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Comprehensive list of paraphilias

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From the foregoing:

Our list of philias was created from a corrected list of phobias by simply replacing phobia with philia. Theoretically, this should work, although there are some things that we don't love. This does not mean that the philia word is not possible, so we have simply generated the list to remind ourselves that obsessive love is as real a potential human condition as is obsessive fear. For a longer discussion of what we have done, click here.

A person possessed of a philia is a -phile, e.g. bibliophile, blogophile, Russophile. The adjective describing these conditions is -philic, e.g. bibliophilic, blogophilic, Russophilic. You may convert the adjectives into adverbs by simply adding -ly.

For a list of corresponding philias, click here

For a list of corresponding manias, click here

To take the alphaDictionary Phobias Test, click here.


philia Obsessive Love of


ablutophilia washing or bathing

acarophilia itching

acerophilia sourness or sour things

achluophilia darkness

acousticophilia noise

acrophilia heights, high places

aeroacrophilia open high places

aeronauseophilia airsickness

aerophilia air or drafts

agateophilia insanity

agoraphilia open or public places

agathophilia kindness

agriozoophilia wild animals

agyrophilia streets or crossing them

aichmophilia sharp or pointed objects

ailurophilia cats

albuminurophilia albumen in the urine or kidney disease

alektorophilia roosters or chickens

algophilia pain

alliophilia garlic (Latinized; see scorodophilia)

allodoxaphilia different opinions

altophilia heights, high places (Latinized; see acrophilia)

amathophilia dust

amaxophilia riding in a car or wagon

ambulophilia walking

amnesiophilia forgetting

amychophilia being scratched

anablephilia looking up

androphilia men

anemophilia wind or drafts

anginophilia angina, choking tightness

Anglophilia things English

ankylophilia immobility of a joint

anthophilia flowers

anthropophilia people or society

antlophilia floods

anuptophilia staying single

apeirophilia infinity

aphenophilia riches, wealth

apiophilia bees

apotemnophilia persons with amputations

arachibutyrophilia peanut butter sticking in your mouth

arachnephilia spiders (See also arachnophilia)

arachnophilia spiders (See also arachnephilia)

arithmophilia numbers

astrophilia stars or celestial space

asymmetrophilia asymmetrical things

ataxiophilia loss of muscular coordination

ataxophilia disorder or untidiness

atelophilia imperfection

atephilia ruin or ruins

athazagoraphilia forgetfulness or being forgotton

atomosophilia atomic explosions

atychiphilia failure or misfortune

augophilia bright lights, glare, sunlight

aulophilia flutes

aurophilia gold

aurorophilia the Northern Lights

autodysomophilia bad odors or people with them

automatonophilia automatons

automysophilia being dirty

autophilia solitude, being alone

aviatophilia flying (See also aviophilia)

aviophilia flying (See also aviatophilia)



bacillophilia microbes

bacteriophilia bacteria

ballistophilia missiles, including bullets

barophilia gravity

basiphilia falling or being unable to stand

bathyphilia depth or deep water

batrachophilia amphibians, such as frogs

Beatlephilia The Beatles

belonephilia sharp, pointed objects (See also aichmophilia)

bibliophilia books

blennophilia slime

blogophilia blogs and writing them

Bolshephilia Bolsheviks

botanophilia plants

bromidrophilia body smells (Questionable; see also bromidrosiphilia)

bromidrosiphilia body smells (Questionable; see also bromidrophilia)

brontophilia thunder and lightning

bufonophilia toads



cacophilia ugliness

cainophilia newness, novelty, change (See also cainotophilia)

cainotophilia newness, novelty, change (See also cainophilia)

caligynephilia beautiful women

cancerophilia cancer (Better: carcinophilia)

carcinophilia cancer (Preferable to cancerophilia)

cardiophilia heart, the

carnophilia meat

catagelophilia being ridiculed

catapedophilia jumping

cathisophilia sitting

catoptrophilia mirrors

cenophilia empty spaces

centophilia new things or ideas

ceraunophilia thunder and lightning

chaetophilia hair

cheimatophilia the cold or cold things

chemophilia chemicals

cherophilia gaiety

chionophilia snow

chiraptophilia being touched

chirophilia hands

cholerophilia anger or cholera

chorophilia dancing

chromatophilia colors

chrometophilia money

chronomentrophilia clocks

chronophilia time

cibophilia food

cibophilia food (See also Sitophilia, Sitiophilia)

claustrophilia confinement

cleithrophilia being enclosed (See also clithrophilia)

kleptophilia stealing, theifs

clinophilia going to bed

clithrophilia being enclosed

cnidophilia stings

coimetrophilia cemeteries

coitophilia sex or sexual relations

cometophilia comets

contreltophilia sexual abuse

coprastasophilia constipation

coprophilia feces

coulrophilia clowns

counterphilia fearful situations

cremnophilia cliffs and precipices

cryophilia extreme cold, ice or frost

crystallophilia crystals or glass

cyberphilia Internet, the

cyclophilia cycles or bicycles

cymophilia waves or waviness

cynophilia dogs or rabies

cyprianophilia prostitutes or venereal disease

cypridophilia venereal disease

cyprinophilia prostitutes



daimonophilia ghosts or demons

decalcophilia decals

defecaloesiophilia painful bowels movements

deipnophilia dining

dementophilia insanity

Etc., etc., etc.

Guest callipygian

Jesus, all this over one blue shirt assertion? :hyper:

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