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turd burglar

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Inspired by the fascinating turn taken by the Pussy Bois thread, I looked to see what urbandictionary.com had to say about this golden-oldie term. Wow!

When you finally find an empty public restroom for a dump so massive that it requires complete solitude for the deposit....and then someone walks in.(especially at your office/work place)
Just as I was about to 'release the beast', some turd buglar entered the bathroom causing my sphincter to snap shut!
by Sidney Abello February 11, 2004
In Quebec, the thief who follows the first burglar and the second burglar.
We arrested de first two burglars, but de turd burglar got away.
by Saddam Hussein May 09, 2003
yet another word for gay men
jeez joe is a turd burglar!!
by turd-bur-gal-er April 24, 2003

One who burgles turds
My cat took a crap and the dog ate it...he sure is a turd burglar
by baldylocks1976 January 29, 2005

(UK) Slang for homosexual.
"Hey, turd burglar! Get off that guy!"
by - August 04, 2002

The Hamburglar's more fetid and vastly less successful predecessor.
I thought the McCrappy Meal cam with a Turd Burglar toy...
by AngryChegro July 10, 2003
A derogatory term for a man of homosexual tendencies.
See also: Marmite/Vegemite/Chutney Ferret; Tail-gunner; and obviously faggot etc.
Man that guy is a turd-burglar
by Anonymous October 29, 2003

A homosexual poacher of human feces; a poo-pilferer. Allternately, a rectum-robber who has a penchant for feces during gay sex.
"Hey, buddy - quit eyeing by bunghole like that! Whaddaya, some sort of TURD-BURGLAR??? Does this look like a fucking bathhouse? There's no sphincter pudding here for you!"
by Billy B August 24, 2006

A pooper who does not realize that you are in the stall and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most shocking and vulnerable moments that can occur when taking a dump at work. If this occurs, remain in the stall until the Turd Burglar leaves. This way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact.
I was dropping a nasty deuce when the Turd Burglar jiggled the handle.
by Buzz K December 01, 2005
A person who looks through the cracks of a bathroom stall to see the person in there.
"Cover your face, the turd burglar is back!"
by chase March 08, 2005

n: One who repeatedly trys to open a locked bathroom stall door
I was minding my own business when the office VP came and kept trying to get into my stall! What a Turd Burglar!
by Ryan Shizzle March 13, 2003

1. an annoying person who rudely interrupts you while taking a dump by either knocking on the stall door or attempting to open it.

2. a derogatory term for any homosexual and/or asspirate.
1. "I was trying to drop a deuce at McDonald's when some turdburglar walked in a opened the door on me."

2. "Sebastian has been in so many assholes he should change his name to Tommy Turdburglar."
by Shockey86 January 28, 2005

1. When you finally have enough solitude to take a dump because you are afraid that someone might say something. when the turd is being waved home someone barges in forcing you to squeeze it back in.
Often times you know the Turd Buglar's identity.

2.The extremely annoying person who has no buissness in the bathroom yet stays their playing with his/her phone or looking at himself/herself in the mirror. All the while your trying to hold in a dump that youve been holding in since the Regan Administration until waiting until he/she finally leaves
1. God, why the hell does Andy need to always barge in when Im taking a shit? What a goddammed Turd Burglar.

2. Jesus when is this guy gunna leave already, I have this massive turd and insecurity issues to unload here.... FOR THE LAST TIME STOP LOOKING AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR THATS NOT BROCCOLI YOU TURD BURGLAR!!
by Rattlesnake316 February 26, 2006

the entity who dwells in one's toilet and steals the turd before one has a chance to check it out before flushing
you've just plopped this massive log in the john; you stand up, turn around and look down to behold your achievement and ... the damn turd burglar already swiped your poop ... there's nothing in the shallow water.
by aline November 17, 2003

A person who reaches into another person's arse for fun or profit.

A corn-holing faggot.
Lionel is a perfect turd burglar.
by Bumkicker Slade May 10, 2005

Another name for a gay man/boy.
Elton John is a turd burglar!
by psycho bitch March 16, 2004

Finally, you are all alone in the public restroom about to unleash a huge shit. Lo and behold, someone enters said restroom, interrupting your feces expulsion.

