Guest RfromKC Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 Suckrates, on 02 Aug 2014 - 11:12 AM, said: As much as I hate to admit it CL, you NAILED" this..... and I agree with EVERY point you have made. The only point I would like to add is that if Daddys site DOES resurrect itself, they should change the name of the Reviews to "Daddys Boys, the Biggest Contributors" I'm not sure what you mean here Sucky. Are you saying that the escort reviews on Daddy's review site are posted by Daddy in return for being paid (sent contributions) by the escorts who are reviewed or by clients whose reviews are posted because they have paid or contributed money to support Daddy's site? It might be a logical opinion in some way for mediocre escorts to pay for positive reviews but what of the negative reviews + escorts' rebuttals? I personally have reviewed multiple working guys on that site, every one of my reviews were written and submitted by myself, acknowledged and posted by the admin. there with no fuss and no demands or requests for a monetary contribution. I certainly never sent any payment/contribution to the site to have my reviews (which are 100% MY opinion of the time I spent with each man!) posted. I'm just curious why you believe the reviews should be called "Daddys Boys, the Biggest Contributors" RFKC Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 2, 2014 Members Posted August 2, 2014 I'm not sure what you mean here Sucky. Are you saying that the escort reviews on Daddy's review site are posted by Daddy in return for being paid (sent contributions) by the escorts who are reviewed or by clients whose reviews are posted because they have paid or contributed money to support Daddy's site? It might be a logical opinion in some way for mediocre escorts to pay for positive reviews but what of the negative reviews + escorts' rebuttals? I personally have reviewed multiple working guys on that site, every one of my reviews were written and submitted by myself, acknowledged and posted by the admin. there with no fuss and no demands or requests for a monetary contribution. I certainly never sent any payment/contribution to the site to have my reviews (which are 100% MY opinion of the time I spent with each man!) posted. I'm just curious why you believe the reviews should be called "Daddys Boys, the Biggest Contributors" RFKC RfromKC, let's just say that the old saying "One hand washes the other" seems most appropriate here. I don't know you, so I would never venture to question your reasons or motives for posting reviews. It has been speculated many times (by others, since I am not BIG into the escort culture) that many of the reviews are fabricated for various reasons, and I would then speculate, based solely on that that the inclusion of random "negative" reviews adds some sort of balance and Reality to the forum. afterall, wouldnt you agree that Life is never 100% positive ? Then why would the reviews be ? Sounds pretty plausible to me...... And there is a more immediate reason that Daddy and his crew hold those regular escort/client meet-n-greets than bonding over bar-b-q wieners and sharing War stories.... Those coffers need filling.... and while you may not be a "contributor" yourself, many of the regulars in Daddy's inner circle are, enough so to keep him afloat all these years. Quote
Members ihpguy Posted August 2, 2014 Members Posted August 2, 2014 Lucky has returned? WTF? My Paraguaianoia has returned. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 2, 2014 Members Posted August 2, 2014 Lucky has returned? WTF? My Paraguaianoia has returned. You know what they say about shit always floating back up to the top, right ? And we get 2 turds in ONE week... ihpguy 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 2, 2014 Members Posted August 2, 2014 I must say, that this has been the MOST entertaining days..... All it takes is a little "Crazy" to liven up a party.... And I have to admit, I even had to take my Heels off for this one ! In keeping with the positive spirit, I must thank Draker and Lucky for their un-selfish contributions to the festivities... although some fancy butter cookies would have been nice too.... "And now I, have Had, the time of My Life, it Never felt like this Before, Yes I swear, it's the truth and I owe it ALL to You " ihpguy 1 Quote
Guest mp2832 Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 Well, perused both sites for quite a few years. Never posted before...but for my first post (and only one) on either site...I thought some of you might want to know why there are those of us that have been looking at this for years and never post...and probably why clients, escorts (PARTICULARLY ESCORTS), whoever...don't want to be involved with any of this shit. As one escort who has great reviews and I have hired on numerous occassions told me, "those people are really nasty fuckers aren't they!?" But, to prove him wrong, I decided to do a review and told him, this one will be stellar with no problems in these forums. Then I went to the forum and saw that people were talking about my review...well all the assholes came out of the woodwork on Daddy's and slammed