Members Suckrates Posted January 31, 2015 Members Posted January 31, 2015 That's the hard part, to keep reminding yourself that you are just a commodity to them, as they are to you. I have friends who travel all over the world chasing these boys, and they always fall in love. I tell them, "Don't you realize that the minute your taxi leaves for the airport, they are in someone else's lap, telling them the same thing they just told you. I think guys like Tomcal enjoys this so much because he completely understands what's going on, and he just enjoys the boys for who and what they are. I know exactly what I look like. There are no misgivings, none of these boys would come round the house, unless my wallet was open. The only thing I ask is that while it's on my dime, tell me everything I want to hear, just scream "Oh daddy, and Oh Papi," and try to sound like you mean it, and I'll be happy. I'll tell you those things for 1/2 the price ! flipao, ihpguy and MsAnn 3 Quote
Guest lurkerspeaks Posted February 1, 2015 Posted February 1, 2015 To chime in on Rioapartmentrental ... (make sure you do not make it plural as that is a different company). I have used them as well and found them very easy to use, and very accommodating. They tell you right there on the website usually what the guest policy is for each apartment. As Tomcal stated, they speak English. They have an office in Copa if you need to see them in person for any reason. I would definitely use them again or refer anyone to them.. Quote
Members Theolover Posted February 1, 2015 Members Posted February 1, 2015 Thanks for the updates, I always love reading about your adventures flipao 1 Quote
Members mvan1 Posted February 1, 2015 Members Posted February 1, 2015 That's the hard part, to keep reminding yourself that you are just a commodity to them, as they are to you. I have friends who travel all over the world chasing these boys, and they always fall in love. I tell them, "Don't you realize that the minute your taxi leaves for the airport, they are in someone else's lap, telling them the same thing they just told you. - I cannot find anywhere in these posts or threads about Brazil, where any poster said they were looking for love or were in love with any garoto. It is clear from all postings that the posters LIKE the garotos and have fun with the garotos and have wonderful intimate encounters with the garotos. But, no place in these threads was “love” mentioned by any of the posters, nor was it implied. Posters who actually visit Brazil have reported that, while in Brazil, they had and continued to have wonderful experiences that cannot be duplicated in most parts of the world. That is a strong reason frequent visitors continue trips to Brazil. Furthermore, most posters who regularly visit Brazil, have reported establishing long-term friendships with many garotos they meet. Those posters have never said they were in love with a garoto. I keep in contact with many garotos I have met over the years. I certainly am not in love with any of them despite my long-term association and fond affection for them. With respect to referring to sauna garotos as “male whores” it is true that garotos expect money for their time and services. Face it, that is why those garotos are available to us. Many of the garotos have jobs away from the sauna and only supplement their income by working in the saunas. On the other hand, some garotos rely solely on the money they earn in the sauna. Consequently, if one desires to use the actual, but crude, definition of what garotos do with male clients, then the garoto is, a male whore. As OZ pointed out in one of his earlier posts, engaging an escort from an escort site (where the involvement with an escort usually involves only a short session) is not the same as engaging Brazilian escorts (garotos), whereby the sessions often evolve into a friendship, as has been reported here countless times. It is clear that people who have never been to Brazil or experienced Brazil’s saunas or exposure to Brazil’s garotos cannot relate to or even accurately imagine what is available in Brazil. While I agree, somewhat, with the opinions expressed by ihpguy with respect to some of the older garotos that hang out in the saunas after their good looks have become a distant memory, I want to point out that those older garotos are in the minority of the garotos that are available. I do understand why people who have not been to Brazil sometimes misinterpret these posts. Those who have not experienced Brazil cannot fully relate to these posts discussing the experiences reported about garotos. It is like one trying to explain, solely in words, how it feels to experience anything substantive. How does one communicate, IN WORDS, how it feels to drive a car or listen to music or many other things in life? You can’t. Quite simply, there are things in life that require actual experience, rather than words. Adventures in Brazil are those things that must be experienced rather than read. Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted February 1, 2015 Members Posted February 1, 2015 Driver, as you know I always stayed in Copacabana until about 3-1/2 years ago when I switched to Ipanema and I like it a lot! I use I have rented about a dozen or more times thru them and have referred 4 friends to them and everyone has had a good experience. Their staff all speak English. When you go to their site, on the left hand side there is a yellow section saying featured apartments. then choose Ipanema and what type of apt., 1,2 or 3 bedroom. It's been my experience that the 2 bedrooms are not that much more then a 1 bedroom and I like having the extra space and usually a 2nd bath comes with that. they have a map section associated with each rental unit so you can see where it is located in relation to the beach etc. I've used this agency as well and was quite pleased. But whenever I return, I might obtain a Rio rental through A friend of mine got his through them, and the apartment was gorgeous as well as reasonably priced! Quote
Guest Driver Posted February 1, 2015 Posted February 1, 2015 The term whore is an emotive term. I have met Ihpguy a number of times and I know damn well he did not mean it in an insulting way. These guys have sex for money then go home to their families. Its a statement of fact that these guys are male whores in the literal sense. However it doesn't end there. How you treat these guys reflects on you, especially so if you are a frequent visitor. That's why Tomcal is popular with his guys. Ihpguy has pointed me to some really friendly guys and I am grateful for that. Hopefully in time i can build up some relationships too. Quote
Members ihpguy Posted February 1, 2015 Members Posted February 1, 2015 Come on. Open your eyes. Pull open the curtains. End of this fantasy! Here in Brasil, they might be called garotos de programa/program boys/sauna boys or whatever. But the majority are not boys. I really do not believe that the majority would be there because selling your body to generally older men for sex is "fun" but it is a necessity to survive.These are not childlike adolescents in the main. A majority, most certainly at Clube 117 are grown men. Many with wives/girlfriends and children. In the past, the image was that they worked and visited saunas to earn the extra funds needed to survive the life here. Not now. They are professional sex workers coming to the job. Usually at certain hours and certain days. This is the reality. One might even consider them as adult entertainersas at the Mustange Ranch, but like the whores that hang out there in their lingerie waiting for clients to drive up, these men are hanging around in towels, boxer briefs and swimsuits, and are even required to stay for a certain number of hours or they have to pay the full customer admission fee and not the discounted sex-worker fee. flipao, JAYBLK and mvan1 3 Quote
Members mvan1 Posted February 1, 2015 Members Posted February 1, 2015 The term whore is an emotive term. I have met Ihpguy a number of times and I know damn well he did not mean it in an insulting way. These guys have sex for money then go home to their families. Its a statement of fact that these guys are male whores in the literal sense. However it doesn't end there. How you treat these guys reflects on you, especially so if you are a frequent visitor. That's why Tomcal is popular with his guys. Ihpguy has pointed me to some really friendly guys and I am grateful for that. Hopefully in time i can build up some relationships too. Go back and read my post again. I did not say that ihpguy meant to insult the garotos. He offered his opinion and his viewpoint of garotos found in a Brazilian sauna. Some readers here agree with him totally, others agree with him partially while others disagree with him totally. I wrote that I agree with him in connection with the older garotos who remain in the sauna after their good looks are gone. In view of what I wrote, I am puzzled where your comment "I know damn well he did not mean it in an insulting way" came from. In connection with your statement, "Hopefully in time i can build up some relationships too." I can assure you, it can happen without your planning it. The more you travel to Brazil and have exposure to garotos, the opportunities increase. A major key is how you relate to the garotos and how you seize the opportunities. If there is compatibility, a lasting relationship can blossom. What happens after the blossoms bloom, mostly depends on an effort from both sides of the relationship. Quote
Members mvan1 Posted February 1, 2015 Members Posted February 1, 2015 Come on. Open your eyes. Pull open the curtains. End of this fantasy! Here in Brasil, they might be called garotos de programa/program boys/sauna boys or whatever. But the majority are not boys. I really do not believe that the majority would be there because selling your body to generally older men for sex is "fun" but it is a necessity to survive.These are not childlike adolescents in the main. A majority, most certainly at Clube 117 are grown men. Many with wives/girlfriends and children. In the past, the image was that they worked and visited saunas to earn the extra funds needed to survive the life here. Not now. They are professional sex workers coming to the job. Usually at certain hours and certain days. This is the reality. One might even consider them as adult entertainersas at the Mustange Ranch, but like the whores that hang out there in their lingerie waiting for clients to drive up, these men are hanging around in towels, boxer briefs and swimsuits, and are even required to stay for a certain number of hours or they have to pay the full customer admission fee and not the discounted sex-worker fee. Blunt, crude, but accurate. This scenario chiefly applies to the older garoto that has been a "regular" in the saunas for many years. The sauna has become a "second home" to many of the older garotos. Quote
