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The demise of Sawatdee Forum ...

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Warning! The following are a few 'facts', and some "Best Guesses" of mine.


I have not been involved with Sawatdee Forum in any way other than a regular poster for over a year now ( ironically on hiatus as of only a few days ago!! :blink: ), but the Board is now down completely and that message you get when clicking on the address is as ominous a sign as I've seen before.


This account is temporarily unavailable.

Please contact your hosting provider


Note that it does say "Temporarily" ... but I'm not holding my breath.



  • ~ The owner of Sawatdee (
ElephantSpike / Robert) has been completely missing for at least a month, perhaps a bit longer. No matter the exortations for him to appear (if only to answer the most innocuous technical question) he has not done so. There is a message from the only other Moderator (jinks) on the still-alive EzBoard version of Sawatdee saying that he has not heard from ElephantSpike for weeks.


~ This latest version of Sawatdee Forum was not cheap. ElephantSpike had made a number of posts during the Board's life alluding to the cost. He had put up a voluntary donation option ... and it was reasonably well-used. Sawatdee Forum was never a Pay-to-Post Board and as far as I am aware there was never any intimation that it become so.


~ ElephantSpike had mentioned at least a few times on the Board (vaguely) that he was having trouble affording it, and that the clickable ads on the Board were not paying him much for it's maintenance. When him and I were in discussions regarding him taking over the EZBoard Sawatdee (a few years ago now) I got the impression that he was having monetary problems even back then. I gave him the skinny on the cost of the Board, but he decided to jump into it anyway.


~ When the EZBoard crashed for the umpteenth time he decided to jump over to the PhPbb Board (a software-based Message Board system). That was an expensive option as well.

  • (1) ElephantSpike has run out of money and the only option was to close down Sawatdee Forum.


(2) ElephantSpike has run into "other" troubles unrelated to the message board which have left him unable to continue it. What these might "troubles" might be I have no idea . . . but there are numerous issues in one's life which have more importance, or are more troublesome, than figuring out how to keep a message board operating.


(3) My best guess would be a combination of those two.

This unfortunate ending has nothing whatsoever to do with getting "blocked" in Thailand, although the blocking was not a 'positive' for the Board, as one can well imagine.


The real mystery here is why ElephantSpike did not decide discuss the situation with the members of Sawatdee and inform them of the probable ending of the message board. This would have given everyone on the Board the opportunity to make arrangements for keeping up contacts with those members whom they wished to stay connected to.


As an example, although I have quite a few Member's email addresses in my personal address book, there were also quite a number who I talked to every so often by Board PM system. That option is now kaput, and therefore I've lost the wherewithall to contact them. (Therefore, if any of those gents who I've talked to over the years strictly by PM, here is my email address. You are quite welcome to use it if you wish: nongkhai@shaw.ca (regular at-home email) or david-away@hotmail.com (while travelling)


Frankly, I think that to abruptly walk away from a Board and leave a very large number of long-time posters wondering what the hell is going on is not a particularly classy move.


But then again, perhaps ElephantSpike does not even have the wherewithall to use a computer any more. That would certainly explain the complete lack of communications over the last month or so. This predicament actually happened about a year and a half ago (when I was a moderator) . . . so it is not outside the realm of possbilities.



So folks, you can take these thoughts anyway you want, but they are some facts I know of, and some thoughts which are simply best guesses.


The whole event is just damned unfortunate (whatever the reason ... we may never know for sure), and NOT the way a popular message board (like it or not) should end.


Cheers ...

Guest letmetellu



The whole event is just damned unfortunate (whatever the reason ... we may never know for sure), and NOT the way a popular message board (like it or not) should end.


Cheers ...


Yes Smiles this is a very strange and a big shame to end it like this, we may have been able to get a cooperative of guys buying the sawatdee forum or many other possibilities if we had known the truth.


I have been trying to contact Spike for over a month now and as you say even jinks could not find him, so there is something not right and even though we do get a bit excited some times with various posters, this is the name of the game with a gay forum many gays have had it hard in school and through life have leant to take care of then selves with words and one liners and its no different here I have a habit of brining the worst out in some people, but you cant please every one I know, I understand them and dont hate any one who have had a go at me in the past it all horses for courses.