me for being a first time reviewer...probably a bogusreview...blah...blah...blah. Unfucking real. His other reviews were 5 stars as well but they started slamming them as well on these forums. Same shit would undoubtedly happen here. Any wonder why there is hard time getting escorts to post any message...advertise or anything else? This Killian James escort got away from Daddys because of the bullshit of some of these posters. Does anyone think he would even remotely entertain the idea of showing up here after reading all this shit? . But the vitriol in this thread is the same shit that happens over there. Now this suckrates guy can claim all he wants that the "people" over there are degenerates or whatever the fuck you said, but you have posted like every fucking day about that site. It's obvious you have a clear hatred, for whatever the fuck reason, for that guy and his site. Then this Lucky guy who I can see by all accounts is a stand up dude who's organized these parties for people and has been a member of Hooboy, Daddys, and this site since Christ was a corporal and he gets slammed for trying to bring some civility to this. Again, is it any wonder that escorts (or anyone else for that fucking matter) won't post a damn word on these sites (except Draker who has the guts to post anywhere...and some of you have slammed repeatedly for again trying to bring a little civility to this...but oh no...he's a Daddy suckboy...give me a fucking break...and no, I haven't met the guy or hired him). But the others will be mocked, chided, scolded, bitched at, fucked (and not in a good way). The one who is the most vitriolic is the Suckrates guy. YOU obviously really have to get some type of life. Not just the idea that you spend your entire life on this stupid computer posting everything you can think of, but the hatred that is clear from you is just so wasted. Do you ever get out of the house...maybe thinking of running...going to the or some other thing that would get your mind off of whatever this Daddy guy did to you to piss you off so much...or you're being pissed off at life in general. It's too short for this shit. Oz, I appreciate you providing the forum you do for all of us. And I know that "free speech" is a good thing. But as far as the escort side goes (which let's face it, we're all here for so we can see great dudes and maybe hire them!)...they're not coming here...and they're not going to Daddys. Some new guys maybe for the free aspect of it...but even the other new guys who may think it...when they read the shit some post here and over there...they'll bolt. Honestly, Daddy has this time out thing right. I don't know the guy, never met him, don't want to meet him. His life is completely separate from mine. But it is his website and the people who have posted that they were "timed out" really got a bug up their ass because they felt violated. I'm not going to get into this "banned for life" shit or anything else. Bottom line, it's that guys website. He can "time out" whoever he wants. Same thing here with Oz...he can cancel out whoever he wants too. It's his site, he pays for it and it's a blessing for all of us that he and his crew do it. I accept whatever rules he may apply and if I don't like it, I'll move on. Like I said, their rules, their law...if you don't like it, then don't check the site out. If you want to have a say in it...then pay for it. We're all on here to check out escorts (at least I am), check out the reviews and the occasional forum topic that might peak one's interest. First and last post. Thanks Oz for the opportunity. Quote
Members Popular Post lookin Posted August 3, 2014 Members Popular Post Posted August 3, 2014 What'd he say? He said he doesn't like us. Hell, I don't like us either. ihpguy, wayout, MsAnn and 4 others 7 Quote
Guest corymonroe Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 I agree with mp2832. Even though I wrote Oz privately to state my feelings, mp2832 inspired the following:Fuck free speech, man. Every forum needs moderation, especially the unique forums. You will never attract positive thinkers here as long as this site allows members like this Suckrates guy to spew his hate-filled venom. He actually views his "crazy" behavior as "entertaining." Yeah, he's entertaining himself. He admits he has no connection to escorting. He's not a customer. So why then is he permitted to scream his vitriol and dominate? The guy clearly gets his rocks off on bullying people, insulting them. This Suckrates poster has no filter, no respect for anyone. Perhaps no respect for himself. He doesn't know respectable boundaries. And worse, he flaunts and justifies his verbal assaults as free speech, his right to speak his mind. The guy is a hateful, selfish, bully narcissist with only one goal: disruption. Oz, if you let him persist, if you do not moderate, your board will fail. That's why I don't post much here. Quote