Guest tomcal Posted February 1, 2015 Posted February 1, 2015 It's a beautiful day in SoCal, and I am sitting on the deck waiting to go to a superbowl party later today and I thought I would give my thoughts on this last trip which was 14 years after my first trip to Rio(Oct./2001) Also put some info for anyone who has never been but contemplating a trip to Brazil and specifically the sauna scene!The rentboy sauna scene in Rio as been kind of a roller coaster event over the years, from 2 saunas in 2001 to as many as 6 in 2006/7 to 3 presently. The one that has existed that whole time since before 2001 is club 117. It now attracts more "muscle guys", but this too changes over time. I would say about 1/2 or better of the rentboys in attendance on a given night will be "muscle" types, everything from serious gym bodies to steroid injectors! There will also be some average body types often with big dicks! and a scattering of twinks. At the present time Meio Mundo is the twink sauna and also attracts the newest guys just starting out. Pointe 202 I thought was on life support my last 3 or 4 visits in 2013/14 but this last trip was definitely busier and where I met the "surfer guy" pictured above this past Monday! It was also the opinion of several locals I talked to that it is getting better and busier! It used to be the muscle sauna and still gets those guys as well.Some nights I have gone to all three if I start at Meio Mundo as it is in Centro/downtown, you take the metro/subway two stops south to Gloria where 117 is a block away and then continue taking the Metro 6 more stops to Copacabana where Pointe202 is.Most major cities in Brazil have rentboy saunas. Sao Paulo has Lagoa and Fragata both of which have been around for years. My favorite sauna in Brazil is Mezziniu Sauna in Porto Alegre, which is 1-1/2 hour flight south of Sao Paulo or 2 hours from Rio. It is imho, the nicest and cleanest, but nice and clean is not great unless you have guys working there and Monday thru Thurs, they are few in number, a dozen or less. I was told Wednesday nights are decent but I don't know if I believe it. It is definitely a Fri - Sunday destination. Mezziniu is now 7 years old but was built as a sauna from the ground up, compared to the others which were converted from other uses to be saunas, and the owner of Mezziniu put a lot of thought into the design and layout.Belo Horzonte, has 3 or 4 saunas and it seems about 1/3 of the guys I meet in the Rio saunas are from there! The best one to go to there is OLYMPUS Sauna, Rua Timbiras, 2635 (between Amazon and the Rio Sul G) I haven't been there in awhile but I asked one of the guys that I know well and he said it is still good. But Bello Horzonte like Porto Alegre is not a tourist destination so not a place to stay for longer then a few days. There are direct flights between both cities and Miami on American Airlines. Rio and Sao Paulo have direct flights on American from both Miami and DFW, as well as one direct flight a day from Los Angeles to Sao Paulo. The distance from Rio to Belo Horzonte is 225 miles and less then a hour by air, and there are a number of flights a day on both TAM and GOL airlines. Every time I go I think, will it be as good as the last time or as last year? This time it was even better! Although this trip I was with mostly guys who I had already known so that makes a difference! I think I ended up meeting 5 new guys this trip the rest were guys I had met on previous visits. Quote
Members MsAnn Posted February 3, 2015 Members Posted February 3, 2015 - I cannot find anywhere in these posts or threads about Brazil, where any poster said they were looking for love or were in love with any garoto. It is clear from all postings that the posters LIKE the garotos and have fun with the garotos and have wonderful intimate encounters with the garotos. But, no place in these threads was “love” mentioned by any of the posters, nor was it implied. Posters who actually visit Brazil have reported that, while in Brazil, they had and continued to have wonderful experiences that cannot be duplicated in most parts of the world. That is a strong reason frequent visitors continue trips to Brazil. Furthermore, most posters who regularly visit Brazil, have reported establishing long-term friendships with many garotos they meet. Those posters have never said they were in love with a garoto. I keep in contact with many garotos I have met over the years. I certainly am not in love with any of them despite my long-term association and fond affection for them. With respect