged accordingly. Of course the boys in low demand will overlook all that, The boys in average demand are the ones who will hike The prices and the boys in very high demand will tell you they already havê a customer. Quote
Guest parisrio2000 Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 I did my best to stay away from this but there is an important aspect that hás not been covered yet:YOU! Are you too fat? You gonna be charged more. Are you too old? You are gonna be charged more. Are you unreasonable sloppy, repugnant ? You are gonna be charged more. Are you unreasonable ugly? You gonna be charged more. What about The color of your skin? It my be an issue for certain boys, and you gonna be charged accordingly. Of course the boys in low demand will overlook all that, The boys in average demand are the ones who will hike The prices and the boys in very high demand will tell you they already havê a customer. I've seen this to be true. They may also quote some absurd price to discourage a customer. Seen a boy demand R300 to a black Brazilian customer to get him to leave (who was, however, also mentally ill, and had a meltdown). Gotti I wrote you PM before, not sure if you're getting my messages. Please respond Quote
Members ihpguy Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 Another in the course Male Sex Worker101; Never, never, never tip. YOu have already agreed on the price for the transaction. At least in Brasil, the garoto thinks you are a fool por paying more. Find out from the desk what the entry fee is that day and pay there bill. Or if you are really thrilled, take them to Centauro at Rio Sul or Leblon Shopping and splurge on the new Nike or Asics model, follow it with something they would never spend money on .....a Starbucks frapuccino and a muffin. Something totally unexpected. Make it memorable. For then 10,20 or whateve amount is just like shite sliding through a tin horn. And most likely, that present will guaranty you an overnight. Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 Another in the course Male Sex Worker101; Never, never, never tip. YOu have already agreed on the price for the transaction. At least in Brasil, the garoto thinks you are a fool por paying more. Find out from the desk what the entry fee is that day and pay there bill. Or if you are really thrilled, take them to Centauro at Rio Sul or Leblon Shopping and splurge on the new Nike or Asics model, follow it with something they would never spend money on .....a Starbucks frapuccino and a muffin. Something totally unexpected. Make it memorable. For then 10,20 or whateve amount is just like shite sliding through a tin horn. And most likely, that present will guaranty you an overnight. Totally. Totally. Totally. Disagree. Tips are nice and while not expected, I don't think the guys that get them think you are a putz for giving them. I have done the full gambit. I have given tips, shopping trips and paid for entrance fees. All are appreciated. Having run a NYC escort service, I would say that most of the boys were tipped on most calls. IHP, you speak the language and you are there year round and not really a "foreigner" per say. You are a special case. Most of us are not. I am in Thailand often and I have been hiring for 14 years there. I still tip when given good service even though it is not expected. I do so as when I am in town, a boy will drop his bar or club or sauna and spend time with me over anyone else. To me, that is what I want and if I paid only the amount expected without any extras, there would be no incentive. MsAnn 1 Quote
Members MsAnn Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 Totally. Totally. Totally. Disagree. Tips are nice and while not expected, I don't think the guys that get them think you are a putz for giving them. I have done the full gambit. I have given tips, shopping trips and paid for entrance fees. All are appreciated. Having run a NYC escort service, I would say that most of the boys were tipped on most calls. IHP, you speak the language and you are there year round and not really a "foreigner" per say. You are a special case. Most of us are not. I am in Thailand often and I have been hiring for 14 years there. I still tip when given good service even though it is not expected. I do so as when I am in town, a boy will drop his bar or club or sauna and spend time with me over anyone else. To me, that is what I want and if I paid only the amount expected without any extras, there would be no incentive. Fascinating thread. I have not been to Brazil, well I haven't been anywhere really, but am seriously considering Thailand, maybe even long term, if this power struggle doesn't ruin the economy first. Anyway, the question would be, I understand the generous tipping to receive the extra service, but if you are consistently tipping above the local negotiated rate, isn't that the same as paying a higher fee? Wouldn't the boys just understand, and come to expect that? I'm speaking about the Thai boys, which I assume is not much different from what you all are talking about in Brazil. I have also heard that as a general rule, world wide, Americans are better tippers, and better clients IE; nicer to the boys and more considerate. States side, I am a fairly generous tipper, probably to a fault, but I get more than my moneys worth. at least I think I do. Quote