You sit quietly listening to what the fucktard is up to. Normally, he will do one of three things: 1) fake taking a piss; 2) wash his fucking hands for an hour; 3) just stand around silently.

There are only two ways to rid yourself from this low lifeform: 1) let loose the greasiest, juciest, diarrhea-filled fart you can muster; 2) squeeze the shit back into your ass, exit the stall, and kick the shit out of the freak.

This, my friends, is the true definition of a turd burglar.
Dude, I was at the mall and this turd burglar just stood around for like 10 minutes while I was trying to squeeze one out. I finally got so pissed that I commanded my asshole to suck the shit back up. I then proceeded to bust down the stall door and beat the shit out of him.
by Soul Controller April 15, 2011

A toilet where your turds disappear rather than float or rest on the bottom, before you have a chance to look at them, leaving a very unsatisfied feeling.
"I took a huge dump but this damned turd burglar stole it. Bastard!"
by Ross Caldwell November 07, 2003

The act of trespassing into an anus and snatching one's turd in an unsuspecting manner
That Goldstein is such a turdburglar. He likes the way they melt in is mouth and not in his hand
by Colonel Cockenstein October 29, 2003

one who walks in on you pooping in a public restroom
AHHH turd burglar
by stewart January 24, 2003

Any man who enjoys anal intercourse. (Especially a "top".)
Feces attached to the head of one's penis.
by Mark Ries May 16, 2005

Someone that comes into the bathroom and tries to open an occupied bathroom stall.
"I was having a nice shit when I was interrupted by a Turd Burglar, so I coughed to scare him away".
by iceman26 March 09, 2007

Humourously derogative term for a gay man.
That guy is fucking turd burglar!
by Dr. J.J. January 16, 2006
Someone who does not realize that you are in the stall and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most shocking and vulnerable moments can occur when taking a poop at work. If this occurs, remain in the stall until the Turd Burglar leaves. This way you will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact. This should not be confused with an Uncle Ted.
So there I was, minding my own business in the crapper, when some dude came out of nowhere and Turd Burgled me. I started coughing hoping to alert him of my presence, but the Turd Burglar just wouldn't stop trying to get into the stall. Needless to say, it was a terrifying experience.
by noahat May 05, 2009

turd burglar

"TURD BURGLAR" One who uses his tool to remove turd's from another fellows back passage
EG. Elton John. Julian Clairey. Dale Winton etc.
by PHIL MC CRACKEN May 28, 2005

Robin Hood with a poop fetish.
Shoot dat thievin'-ass bitch! He sto' ma' turd!
by Anonymous May 14, 2003

Someone who comes and robs your house while you're taking a shit and there's nothing you can do about it because you're takin' a shit
That time I was taking a shit that TURD BURGLAR stole my couch!
by SUNY POTSDAM September 15, 2005

So, little Johnny.. you don't want to flush the toilet after you poo, do you? Well, if you're going to be naughty like that, then you can.. but you'd better be prepared for the Turdburglar to come to your house, then..

He slips quietly through the crack in your front door in the middle of the night and he craaawls right up to the toilet.. and SNATCHES the poo right from the bowl! Then he throws his prize into the Big Bag of Buttnuggets from Bad Children Past and skips off deftly to the Terrible Tower of Turdingston, wayyy up on the top of the hill, where your poo becomes transformed by a team of mad scientists into the next boogie man to hide in your room, waiting to get you!! So if you have a boogie man in your bed or your closet.. it's probably your fault. =^)

Conclusion: do not leave your mess floating about in the loo for everyone and their uncle to see, or you'll be clawed to death by a ferocious beast created from the fecal matter coming back to haunt you. Criminy!
Who's that scrawny sort slinking through the shadows with a sack of shite? Why.. that's a no-good, meddling TURDBURGLAR!!
by Cavia Porcellus March 13, 2010

One who burgles turds.
'Hey, look at that turd burglar over there.'
by therondi92 March 08, 2009

n. A tiny man who, at night, commits a breaking and entering into your buttocks and then into the turd bank to steal all the turds he can conceal in his mouth. He exits quietly and unnoticed.
Oh man! My lucky turd was stolen from my turd bank last night! Mr. Marley, the security guard, should have stayed later! That damn turd burglar!
by Gnome from the Town of Chirps December 30, 2008