Members jgoo Posted August 3, 2014 Members Posted August 3, 2014 I observe both sites (specifically the forums) and it seems to me to be pretty clear that the two have different philosophies in how to moderate. Simplistically speaking, Daddy's is over moderated and Oz's is under moderated. Assuming Daddy's forum comes back on line, which I believe it will, this provides people who want to participate with choices, always a good thing imho. People that are put off by the way one is operated can go to the other or just go away if they don't like either (or start up their own site and see if they can figure out how to be somewhere in between). The "marketplace" will provide some indication of overall preference for the style/philosophy (as in how many different people post at each site, the number of guests observing, the number of different threads, the liveliness of discussions, etc). The "under" moderation here seems to have worked for the most part for the group that regularly posts here but like all things there are times when situations arise that test how well it works. Both forums have their hot buttons that typically cause a huge kerfuffle (topics with Benjamin Nicholas comes to mind over there as an example and topics about Daddy's site over here). Those topics (among others) often bring out the worst in some posters. The difference is that the BN thread would likely be locked down while threads about Daddy's site are left open. And would a thread even be allowed to go on over at Daddy's discussing BoyToy? I don't know for sure but I have my own speculation on the answer to that question. Based on that, and considering one takes the bad with the good, make a decision as to which one suits your sensibilities better. As far as more escorts participating in either forum, after years around both I have reluctantly concluded that it ain't gonna happen. It doesn't work at the over moderated site and it doesn't work at the under moderated site. TotallyOz, lookin and wayout 3 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 3, 2014 Members Posted August 3, 2014 Well, perused both sites for quite a few years. Never posted before...but for my first post (and only one) on either site...I thought some of you might want to know why there are those of us that have been looking at this for years and never post...and probably why clients, escorts (PARTICULARLY ESCORTS), whoever...don't want to be involved with any of this shit. As one escort who has great reviews and I have hired on numerous occassions told me, "those people are really nasty fuckers aren't they!?" But, to prove him wrong, I decided to do a review and told him, this one will be stellar with no problems in these forums. Then I went to the forum and saw that people were talking about my review...well all the assholes came out of the woodwork on Daddy's and slammed me for being a first time reviewer...probably a bogusreview...blah...blah...blah. Unfucking real. His other reviews were 5 stars as well but they started slamming them as well on these forums. Same shit would undoubtedly happen here. Any wonder why there is hard time getting escorts to post any message...advertise or anything else? This Killian James escort got away from Daddys because of the bullshit of some of these posters. Does anyone think he would even remotely entertain the idea of showing up here after reading all this shit? . But the vitriol in this thread is the same shit that happens over there. Now this suckrates guy can claim all he wants that the "people" over there are degenerates or whatever the fuck you said, but you have posted like every fucking day about that site. It's obvious you have a clear hatred, for whatever the fuck reason, for that guy and his site. Then this Lucky guy who I can see by all accounts is a stand up dude who's organized these parties for people and has been a member of Hooboy, Daddys, and this site since Christ was a corporal and he gets slammed for trying to bring some civility to this. Again, is it any wonder that escorts (or anyone else for that fucking matter) won't post a damn word on these sites (except Draker who has the guts to post anywhere...and some of you have slammed repeatedly for again trying to bring a little civility to this...but oh no...he's a Daddy suckboy...give me a fucking break...and no, I haven't met the guy or hired him). But the others will be mocked, chided, scolded, bitched at, fucked (and not in a good way). The one who is the most vitriolic is the Suckrates guy. YOU obviously really have to get some type of life. Not just the idea that you spend your entire life on this stupid computer posting everything you can think of, but the hatred that is clear from you is just so wasted. Do you ever get out of the house...maybe thinking of running...going to the or some other thing that would get your mind off of whatever this Daddy guy did to you to piss you off so much...or you're being pissed off at life in general. It's too short for this shit. Oz, I appreciate you providing the forum you do for all of us. And I know that "free speech" is a good thing. But as far as the escort side goes (which let's face it, we're all here for so we can see great dudes and maybe hire them!)