to referring to sauna garotos as “male whores” it is true that garotos expect money for their time and services. Face it, that is why those garotos are available to us. Many of the garotos have jobs away from the sauna and only supplement their income by working in the saunas. On the other hand, some garotos rely solely on the money they earn in the sauna. Consequently, if one desires to use the actual, but crude, definition of what garotos do with male clients, then the garoto is, a male whore. As OZ pointed out in one of his earlier posts, engaging an escort from an escort site (where the involvement with an escort usually involves only a short session) is not the same as engaging Brazilian escorts (garotos), whereby the sessions often evolve into a friendship, as has been reported here countless times. It is clear that people who have never been to Brazil or experienced Brazil’s saunas or exposure to Brazil’s garotos cannot relate to or even accurately imagine what is available in Brazil. While I agree, somewhat, with the opinions expressed by ihpguy with respect to some of the older garotos that hang out in the saunas after their good looks have become a distant memory, I want to point out that those older garotos are in the minority of the garotos that are available. I do understand why people who have not been to Brazil sometimes misinterpret these posts. Those who have not experienced Brazil cannot fully relate to these posts discussing the experiences reported about garotos. It is like one trying to explain, solely in words, how it feels to experience anything substantive. How does one communicate, IN WORDS, how it feels to drive a car or listen to music or many other things in life? You can’t. Quite simply, there are things in life that require actual experience, rather than words. Adventures in Brazil are those things that must be experienced rather than read. Wow mvan1. See post #66. I haven't a clue how you surmised all of that from my little post. My comment was merely a response to what Grandma Suckrates commented on in Post #66. I never used the word or phrase "garotos" or "male whore" nor implied any such thing. Friendships I get, as Tomcal and others has spoken about. I never said that frequent travelers to Brazil do not establish these friendships and it is obvious from what he has written, that they have an affection for him also. I've done my fair share of traveling to see the boys, and in many cases I have developed a rather nice relationship. My only comment in that regard, was in speaking about friends of mine who literally fall in love with some of these kids, and actually believe that the feelings are reciprocated. I don't believe that they are. Friendship and love are not the same animal. If you took my post to mean that I somehow thought that the travelers to Brazil were a bit naive in their feelings toward the sauna boys, well you would be incorrect. Perhaps I was not clear in my post. And from Tomcal's own post. When he was having dinner one night with owners of two saunas in Rio. They said; "Remember, you can be friends with the boys, but once a sauna boy always a sauna boy" meaning, don't fall in love or you will get taken advantage of. This is exactly what I am saying. Quote
Members mvan1 Posted February 3, 2015 Members Posted February 3, 2015 Wow mvan1. See post #66. I haven't a clue how you surmised all of that from my little post. My comment was merely a response to what Grandma Suckrates commented on in Post #66. I never used the word or phrase "garotos" or "male whore" nor implied any such thing. Friendships I get, as Tomcal and others has spoken about. I never said that frequent travelers to Brazil do not establish these friendships and it is obvious from what he has written, that they have an affection for him also. I've done my fair share of traveling to see the boys, and in many cases I have developed a rather nice relationship. My only comment in that regard, was in speaking about friends of mine who literally fall in love with some of these kids, and actually believe that the feelings are reciprocated. I don't believe that they are. Friendship and love are not the same animal. If you took my post to mean that I somehow thought that the travelers to Brazil were a bit naive in their feelings toward the sauna boys, well you would be incorrect. Perhaps I was not clear in my post. In the post I cited, you wrote this - “That's the hard part, to keep reminding yourself that you are just a commodity to them, as they are to you. I have friends who travel all over the world chasing these boys, and they always fall in love. I tell them, "Don't you realize that the minute your taxi leaves for the airport, they are in someone else's lap, telling them the same thing they just told you.” I think most reasonable people would interpret what you wrote to mean that travelers to Brazil are naive when it comes to thinking that sauna boys have intimate feelings toward them. It was not my intention to single out your post. Your post was the most direct and contained an example of your friends whom you cited who “always fall in love” with the boys they chase. The rest of what I wrote wasn’t about your post. The remainder of my post was written to solidify the fact that some of the posts made to this thread were written by people who have never been to Brazil. People who do not visit Brazil or have never been to Brazil, cannot relate to the experiences we who do visit Brazil, experience. That is it. Nothing more was intended. You made a nice post. Don’t be so sensitive. If you have not been to Brazil, I heartily recommend your doing so. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted February 3, 2015 Members Posted February 3, 2015 Annie, let's go to Brazil ! ihpguy and MsAnn 2 Quote