When you're about to take a shit in a public bathroom stall, some ass-hole constantly tries to open the stall door, not realizing after first time that it's occupied.
Just as I was about to take a nice relaxing dump, this turd burglar barges in like a bat out of hell
by Russian86 February 03, 2008

a homosexual man
I never knew Elton was a turd-burglar.
by Dunky Oggins November 04, 2003

This is the asshole who comes into the public restroom and just hangs out while you're trying to drop a deuce. He may just wander around, wash his hands, or fake taking a piss. However, his main purpose is simply to stand around and annoy you - possibly for his own sexal gratification.
Dude, I was trying to drop my daily deuce at work, and this turd burglar came in. He washed his hands for like 2 minutes before finally leaving in defeat.
by Duece Dropper April 04, 2011

One who thinks they rule a public restroom, and rudely wait for you to get out of a stal. They do this by asking questions, whistling loudly, knockin on the stall door, telling children you'll be out soon, and otherwise stalling the delicate process of public defecation. Often found at camping sites.
Dude, I had to take a massive crap, but I just couldn't let it out! The Turd Burglar kept strutting around the bathroom and asking when I'd be out.
by PurebredGamer March 25, 2007


1. A person who steals turds.

-verb (turdburgle)
1. The act of stealing one's turds
Man 1: Why does he go to the bathroom so much?
Man 2: I don't know, but I heard he is turdburglaring.

Man 1: Hey man, did you hear about the turdburgle incident?
Man 2: Yeah! It's all over the newspaper.
Man 1: I know, That guy should go to prison.
by The Grass is Green. September 08, 2010
one who steals or has a great obsession with turds
sick, get away from me turd burglar!
by bill cosby November 21, 2002
Forget the other definitions, a "turd burglar" is in fact, a toilet.
You sit, and it burgles the turds from your sphincter.
Ok let's go!

Hang on, I gotta go to the turd burglar first.

(15 minutes later)

Awesome, I'm all ready! My ass has been proper burgled.
by wild nothing June 18, 2012
A thief of human excrement - based on an historical relevance
Wealthy chinese citizens during the ninth and tenth century would sprinkle gold dust on their food as a sign of extreme wealth but also as they believed it provided healing powers. Lesser citizens lived in the catacombs below the city and stole the released excrement to extract its valuable cargo.
by Craig Murphy June 02, 2005
To keep it blatant, someone who breaks into your house while you're sleeping, tip-toes into your bathroom, reaches into your plumbing and steals your poo, stores it in their mouth or shirt, and scuttles out without being seen. Creepy poo thieves.
Brendan is the ILLEST turd burglar.

See Dan? You know why he's smiling so wide? He just burgled some turds for his collection.
by sfvszcdv December 16, 2009
somebody who uses the end of their dick to fish out poo from another man's ass and then felching feces and semen out of the other man's anoose
"It looks as though you caught yourself quite a crunch up here Peter, this Turd Burglar may take a while . . . mind if I spit on it?
by Husker McNuggets September 22, 2009
Slang for a male homosexual
Wow that Brad is a freakin turd burglar!!
by swoop hansen February 08, 2008
a person who commits the act of burgling turds; assbandit; buttfaggot
don't drop the soap around that guy, he's a real turdburglar!
by the great ninja September 02, 2003
Someone who steals your time with a load of crap. A person who's lies are so long winded and obvious they stink. An ex lover or romantic interest who repeatedly told lies.
She's a turd burglar. I don't know why I listened to her?
by MudJones November 26, 2013
Another name for shithead; a term for someone that really pissed you off.
Mark, your such a turd burglar! Gimme my sammich back!
by dr sauce October 27, 2011
A humourous name for a homosexual man...The name suggests that whilst he's pounding his man-pillows, he's actually in there stealing the Cosby kids.
Other funny words to use are:
Back-door delivery
"Hey Seth, how come those bites are on the back of your neck?"
Seth: "Errrrrr...My.....girlfriend....er"
"SETH! don't bullshit me you fat faggot odd looking bastard......you are a Turd Burglar, and i've known it for years"
Seth: "Please don't tell my dad"
"You make me sick, you think he doesn't know you like to drive the wrong way on Hershey Highway???"
Seth: "I wish I was dead"
"Everyone does you sick fuck"
by f!$h!e February 03, 2010
One who burgals turds.
That turd burglar snuck into my bathroom and stole my turds!
by moonsorrows August 17, 2009
someone who snatches the turd out of the toilet before it hits the water while someone is pooping
I was pooping the other day and that guy turd burglar ed me.
by kamikazi282 January 15, 2009
One who likes to steal another person's freshly released turd.