I do hope that Spike does surface may be he will read this or he can ask us what we would like to do if we can all help, if he is going through a bad patch, we all have times in our life when things go off course from the way we would have wanted, but you just have to dust your self down and start all over again, I can tell you one thing when your down or nearly out this is the time you know who your real friends are. there is always a rainbow to climb up, so lets put out the hand of friendship and hope he grasps the strength we can all give him, in a time of needing friends, of course if he can bite his pride that is.


Ill be going abroad shortly so ill be interested to see if I can get through to the board from there but hopefully this will get better and we can find away to contact Spike soon, as Im sure we can all help to smooth things over no matter how serious, failing death of course?.


And lets hear no more of you Smiles and Pearl hiding behind your computer we need you now more then ever in this little family called Gay Thailand more so Pattaya we love.


I don't think he would take the web site down without posting at least something announcing it or contacting his moderators. I hate to say it, but to me the most logical explanation is that something may have happened to him, causing him to be unable to respond at all. Accidents do happen. Illnesses do happen. I hope it is nothing like that, but it certainly seems totally out of character for him to suddenly become impossible to contact and for him not to respond, especially for this length of time.


Unless someone knows how to contact him, all anyone can do is speculate. I just hope he's ok and for whatever reasons decided to do this. I hope nothing terrible has happened to him.


Guest Jetsam



Unless someone knows how to contact him, all anyone can do is speculate. I just hope he's ok and for whatever reasons decided to do this. I hope nothing terrible has happened to him.


Very well said :(


I hope Spike is ok.



I doubt ES deliberately took the whole site offline...


Could it also be that he is so incommunicado that he never received the bill/warning notices from his hosting company?


We previously had issues with the old URL when ES let that lapse, however I have looked up the Whois information on the domain and it is still valid until: Expiration date: 16 Oct 2006 22:24:17



I doubt ES deliberately took the whole site offline...


Could it also be that he is so incommunicado that he never received the bill/warning notices from his hosting company?


We previously had issues with the old URL when ES let that lapse, however I have looked up the Whois information on the domain and it is still valid until: Expiration date: 16 Oct 2006 22:24:17


It seems to me that it is a billing or hosting problem. May be he never got the emails or warning from the company . Some of those companies won't wait long before turning off the account.

You never know what's really going on.


The bandwith cost monney and his site was generating a good amount of traffic..... So it might be really possible that's the problem.


In any case... I hope he is ok and that he is safe. This sort of hosting problems can be fixed. But personnal problems is sometime harder. So let's hope for the best.

Guest Cedric

LMTY, no, as mentioned on the other thread the site is down as far as America and Hong-Kong, so being abroad will not help you.

I have also tried accessing it through the best continuously working proxy server for the greater China area, which works for all sites still, and the same message comes up. So I think it is tickets.


I hope Elephant spike has not done a runner with my or others generous donations, I will personally track him down and blast him with an elephant dose of ketamin. :o it shouldn't be too 'orible.


Shouldn't some of you on the ground, look into the prison registrations for the last month in you areas, Pattaya or Bangkok, one just never knows. It is holiday time. Was elephant spike a teacher? Was he actualy living in Chicago? Does anyone have his real name even?


If he is a teacher, there might be one possible explanaition for his dissapearance. I shudder to think.




I would like to suggest that people refrain from getting too carried away and farfetched with theories and speculation as to what has happened with Sawatdee and Elephantspike. I think everyone will be far better served by sticking to the facts.


As far as I know, these are the facts:


1. The Sawatdee forum is offline.


2. We do not know why it is offline.


3. Elephantspike has not communicated reasons why the web site is offline.


4. We do not know why he has made no communication.


5. Elephantspike has not responded to attempts to contact him.


6. We do not know why he has not responded.


Outside of those six facts, anything else is only guessing until or unless Elephantspike does communicate what is going on and why.


Hedda's blog, Radio Free Sawatdee is also down. You don't think ES and Hedda have run off together? :rolleyes:


I am getting a blank green screen with the following at the top:


<div id="flagi" style="visibility:hidden;


Here is the link I used:



Guest A Rose By Any Other Name

Hedda's blog, Radio Free Sawatdee is also down. You don't think ES and Hedda have run off together? :rolleyes:


Wouldn't it be rich if Hedda and Elephantspike were the same person? After all, it was the banning of her from that board that gave her the present infamous reputation.


Makes one think.


The Rose


"Makes one think"


No doubt, your definition of thinking, dear, not one commonly accepted by what we might call thoughtful persons.


If you "think" that Hedda was Elephanstpike, because one guy says he couldn't log on yesterday morning to the Blog, then you undoubtedly still think that Pearl of the Orient is at this moment flying to New zealand with a passport in that name.