Members ihpguy Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 Down here there is ZERO reason to tip. You have concluded a business transaction. ZERO They consider you an idiot for paying more than the agreed upon price. IDIOT However, go to the entry with them and pay their entry, buy them a plate of food, a bag of chips and a beverage, or offer to take them out of there for a meal and/or overnight, shopping even, but do not give them a tip for a business transaction. docbr 1 Quote
Members ihpguy Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 When going to a sauna, and a garoto starts chatting you up, the conversation will invariably come around to where the client is from. Wht? Do you think they really care if you are from Toledo, Toronto or Timbuktou? Orlando, Ottawa our Ouagadougou? Cleveland, Caen or Cochin? NOPE. They don't give a hoot where you are from. They only want the money in your wallet. They are there for one reason. They want to do whatever is necessary to get whatever money that is residing in your wallet transferred to their own wallet. By doing whatever is necessary. They are just trying to figure out if the client has a clue as to what the fees they currently get from Brasilians and if they can get you for more. PR2K can be happy to pay 400 or 600or whatever to the "Fabulous Fernando" amd be thrilled getting fleeced, and so be it. Or one can be an educated, knowledgeable consumer and state/offer the going right and have an equally good time for either for half the price or have two sessions for the same price. If the garoto two Tuesdays back were really hot, I'd probably have talked to him more and bargained with him for my normal 100 at 117. But I was so put off when he started at 150, lied to me that the standard fee at 117 was now 200 and then gave me the reason that I would be getting a great deal as there was a Japanese guy who had just paid 400 for a whole 30 minutes. Hey, PR2K. Are you of Asian descent, but the way? TotallyOz 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 Fascinating thread. I have not been to Brazil, well I haven't been anywhere really, but am seriously considering Thailand, maybe even long term, if this power struggle doesn't ruin the economy first. Anyway, the question would be, I understand the generous tipping to receive the extra service, but if you are consistently tipping above the local negotiated rate, isn't that the same as paying a higher fee? Wouldn't the boys just understand, and come to expect that? I'm speaking about the Thai boys, which I assume is not much different from what you all are talking about in Brazil. I have also heard that as a general rule, world wide, Americans are better tippers, and better clients IE; nicer to the boys and more considerate. States side, I am a fairly generous tipper, probably to a fault, but I get more than my moneys worth. at least I think I do. The boys that I go with come to understand that I do tip with good service. If that service is not there, they do not get a tip. But, if they go above and beyond, so do I. The going rate is fine to pay in any place. A tip is fine in any place is you so desire. That is your call and don't let anyone tell you different. If it is NYC and a 100 tip or Thailand and a 10 USD tip, a tip is appreciated. Down here there is ZERO reason to tip. You have concluded a business transaction. ZERO They consider you an idiot for paying more than the agreed upon price. IDIOT However, go to the entry with them and pay their entry, buy them a plate of food, a bag of chips and a beverage, or offer to take them out of there for a meal and/or overnight, shopping even, but do not give them a tip for a business transaction. Again, I disagree. They all tell me that the idiots buy them food and drinks and the intelligent clients tip them. LOL JK I don't think you are an idiot for tipping. I also disagree that the boys find you an idiot. I have had my fair share of long term boys in Thailand and Brazil and USA and I negotiate everything in advance and that is what I pay. I also treat them to a great week or two or three. I take them shopping and I buy them nice things. Perhaps you are right in them thinking I'm an idiot. I'm thinking all the time, how lucky I am to have such a beautiful boy for such a great rate. Winning! MsAnn and axiom2001 2 Quote
Members mvan1 Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 I've read this comment here and on other forums before, when discussions of sauna boys comes up. From my calculation today 100.00 USD = 258.10 BRL With the exchange rate being so favorable to the US dollar - why are some people concerned if an American wishes to share the benefit with an escort hire and pay a bit more? How does the generosity of one client spoil it for someone else? I know that when the exchange rates in Canada were much more favorable to the US dollar, I always felt comfortable either tipping more or paying more. We're not taking trinkets or souvenirs here - we're talking about people selling sex to us. They are human beings and I just can't buy into the notion that because these people are generally poor that if we share with them our benefit of a good exchange rate we are spoiling it for those who visit later. I'm sure I'm missing something here - so if anyone has a viewpoint on this - I love to understand more. This controversy boils down to the fact that reasonable people can and do disagree. The issue involves an individual choice. The choice made by one client in connection with the amount the client pays a garoto should not be the concern