...they're not coming here...and they're not going to Daddys. Some new guys maybe for the free aspect of it...but even the other new guys who may think it...when they read the shit some post here and over there...they'll bolt. Honestly, Daddy has this time out thing right. I don't know the guy, never met him, don't want to meet him. His life is completely separate from mine. But it is his website and the people who have posted that they were "timed out" really got a bug up their ass because they felt violated. I'm not going to get into this "banned for life" shit or anything else. Bottom line, it's that guys website. He can "time out" whoever he wants. Same thing here with Oz...he can cancel out whoever he wants too. It's his site, he pays for it and it's a blessing for all of us that he and his crew do it. I accept whatever rules he may apply and if I don't like it, I'll move on. Like I said, their rules, their law...if you don't like it, then don't check the site out. If you want to have a say in it...then pay for it. We're all on here to check out escorts (at least I am), check out the reviews and the occasional forum topic that might peak one's interest. First and last post. Thanks Oz for the opportunity. mp2832, you are a member since 2008, and you come up with this shit for your first post ? NOT a really good First impression, and if I were a betting man, I would say that you are either Draker or Lucky, BOTH of whom are infamous for multiple forum profiles ? But that really would be too easy... So I would say you are just some Asshole who went off his meds for a day and decided to grace Boytoy with a random profanity laced "rant". AND you stayed on topic too ! Good boy. YES, sometimes we need a good rant to get things off our chests, and thank you for "spotlighting" me. It clearly brightened my meaningless, empty life. Now, I will say goodbye, so you can go back to your "lurking" for the next 6 years..... I won't say you gave an award winning performance, but you certainly got the attention you were looking for, at least from ME. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 3, 2014 Members Posted August 3, 2014 I agree with mp2832. Even though I wrote Oz privately to state my feelings, mp2832 inspired the following: Fuck free speech, man. Every forum needs moderation, especially the unique forums. You will never attract positive thinkers here as long as this site allows members like this Suckrates guy to spew his hate-filled venom. He actually views his "crazy" behavior as "entertaining." Yeah, he's entertaining himself. He admits he has no connection to escorting. He's not a customer. So why then is he permitted to scream his vitriol and dominate? The guy clearly gets his rocks off on bullying people, insulting them. This Suckrates poster has no filter, no respect for anyone. Perhaps no respect for himself. He doesn't know respectable boundaries. And worse, he flaunts and justifies his verbal assaults as free speech, his right to speak his mind. The guy is a hateful, selfish, bully narcissist with only one goal: disruption. Oz, if you let him persist, if you do not moderate, your board will fail. That's why I don't post much here. Corywhoever, I walked away from Daddy's site because of his Nazi regime and his power-hungry members. that site didnt improve once I was gone, it fact it stayed the same piece of Restrictive crap it was while I was there, with all the same crazy members fighting to be its top-dog.... As for bullying, look up the definition. you are clueless. And as for respect, I give it when it is EARNED. If Draker is gonna come over here, be disruptive and execute his Agenda, then you bet your ass I will respond. I never throw the first stone, but if you look for a rock fight, you will get one. The sitting quietly and obeying shit just dont work for me. Call me crazy, but wasnt it Lucky who constantly said if Daddy didnt ban me, the site would fail ? Or maybe it was Glutes. But truth be told, the site failed without me ! As for THIS site, I leave it to Oz to take whatever action he deems necessary. He is a great judge of character, knows mine and can probably see thru yours.... Writing Mods in private requesting they take action against members is so "Daddy site" behavior. I guess you are just another "casualty" of that failed endeavor ? ihpguy 1 Quote
AdamSmith Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 I agree it would be great to have more escorts participating here (also there). But I don't agree that escorts' lack of participation has much to do with the tone of what clients post, either here or at Daddy's. I say this because more than half a dozen escorts have remarked to me, independently of one another, that their business seems to slow down whenever they post much. Not inflammatory posts; rather, regardless of what they post, and regardless of the general tenor of the forums at that time. So they tend not to. This data spans from the time of Hooboy, through Daddy's takeover there, and on into the creation of this site. MsGuy and ihpguy 2 Quote