Frankly, when I look at this thread filled with silly speculation about what has happened to SF, I am reminded of a chicken coop filled with constipated hens trying to lay one good egg in time for brunch.


Let's face it, with the exception of the folks actually in control of SF's software, whoever and wherever they are, no one knows who was running that circus or whether they have folded their tent permanently or temporarily. The reports of its demise may be quite premature.


It does seem to me, however, that some regular SF members have a facile habit of bailing out at the most convenient moments.

Guest A Rose By Any Other Name

"Makes one think"


No doubt, your definition of thinking, dear, not one commonly accepted by what we might call thoughtful persons.


I am not exactly sure what you mean here, however, I thought the idea was worth a good chuckle. Apparently, you are not so good at taking it as you are at dishing it out. This is a common occurance, the doctor is always the worst patient. Nonetheless, "dear," I am glad to hear that you are not missing in action like Elelphantspike. Welcome home. ;)


The Rose


Guest A Rose By Any Other Name

Yup, working fine now.


Oh, boy. Lucky us. Everyone walk, don't run to that OH, so interesting blog! :wacko:


The Rose


Careful, rose dear, your green petals are starting to show.


Maybe you and Geezer can entertain the troops with a version of "Everything's coming up roses."









I appreciated both "the facts" and "the best guesses." I sincerely hope that the vast quantity of information, references, referrals stories (and yes, even some of the self-deprecating replies and teasing) aren't lost to some far corner of the web.


If the Sawatdee forum is gone, I will miss it.


A deep and heartfelt *Sigh*

Guest A Rose By Any Other Name

Careful, rose dear, your green petals are starting to show.


Maybe you and Geezer can entertain the troops with a version of "Everything's coming up roses."


Yes, Dear Hedda. And perhaps you could do a show-stopping rendition of "Send In The Clowns." Waxing poetic if you ask me.


The Rose


Just remember, dear, while we wax poetic, rather than our back, that no matter the song, it's always signed by me, as Hedda, not some name-of-the month.


Who were you, dear rosie, when you posted by any of those other names ?


In the key of G: Could you be a faded rose from days gone by ?



Guest A Rose By Any Other Name

Just remember, dear, while we wax poetic, rather than our back, that no matter the song, it's always signed by me, as Hedda, not some name-of-the month.


Who were you, dear rosie, when you posted by any of those other names ?


In the key of G: Could you be a faded rose from days gone by ?


As I have said before, I am me and only me. I never posted on the old Sawatdee board until just these past 2 days when it went down and started again. My name is the same there as here. So, sorry if your paranoid delusions of multiple personalities doesn't apply to me.


Keeping the same key, try this one from the same song...


"All the folks 'round Brownsville say she's crazy."


The Rose :p

Guest FarangBoss

Hi Hedda


How is life in the Dull Lane? :rolleyes:


Could it just be a simple matter of ES's credit card expiring and him not receiving a new one yet?


I believe that the account was set up as direct debit from his card (according to other sources)


Anyway just my 1000 Rupiah's worth


Greetings from FB & Yogie

(on the beautiful island of Lombok)


PS I wonder if Billy will be able to find his way here? I hear tell he couldnt find his dick with a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers or his arse with both hands and a flash light

Guest ToyFan

This was a sweet little Message Board (Who said, Dull lane?) when suddenly, this summer, something changed.

About 3 days ago, to be more exact.


Read this thread, and the one from Butterfly\Mr. Topman, and you may understand why Spike might simply have put on a garlic necklace, abandoned his computer and run away to hide in a Maine woods while making a hex sign. A virus could have toasted his hard drive & he said, to heck with it but where's the fun in that?


Yesterday I was wondering how long before the veiled insinuations & speculatons over coincidences and unimportant, useless information would start. Didn't have to wait long for a broad insinuendo linking Spike and...a current news event.


The War of the Roses, however, is fun. "A faded rose from days gone by," reminded me of a couple very old songs my old gran used to sing; 'I'm Just a Flower From an Old Bouquet' & 'Second-hand Rose.' Remember, Hedda, 'A rose is a rose, is a rose, is a rose,' and not a corymbose hydrangea.

Alas, 'A rose by any other name, stinks.'

That's why mother called me, Pansy, after Mammy Yokum.


Guest MrSydneyvbbbbg

Yes,one wonders why people start up message boards.




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