of another client. Other clients are not paying the garoto that is supposedly getting a higher than the standard usual and customary rate. As to the controversial claim that one client paying a higher fee to a garoto "ruins" it for other clients is foolish and without substance. It was already acknowledged in this thread (and elsewhere) that garotos talk among themselves about clients. Clients that pay more are generally known to the garotos and clients who pay the going rate are also generally known to the garotos. The existence of variety in client habits and patterns does not "ruin" or markedly affect prices for others. It might influence a garoto to attempt to charge more to a foreigner but it does not mean that the garoto will refuse to go with the foreigner for the going rate. To pay the going rate or not to pay the going rate - that is the question - or the issue. So, my vote is to live and let live (or mind your own business when it comes to what others pay a garoto). TotallyOz 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 It just all sounds too complicated for MY tastes. I dont wanna think about anything when I go out to suck cock, except the cock, and all this "should I tip or shouldnt I tip" just hurts my brain and spoils the experience.... Cant we just "shoplift" them ?????? Grandma just loves to put the Boys up under her skirt and high-tail it out of the place MsGuy 1 Quote
Members MsAnn Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 When going to a sauna, and a garoto starts chatting you up, the conversation will invariably come around to where the client is from. Wht? Do you think they really care if you are from Toledo, Toronto or Timbuktou? Orlando, Ottawa our Ouagadougou? Cleveland, Caen or Cochin? NOPE. They don't give a hoot where you are from. They only want the money in your wallet. They are there for one reason. They want to do whatever is necessary to get whatever money that is residing in your wallet transferred to their own wallet. By doing whatever is necessary. They are just trying to figure out if the client has a clue as to what the fees they currently get from Brasilians and if they can get you for more. PR2K can be happy to pay 400 or 600or whatever to the "Fabulous Fernando" amd be thrilled getting fleeced, and so be it. Or one can be an educated, knowledgeable consumer and state/offer the going right and have an equally good time for either for half the price or have two sessions for the same price. If the garoto two Tuesdays back were really hot, I'd probably have talked to him more and bargained with him for my normal 100 at 117. But I was so put off when he started at 150, lied to me that the standard fee at 117 was now 200 and then gave me the reason that I would be getting a great deal as there was a Japanese guy who had just paid 400 for a whole 30 minutes. Hey, PR2K. Are you of Asian descent, but the way? I agree that the boys are there for the money, but I have friends who travel extensively, like OZ and some of the others on here. From Prague and Zürich, to Montreal, and for years to South America and to South East Asia, and they have told me conclusively that it is generally known from the boys that Americans by and large are far and above superior clients in terms of how they treat them, their understanding, their kindness and generosity, in not only tipping, but in taking the boys shopping and out to eat, and other activities as well. I don't know, but it stands to reason. Americans on a whole are a pretty generous lot, wouldn't you say? At any rate, I'm beginning to like the attitude that the boys are tipped and rewarded, generously if you will, for superior service and attentiveness. A boy being attentive and treating me more like his equal, rather than the old fuck that I am, goes a long way in my book. TotallyOz 1 Quote
Guest riosul77 Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 Another in the course Male Sex Worker101; Never, never, never tip. YOu have already agreed on the price for the transaction. At least in Brasil, the garoto thinks you are a fool por paying more. Find out from the desk what the entry fee is that day and pay there bill. Or if you are really thrilled, take them to Centauro at Rio Sul or Leblon Shopping and splurge on the new Nike or Asics model, follow it with something they would never spend money on .....a Starbucks frapuccino and a muffin. Something totally unexpected. Make it memorable. For then 10,20 or whateve amount is just like shite sliding through a tin horn. And most likely, that present will guaranty you an overnight. I agree. The comment reflects an understanding of Brazilian culture and the lower class Brazilian (in terms of economic strata; I am not using the term in a disparaging manner) perception of tip. These boys come from a background that is alien to most foreign visitors, it shapes their perceptions and attitude. Agreeing on a price...a fee for service, nothing more in their eyes.....and then doubling the money is just not their norm in my experience. Having an ongoing relationship, a friendship outside of the sauna door is a different matter and how you contribute to that relationship is regarded differently by the garoto. The culture of one's country and how it shapes one's perception is very powerful thing. Quote