Turd = Shit

Turd burglar is also a name that a person who always is the pitcher while having anal sex.
I knew a kid in high school that would wait for you to leave the bathroom and then go and rob your turd that you just disposed of.

Turd = Shit... It is released from your anus and is usually a brown color but sometimes may vary depending on what you have had to eat.

My best friends boyfriend stuck his dick in her ass last night. He is known for being a turd burglar!
by Tasha April 05, 2005
One who steals turds from a toilet and keeps them in a dumpster.
J.B., being the master turd burglar, stole his own turds from his friends toilet and stored them in the dumpster outside.
by Teksystems September 02, 2003
a person u comes in the middle of the nite with a plunger and steals ur turds out of ur toilet
YOur such a turd burglar
by gretchen August 31, 2003
-an individual who finds joy in sucking the joy from others.
-someone who sucks the joy away, as if taking the joy away from relieving yourself by pooping.
-to call someone a turd burglar means they ruin any enjoyable moment all the time.
All i wanted to do was enjoy a peaceful break from work, but my boss kept walking around the office. He's such a turd burglar.
by Bradgehog November 05, 2013
Someone who steals your shit to make themselves look better to others.
Jim: "Jesus Dan. Did John just take your iPhone to show to his girlfriend?"

Dan: "Yea. He's a turd burglar."
by A Time Walker July 31, 2013
One who likes to endulge in anal sex.
That Rob Halford is a badass singer even though he's a turd burglar!
by cbrown1969 December 09, 2010
The act of sneaking up on a drunk passed out girl at a party and having anal sex with her. The next morning she will wake up and realize her ass cherry has been stolen
Damn did you hear about that party lat night, Brittany lost her ass cherry to a Turd Burglar.
by carolina hitman November 05, 2010
To hang a shit and have it disappear straight through, never to be seen. It can be accomplished after not going to the toilet for an extended amount of time.
Dude where's my shit? I've been Turd Burglared again!
by Bellman Steve Muchow February 07, 2009
The mysterious act of giving birth to a brown trout so large you think it will clog the loo, but strangely, all that exists are slide marks where the turd once was
I took a dump so large I was sure it would look like a mr whippy cone but there was nothing there...The Turd Burglar strikes again
by Burg_69 October 29, 2008
Someone who tries to open the bathroom stall door while you are inside.
I was trying drop a duece when some Turd-Burglar tried to bust in my stall!
by fallenaway August 30, 2008
A diehard Go Green, recycling, Food Reconstitution Mainiac that consumes feces
If you don't stop eating shit, they're gonna put you in Atascadero State Hospital ya fuckin' turd burglar!
by Doctor Bunghole August 26, 2008
A person so sneaky they could steal a turd out of your toilet before you notice or flush.
I think that turdburglar Tanya has been using my vibrator again...
by OneUpliftMofo September 19, 2012
One who steals poo to do vandalizing acts with it
such as lighting it on fire
1.Trass burgled some turds last night to light them in paper bag just for the amusement of watching someone step in

2.Ej is a turd burglar, look he has some poo on his hands
by turd-burglar March 17, 2010
Someone who as a matter of duty or pleasure steals turds from unsuspecting victims of poo fetish
John was reading the newspaper calmly whilst taking a dump on Trudy's face. By the time he looked around to admire his handywork, Jason the fucking turdburglar, had already snatched up his pile of steaming brown glory.
by Jatchy McJatch Jatch December 28, 2009
To give anal and not clean up afterwards.
Turd burglar is to give anal and not cleaning up after,taking a womans poo home with you. Can be used in combination with the Dirty Sanchez.
by jaymor February 03, 2009
A homosexual male.
That gay guy is a turd burglar.
by Black Fascist Hater October 30, 2012

Turd Burglar

To sneak into someones house, and rob a turd they have left in the pan. Can often carry away the turd from the crime scene in the mouth for later use.
Person A: Omg somebodys in my house
Turd Burglar: No worries, it's only your friendly neighborhood Turd Burglar
by Shed2005 February 24, 2008
to fuck with another bloke
he is definately ging to be a turd burglar when hes older
by squeezemetim June 03, 2005
When you are sitting on the can and the log that pops out from your 'poop shoot' is suddenly snatched by the force of a amazingly smooth criminal's hand sliding between your right ass cheek and the toilet seat, this my people is your commonly known TURDBURGLAR!

