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Much of world's fossil fuel reserve must stay buried to prevent climate change, study says

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Guest steveescort

Cow and meat production is one of the problems that cause climate change. Intensive farming and rearing of meat for slaughter cause more emissions than you'd give it credit for. However, a simple eruption of a volcano causes more damage than all of the car exhausts and deforestation and this is something outside of our control. Whatever happened to the ozone layer, that was a major problem years ago with news stories every day but you don't hear anything about it from one year to the next now. They've more important things to make us feel guilty for and tax us for.

Recycling is another con too. Most of recycled plastic in England is shipped to China to be melted down and shipped and so you think they're bothered about emissions. No they couldn't care less

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Whatever happened to the ozone layer, that was a major problem years ago with news stories every day but you don't hear anything about it from one year to the next now. They've more important things to make us feel guilty for and tax us for.

:lol: The reason you don't hear much about ozone depletion any more ia that the entire civilized world got together and banned the use and manufacture of the most reactive of the chlorofluorocarbons and tightly regulated many other ozone depleting compounds. Ranks right up there with the eradication of smallpox as an example of successful international cooperation to solve a common problem.

But you're correct about it costing you. Replacing the refrigerant in your air conditioner costs 4 or 5 times what it did before they banned the bad old stuff. And the expensive new shit doesn't work as well as the cheap old stuff.


:lol: The reason you don't hear much about ozone depletion any more ia that the entire civilized world got together and banned the use and manufacture of the most reactive of the chlorofluorocarbons and tightly regulated many other ozone depleting compounds. Ranks right up there with the eradication of smallpox as an example of successful international cooperation to solve a common problem.


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As I am sure you very well know, smallpox has NOT been eradicated, only somewhat controlled. As you state, the "cheaper" refrigerants are the best and not nearly as dangerous as many have supposed. OK, I will just go to NZ and fry myself with UV. ^_^

Best regards,


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Nope, eradicated, at least in the wild.1 The CDC, the Russians and maybe others (N. Korea?) keep samples of the virus just for the fun of it, I suppose.

You're probably thinking of polio.2 WHO got close but, in the end, it was a swing and a miss. Kind of hard to eradicate a virus when the locals decide WHO vaccination teams are working for the CIA and start shooting them out of hand.

1 After vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the eradication of smallpox in 1979.

2May 2014, WHO declared a global health emergency for only the second time since regulations permitting it to do so were adopted in 2007, due to a spread of polio. Per the WHO, Pakistan, Syria and Cameroon have recently allowed the virus to spread—to Afghanistan, Iraq and Equatorial Guinea, respectively.

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I hope you (and everyone else) never contract smallpox but I believe it still to exist and be dangerous to us all. :(

Best regards,


Guest callipygian

Much obliged, as I had missed it entirely. :thumbsup:

Like a jet plane zooming over my head as well. Who knew MsGuy would end up being a black box! :lol:

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You are only too kind.

Best regards,


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