Guest callipygian Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 Perhaps I'm just naive, culturally challenged or just a fool, but if these boys/garotos are nothing more in life than male whores, as ihpguy suggests, perhaps this type of scene is not for me. I have always believed that all people are inherently the same, once the layers of life, situation(s) in life and culture is peeled away and treating people simply as a transaction and moving on is something I would not be comfortable with doing. If indeed these boys/garotos are nothing more than male whores, I would not feel comfortable contributing to such a horrible distortion of how they view themselves, or how they are viewed by those who treat and use them only as such. Quote
Members Gotti Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 Wow! You've changed your opinion quite drastically, just after reading a post, maybe you're right, forget about "male whores" and work on your personalitty instead. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted January 25, 2015 Members Posted January 25, 2015 This always circles back to WHY people hire. The politically correct thing is to say we should treat people as people, but when you play in the "escort" pool, things are a bit different. It IS a business transaction in reality and the person becomes less human and more of a commodity, like renting a car, except the object has a cock and asshole instead of 4 wheels.... You rent it, use it and return it.... YES, certainly there are those people that hire and HOPE to find a personal connection, build a relationship and have it turn into something MORE, but that is NOT the natural intention of escorting... Overtipping and excessive genorousity is simply a veiled way of gaining the escorts attention and affection and to make him notice YOU. It should NOT be viewed as the same thing as overtipping in a restaurant for good service. There is a much more PERSONAL thing happening with escorting, a service where MONEY TALKS and is the name of the game. Just the very fact that you are paying someone for sex likens the situation to "treating them a piece of meat", truth be told, regardless of how you Consciously want to view it. So stripping away all the cultural and socio-economical stuff, whether you choose the use the word whore, prostitute, etc, it is what it is; one person paying the other to use/abuse his body for a period of time, and it really doesnt require a whole bunch of overthinking or analysis. How you choose to handle the financial part is your own personal business. . . KA-CHING....... ihpguy, MsGuy and paulsf 3 Quote
Guest parisrio2000 Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 ihpguy is near hysterical, as I predicted some people would be on this subject. ihpguy I will ask again, why did you in another thread encourage people to avoid the better-looking boys? I don't pay R400 or R600, I said I knew of a few Brazilians who did. I pay the going rate of about R100 as I've said. That includes with Fernando by the way, that's what he charges me. (Can you get that price from him? Good luck with that. Try for R80 and let me know how that goes.) I choose to give him a tip on days when I think he performs well. I strongly doubt you would have been able to work the price down from R150 with the boy you mentioned. You go for less good looking boys because you know they will charge less. As for yourself, you can save the $20 and buy yourself some of that gourmet ketchup or Graham crackers you talked about. No I'm not Asia. And ihpguy I've seen the boys you talk about. If bragging was the thing, I should tell you, I can go to any gay club and get those kinds of boys, or better, for free. I've also been offered money in Rio. Bragging about how little you pay male whores is nothing to feel proud about. Quote
Guest parisrio2000 Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 This always circles back to WHY people hire. The politically correct thing is to say we should treat people as people, but when you play in the "escort" pool, things are a bit different. It IS a business transaction in reality and the person becomes less human and more of a commodity, like renting a car, except the object has a cock and asshole instead of 4 wheels.... You rent it, use it and return it.... YES, certainly there are those people that hire and HOPE to find a personal connection, build a relationship and have it turn into something MORE, but that is NOT the natural intention of escorting... Overtipping and excessive genorousity is simply a veiled way of gaining the escorts affection and should NOT be viewed as the same thing as overtipping in a restaurant for good service. There is a much more PERSONAL thing happening with escorting, a service where MONEY TALKS and is the name of the game. Just the very fact that you are paying someone for sex likens the situation to "treating them a piece of meat", truth be told, regardless of how you Consciously want to view it. So stripping away all the cultural and socio-economical stuff, whether you choose the use the word whore, prostitute, etc, it is what it is; one person paying the other to use/abuse his body for a period of time, and it really doesnt require a whole bunch of overthinking or analysis. How you choose to handle the financial part is your own personal business. . . KA-CHING....... Why isn't it like tipping any other professional? I have to laugh at you guys and this paranoia you all have about "being cheated as a foreigner." The boys do laugh at foreigners and think they're idiots, but many do so for the opposite reason than you think. Quote