Members MsAnn Posted January 27, 2015 Members Posted January 27, 2015 Thanks Tomcal for the stories and for keeping this old senior entertained the last couple of days. It sounds like a wonderful adventure. I can see why you just completely "wing-it," which is probably the best way since you never know what situation will unfold. I can also see that if I ever got down to that part of the world, I would have to go with someone who knows the ropes. Navigating all the clubs and the boys would be daunting at first. I have been invited to Montevideo, but didn't go initially because I thought the costs to be a little steep for my taste, and I was concerned that there wouldn't be enough muscle boys. I do like the big boys. I'm now thinkin that maybe I should cough up the cash and bite the bullet and make the trip. I know you're about to leave and will be on the road, so feel free to answer this at your convenience, but 1.) Are there muscle boys? 2.) are they plentiful? 3.) In terms of US dollars, what does the typical boy cost for say an hour or so and for spending the night? Just trying to get a feel for what to expect. Thanks in advance for any info. Again loved the stories, and it got me away from watching CNN and their dreadful coverage of this nor'easter. It's like a bunch of freakin six graders. Bless you my child, and safe travels. flipao and lookin 2 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 28, 2015 Posted January 28, 2015 just when I thought it could not get anymore interesting or wild...Today happened and It Did!! I just got back to the apartment and so much to tell about today and tonight, plus I still haven't given the report for the first two days in Rio, but I have go to bed, there are two guys in the bedroom yelling at me to get in there!! I will have time I think tomorrow before I head to the airport to Sao Paulo so will try and give a update, it's been a wild ride! I LOVE BRAZIL!! Quote
Members MsAnn Posted January 28, 2015 Members Posted January 28, 2015 just when I thought it could not get anymore interesting or wild...Today happened and It Did!! I just got back to the apartment and so much to tell about today and tonight, plus I still haven't given the report for the first two days in Rio, but I have go to bed, there are two guys in the bedroom yelling at me to get in there!! I will have time I think tomorrow before I head to the airport to Sao Paulo so will try and give a update, it's been a wild ride! I LOVE BRAZIL!! I want your life. Take your time, I will await your report. FYI, there are protest, vandalism, and arrests in Sao Paulo over rate hikes for buses and trains. Be safe. Quote
Members Gotti Posted January 28, 2015 Members Posted January 28, 2015 just when I thought it could not get anymore interesting or wild...Today happened and It Did!! I just got back to the apartment and so much to tell about today and tonight, plus I still haven't given the report for the first two days in Rio, but I have go to bed, there are two guys in the bedroom yelling at me to get in there!! I will have time I think tomorrow before I head to the airport to Sao Paulo so will try and give a update, it's been a wild ride! I LOVE BRAZIL!! Quote
Members Gotti Posted January 28, 2015 Members Posted January 28, 2015 Tomcal your "Drifting in Rio" narrative is absolutely fascinating, a worthy follow-up to the Porto Alegre romp (a city that you put on the map). Keep'em coming! lookin and flipao 2 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 28, 2015 Posted January 28, 2015 I am going to start packing to fly home today, but thought I would give a preview of who I spent the past 18 hours with and I have some great stories! The brunett is the surfer who I met two days ago. He is really a nice sweet guy! The blonde is smart, sexy and someone who is amazing in bed! The two of them why I slept only from 5:00a.m. this morning to 8:30a.m. but so worth it!!! although my body may not think so by this afternoon! Quote
Members Gotti Posted January 28, 2015 Members Posted January 28, 2015 The brunette if I'm not mistaken is The one you've picked at Point, please correct me if I'm wrong. I must have him! He looks a little bit (actually a lot) like Kennedy Jr (an ongoing crush of mine), when he was at that age. It will be a Hitckock (like Vertigo) moment. Obsession. Would you be kind enough to let us know his name? Quote
Members Gotti Posted January 28, 2015 Members Posted January 28, 2015 One word about Point: on my last Rio stay I did not go there but I also heard it's getting better, likely due to free suites on Mondays and Wednesdays,which are the days to go. Finnally Junior did something right, he must be out of drugs, hopefully he will soon realize he is nota on show-busimess. Quote