Informant: Da'Boof
Possible Whereabouts: Boof-Town USA, Lost City of Boof, Boofermuda Triangle & Boof Be Gone.
OMG! Who was that mask-man? He stole my Turd! What a fucking TurdBurglar! WTF Mate?
by Boof Nasty April 22, 2009
A dog who steals the turds out of the at litter box.
"My dog is a turd burglar!"
Also: "My litter box has been turd burgled!"
Also: get rid of the dog before it licks you and gets poo particles in your eyes, and you develop a severe case of pink eye. See: "Grama's Boy".
by TurdBurglar's Pinkeyed Master November 26, 2010
A theif of fecal matter.The illusive turd-burglar lerks in the shadows of public events such as fireworks displays or sports events where the presence of the common porta-potty in wait of a suitable poo to be soldon the brown market. This is sometimes exported to japan for use in domestic japscat otherwise known as japscat domestic market JDM.
Usually the guywearing an orange but ussually brown coloured jumpsuit disguised as a porta potty attendantor arse wiper.
This is the Turd-burglar.
by nspsychlist March 31, 2009
Sometimes called T-Bird or T-Burd for short. Legend has it that the T-Bird is often slim in build, taller than average (above 6 ft.) and many times bald or balding (shaved or natural). The strangest thing about them is that the "Turd Burglar" is usually the same race and or complexion of the person whom laid the turd. This is known as the "smell you’re own kind phenomena". They are also fond of water and can be found sleeping near open water sources such as Toilet bowls.
This dude I knew in Korea was a total Turd Burglar (T-BURD).
by Krage October 14, 2007
A sneaky impish person who lives off of stolen feces. Their relentless pursuit of fecal matter deprives them of any real human contact, as such they are detested by all civilized society.
Man, that David Eckstein is a real turd burglar.
by Dicktionarian June 02, 2010
A lame acquaintance that does things that grind your gears and one that you have nothing in common with.
Allen: "Did you see how Bob was picking up on that chick? He used a horrible pick up line."

Camron: "Yeah dude, she was hott, but hes such a Turd Burglar."
by ari ari im so sorry March 23, 2008
A little gremlin who lives in your toilet who steals your turds when you're finished.
"Hey turdburglar, get back here with my shit!"
by SB91777 July 09, 2005
a bald man, whom dwells in your lavatory and will steal your excrement
that scary man on the spice girls movie is such a turd burglar
by gomper November 24, 2006
of one who burgles others waste out of toilets...aka steals poop and deposits it inside his wastecarrier diguised a camera. Another word for loser.
shut up you turd burglar
by bob scratchitt April 10, 2006
Jason Small is a turd burglar
Once Jason Small burgled my turds.
by Jack Auf April 01, 2005
A gay man. Also known as a rumpranger
by dave November 29, 2002


1. (Noun)A person of low moral carachter, possibly a male homosexual,who covets anal excretions.
2. (Adjective) A lazy non-productive burden on society.
That Orville Pendercott Jr. is a real turdburglar
by skidyard May 13, 2006
one who burgles turds, usually hired by the irish mafia
that crazy turd burglar!
by Rorra McGee February 19, 2007
1. A person who causes intense fright to someone on the toliet. As the person runs out of the bahroom screaming, the turd burglar steals the pooper's poop out of the toliet.
2. An insult
M.B.: Hey, I hear that dude is a turd burglar.
R.E.: Yeah he stole my turd last week after he scared me out of the bathroom.