Popular Post TotallyOz Posted August 3, 2014 Popular Post Posted August 3, 2014 Several years back, I lived in Thailand in a beautiful 5 bedroom house with a huge swimming pool next door to the ocean. I love it and I filled each of the 5 room with beautiful Thai boys who were there with me day and night. It was a very fun year and I am still friends with those boys and 2 of them are still living with me now many years later. I wanted to throw parties and have fun and I did. I threw the most amazing parties with tons of booze, good music and great food. My parties were famous for being the gay events to attend. There were a few groups of people in the city that I was friends with. One group hated some other gay men in the area. As I am the friendly sort, I was able to be friends with both groups. At a party I was having to celebrate the King's Birthday in Thailand and no bars are open and no liquor can be sold in the stores that day, my pantry was full and the party was going to be filled with over 70 of the hottest gogo boys you could imagine as many were friends of the boys living in my humble abode. The party quickly grew in gossip and everyone wanted to attend. I invited them all as I really wanted everyone to have a great time that night. Finally, my best friend in the city said that he hated one guy so much that he would not be going to the party unless he knew that the guy was not invited. Now, that guy he hated was hard to take, very boisterous and pretty damn controversial in the city. He even pissed me off from time to time on the message boards by spreading gossip. But, I loved hanging out with him. He was great fun and all my boys loved him as he treated them with kindness and they loved his goofy demeanor. My best friend threw down the gauntlet and demanded that I now cater to his need to have this guy uninvited. I thought about it and finally I decided it was not a road I was willing to take. I told my best friend that I care about him but I was not going to play games with inviting and uninviting people to the party. He said that he would not be there and that his friends would not come either. I said OK and that was no problem for me. The party was really for the Thai boys to have fun and they did. The foreigners that did come had a blast and to this day tell me when I see them about the amazing parties they have in their memory. My best friend, well we are no longer friends. He did not like that I "chose" someone else over him and I did not like being put into an uncomfortable position. Parties are supposed to be great events. My house was huge and would have been very easy to avoid one guy when over 200 were in attendance and more than 80 percent were hot sexy boys. But, my mother always told me something good when I was a kid and we were having a small party for family and friends. A similar situation arose. She said to my cousin, "don't ask me to choose between you and someone else. As much as I love you, I'd always end up choosing the person who didn't ask me to do that." That has stuck in my memory all these years and perhaps that is the main reason I love to have parties and invite many and let them all decide if they wish to attend the party. For those that don't want to attend, I am saddened but life goes on. For those that wish to attend, I can promise a good time and good conversation and good food. mvan1, wayout, marcanthony and 5 others 8 Quote
Members Lucky Posted August 3, 2014 Members Posted August 3, 2014 Oz it's a shame that you chose not to listen to the voices encouraging you to actually place moderation on the threads. We all saw what happened with EscortSpeak. So, this is a final good-bye, with well wishes: There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hallAnd the bells in the steeple too.And up in the nursery an absurd little birdIs popping up to say, "Cuckoo" (Cuckoo, cuckoo)Regretfully they tell us but firmly they compel usTo say goodbye to you. So long, farewell,auf wiedersehen, good night.I hate to go and leave this pretty sight.So long, farewell auf wiedersehen, adieuAdieu, adieu, to you and you and you. So long, farewell, au revior, auf wiedersehen.I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne"Yes? No."So long, farewell, au wiedersehen, goodbyeI leave and heave a sigh and say goodbyeI'm glad to go, I cannot tell a lieI flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I flyThe sun has gone to bed and so must I So long, farewell, au wiedersehen, goodbyeGoodbye, goodbye, goodbyeGoodbye SongwritersOscar Hammerstein Ii;Richard Rodgers Read more: The Sound Of Music - So Long, Farewell (the Children) Lyrics | MetroLyrics Quote
TotallyOz Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 Oz it's a shame that you chose not to listen to the voices encouraging you to actually place moderation on the threads. We all saw what happened with EscortSpeak. So, this is a final good-bye, with well wishes: Yes, and it is a shame that with such a great party that you let one or two guys stop you from having a good time. Quote
Guest hitoallusa Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 Oh my Lucky please don't leave!! Most posters and lurkers are fine good people.. We will miss you if you leave.. You got so much to share with us.. Why do you want to waste that opportunity? Please come back after everything settles.. Quote