Members msclelovr Posted January 28, 2015 Members Posted January 28, 2015 A quick question, Tomcal: when these 3ways or group scenes are suggested to you, I assume you pay each guy involved - am I right? Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 I am on the plane somewhere over the Caribbean, I have been sleepingthe past 5-1/2 hours and still have about 2 hours to go before we land but feelpretty rested (probably because it is the longest stretch of time I have sleptsince arriving a week ago in Brazil! lol) So I decided this would be a goodtime to write about the trip! This also shows how even if things don't go asplanned or not as anticipated it can turn out great!Monday night I went to Meo Mundo and it was busy. I went there tomeet up with one of my favorite guys but I first ran into Rafael who I haveknown about 2 years, he says "are you looking for Jefferson?" I said "how didyou know"? he smiles and says "we talk". Then he says "can I go with you andhim"? I said sure! about 2 minutes later Jefferson comes into the bar area andgrabs me and gives me a long kiss and says "let's go"! We went up to the roomand really had a great time. It's important if you are going to do a 3 or 4 waythat you have guys who all like each other. It makes for a much more energeticsession than if you just pick random guys who don't know each other. As we werelaying together on the bed after we were done, we were laughing and talkingand they said "when are we going to do this again?" and Rafael says "it's mybirthday tomorrow". So I said "why don't you both come to the apartmenttomorrow at noon and we will go to a restaurant for lunch and then go back tothe apartment for the afternoon and celebrate your birthday!? They both agreedit sounded like a perfect plan. We left to go down to the bar and about 15minutes later Jefferson comes over to me and says "there is a new cute guy here,let's do him!" I said show me who you are talking about and he went to get him.He was right the guy was cute! He was 20 and started working at Meo Mundo afew weeks before, Jefferson asked him if he was a top or bttm and he said he wastotally versatile so the three of us went up to a room. Turns out he was verygood at both and definitely a fun guy. After I left Meo Mundo I decided to stop by Pointe202 sauna in Copacabana. I had heard that it was starting to do betterand attract more people so I wanted to see. It was true it definitely wasbusier then I had seen it in along time and this was a Monday night! I hadn'tplanned on doing anything there as I was just going to have a drink and talk tothe owners. I saw a couple of guys I had known in the past and as I was sittingthere talking I spotted the previously mentioned "surfer boy"! I really likedhis look and the fact he seemed kind of shy. So after about 20 mins I went overand sat down next to him and we started talking and then told him that since itwas already 9:30 did he want to go with me to dinner? I didn't mention stayingovernight because I had no idea at this point if we were going to be thatcompatible. As I previously wrote, I ended up getting a text from the owner ofMeo Mundo inviting me to meet he and his boyfriend for dinner so I asked Alex,if he would like to go and we meet them. After what I can only describe as a really great night with him, onTuesday morning I asked him if he wanted to go to dinner tonight and stay as itwas my last night and he said "YES"! He had to leave for his work at 9:00 and Ihad Jefferson and Rafael coming over at noon. A friend of mine in Californiahad asked if I would take a gift from him to a guy in Rio and he would have himstop by the apartment to pick it up. I said "sure". On Tuesday the guymessaged me and asked if he could come by today to pick it up and I told him wewere leaving for lunch at 12:30 pm so he needed to be there by then. At 12:30he texted me and said he was 10 mins away. So we waited for him...and thatturned out to be the best decision of the tripThe buzzer rang and when I opened the door there stood a attractiveblonde guy with a gleaming white smile! I introduced him to Jefferson andRafael and asked him if he wanted to join us for lunch and he said absolutelybut could he take a quick shower first as he ran the last couple blocks to theapartment to try and arrive on time and it was 94 degrees and he was reallysweating, so I said it was no problem waiting another few minutes. Heimmediately