M.B.: You are a turd burglar!
R.E.: That is the most hurtful name you have ever called me!!
by mBlesso May 29, 2006
a person who hides in the park bathroom and trys to get him a piece of (_|_) ass,after you leave a turd.
the turd burglar was hangin in duh baffroom
by turd burglar May 11, 2004
A really worthless person.
"That dudes a real turdburglar. Dont trust him"
by Doc Evil July 24, 2003
a homosexual person
haha -- look at that turdburglar!
by Anonymous May 02, 2003
One who pulls bad jokes from there brain and tells them.
Dude, Ed's a turd burglar, don't laugh...
by The Wise Bookaka November 10, 2006
This is any and all actions taken by Steve S. when he gets bored. He burgles turds. Green ones, red ones, purple ones. When he is around, no turd goes un-burgled.
Steve is such a turd burglar and muncher. Also, a flaming fucktard of stripper fuck turd shit!
by Bob Schway May 16, 2006
Someone who burgles turds (Someone being idiotic or someone who actually steals cow turd out of paddocks to peg at people)
Nicky; Jorja, don't be such a turdburglar!!!
Jorja; God... Frickin' idiot!!!
by So.Not.Emo May 15, 2006
Noun. A racist term used for describing any dark skinned individual, though they mostly tend to be black or somalian.
Holy shit, there are a lot of turd burglars at this StarBucks.
by Will P. W. November 26, 2006
1. Often used to describe a man suffering from sexual confusions and of low intelligence.

2. A Unrightious Mother Fucker
Tom can be a real turdburglar
by DrMeanDudeMD October 08, 2006


Someone who burglars turd
Dag yo, I am a total Turdburglar as I burglar Turd!
by matt_cccp January 15, 2005
A person who 'burgles' your turds
Hey get off my turds mark you turd-burglar
by Ben Gordon February 03, 2006
one who steals poo
anna williams
by cream January 09, 2004
The Annoying Biznatch from McDonalds.
That fuggen Turd Burglar, he's burglaring my turds, murg burg turd burglar.
by Bee Aych Bee April 26, 2003
One who steals turds. Has also been known to be used more commonly as a term to describe people with poor taste, and that one friend who always seems to "cock-block" you.
Man: "Why the hell did you but in, you've gone and scared her away now, man you're a Turd-Burglar!!
by SupamanS March 02, 2009
Turd Burgler is an individual that repeatedly steals peoples tireds with his PENIS.
OI stupid, horrible head, stop stealing his turd, you turd burgler!!!1
by Jeremy December 05, 2002
one who is insignificant, but often obnoxious and/or annoying
most anyone's younger sibling
by Kimo November 26, 2002
aka Modern "Playa's"

A Turd Burglar is the type of person that seems like they are always on the scam. The type of person just waiting for someone NOT to be paying attention so as to gain possession and/or credit for something that isn't theirs.

Turd Burglars are the type that lay claim to someone else's creative work for the purpose of claiming the credit to it's success.

You will never find a Turd Burglar around an idea that is failed. They are also the first to bail on something when it isn't looking like it might be a success.

Turd Burglars look for opportunity of that quick gain.

At anyones expense except theirs. Turd Burglars do NOT invest in anything. They "Burgle Turds."
If you have ever met a "Turd Burglar," you most certainly will know.
by David A. Archer October 05, 2005
Anyone who steals from a Year 9 student at Melbourne High School, Australia (derived from the olden day term 'Third')
Look at that Turd Burglar tag that Turd!! F*ckin Turds... Need to be taught a lesson
by fatty August 21, 2003
One who presents old used ideas as if thay are new and original.
George Lucas is a giant Turd Burglar!
by Anonymous February 10, 2003
The worlds greatest skateboarding crew from RADelaide, South Australia.

The Members are Frenzal, Ferret, Animal Chin, Nugget, Patty Holland and Clown.
Never Mind Carlisle Clique, here is the TURD BURGLARS
by *frenzal* March 30, 2005
someone who stinks and has always got snoton their clothes. Example stinks
You are a turd burglar
by gaylord March 23, 2005
1. Any form of a Zack (annoying type of person who dosen't know much).

2. A ZACK who takes stuff without asking and later claims it was his to begin with.

3. A person living in Massachusetts worthy of the nick-name "Mass-Hole" may also be a "turd-burglar" if he/she is really that ignorant.

4. A young ZACK who thinks he/she is "all-that" but in reality only amounts to the worth of a penny in terms of brain function.
I asked ZACK where he got that thing and he said "it's mine, leave me alone!" What a Turd-Burglar!
by Beavis April 27, 2004
one who unclogs toilets
My dad was the turd-burglar after i went to the bathroom.
by Steff April 27, 2004

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