Members mvan1 Posted February 4, 2015 Members Posted February 4, 2015 One more pic from Porto Alegre! What a handsome guy. Is he a regular at the sauna in Porto Alegre? If so, I suspect he is one of the most popular garotos in that place. Quote
Guest tomcal Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 What a handsome guy. Is he a regular at the sauna in Porto Alegre? If so, I suspect he is one of the most popular garotos in that place. He is at Bar Mixx, and recently entered a contest for Mr. Porto Alegre or Riosul, not sure. but a handsome nice guy! Quote
Members mvan1 Posted February 4, 2015 Members Posted February 4, 2015 He is at Bar Mixx, and recently entered a contest for Mr. Porto Alegre or Riosul, not sure. but a handsome nice guy! Thanks for the info. I know I never saw him at the sauna. Next month I will have to check out Bar Mixx. I have been back from Brazil only a week and already it seems like I have been here for an eternity. flipao 1 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted February 4, 2015 Members Posted February 4, 2015 One more pic from Porto Alegre! He looks oh so damn sweet, or shall I write "very luscious!" ...mouthwatering indeed! Quote
Guest tomcal Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 ...I have been back from Brazil only a week and already it seems like I have been here for an eternity. :-) I know the feeling! I have been back less then a week and I am already checking out flights in mid April! Quote
Members mvan1 Posted February 4, 2015 Members Posted February 4, 2015 :-) I know the feeling! I have been back less then a week and I am already checking out flights in mid April! Some particular trips to Brazil are more enjoyable than all Brazil trips combined. My last trip was far more enjoyable than some of my trips in late 2014. Based on your reports, the trip you just finished was one of the best for you. Brazil - What a magnificent obsession. lookin and flipao 2 Quote
Members mvan1 Posted February 4, 2015 Members Posted February 4, 2015 :-) I know the feeling! I have been back less then a week and I am already checking out flights in mid April! Before you book an April flight, and if you have any AA SWUs left, and if you have some flexibility, you might want to consider using this tool to find the best rates from your origin to Brazil. You mentioned April but it can be any date - you can set the program to select only AA or you can set it select any or all air carriers. If you use an air carrier other than AA, you cannot use the SWU. You can let the program search for and find the best fare. The program shows you 30 days for each search. Therefore, you can see higher or lower prices and selected accordingly. You cannot book your flight on this program but the program will tell you specific flights and dates and prices. With the information provided from the flight search, you book the flight on the airlines site or call AA to book and use the SWU. The program is useful for finding Brazil flights or any other flights, anywhere in the world on any airline. lookin 1 Quote
Guest Driver Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 :-) I know the feeling! I have been back less then a week and I am already checking out flights in mid April! LOL, I have booked April 9th - April 20th Copacabana with Fri 17th and Saturday 18th Porto Alegre. Might see you sooner than I anticipated. Quote
Guest tomcal Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 LOL, I have booked April 9th - April 20th Copacabana with Fri 17th and Saturday 18th Porto Alegre. Might see you sooner than I anticipated. Well I do owe you a few drinks for the night you took me out bar hopping in London!! My ticket is on hold, right now it has me arriving in P.A. on thurs. the 16th of April, staying thru Monday the 20th and then flying to Rio that afternoon for a week! Interesting that as I was writing this two of the guys from Porto Alegre were messaging me on Whatsapp(which I think every Brazilian is on!). I keep telling them that California is 6 hours/timezones behind them this time of year, but they keep forgetting and I get messges at 5:00a.m. every morning! Quote
Members ihpguy Posted February 4, 2015 Members Posted February 4, 2015 I can assure you that nearly every Brasilian is on WhatsApp. Why? Many people here pay for text messages or a daily fee for texting. With WhatsApp, no charge. Quote
Members ihpguy Posted February 4, 2015 Members Posted February 4, 2015 BTW Tom, Pablo Souza is neither straight enough nor brutish enough nor steroidal enough for PR2K. Quote