started removing his clothes in the living room and as he walkednaked towards the bathroom showing a very cute firm bubble butt, Jefferson andRafael looked at me with big smiles on their faces and I knew the afternoon wasgoing to take a good turn! We went to a restaurant close to the beach inIpanema and the three of them were laughing the whole time and were realtygetting along. Luiz asked me since there was a extra bedroom at my place couldhe spend the night there as it was a 2 hr bus ride back to his home. I toldhim I had someone spending the night but if he wanted to stay in the sparebedroom that would be ok(not believing for a second that was ever going tohappen) When we got back to the apartment about 2:00 Jefferson started checkinghis email and talking to Rafael and all of the sudden "Luiz" the blonde guydisappeared into the bedroom. When I walked in he was laying naked on his sidewith a big smile and said "is anyone ready for some fun?" He and I startedplaying around and about 5 minutes later, Jefferson walked in, and jumped on thebed followed by Rafael. One of the reasons I rent this apartment is that thisbedroom has a king bed! very handy for this situations! Around 5:00 I told theguys we had to get dressed as I was meeting someone at Club117, Jefferson andRafael took off for home and Luiz asked if he could go with me as he hadn't beenthere. I said sure. When we got there it was already busy since it was Tuesday and that isthere busiest night since rooms are free. I showed Luiz the layout and then Imet up with two guys that I had made plans with the day before. Luizimmediately got approached by some clients as he was "new" there. He asked me"would it be ok for me to do a programma or would you prefer I not?" I said "goahead, make some money and have fun, I will see you back in the bar in a littlewhile"! At 8:30 we met back up in the bar and we had to leave as Alex, thesurfer boy was coming to the apartment to go to dinner and spend thenightOn the way back in the subway I told Luiz he needed to explain to Alexas he was expecting just the two of us at dinner We got back to the apartment at 8:55 and at 9:00 Alex arrived on timewhich is really rare for Brazilerios! When I introduced the two of them, Icould tell by their smiles it was going to be a interesting night. We went to arestaurant close by and had a really enjoyable dinner and the fact that Luizspeaks fairly good English made the conversation flow easily between us.We got back to the apartment and literally in 3 minutes we were all inbed! I can honestly say I don't remember having this much fun in a long time!After about an hour I thought we would all go to sleep, we kissed goodnight andI thought we would sleep, but it seemed that within about 5 minutes someone'shands would be touching someone somewhere! and all three of us were guilty! Sowe started round 2! Now it is about 3:30 and again we all say goodnight and"spoon in" and close our eyes. This time I am not in the middle but Alex, thesurfer is. I hear Luiz breathing like he is already sound asleep so I start todrift off when I feel alex's hand move down my chest and then grab my dick! Iturn and he has his eyes still closed by is smiling! So I motion for him to getup so we won't disturb Luiz and we go to the other bedroom! He certainly is nolonger the shy guy I thought he was! Finally at 4:00 we fall asleep! thank god!although I am not complaining just thankful they didn't have to call medics togive me IV fluids! About 5:30 I wake up because I hear Luiz in the kitchengetting some water. I get up to use the bathroom and he comes in and says "whydid you leave the bedroom"? I told him that we did not want to disturb him andAlex still wanted to have some fun! He goes "well I am awake now, it is yourturn to spend some private time with me!" Finally at 6:30 we both go to sleepand stay asleep until 10:00 when Alex crawls into bed to wake us up! We headout for breakfast a great place in Ipanema called Cafeina on Rua Farme deAmoedo, one block from the beach. About 11:30 we are back at the apartment andI finish up packing and as we are waiting for the apartment manager to show upto check us out, Alex goes into the bedroom and lays down and pulls his pantsdown and starts flashing us his ass! I go 'we don't have the time"! and he says" We can try" and laughs! sorry for mistakes in grammer/punctuation, but trying to get this done before we land! to be con't Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 A quick question, Tomcal: when these 3ways or group scenes are suggested to you, I assume you pay each guy involved - am I right? You assume right! :-) Quote