Guest corymonroe Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 I appreciate Oz's response. However, there are problems with it.This board is not a 5-bedroom house in Thailand, with a huge swimming pool next door to the ocean. This board does not remind me of some "amazing party" or "great event" with tons of booze, good music, and great food. Or even hot escorts.I don't hate anybody. I just don't want to be bombarded by a narcissistic bully who spews hate and vitriol at every turn. I don't want my board participation to feel like a never-ending game of Dodge 'Em.I work in IT, so when I read a board owner quote his mother, saying, "don't ask me to choose between you and someone else," that's an open invitation to internet trolls. There is plenty of "life goes on" data and documentation of what happens to boards who don't moderate. Their life does not go on. I'm with Lucky on this one. Quote
Guest JSONE Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 Let me see if I have this right. Lucky retired (for the 10th time). He returns only for this thread to try to get another member booted off. He fails. He says goodbye once again. Jeeze, I wonder why anyone would not listen to his advice. Quote
paulsf Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 I don't get it. You people come over here, because you don't have a place to play right now. You don't like 1 person here, and demand his removable by ownership. The infighting over there is much worse than it ever is here. Are you just bored and lonely and bring this stuff over here till you get your playpen back. Things have been quite pleasant here, till this thread showed up. RA1 1 Quote
Members ihpguy Posted August 3, 2014 Members Posted August 3, 2014 He'll be back as Paraguaianoia. What is the name of Gwen's group? Quote
TotallyOz Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 I work in IT, so when I read a board owner quote his mother, saying, "don't ask me to choose between you and someone else," that's an open invitation to internet trolls. There is plenty of "life goes on" data and documentation of what happens to boards who don't moderate. Their life does not go on. I'm with Lucky on this one. cory, the big difference between what you said and actual reality is that this board is moderated and when people violate the rules to a level we feel meets the standard of being booted off, they are. It has been done time and time again over the years. However, that does not mean that you with 11 posts gets to determine where that line is drawn. Moderation is always to be done in a cool temper and even handed. We do that here. Perhaps you are use to something more heavy handed and that is fine. But, often times when someone tries to get a moderator to boot someone out, they try to bully the moderator into bending to THEIR will. In other words, they bully the mod to get the bully out. Insane right? So, here at boytoy, we have a procedure in place for members who participate to boot out any member they don't want here. I guess the fact that it is not used to boot out who you personally want to get booted out or can bully to get your way means that it is a flawed system. On the contrary, that makes the system work well. Read the thread in this forum called: Community Comity Commission (CCC). But, in order for that to work, that means you will need a majority of active posters to agree with you. I do not believe you have those numbers. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 3, 2014 Members Posted August 3, 2014 Several years back, I lived in Thailand in a beautiful 5 bedroom house with a huge swimming pool next door to the ocean. I love it and I filled each of the 5 room with beautiful Thai boys who were there with me day and night. It was a very fun year and I am still friends with those boys and 2 of them are still living with me now many years later. I wanted to throw parties and have fun and I did. I threw the most amazing parties with tons of booze, good music and great food. My parties were famous for being the gay events to attend. There were a few groups of people in the city that I was friends with. One group hated some other gay men in the area. As I am the friendly sort, I was able to be friends with both groups. At a party I was having to celebrate the King's Birthday in Thailand and no bars are open and no liquor can be sold in the stores that day, my pantry was full and the party was going to be filled with over 70 of the hottest gogo boys you could imagine as many were friends of the boys living in my humble abode. The party quickly grew in gossip and everyone wanted to attend. I invited them all as I really wanted everyone to have a great time that night. Finally, my best friend in the city said that he hated one guy so much that he would not be going to the party unless he knew that the guy was not invited. Now, that guy he hated was hard to take, very boisterous and pretty damn controversial in the city. He even pissed me off from time to time on the message boards by spreading gossip. But, I loved hanging out with him. He was great fun and all my boys loved him as he treated them with kindness and they loved his goofy demeanor. My best friend threw down the gauntlet and demanded that I now cater to his need to have