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Boytoy Call for Moderators

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I agree sincere and deep interest do not always coincide with number of posts. However, again, what do you propose as the standard of interest? What you suggest as a "hammer" might be interpreted as interest in one or just a few subjects presented herein? I don't see any wide spread "attacks" on others.

Your "reasonable" suggestion is not without merit but it avoids the fact that the owner decides, not a majority vote. This is not a democracy, not even a republic; it is a dictatorship, pure and simple, not matter how benevolent. ^_^

Best regards,


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I agree sincere and deep interest do not always coincide with number of posts. However, again, what do you propose as the standard of interest? What you suggest as a "hammer" might be interpreted as interest in one or just a few subjects presented herein? I don't see any wide spread "attacks" on others.

Your "reasonable" suggestion is not without merit but it avoids the fact that the owner decides, not a majority vote. This is not a democracy, not even a republic; it is a dictatorship, pure and simple, not matter how benevolent. :smile:

Best regards,


1. After thought I agreed with you. He probably should use number of posts. That's why i said it.

2. The owner asked for suggestions. I made one. "I am thinking of doing this a few ways. But, am totally open to suggestions."

3. Hammers have been banging all week.

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Well I think Oz should choose someone from Alabama's sister state Mississippi as being most likely to reflect his own background, principles and approach to riding herd on the site. He needs a home-boy to have his back while he's off wandering the wilds of where-ever.

Failing that, why not ask Tampa Yankee to postpone his retirement for a few months? A suitable enticement, say 2 weeks in Havana, might be needed to lure him back but well worth the cost.

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OK, here's another thought: How about letting the software do it? With an occasional human override, of course.

I've noticed under my profile there's a box called 'warning points'. Everyone else seems to have that box too, although I've never seen anything other than '0' there for anybody. What about activating that box and giving every active poster the ability to issue a warning point to anyone who irks them?

Warning points would accumulate for a day and be reset to '0' at midnight. Five warning points from five different posters in a day would get someone timed out for a week. Ten warning points from ten different posters would get someone timed out for a month. When the time-out expired, the warning point box would be reset to '0' and the process would begin again.

While the basic process would be controlled by the software, OZ could, when he lands somewhere with internet access, look at those who have been timed out and bring them back in if he chooses to do so. If he's OK with the results, he lets them stand.

In my opinion, a process like this would put the onus where it belongs: any poster who wants to remain part of the Board would figure out what it takes to avoid a bunch of warning points and behave accordingly. I don't think this is a whole lot different from the way we socialize children or pets. The penalties are clear and reliably dished out based on behavior, and there's an incentive to learn how to get along with others. And, if someone is here just to punch someone else in the nose, s/he wouldn't be able to make a lengthy career of it. And, happily for everyone else, there wouldn't be endless threads about it.

Of course, there could be a situation where five posters gang up on someone and keep him/her timed out a week at a time for good. But OZ would see who those folks are and, if they're abusing the system, he could take away their ability to issue warning points. When he gets somewhere with internet access, that is.


I think the recent influx of new posters was an aberration and the good news is that many of them are sticking around and contributing to a better Board.

But, sadly, it seemed as if a small number of those posters came here to try to stink things up. I'm pretty sure that the worst of them would have been timed out almost immediately. Even then, depending on the number of folks they pissed off while they were here, they could have had another shot at fitting in within a week. And, most important, the process of rude-feeding-off-of-rude would never have taken hold.

This may be a lousy idea and I'm sure others will have better ones.

And, of course, I've overlooked the most important issue of how much the Moderator position pays. I sure don't want to get behind a software system that would deprive anyone of a comfortable second income. :rolleyes:


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You know, lookin, yours is the only simple, practical system I've seen proposed. Short of appointing me Imperial Proconsul for the Duration, this might be a viable self policing scheme. And after watching it work itself out in practice for a while, Oz could always re-jigger the votes needed to ban bad actors to suit his personal sensibilities.

Lookin, you never cease to impress. :thumbsup:

Guest zipperzone

I think using the number of posts as a gauge is flawed.

Soe posters (not to name names) rack up a huge number of posts by simply drooling over the pictures.

Their participation otherwise is close to zero.

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Ahem. If one recalls, you begged off claiming technical illiteracy.

Something about this post was bugging the shit out of me, so I went back and checked the relevant thread.

For the record, I did not beg off anything while lookin was still under consideration.

I merely observed that my nomination by TY showed a remarkable lack of judgement on his part which is not the same thing at all.


I await a groveling apology for your false & misleading restatement of the record, Mr. Rove.