Members MsGuy Posted January 29, 2015 Members Posted January 29, 2015 be con't YAY! MsAnn, flipao and axiom2001 3 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted January 30, 2015 Members Posted January 30, 2015 I am going to start packing to fly home today, but thought I would give a preview of who I spent the past 18 hours with and I have some great stories! The brunett is the surfer who I met two days ago. He is really a nice sweet guy! The blonde is smart, sexy and someone who is amazing in bed! The two of them why I slept only from 5:00a.m. this morning to 8:30a.m. but so worth it!!! although my body may not think so by this afternoon! The brunette is "rockin'!!" flipao 1 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted January 30, 2015 Members Posted January 30, 2015 YAY! "Celebration Time, Cum On!" flipao 1 Quote
Members MsAnn Posted January 30, 2015 Members Posted January 30, 2015 Thank you Tomcal, we'll all be anxiously waiting your safe return, and some more glorious stories. DON'T FORGET to post those wonderful attachments. Quote
Members MsAnn Posted January 30, 2015 Members Posted January 30, 2015 to be con't I'll be waitin. lookin and flipao 2 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 1.) Are there muscle boys? 2.) are they plentiful? 3.) In terms of US dollars, what does the typical boy cost for say an hour or so and for spending the night? Just trying to get a feel for what to expect. Thanks in advance for any info. There are muscle boys! the most can be found at Club117, the fewest if any at Meo Mundo. Pointe also has some. This past Tuesday there were at least a dozen or more at 117. The pics below are Diego, who I was with Tuesday night there. I originally met his at Pointe 3 years ago when he was 19, I hadn't seen him in about a year and when I walked in to 117 he was standing in the hallway and he gave me a hug and kiss and that pretty much is all it takes to get me to go to a room with him! lol Later after we came back down from one of the rooms to the bar he asked me to give him my phone and he went on FB and added me as a friend and said. "now the next time you come to Rio you can message me ahead of time and I can see you when you arrive and not find out on the last day of your trip you are here! When you come back I will stay with you at your apartment!" I didnt' tell him that the apartment is booking up fast for my next trip! :-) Quote
Members MsGuy Posted January 30, 2015 Members Posted January 30, 2015 Maybe you should look for a three bedroom apt. next trip. lookin 1 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 I forgot to point out that the skateboard he is holding in the photo above I bought for him, after he came over on a Saturday afternoon to the apartment unexpectedly and about a hour later when I was still basking in the afterglow of the moment, he mentioned that he had seen the skateboard in a store on the way to the apartment.... Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 I skipped over reporting on this past Sunday night, my first night in Rio. I arrived from Porto Alegre at 11:00 a.m. and was in the apartment in Ipanema by noon. I have been renting this apartment for the past 3 years when I am in Rio, it has a great location, 2 blocks from the gay beach, across the street from the Metro(subway)station and within 3 blocks radius there are about 50 restaurants, Citibank atm, grocery store, etc. I went to the store picked up sodas/snacks/OJ/soap for the apartment and then walked over to the beach to get something to eat. I got to Club117 about 5:30 and there were about 15 customers and about 20 escorts there which was more then I was expecting for that early on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Almost immediately I ran into Diego, first pic below, I have known him about 7 or 8 years, when I first met him he was 19 and had already done a number of porn films, he had attitude and wasn't that great in bed so I never saw him again until about 2 years ago when we again ran into each other and he had matured, lost the attitude, was a whole lot better in bed! Now when we run into each other, we have a routine down, he starts looking for a muscle guy with a big dick that he wants to get fucked by, but who also is someone with a good face which is one of my requirements! About 5 minutes later he comes back with Marcos! Someone we had done a 3 some with last trip and who Oz and Gotti both know. Marcos, he is a Great guy very professional and know hows to fuck a experienced