this guy uninvited. I thought about it and finally I decided it was not a road I was willing to take. I told my best friend that I care about him but I was not going to play games with inviting and uninviting people to the party. He said that he would not be there and that his friends would not come either. I said OK and that was no problem for me. The party was really for the Thai boys to have fun and they did. The foreigners that did come had a blast and to this day tell me when I see them about the amazing parties they have in their memory. My best friend, well we are no longer friends. He did not like that I "chose" someone else over him and I did not like being put into an uncomfortable position. Parties are supposed to be great events. My house was huge and would have been very easy to avoid one guy when over 200 were in attendance and more than 80 percent were hot sexy boys. But, my mother always told me something good when I was a kid and we were having a small party for family and friends. A similar situation arose. She said to my cousin, "don't ask me to choose between you and someone else. As much as I love you, I'd always end up choosing the person who didn't ask me to do that." That has stuck in my memory all these years and perhaps that is the main reason I love to have parties and invite many and let them all decide if they wish to attend the party. For those that don't want to attend, I am saddened but life goes on. For those that wish to attend, I can promise a good time and good conversation and good food. Now THAT's what I call one fuckin CLASSY post ! TotallyOz and wayout 2 Quote
Guest hitoallusa Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 Well it's not the first time this kind of thing happened and it will happen again sometime in the future. The board has survived many ups and downs.. Not sure what do you mean by life going on or not. I stand by Oz's decision and he has been an awfully pleasant person to communicate with from my experience. When he refused to post my review one time he clearly stated his reason and dealt with me respectfully. I believe he is doing his best to accommodate everyone. I appreciate Oz's response. However, there are problems with it.This board is not a 5-bedroom house in Thailand, with a huge swimming pool next door to the ocean. This board does not remind me of some "amazing party" or "great event" with tons of booze, good music, and great food. Or even hot escorts.I don't hate anybody. I just don't want to be bombarded by a narcissistic bully who spews hate and vitriol at every turn. I don't want my board participation to feel like a never-ending game of Dodge 'Em.I work in IT, so when I read a board owner quote his mother, saying, "don't ask me to choose between you and someone else," that's an open invitation to internet trolls. There is plenty of "life goes on" data and documentation of what happens to boards who don't moderate. Their life does not go on. I'm with Lucky on this one. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 3, 2014 Members Posted August 3, 2014 Oz it's a shame that you chose not to listen to the voices encouraging you to actually place moderation on the threads. We all saw what happened with EscortSpeak. So, this is a final good-bye, with well wishes: There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall And the bells in the steeple too. And up in the nursery an absurd little bird Is popping up to say, "Cuckoo" (Cuckoo, cuckoo) Regretfully they tell us but firmly they compel us To say goodbye to you. So long, farewell,auf wiedersehen, good night. I hate to go and leave this pretty sight. So long, farewell auf wiedersehen, adieu Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you. So long, farewell, au revior, auf wiedersehen. I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne "Yes? No." So long, farewell, au wiedersehen, goodbye I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye I'm glad to go, I cannot tell a lie I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly The sun has gone to bed and so must I So long, farewell, au wiedersehen, goodbye Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye Goodbye Songwriters Oscar Hammerstein Ii;Richard Rodgers Read more: The Sound Of Music - So Long, Farewell (the Children) Lyrics | MetroLyrics Lucky, you have sung this song before, not only here but over There..... You can surely make your exit Without singing ! mvan1 and citylaw1 2 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 3, 2014 Members Posted August 3, 2014 Well it's not the first time this kind of thing happened and it will happen again sometime in the future. The board has survived many ups and downs.. Not sure what do you mean by life going on or not. I stand by Oz's decision and he has been an awfully pleasant person to communicate with from my experience. When he refused to post my review one time he clearly stated his reason and dealt with me respectfully. I believe he is doing his best to accommodate everyone. hito, I think its best you concentrate on your "big cock training" instead of peace making. Some people are just NOT cut out for certain things ! Quote