And I damn well better get it prior to my elevation to the position of Imperial Proconsul or it's OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!


For the record, I did not beg off anything while lookin was still under consideration.

I merely observed that my nomination by TY showed a remarkable lack of judgement on his part which is not the same thing at all.

Instead of the dreamlike vision you recount here, what I had recalled was that I -- not TY -- nominated you, then you self-deprecatingly recused yourself.

On checking the record, I find this:

Let me spring the trap: I hereby nominate our estimable, our learned, our jurisprudentialist extraordinaire MsGuy to take over as Admin!

How say ye all?

AS, I think you have to know at least a smidgen of computer tech stuff to be a moderator. Remember a few years back when TY kept deleting posts by accident? Me, I'd probably wind up deleting half the underlying software that runs the site if I had admin rights.

:logik: I remember when I finally broke down and bought a computer for personal use, I hadn't had it for more than a month when I had to get the windows software reinstalled after I managed to screw it so bad it wouldn't even boot.

If you believe that squares with your summary above, well...


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Short of appointing me Imperial Proconsul for the Duration, this might be a viable self policing scheme.

Had I the slightest inkling you would consider assuming such a lofty responsibility, my humble idea would have been stillborn and I'd have begun truckling without surcease. worship.gif

Just as Rock Stars need their roadies,

All good Rectors need their toadies.


. . .Oz could always re-jigger the votes needed to ban bad actors to suit his personal sensibilities.

Yes, on further thought, my starting numbers should likely be doubled. Time-outs should not be easy and, just as you say, OZ could tinker to get the Board he wants. hammer-smileys-0006_smiliesuche.de.gif

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I suppose that you do need some moderation help, but number of posts seems like a poor barometer. Sometimes the ones with the most to say are the worst party guests. Perhaps length of participation and hours spent logged in? I bet the lurkers would actually improve the desired outcome rather than the blowhards.

Well Citylaw, noone blows harder than you, so I guess that leaves YOU out ?

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I think the process should be like a job interview. Interested parties submit an essay to Oz telling him WHY they want to be moderator, WHY they think they could be a good/fair moderator, and What they would bring to the table. OZ can then look at the other details of their participation from their profile and start date, come up with his list of candidates, and then perhaps put it to a member vote ?

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Well, I changed my mind!

I was planning to rely on lookin to handle all that tech. I'm more a 'Big Picture' type of guy, "Off with their heads" and that kind of stuff.

If Missy becomes a mod......... then finally my balls will match the rest of me !


  • Members

If Missy becomes a mod......... then finally my balls will match the rest of me !


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Well Citylaw, noone blows harder than you, so I guess that leaves YOU out ?

I would have zero interest in the position.

Your post proves my point as well. Rather than comment on EVERYTHING I see, I try to participate where I can offer something. You, on the other hand, contribute very liitle to this board. That is, of course, my opinion.

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I would have zero interest in the position.

Your post proves my point as well. Rather than comment on EVERYTHING I see, I try to participate where I can offer something. You, on the other hand, contribute very liitle to this board. That is, of course, my opinion.

Well perhaps my contributions dont interest you because you seem to have a 1 track mind with subject matter that holds NO attraction for ME. So there you have it ! :thumbsup:

And you only seem to pop-up when you sniff out a a new, skinny blond teen you want info on..... Whatever rocks your world Sweetie.

Guest callipygian

It takes a very special talent to become a successful moderator. However, I doubt msguy would look good in a bra and I doubt he has any bad sin tax habits. :lol:


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I didn't realize looking good in a bra was a prerequisite for being a moderator. ^_^

Best regards,


  • Members

I didn't realize looking good in a bra was a prerequisite for being a moderator. :smile:

Best regards,


So True...But you gotta look FIERCE in Heels Bitch !


Guest callipygian

I didn't realize looking good in a bra was a prerequisite for being a moderator. :smile:

Best regards,


Never under-estimate the power of a good push-up bra in combination with a chilled and shaken Tanqueray martini and a deeply inhaled deadly toxin to find the middle of the road during crisis.

Or, better yet:

should you ever find yourself in Colorado or Washington State, simply follow those who are not arguing about nothing important. :mellow:

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A good martini always puts me in the middle of the road. ^_^

Best regards,



torpedo tits

A set of breasts that jut forward, in an inviting fashion, akin to the shape of a torpedo.

Wow, that girl has torpedo tits!


But had one stopped to consider the opposite?

baloney tits

Large saggy tits that rest on a woman's protruding stomach. The tits then resemble a large, unsliced baloney sausage

Check out the girl's "baloney tits"!


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