bottom, He is a Blonde, big dick and even more importantly a really nice guy! we laughed and talked and Marcos showed me the website for his restaurant food service business he started and almost as a afterthought he goes, "hey we bette have sex we only have the room for 20 more minutes! Diego was in extacy getting fucked by him. Afterwards we arranged to meet up again on Tuedsay to repeat. The sex was energenic and very good! Marcos had me take a couple of pictures of him one he wanted me to sent to Mike but ask that I not put them on the internet. After we finished I went back up to a room with Diego the muscle guy, about 8:00 I left and decided to stop by pointe, it is easy as it is inCopacabana just 2 stops before my stop in Ipanema. t Pointe also had more guys then the have had in my last several visits there in the past year. when I have been there....and I found my Surfer boy there, so well worth the visit! Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 Wednesday at 12:30pm I was supposed to get checked out of the apartment. You give a $350. damage deposit in cash to them when you arrive and they put it in a sealed envelope that you both initial and then when they come to check you out they had the envelope back to you and you open it and count it and sign the release. The inspection is usually very cursory they are just looking to make sure there is no visable damages like windows, doors, chairs etc. I have never had a problem. Just as the guy who does the inspection was showing up my two friends were just leaving and they both kissed me goodbye. He says to me are those your 2 friends that were here last time I checked you out in October? I said "ahh..nope", he looked at me with a big smile! Both Rio and Sao Paulo have a International airports which are a distance from both Copacabana and Ipanema in Rio's case, about 1/2 hour and from Lagoa sauna in Sao Paulo about 45 mins. So when I fly from Rio to Sao Paulo I use the city airports of each which considerably reduces the drive time in the taxi! Rio's Santos Dumont airport(SDU) is not only on the bay with beautiful views of Sugarloaf and the city, but the terminal was redone a few years ago and is very nice and a short taxi ride from Copa/Ipa. It is about a 35 minute flight to Sao Paulo's City airport of Congonhas(CGH) which is only about 12 minutes by taxi from Lagoa sauna! As I have mentioned before, my usual routine is to fly home from Sao Paulo rather then Rio because of both connecting flights in the U.S. and the choice of better plane seating confirguration on the type of aircraft used on the S.P. runs as opposed to those used on the Rio runs. Secondly and probably most importantly, Lagoa has valet luggage checkin! Since most international flights depart in the later evening and whether staying in a apartment or hotel you have to check out by 1:00 pm or so, it gives you a great place to spend your last few hours before the long flight home! When I got there around 4:15 it was already fairly busy. I had never been there on a Wednesday before but Mvan1 had mentioned that Weds were one of their busier days. When I had been here last time which was about 3 months ago, they had the bar area sealed of and were remodeling it. It is now done and a great improvement imho, over what they had. They got rid of the useless enclosed TV viewing room that was on one side of the bar and that area is now part of the bar seating area. The bar itself is in the same location, just larger and now in the center between the two main seating areas. The sight lines are much better and you can see the guys coming in from the locker areas, or from the shower easily from almost any part of the bar. A guy, nice looking but older then I am typically attracted to, I would guess 32 - 34 yrs old was staring at me from across the bar. I kept looking at him too and then finally realized he was a guy I had met once there about 8 or 9 years ago! His face was the same, just a slightly more mature body and a little less of a waist! I walked up and when I asked him "didn't we meet here about 8 or 9 years ago?" He got a big smile on his face and was very happy that I remembered him! He asked if I remembered him enough to want to go up to a room with him and I said possibly but I am waiting to meet up with a friend, I will let you know later(at this point I was going to be there for 4 more hours so as I tell everyone don't rush off with the first guy that approaches you, now matter what your dick is saying to you!!) About 10 mins later in walks Vagner, he is a professional stripper from Florinapolis who works the circuit of straight and gay clubs in Rio, S.P., Porto Alegre and Santa Catarina/Florinapolis. We met about a year ago at Bar Mixx where he was playing pool and I was watching and we started talking and somehow he ended up back at my hotel! since then we have stayed in contact on facebook. He runs up and gives mne a big kiss and hug and sat down and had a drink together. Then he says "Let's go"! so we went up to a room! Great time with a great guy! I realized I had written in one of the first posts that I was attaching a photo of the bar/glassed in shower area of Mezziniu and didn't do it. Also I took some photos of the inside of Bar Mixx before it opened last Thursday night as I was visiting with the owner who is a friend and wanted to try and give a 'feel" to this unique bar. so there they are. the first pic is the stripper from Lagoa sauna in Sao Paulo, 2nd pic is bar/shower area of Mezziniu sauna and the rest are of Bar Mixx in porto alegre Quote
Guest parisrio2000 Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 There are muscle boys! the most can be found at Club117, the fewest if any at Meo Mundo. Pointe also has some. This past Tuesday there were at least a dozen or more at 117. The pics below are Diego, who I was with Tuesday night there. I originally met his at Pointe 3 years ago when he was 19, I hadn't seen him in about a year and when I walked in to 117 he was standing in the hallway and he gave me a hug and kiss and that pretty much is all it takes to get me to go to a room with him! lol Later after we came back down from one of the rooms to the bar he asked me to give him my phone and he went on FB and added me as a friend and said. "now the next time you come to Rio you can message me ahead of time and I can see you when you arrive and not find out on the last day of your trip you are here! When you come back I will stay with you at your apartment!" I didnt' tell him that the apartment is booking up fast for my next trip! :-) I know this guy I met him once, but didn't hire. He was there with a client watching a "show" but he secretly gave me his number haha. I didn't end up calling though. Is he good? I would be skeptical of the age he claims. I saw him a few years ago as well, and he seemed mid-20's at least to me. He did seem to be a nice guy though and I would hire him, he's handsome. If you can take pics of any of the newer muscle boys that would be much appreciated. See my post, I will treat you to a boy in exchange. Quote
Members MsAnn Posted January 30, 2015 Members Posted January 30, 2015 There are muscle boys! the most can be found at Club117, the fewest if any at Meo Mundo. Pointe also has some. This past Tuesday there were at least a dozen or more at 117. The pics below are Diego, who I was with Tuesday night there. I originally met his at Pointe 3 years ago when he was 19, I hadn't seen him in about a year and when I walked in to 117 he was standing in the hallway and he gave me a hug and kiss and that pretty much is all it takes to get me to go to a room with him! lol Later after we came back down from one of the rooms to the bar he asked me to give him my phone and he went on FB and added me as a friend and said. "now the next time you come to Rio you can message me ahead of time and I can see you when you arrive and not find out on the last day of your trip you are here! When you come back I will stay with you at your apartment!" I didnt' tell him that the apartment is booking up fast for my next trip! :-) I am rarely at a loss for words, but this is one of those occasions. Damn near, SPEECHLESS Not to mention that I am in love with Diego, holy crapola. flipao 1 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 I am rarely at a loss for words, but this is one of those occasions. Damn near, SPEECHLESS Not to mention that I am in love with Diego, holy crapola. For you MsAnn, here are a couple more of Diego! Quote
Guest tomcal Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 I would be skeptical of the age he claims. I saw him a few years ago as well, and he seemed mid-20's at least to me.I am not skeptical of his age!! I am SURE of it! I have seen his I.D.! also while I am getting older and my memory is not always as sharp as it used to be, when it comes to details about the guys I have been with, I don't have too many gaps in my memory! ..wait what were we talking about? If you can take pics of any of the newer muscle boys that would be much appreciated. See my post, I will treat you to a boy in exchange. I don't have the time or interest or want to! Quote